def arsg_startup(self): """\ Start up Arduino control threads. """ logtimeut = (strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S", gmtime())) k = self.ardu.ars_startup() if (k == True): j = '{} ARDUINO START\n'.format(logtimeut) else: j = '{} ARDUINO START FAILED\n'.format(logtimeut) sui.write_log(j, dst='both') if (self.artk_tailflag == False): self.print_lgw(j) # -- serial port and log file info -- serinf, loginf = self.arsg_ser_and_log() self.artk_srlbl.config(text=serinf) self.artk_lglbl.config(text=loginf) # -- start tailing the messages if (k == True): self.artk_log_spawn() return
def ars2msg(self, loglvl=LG_DEF): """\ Routine to read an ASCII message from the Arduino All messages are terminated with LF loglvls: 0 - nothing 1 - echo MSGIN line 2 - echo Number of Bytes in the read buffer 3 - dump the message dictionary 4 - echo the message decoding """ global lglastmsg # The inbound buffer maxes out at 4095 bytes waiting (check on this). try: self.ars_pending = self.ars_io.in_waiting except: self.ars_pending = -1 if (loglvl > 1): print('NumBytesWaiting=', self.ars_pending) try: msgin = str(self.ars_io.readline()) except: msgin = '' if (loglvl > 3): print('MSGIN=', msgin) # clean off the leading b' and trailing \r\n' idstart = 2 crlfloc = msgin.find('\r\n') msg = msgin[idstart:crlfloc - 4] # msgargs = msgargs.replace('\r\n', '') # logging time stamp logtimeut = (strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S", gmtime())) # echo into the lglastmsg list lglastmsg = [logtimeut, 'IN', msg] # echo to the log if desired # if loglvl < 0, presumes you want to log a SPECIFIC message, with # an id == abs(loglvl) - gets written ONLY to the log if (loglvl > 0): j = '{0:s} (MSG) {1}\n'.format(logtimeut, msg) write_log(j, dst='log') j = '{0}\n'.format(msg) write_log(j, dst='stdout') return [msgin]
def show_status(self, length=0, dst=None, loglvl=0): """\ Human readable system status display. length = 0 - means the most important items 1 ... 3 - get progressively more detailed """ logtimeut = (strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S", gmtime())) statmsg = '{0:s} SYSTEM STATUS MESSAGE\n'.format(logtimeut) statmsg += '{}'.format(self.ars_io) statmsg += '\n' write_log(statmsg, dst) return
def ars_log_loop(self): """\ ARSer Logging Loop """ write_log('Log starting up\n', dst='both') i = 0 while self.runflag: sleep(1) if (i % 60 == 0): self.show_status(length=2, dst='log') i = 0 i += 1 self.runflag = False write_log('Log shutting down\n', dst='both') return
def ars_close(self): """\ Close connection to Arduino over a serial port. """ try: k_io = self.ars_io.is_open except: k_io = False if (k_io == True): self.ars_io.close() j = 'Arduino is OPEN: {}\n'.format(self.ars_io.is_open) else: j = 'Arduino is OPEN: {}\n'.format('Was not open') write_log(j, dst='both') return
def ars_spawn(self): """\ Spin-off a thread to read the the incoming data packets from the Arduino, and a second thread to periodically write to the log destination. """ self.runflag = True self.arslg_thd = threading.Thread(target=self.ars_log_loop) = 'ARSer Log Loop' self.arsrd_thd = threading.Thread(target=self.ars_read_loop) = 'ARSer Read Loop' self.arslg_thd.start() self.arsrd_thd.start() write_log('Threads started\n', dst='both') return
def ars_read_loop(self): """\ ARSer serial port read loop. The Arduino may broadcast any time. We need to keep a read loop running to keep up. The read buffer fills at 4095 bytes. Under normal circumstances, the read thread should be able to keep up easily. """ write_log('Read starting up\n', dst='both') i = 1 while self.runflag: self.ars2msg(loglvl=LG_DEF) if (self.ars_pending > 2048): print('Pending Buffer =', self.ars_pending) elif (self.ars_pending < 0): print('Trouble with connection to device\n') sleep(rdloopdt) self.runflag = False write_log('Read shutting down\n', dst='both') return
def arsg_stop(self): """\ Stop Arduino control threads. """ logtimeut = (strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S", gmtime())) j = '{} ARDUINO STOP\n'.format(logtimeut) sui.write_log(j, dst='both') # -- stop tailing the messages self.artk_log_stop() # -- close communications with the arduino self.ardu.ars_stop() if (self.artk_tailflag == False): self.print_lgw(j) # -- serial port and log file info -- serinf, loginf = self.arsg_ser_and_log() self.artk_srlbl.config(text=serinf) self.artk_lglbl.config(text=loginf) return
def ars_shutdown(self): """\ Thread shutdown in prep for overall shutdown. """ self.runflag = False try: k = self.arsrd_thd.is_alive() except: k = False if (k == True): self.arsrd_thd.join(timeout=1.0) try: k = self.arslg_thd.is_alive() except: k = False if (k == True): self.arslg_thd.join(timeout=1.0) write_log('Threads stopped\n', dst='both') return
def ars_startup(self, altlog=None): """\ Open the serial port and start the threads. Default log name will be constructed from the UT date. An alternative log name can be passed in as altlog='name'. """ self.runflag = False if (altlog == None): logdate = (strftime("%Y%m%d", gmtime())) logname = logdate + '_ard.log' else: logname = '{}'.format(altlog) open_log(logname) write_log ('ars_control version: {}\n'.\ format(str(self.arser_version)),dst='both') k = self.ars_open() if (k == True): self.ars_spawn() return k
def msg2ars(self, msg="0", msgname=None, loglvl=LG_DEF): """\ Routine to send out an ASCII message to the Arduino All messages are terminated with LF (check on this) loglvls: 0 - nothing 1 - CMD request line 2 - echo inbound message dictionary 3 - echo outbound request dictionary """ global lglastreq # logging time stamp logtimeut = (strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S", gmtime())) # construct the actual message basemsg = msg msgout = basemsg + '\n' try: self.ars_io.write(bytes(msgout.encode('utf-8'))) except: write_log ('Failed to write to Arduino - not open? Msg={}\n'\ .format(basemsg), dst='both') return # echo into the lglastreq list lglastreq = [logtimeut, msgname, basemsg] # echo to the log if desired if (loglvl > 0): j = '{0:s} (CMD {1}) {2}\n'.format(logtimeut, msgname, basemsg) write_log(j, dst='log') j = '{0}\n'.format(basemsg) write_log(j, dst='stdout') return
def ars_open(self, port=None): """\ Establish connection to Arduino receiver over a serial port which passes over USB. Check system platform to guess logical names for serial ports. Added a bit to try to determine the appropriate port. It looks at the ports, and checks for 'arduino' as the leading word in the port description. If so, the last match will be the selected port. If that fails, it falls back to a hard-coded guess based on the OS. """ # expand port testing later - need appropriate names etc. if (port == None): # Try figuring out the usb port by querying available ports # uses class import as stl j = stl.comports() print(j) for i in range(len(j)): kdev = j[i].device kdesc = '{}'.format(j[i].usb_description()).lower().split(' ') write_log('PORTS: {} - {}\n'.format(kdev, kdesc), dst='both') if (kdesc[0] == 'arduino'): port = kdev # Try fall backs if port == None if (port == None): if (sys.platform.startswith('linux')): port = '/dev/ttyUSB0' elif (sys.platform.startswith('darwin')): port = '/dev/cu.usbmodem1421' elif (sys.platform.startswith('win32')): port = 'COM1' else: port = '/dev/ttyUSB0' # Hopefully we have a decent port ... write_log('Setting USB port to {}\n'.format(port), dst='both') k_port = os.path.exists(port) if (k_port != True): j = 'ARSer port {} is not accessible, aborting\n'.format(port) write_log(j, dst='both') return False baud = 9600 dbits = serial.EIGHTBITS parity = serial.PARITY_NONE stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE try: k_io = self.ars_io.is_open except: k_io = False if (k_io == True): write_log('Arduino is already OPEN', dst='both') else: self.ars_io = serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=baud, bytesize=dbits, parity=parity, stopbits=stopbits) if (self.ars_io.is_open == True): j = 'Arduino is OPEN: {}\n'.format(self.ars_io.is_open) else: j = 'Unable to open Arduino\n' write_log(j, dst='both') return self.ars_io.is_open