def main() -> None: prepare_only = os.getenv("PREPAREONLY") is not None manager_init() # Start UI early so prepare can happen in the background if not prepare_only: managed_processes['ui'].start() manager_prepare() if prepare_only: return # SystemExit on sigterm signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, frame: sys.exit(1)) try: manager_thread() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() sentry.capture_exception() finally: manager_cleanup() params = Params() if params.get_bool("DoUninstall"): cloudlog.warning("uninstalling") HARDWARE.uninstall() elif params.get_bool("DoReboot"): cloudlog.warning("reboot") HARDWARE.reboot() elif params.get_bool("DoShutdown"): cloudlog.warning("shutdown") HARDWARE.shutdown()
def launcher(proc: str, name: str) -> None: try: # import the process mod = importlib.import_module(proc) # rename the process setproctitle(proc) # create new context since we forked messaging.context = messaging.Context() # add daemon name to cloudlog ctx cloudlog.bind(daemon=name) # exec the process getattr(mod, 'main')() except KeyboardInterrupt: cloudlog.warning(f"child {proc} got SIGINT") except Exception: # can't install the crash handler because sys.excepthook doesn't play nice # with threads, so catch it here. sentry.capture_exception() raise