コード例 #1
def ens_anom(filenames, dir_output, name_outputs, varname, numens, season,
             area, extreme):
    """Ensemble anomalies.

    Computation of the ensemble anomalies based on the desired value
    from the input variable (it can be the percentile, mean, maximum, standard
    deviation or trend)
    OUTPUT: NetCDF files of ensemble mean of climatology, selected value and
    anomaly maps.
    print('The name of the output files will be <variable>_{0}.txt'.format(
    print('Number of ensemble members: {0}'.format(numens))

    outfiles = []
    # Reading the netCDF file of 3Dfield, for all the ensemble members
    var_ens = []
    for ens in range(numens):
        ifile = filenames[ens]
        # print('ENSEMBLE MEMBER %s' %ens)
        var, varunits, lat, lon, dates, _ = read_iris(ifile)

        # Convertion from kg m-2 s-1 to mm/day
        if varunits == 'kg m-2 s-1':
            var = var * 86400  # there are 86400 seconds in a day
            varunits = 'mm/day'

        # Selecting a season (DJF,DJFM,NDJFM,JJA)
        var_season, _ = sel_season(var, dates, season)

        # Selecting only [latS-latN, lonW-lonE] box region
        var_area, lat_area, lon_area = sel_area(lat, lon, var_season, area)


    if varunits == 'kg m-2 s-1':
        print('\nPrecipitation rate units were converted from kg m-2 s-1 '
              'to mm/day')

    print('The variable is {0} ({1})'.format(varname, varunits))
    print('Original var shape: (time x lat x lon)={0}'.format(var.shape))
    print('var shape after selecting season {0} and area {1}: '
          '(time x lat x lon)={2}'.format(season, area, var_area.shape))

    if extreme == 'mean':
        # Compute the time mean over the entire period, for each ens member
        varextreme_ens = [
            np.nanmean(var_ens[i], axis=0) for i in range(numens)

    elif len(extreme.split("_")) == 2:
        # Compute the chosen percentile over the period, for each ens member
        quant = int(extreme.partition("th")[0])
        varextreme_ens = [
            np.nanpercentile(var_ens[i], quant, axis=0) for i in range(numens)

    elif extreme == 'maximum':
        # Compute the maximum value over the period, for each ensemble member
        varextreme_ens = [np.nanmax(var_ens[i], axis=0) for i in range(numens)]

    elif extreme == 'std':
        # Compute the standard deviation over the period, for each ens member
        varextreme_ens = [np.nanstd(var_ens[i], axis=0) for i in range(numens)]

    elif extreme == 'trend':
        # Compute the linear trend over the period, for each ensemble member
        trendmap = np.empty((var_ens[0].shape[1], var_ens[0].shape[2]))
        trendmap_ens = []
        for i in range(numens):
            for jla in range(var_ens[0].shape[1]):
                for jlo in range(var_ens[0].shape[2]):
                    slope, _, _, _, _ = \
                                         var_ens[i][:, jla, jlo])
                    trendmap[jla, jlo] = slope
        varextreme_ens = trendmap_ens

    varextreme_ens_np = np.array(varextreme_ens)
    print('Anomalies are computed with respect to the {0}'.format(extreme))

    # Compute and save the anomalies with respect to the ensemble
    ens_anomalies = varextreme_ens_np - np.nanmean(varextreme_ens_np, axis=0)
    varsave = 'ens_anomalies'
    ofile = os.path.join(dir_output,
    # print(ofile)
    print('ens_anomalies shape: (numens x lat x lon)={0}'.format(
    save_n_2d_fields(lat_area, lon_area, ens_anomalies, varsave, varunits,
    # Compute and save the climatology
    vartimemean_ens = [np.mean(var_ens[i], axis=0) for i in range(numens)]
    ens_climatologies = np.array(vartimemean_ens)
    varsave = 'ens_climatologies'
    ofile = os.path.join(dir_output,
    save_n_2d_fields(lat_area, lon_area, ens_climatologies, varsave, varunits,
    ens_extreme = varextreme_ens_np
    varsave = 'ens_extreme'
    ofile = os.path.join(dir_output, 'ens_extreme_{0}.nc'.format(name_outputs))
    save_n_2d_fields(lat_area, lon_area, ens_extreme, varsave, varunits, ofile)

    return outfiles
コード例 #2
    climate_mean.append(np.mean(var_ok[mask, :, :], axis=0))
    climat_std.append(np.std(var_ok[mask, :, :], axis=0))
        pd.to_datetime('2000{:02d}01'.format(mon), format='%Y%m%d'))

climate_mean = np.array(climate_mean)
climat_std = np.array(climat_std)

var_anom = []
for el, dat in zip(var, dates_pdh):
    anom = el - climate_mean[dat.month - 1, :, :]

var_anom = np.array(var_anom)

var_season, dates_season = sel_season(var_anom, dates, season)
dates_seas_pdh = pd.to_datetime(dates_season)
years = np.unique(dates_seas_pdh.year)

var_season_tot = []

if months[0] == 12:
    years == years[1:]

for yea in years:
    if months[0] == 12:
        init = pd.to_datetime('{:04d}{:02d}01'.format(yea - 1, months[0]),
        init = pd.to_datetime('{:04d}{:02d}01'.format(yea, months[0]),
コード例 #3
####################### PRECOMPUTATION #######################################
#____________run ens_anom as a module
varextreme_ens_np, vartimemean_ens, ensemble_mean, dates = ens_anom(inputs)

dates_pdh = pd.to_datetime(dates)

climatology = None
if inputs['clim_compare']:
    if inputs['climat_file'] is None:
        raise ValueError('climat_file not specified')
    var, lat, lon, dates_clim, time_units, var_units = read3Dncfield(

    if season is not None:
        var_season, dates_season = sel_season(var, dates_clim, season,
        var_season = var
        dates_season = dates_clim

    climatology_tot, _, _ = sel_area(lat, lon, var_season, inputs['area'])
    climatology = np.mean(climatology_tot, axis=0)

    if inputs['clim_sigma_value'] is None and inputs['climat_std'] is not None:
        var, lat, lon, dates_clim, time_units, var_units = read3Dncfield(

        if season is not None:
            var_season, dates_season = sel_season(var, dates_clim, season,
コード例 #4
def ens_anom(inputs):
    \nGOAL: Computation of the ensemble anomalies based on the desired value from the input variable
    (it can be the percentile, mean, maximum, standard deviation or trend)
    OUTPUT: NetCDF files of ensemble mean of climatology, selected value and anomaly maps.

    # User-defined packages
    from read_netcdf import read3Dncfield, save_N_2Dfields, readxDncfield
    from sel_season_area import sel_season, sel_area

    OUTPUTdir = inputs['OUTPUTdir']
    numens = inputs['numens']
    name_outputs = inputs['name_outputs']
    filenames = inputs['filenames']
    season = inputs['season']
    area = inputs['area']
    varname = inputs['varname']
    extreme = inputs['extreme']
    timestep = inputs['timestep']

    print('The name of the output files will be <variable>_{0}.txt'.format(
    print('Number of ensemble members: {0}'.format(numens))

    #____________Reading the netCDF file of 3Dfield, for all the ensemble members
    var_ens = []
    for ens in range(numens):
        ifile = filenames[ens]
        print('ENSEMBLE MEMBER %s' % ens)
        #var, lat, lon, dates, time_units, varunits = read3Dncfield(ifile)
        varss, lat, lon, dates, time_units, varunitsss, time_cal = readxDncfield(
        if len(varss.keys()) == 1:
            var = varss.values()[0]
            varunits = varunitsss.values()[0]
                var = varss[varname]
                varunits = varunitsss[varname]
            except KeyError as ke:
                    'Unable to find right variable among the following: {}\n'.
                raise ke

        #____________Convertion from kg m-2 s-1 to mm/day
        if varunits == 'kg m-2 s-1':
            var = var * 86400  #there are 86400 seconds in a day
            varunitsnew = 'mm/day'
            varunitsnew = varunits

        #____________Selecting a season (DJF,DJFM,NDJFM,JJA)
        if season is not None:
            var_season, dates_season = sel_season(var, dates, season, timestep)
            var_season = var
            dates_season = dates

        #____________Selecting only [latS-latN, lonW-lonE] box region
        var_area, lat_area, lon_area = sel_area(lat, lon, var_season, area)


    if varunitsnew == 'mm/day':
            '\nPrecipitation rate units are converted from kg m-2 s-1 to mm/day'

    print('The variable is {0} ({1})'.format(varname, varunitsnew))
    print('Original var shape: (time x lat x lon)={0}'.format(var.shape))
        'var shape after selecting season {0}: (time x lat x lon)={1}'.format(
            season, var_season.shape))
        'var shape after selecting season {0} and area {1}: (time x lat x lon)={2}'
        .format(season, area, var_area.shape))
    print('Check the number of ensemble members: {0}'.format(len(var_ens)))

    if extreme == 'mean':
        #____________Compute the time mean over the entire period, for each ensemble member
        # MEAN
        varextreme_ens = [np.mean(var_ens[i], axis=0) for i in range(numens)]

    elif len(extreme.split("_")) == 2:
        #____________Compute the chosen percentile over the period, for each ensemble member
        # PERCENTILE
        q = int(extreme.partition("th")[0])
        varextreme_ens = [
            np.percentile(var_ens[i], q, axis=0) for i in range(numens)

    elif extreme == 'maximum':
        #____________Compute the maximum value over the period, for each ensemble member
        # MAXIMUM
        varextreme_ens = [np.max(var_ens[i], axis=0) for i in range(numens)]

    elif extreme == 'std':
        #____________Compute the standard deviation over the period, for each ensemble member
        varextreme_ens = [np.std(var_ens[i], axis=0) for i in range(numens)]

    elif extreme == 'trend':
        #____________Compute the linear trend over the period, for each ensemble member
        # TREND
        # Reshape grid to 2D (time, lat*lon)  -> Y
        #Y=[var_ens[i].reshape(var_ens[0].shape[0],var_ens[0].shape[1]*var_ens[0].shape[2])for i in range(numens)]
        #print('Reshaped (time, lat*lon) variable: ',Y[0].shape)
        trendmap = np.empty((var_ens[0].shape[1], var_ens[0].shape[2]))
        trendmap_ens = []
        for i in range(numens):
            for la in range(var_ens[0].shape[1]):
                for lo in range(var_ens[0].shape[2]):
                    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(
                        range(var_ens[0].shape[0]), var_ens[i][:, la, lo])
                    trendmap[la, lo] = slope
        varextreme_ens = trendmap_ens

    print(len(varextreme_ens), varextreme_ens[0].shape)
    varextreme_ens_np = np.array(varextreme_ens)
    print('Anomalies are computed with respect to the {0}'.format(extreme))

    ensemble_mean = np.mean(varextreme_ens_np, axis=0)
    #____________Compute and save the anomalies with respect to the ensemble
    ens_anomalies = varextreme_ens_np - np.mean(varextreme_ens_np, axis=0)
    varsave = 'ens_anomalies'
    ofile = os.path.join(OUTPUTdir,
    print('Save the anomalies with respect to the ensemble:')
    print('ens_anomalies shape: (numens x lat x lon)={0}'.format(
    save_N_2Dfields(lat_area, lon_area, ens_anomalies, varsave, varunitsnew,

    #____________Compute and save the climatology
    vartimemean_ens = [np.mean(var_ens[i], axis=0) for i in range(numens)]
    ens_climatologies = np.array(vartimemean_ens)
    varsave = 'ens_climatologies'
    ofile = os.path.join(OUTPUTdir,
    print('Save the climatology:')
    save_N_2Dfields(lat_area, lon_area, ens_climatologies, varsave,
                    varunitsnew, ofile)

    #____________Save the extreme
    ens_extreme = varextreme_ens_np
    varsave = 'ens_extreme'
    ofile = os.path.join(OUTPUTdir, 'ens_extreme_{0}.nc'.format(name_outputs))
    print('Save the extreme:')
    save_N_2Dfields(lat_area, lon_area, ens_extreme, varsave, varunitsnew,

    return varextreme_ens_np, vartimemean_ens, ensemble_mean, dates