def index(): """Get all markdown files from 'news/', parse them and put them in a list for the template. The format is like this (Pelican compatible): Title: ABC Author: userX Date: 1970-01-01 [Type: alert] Message The type field does not need to be used. If you use it, check what types are available. For now, it's only 'alert' which colors the news entry red. """ cf_pages.reload() latest = cf_pages.get_articles_of_category('news') latest = sorted(latest, key=lambda a:, reverse=True) latest = latest[0:10] return render_template("index.html", articles=latest)
def show(category_id, article_id): # todo think of a more elegant way to reload cf_pages.reload() article = cf_pages.get_or_404(category_id, article_id) return render_template('template.html', article=article)