def checkCourseTable(self): if self.request.session['is_login'] != True or self.request.session[ 'role'] != STUDENT_ROLE: self._init_response() return self._get_response(UNAUTHORIZED_AS_STUDENT) try: print('user_id' in user_id =['user_id'] except Exception as error: self._init_response() return self._get_response(POST_ARG_ERROR, -1) try: cursor = connection.cursor() # check_courses_sql = 'select * from section natural join course natural join teaches natural join takes natural join instructor natural join exam where student_id = %s' cursor.execute(check_courses_sql, (user_id, )) raw_courses_taken = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) total_num = len(raw_courses_taken) sections = [] for row in raw_courses_taken: tmp = { 'title': row['title'], 'course_id': row['course_id'], 'section_id': row['section_id'], 'dept_name': row['dept_name'], 'instructor_name': row['instructor_name'], 'credits': row['credits'], 'classroom_no': row['classroom_no'], 'day': row['day'], 'start': row['start'], 'end': row['end'], 'exam_classroom_no': row['exam_classroom_no'], 'exam_day': row['exam_day'], 'exam_type': row['type'], 'start_time': row['start_time'], 'end_time': row['end_time'], 'open_note_flag': row['open_note_flag'] } sections.append(tmp) res = { 'total_num': total_num, 'sections': sections, } self.response.update(res) self._init_response() return self._get_response(SHOW_COURSE_TABLE, 1) except Exception as error: print(error) traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1)
def checkTaughtCourses(self): if self.request.session['is_login'] != True or self.request.session[ 'role'] != INSTRUCTOR_ROLE: self._init_response() return self._get_response(UNAUTHORIZED_AS_INSTRUCTOR) try: user_id =['user_id'] except Exception as error: self._init_response() return self._get_response(POST_ARG_ERROR, -1) try: cursor = connection.cursor() check_courses_taught_sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM 'teaches' NATURAL JOIN 'section' WHERE 'teaches'.'instructor_id' = '" + user_id + "') NATURAL JOIN 'course' " cursor.execute(check_courses_taught_sql) raw_courses_taught = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) print("raw courses taught are :", raw_courses_taught) total_num = len(raw_courses_taught) print("total num is ", total_num) # sections = list(raw_courses_taken) sections = [] for row in raw_courses_taught: tmp = { 'title': row['title'], 'course_id': row['course_id'], 'section_id': row['section_id'], 'dept_name': row['dept_name'], 'credits': row['credits'], 'classroom_no': row['classroom_no'], 'day': row['day'], 'start': row['start'], 'end': row['end'] } sections.append(tmp) res = { 'total_num': total_num, 'sections': sections, } self.response.update(res) self._init_response() return self._get_response(SHOW_COURSE_TABLE, 1) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1)
def checkExamTable(self): if self.request.session['is_login'] != True or self.request.session[ 'role'] != STUDENT_ROLE: self._init_response() return self._get_response(UNAUTHORIZED_AS_STUDENT) try: user_id =['user_id'] except Exception as error: self._init_response() return self._get_response(GET_ARG_ERROR, -1) try: cursor = connection.cursor() sql = 'select * from section natural join takes natural join course natural join exam where student_id = %s' cursor.execute(sql, (user_id, )) raw_exams_taken = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) print("raw courses taken are :", raw_exams_taken) total_num = len(raw_exams_taken) print("total num is ", total_num) sections = [] for row in raw_exams_taken: tmp = { 'title': row['title'], 'course_id': row['course_id'], 'section_id': row['section_id'], 'classroom_no': row['classroom_no'], 'day': row['day'], 'start_time': row['start_time'], 'end_time': row['end_time'], 'open_note_flag': row['open_note_flag'], 'type': row['type'] } sections.append(tmp) res = { 'total_num': total_num, 'exams': sections, } self.response.update(res) self._init_response() return self._get_response(SHOW_EXAM_TABLE, 1) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1)
def checkCourseNameList(self): if self.request.session['is_login'] != True or self.request.session[ 'role'] != INSTRUCTOR_ROLE: self._init_response() return self._get_response(UNAUTHORIZED_AS_INSTRUCTOR) try: user_id =['user_id'] course_id =['course_id'] section_id =['section_id'] except Exception as error: self._init_response() return self._get_response(POST_ARG_ERROR, -1) try: cursor = connection.cursor() check_namelist_sql = "SELECT * FROM 'takes' NATURAL JOIN 'student' WHERE 'takes'.'course_id'='" + course_id + "' AND 'takes'.'section_id'=" + section_id cursor.execute(check_namelist_sql) raw_namelist = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) print("raw name list taken are :", raw_namelist) total_num = len(raw_namelist) print("total num is ", total_num) students = [] for row in raw_namelist: tmp = { 'student_id': row['student_id'], 'student_name': row['student_name'], 'student_major': row["student_major"], 'student_dept_name': row["student_dept_name"], 'grade': row['grade'], } students.append(tmp) res = { 'total_num': total_num, 'students': students, } self.response.update(res) self._init_response() return self._get_response(SHOW_COURSE_TABLE, 1) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1) pass
def checkApplicationsByInstructor(self, user_id): try: cursor = connection.cursor() sql = 'select * from teaches natural join application natural join course where instructor_id = %s' cursor.execute(sql, (user_id, )) rows = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) total_num = len(rows) self._init_response() res = {'total_num': total_num, 'applications': rows} self.response.update(res) return self._get_response(SHOW_APPS, 1) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1)
def checkStudentInfo(self, user_id): try: cursor = connection.cursor() check_personal_info_sql = "SELECT * FROM 'student' where 'student'.'student_id'='" + user_id + "'" cursor.execute(check_personal_info_sql) student_info = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) sql = 'select * from takes natural join course natural join section where student_id = %s' cursor.execute(sql, (user_id, )) take_infos = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) gpa = 0 grade_lis = [] total_credit = 0 for take_info in take_infos: title = take_info['title'] grade = take_info['grade'] credits = take_info['credits'] if grade != None: grade_dict = {} grade_dict['title'] = title grade_dict['course_id'] = take_info['course_id'] grade_dict['section_id'] = take_info['section_id'] grade_dict['credits'] = credits grade_dict['grade'] = grade grade_lis.append(grade_dict) total_credit += credits if grade in GRADE_DICT.keys(): gpa += GRADE_DICT[grade] * credits if total_credit != 0: gpa = float(gpa / total_credit) res = {"grade_list": grade_lis, "gpa": gpa} self._init_response() self.response.update(student_info) self.response.update(res) return self._get_response(SHOW_PERSONAL_INFO) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1)
def checkApplicationsByStudent(self, user_id): try: cursor = connection.cursor() check_app_sql = 'select * from application natural join course natural join teaches natural join instructor where student_id = %s' cursor.execute(check_app_sql, (user_id, )) app_infos = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) total_num = len(app_infos) app_infos = list(app_infos) res = {"total_num": total_num, "applications": app_infos} self._init_response() self.response.update(res) return self._get_response(SHOW_APPS, 1) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1)
def registerExam(self): # if self.request.session['is_login'] != True or self.request.session['role'] != ROOT_ROLE: # self._init_response() # return self._get_response(UNAUTHORIZED) raw_exams = self.importExcel(self.request) res = {'successed_item_num': 0} if raw_exams != None: print("the exams are ", raw_exams) try: cursor = connection.cursor() for row in raw_exams: flag = True for i in range(7): if row[i] == None or row[i] == '': flag = False self._init_response() return self._get_response(INVALID_BLANK, -1) break if flag: t_course_id = row[0] t_section_id = int(row[1]) t_type = int(row[2]) t_exam_day = int(row[3]) # t_start_time = int((str(row[4])).split(":")[0]) # t_end_time = int((str(row[5])).split(":")[0]) t_start_time = float(row[4]) t_end_time = float(row[5]) t_exam_classroon_no = str(row[6]) # exist check sql = 'select * from course where course_id =%s' cursor.execute(sql, (row[0], )) flag = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if flag == None: msg = "no such course: " + str(row[0]) self._init_response() return self._get_response(msg, -1) sql = 'select * from classroom where classroom_no = %s' cursor.execute(sql, (row[6], )) test = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if test == None: self._init_response() return self._get_response( "no such classroom:" + row[2], -1) sql = 'select * from section where course_id = %s and section_id=%s ' cursor.execute(sql, ( row[0], int(row[1]), )) test = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if test == None: self._init_response() return self._get_response( "no such section:" + row[0] + "." + row[1], -1) sql = 'select * from exam where exam_day=%s and exam_classroom_no=%s' cursor.execute(sql, ( t_exam_day, t_exam_classroon_no, )) test = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) if test != []: for item in test: test_start = float( int(item['start_time'].split(":")[0]) / 24) test_end = float( int(item['end_time'].split(":")[0]) / 24) if (test_start > t_start_time and test_start < t_end_time) or\ (test_end > t_start_time and test_end < t_end_time): self._init_response() self.response.update(res) return self._get_response( "exam classroom time conflict", -1) # same check sql = 'select * from exam where course_id=%s and section_id=%s' cursor.execute(sql, (row[0], int(row[1]))) flag = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if flag == None: sql = 'insert into exam(course_id, section_id, exam_classroom_no, exam_day, type, start_time, end_time, open_note_flag)'\ 'values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' cursor.execute( sql, (row[0], int(row[1]), row[6], int( row[3]), t_type, str(t_start_time * 24), str(t_end_time * 24), 0)) connection.commit() res['successed_item_num'] += 1 else: self._init_response() self.response.update(res) msg = "data conflict: " + row[0] + "." + str( int(row[1])) return self._get_response(msg, -1) self._init_response() return self._get_response(IMPORT_OK, 1) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1) else: self._init_response() return self._get_response(INVALID_BLANK, -1)
def registerSection(self): if self.request.session['is_login'] != True or self.request.session[ 'role'] != ROOT_ROLE: self._init_response() return self._get_response(UNAUTHORIZED) raw_sections = self.importExcel(self.request) res = {'successed_item_num': 0} if raw_sections != None: print("the sections are ", raw_sections) try: cursor = connection.cursor() for row in raw_sections: flag = True for i in range(8): if row[i] == None: flag = False self._init_response() self.response.update(res) return self._get_response(INVALID_BLANK, -1) break if flag: # exist check sql = 'select * from course where course_id =%s' cursor.execute(sql, (row[0], )) flag = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if flag == None: msg = "no such course: " + str(row[0]) self._init_response() self.response.update(res) return self._get_response(msg, -1) sql = 'select * from classroom where classroom_no = %s' cursor.execute(sql, (row[2], )) test = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if test == None: self._init_response() self.response.update(res) return self._get_response( "no such classroom:" + row[2], -1) # TODO 老师的时空冲突检查 instructor_id 为 row[7] sql = 'select * from teaches natural join section where instructor_id=%s' cursor.execute(sql, (row[7], )) items = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) if items != []: for item in items: day = int(item['day']) start = int(item['start']) end = int(item['end']) t_day = int(row[6]) t_start = int(row[3]) t_end = int(row[4]) if day == int(row[6]): if (start > t_start and start < t_end) or\ (end > t_start and end < t_end): self._init_response() self.response.update(res) return self._get_response( "instructor teaching time conflict: " + str(t_day) + ":" + str(t_start) + "-" + str(t_end), -1) # TODO 教室的时空冲突检查 classroom_no 为 row[2] sql = 'select * from section where classroom_no=%s and day=%s and start=%s and end=%s' cursor.execute( sql, (row[2], int(row[6], int(row[3]), int(row[4])))) item = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if item != None: self._init_response() self.response.update(res) return self._get_response( "classroom time conflict: " + row[2], -1) sql = 'select * from teaches where course_id = %s and section_id=%s and instructor_id=%s' cursor.execute(sql, (row[0], int(row[1]), row[7])) test = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if test != None: self._init_response() self.response.update(res) return self._get_response( "data conflict:" + row[0] + "." + row[1], -1) # same check sql = 'select * from section where course_id=%s and section_id=%s' cursor.execute(sql, (row[0], row[1])) flag = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if flag == None: sql = 'insert into section(course_id, section_id, classroom_no, start, `end`, `limit`, `day`)'\ 'values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' cursor.execute( sql, (row[0], int(row[1]), row[2], int( row[3]), row[4], int(row[5]), int(row[6]))) # 同时插入teaches表 sql = 'insert into teaches(course_id, section_id, instructor_id)'\ 'values(%s,%s,%s)' cursor.execute(sql, (row[0], int(row[1]), row[7])) connection.commit() res['successed_item_num'] += 1 else: self._init_response() self.response.update(res) msg = "data conflict: " + row[0] + "." + row[1] return self._get_response(msg, -1) self._init_response() return self._get_response(IMPORT_OK, 1) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1) else: self._init_response() return self._get_response(INVALID_BLANK, -1)
def execute(self): if self.request.session['is_login'] != True: self._init_response() return self._get_response(UNAUTHORIZED, -1) try: course_id =['course_id'] section_id =['section_id'] title =['title'] instructor_name =['instructor_name'] dept_name =['dept_name'] page_num = int(['page_num']) except Exception as error: self._init_response() return self._get_response(GET_ARG_ERROR, -1) try: get_dict = del get_dict['page_num'] print(get_dict) cursor = connection.cursor() sql = 'select * from section natural join course natural join teaches natural join instructor' cnt_sql = 'select count(*) from section natural join course natural join teaches natural join instructor' sql_conditions = [] for key in get_dict.keys(): if get_dict[key] != None and get_dict[key] != '': sql_conditions.append( str(key + " like '%" + get_dict[key] + "%'")) if len(sql_conditions) == 0: final_sql = sql else: final_sql = (sql + " where ") cnt_sql += " where " for i, condition in enumerate(sql_conditions): if i != len(sql_conditions) - 1: final_sql += (condition + " and ") cnt_sql += (condition + " and ") else: final_sql += condition cnt_sql += condition final_sql += (" limit " + str(page_num * ITEM_NUM_FOR_ONE_PAGE) + "," + str(ITEM_NUM_FOR_ONE_PAGE)) print(final_sql) cursor.execute(final_sql) rows = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) cursor.execute(cnt_sql) total_num = int(cursor.fetchone()[0]) print("total num is ", total_num) if len(rows) != 0: sections = [] for row in rows: res = { 'title': row['title'], 'course_id': row['course_id'], 'section_id': row['section_id'], 'dept_name': row['dept_name'], 'instructor_name': row['instructor_name'], 'credits': row['credits'], 'classroom_no': row['classroom_no'], 'day': row['day'], 'start': row['start'], 'end': row['end'], 'limit': row['limit'] } sections.append(res) self._init_response() reses = { 'sections': sections, 'total_num': total_num, } self.response.update(reses) return self._get_response(SEARCH_OK, 1) else: self._init_response() return self._get_response(NO_RESULT, -1) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1)
def execute(self): if self.request.session['is_login'] != True or self.request.session[ 'role'] != STUDENT_ROLE: self._init_response() return self._get_response(UNAUTHORIZED_AS_STUDENT) try: user_id =['user_id'] course_id =['course_id'] section_id =['section_id'] print("the course id is ", course_id) print("the section id is ", section_id) except Exception as error: self._init_response() return self._get_response(POST_ARG_ERROR, -1) try: cursor = connection.cursor() find_course_sql = "SELECT 'course'.'course_id' FROM 'course' WHERE 'course'.'course_id' ='" + course_id + "'" cursor.execute(find_course_sql) raw_course_id = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) print("raw course id is ", raw_course_id) if raw_course_id == None: self._init_response() return self._get_response(WRONG_COURSE_ID, -1) find_section_sql = "SELECT * FROM 'section' WHERE 'section'.'course_id' ='" + course_id + "' AND 'section'.'section_id'=" + section_id cursor.execute(find_section_sql) raw_section_info = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if raw_section_info == None: self._init_response() return self._get_response(WRONG_SECTION_ID, -1) find_whether_already_takes_sql = "SELECT * FROM 'takes' WHERE 'takes'.'course_id' = '" + course_id + "' AND 'takes'.'section_id' =" + section_id + " AND 'takes'.'student_id'='" + user_id + "'" cursor.execute(find_whether_already_takes_sql) raw_take_info = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) print("raw take info is ", raw_take_info) if raw_take_info == None: self._init_response() return self._get_response(NOT_TAKE, -1) drop_course_sql = "DELETE FROM 'takes' WHERE ('takes'.'course_id' = '" + course_id + "' AND 'takes'.'section_id' =" + section_id + " AND 'takes'.'student_id' = '" + user_id + "')" cursor.execute(drop_course_sql) check_credit_sql = "SELECT 'student'.'student_total_credit' FROM 'student' WHERE 'student'.'student_id' = '" + user_id + "'" cursor.execute(check_credit_sql) raw_credit = cursor.fetchone() print("before update: the raw_credit is : ", raw_credit[0]) find_course_credit_sql = "SELECT 'course'.'credits' FROM 'course' WHERE 'course'.'course_id'='" + course_id + "'" cursor.execute(find_course_credit_sql) raw_course_credit = cursor.fetchone() print("the course credit is ", raw_course_credit[0]) updated_credit = int(raw_credit[0] - raw_course_credit[0]) print("updated credit is", updated_credit) minus_credits_sql = "UPDATE 'student' SET 'student_total_credit'=" + str( updated_credit ) + " WHERE 'student'.'student_id'='" + user_id + "'" cursor.execute(minus_credits_sql) # application conflict app_sql = 'select * from application where course_id=%s and section_id=%s and student_id=%s' cursor.execute(app_sql, (course_id, section_id, user_id)) raw_app = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) if raw_app != None: sql = 'update application set if_drop=1 where course_id=%s and section_id=%s and student_id=%s' cursor.execute(sql, (course_id, section_id, user_id)) connection.commit() self._init_response() return self._get_response(DROP_OK, 1) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1)
def submitApplication(self): if self.request.session['is_login'] != True or self.request.session[ 'role'] != STUDENT_ROLE: self._init_response() return self._get_response(UNAUTHORIZED_AS_STUDENT) try: user_id =['user_id'] course_id =['course_id'] section_id =['section_id'] app_reason =['application_reason'] except Exception as error: self._init_response() return self._get_response(POST_ARG_ERROR, -1) try: cursor = connection.cursor() sql = 'select * from application where course_id = %s and section_id = %s and student_id = %s' cursor.execute(sql, ( course_id, section_id, user_id, )) row = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if row != None and int(row['if_drop']) == 1: self._init_response() return self._get_response(APP_DROPPED, -1) if row != None: self._init_response() return self._get_response(APP_ALREADY, -1) sql = 'select * from takes where course_id = %s and section_id = %s and student_id = %s' cursor.execute(sql, ( course_id, section_id, user_id, )) row = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if row != None: self._init_response() return self._get_response(APP_SELECTED, -1) find_take_num_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM 'takes' WHERE 'takes'.'course_id' = '" + course_id + "' AND 'takes'.'section_id' =" + section_id cursor.execute(find_take_num_sql) raw_take_num = cursor.fetchone() print("the take num is :", raw_take_num[0]) find_section_limit = "SELECT 'section'.'limit' FROM 'section' WHERE 'section'.'course_id'='" + course_id + "' AND 'section'.'section_id' =" + section_id cursor.execute(find_section_limit) raw_section_limit = cursor.fetchone() if raw_section_limit == None: self._init_response() return self._get_response("nonexist section ", -1) print("the section limit is :", raw_section_limit[0]) find_section_capacity = "SELECT capacity FROM classroom NATURAL JOIN section WHERE course_id='" + course_id + "' AND section_id='" + section_id + "'" cursor.execute(find_section_capacity) raw_section_capacity = cursor.fetchone() print("the section capacity is ", raw_section_capacity[0]) if raw_section_limit[0] > raw_take_num[0]: self._init_response() return self._get_response(APP_VACANCY, -1) elif raw_take_num[0] >= raw_section_capacity[0]: self._init_response() return self._get_response(APP_CAPACITY, -1) # section time conflict sql = 'select * from section where course_id=%s and section_id=%s' cursor.execute(sql, ( course_id, section_id, )) raw_section_info = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) section_day = int(raw_section_info['day']) section_start_time = int(raw_section_info['start']) section_end_time = int(raw_section_info['end']) find_takes_sql = "select * from takes natural join section where student_id = '" + user_id + "'" print(find_takes_sql) cursor.execute(find_takes_sql) takes_info = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) print(takes_info) for item in takes_info: tmp_day = int(item['day']) tmp_start_time = int(raw_section_info['start']) tmp_end_time = int(raw_section_info['end']) print(tmp_day, section_day) if tmp_day == section_day: print(1) if (section_start_time >= tmp_start_time and section_start_time <= tmp_end_time) or \ ( section_end_time >= tmp_start_time and section_end_time <= tmp_end_time): self._init_response() return self._get_response(SECTION_TIME_CONFLICT, -1) # exam time conflict sql_exam = 'select * from exam where course_id=%s and section_id=%s' cursor.execute(sql_exam, ( course_id, section_id, )) target = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) print("target", target) if target != None: exam_type = int(target['type']) if exam_type == 0: exam_day = int(target['exam_day']) exam_start_time = int( target['start_time'].split(":")[0]) * 60 + int( target['start_time'].split(":")[1]) exam_end_time = int( target['end_time'].split(":")[0]) * 60 + int( target['end_time'].split(":")[1]) sql = 'select * from takes natural join exam where student_id =%s' cursor.execute(sql, (user_id, )) rows = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) print("exam :", rows) for row in rows: tmp_type = int(row['type']) if tmp_type == 0: tmp_day = int(row['exam_day']) tmp_start_time = int( row['start_time'].split(":")[0]) * 60 + int( row['start_time'].split(":")[1]) tmp_end_time = int( row['end_time'].split(":")[0]) * 60 + int( row['end_time'].split(":")[1]) if (exam_start_time >= tmp_start_time and exam_start_time <=tmp_end_time)\ or (exam_end_time >= tmp_start_time and exam_end_time <= tmp_end_time): self._init_response() return self._get_response( EXAM_TIME_CONFLICT, -1) sql = 'insert into application(course_id,section_id,student_id,application_reason) '\ 'values(%s,%s,%s,%s)' print(sql) cursor.execute(sql, ( course_id, section_id, user_id, app_reason, )) connection.commit() self._init_response() return self._get_response(HANDLE_OK, 1) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1)
def execute(self): if self.request.session['is_login'] != True or self.request.session[ 'role'] != STUDENT_ROLE: self._init_response() return self._get_response(UNAUTHORIZED_AS_STUDENT) try: user_id =['user_id'] course_id =['course_id'] section_id =['section_id'] except Exception as error: self._init_response() return self._get_response(POST_ARG_ERROR, -1) try: cursor = connection.cursor() find_course_sql = "SELECT 'course'.'course_id' FROM 'course' WHERE 'course'.'course_id' ='" + course_id + "'" cursor.execute(find_course_sql) raw_course_id = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if raw_course_id == None: self._init_response() return self._get_response(WRONG_COURSE_ID, -1) find_section_sql = "SELECT * FROM 'section' WHERE 'section'.'course_id' ='" + course_id + "' AND 'section'.'section_id'=" + section_id cursor.execute(find_section_sql) raw_section_info = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if raw_section_info == None: self._init_response() return self._get_response(WRONG_SECTION_ID, -1) find_whether_already_takes_sql = "SELECT * FROM 'takes' WHERE 'takes'.'course_id' = '" + course_id + "' AND 'takes'.'section_id' =" + section_id + " AND 'takes'.'student_id'='" + user_id + "'" cursor.execute(find_whether_already_takes_sql) raw_take_info = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if raw_take_info != None: self._init_response() return self._get_response(ALREADY_SELECT, -1) find_take_num_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM 'takes' WHERE 'takes'.'course_id' = '" + course_id + "' AND 'takes'.'section_id' =" + section_id cursor.execute(find_take_num_sql) raw_take_num = cursor.fetchone() find_section_limit = "SELECT 'section'.'limit' FROM 'section' WHERE 'section'.'course_id'='" + course_id + "' AND 'section'.'section_id' =" + section_id cursor.execute(find_section_limit) raw_section_limit = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) if raw_section_limit['limit'] <= raw_take_num[0]: self._init_response() return self._get_response(NO_VACANCY, -1) # section time conflict section_day = int(raw_section_info['day']) section_start_time = int(raw_section_info['start']) section_end_time = int(raw_section_info['end']) find_takes_sql = "select * from takes natural join section where student_id = '" + user_id + "'" print(find_takes_sql) cursor.execute(find_takes_sql) takes_info = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) print(takes_info) for item in takes_info: tmp_day = int(item['day']) tmp_start_time = int(item['start']) tmp_end_time = int(item['end']) print(tmp_day, section_day) if tmp_day == section_day: if (section_start_time >= tmp_start_time and section_start_time <= tmp_end_time) or \ ( section_end_time >= tmp_start_time and section_end_time <= tmp_end_time): print(section_start_time, section_end_time, tmp_start_time, tmp_end_time) self._init_response() return self._get_response(SECTION_TIME_CONFLICT, -1) # exam time conflict sql_exam = 'select * from exam where course_id=%s and section_id=%s' cursor.execute(sql_exam, ( course_id, section_id, )) target = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) exam_type = int(target['type']) if exam_type == 0: exam_day = int(target['exam_day']) exam_start_time = int( target['start_time'].split(":")[0]) * 60 + int( target['start_time'].split(":")[1]) exam_end_time = int( target['end_time'].split(":")[0]) * 60 + int( target['end_time'].split(":")[1]) sql = 'select * from takes natural join exam where student_id =%s' cursor.execute(sql, (user_id, )) rows = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) print("exam :", rows) for row in rows: tmp_type = int(row['type']) if tmp_type == 0: tmp_day = int(row['exam_day']) tmp_start_time = int( row['start_time'].split(":")[0]) * 60 + int( row['start_time'].split(":")[1]) tmp_end_time = int( row['end_time'].split(":")[0]) * 60 + int( row['end_time'].split(":")[1]) if (exam_start_time >= tmp_start_time and exam_start_time <=tmp_end_time)\ or (exam_end_time >= tmp_start_time and exam_end_time <= tmp_end_time): self._init_response() return self._get_response(EXAM_TIME_CONFLICT, -1) # application conflict app_sql = "select * from application where course_id = '" + course_id + "' and section_id = " + section_id + " and if_drop=1 and student_id = '" + user_id + "'" cursor.execute(app_sql) raw_app = sql_util.dictfetchall(cursor) if raw_app != []: self._init_response() return self._get_response(DROP_SELECT_ERROR) insert_takes_sql = "INSERT INTO 'takes' ('course_id','section_id','student_id','grade') SELECT '" + course_id + "'," + section_id + ",'" + user_id + "', NULL" cursor.execute(insert_takes_sql) check_credit_sql = "SELECT 'student'.'student_total_credit' FROM 'student' WHERE 'student'.'student_id' = '" + user_id + "'" cursor.execute(check_credit_sql) raw_credit = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) credit_before = raw_credit['student_total_credit'] find_course_credit_sql = "SELECT 'course'.'credits' FROM 'course' WHERE 'course'.'course_id'='" + course_id + "'" cursor.execute(find_course_credit_sql) raw_course_credit = sql_util.dictfetchone(cursor) course_credit = raw_course_credit['credits'] updated_credit = int(credit_before + course_credit) print("the updated credit is ", updated_credit) add_credits_sql = "UPDATE 'student' SET 'student_total_credit'=" + str( updated_credit ) + " WHERE 'student'.'student_id'='" + user_id + "'" print(add_credits_sql) cursor.execute(add_credits_sql) connection.commit() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SELECT_OK, 1) except Exception as error: traceback.print_exc() connection.rollback() self._init_response() return self._get_response(SERVER_ERROR, -1)