def register(): params = Params() params.put("Version", version) params.put("TermsVersion", terms_version) params.put("TrainingVersion", training_version) params.put("GitCommit", get_git_commit(default="")) params.put("GitBranch", get_git_branch(default="")) params.put("GitRemote", get_git_remote(default="")) params.put("SubscriberInfo", get_subscriber_info()) # create a key for auth # your private key is kept on your device persist partition and never sent to our servers # do not erase your persist partition if not os.path.isfile(PERSIST + "/comma/"): cloudlog.warning("generating your personal RSA key") mkdirs_exists_ok(PERSIST + "/comma") assert os.system("openssl genrsa -out " + PERSIST + "/comma/id_rsa.tmp 2048") == 0 assert os.system("openssl rsa -in " + PERSIST + "/comma/id_rsa.tmp -pubout -out " + PERSIST + "/comma/") == 0 os.rename(PERSIST + "/comma/id_rsa.tmp", PERSIST + "/comma/id_rsa") os.rename(PERSIST + "/comma/", PERSIST + "/comma/") # make key readable by app users ( os.chmod(PERSIST + '/comma/', 0o755) os.chmod(PERSIST + '/comma/id_rsa', 0o744) dongle_id, access_token = params.get( "DongleId", encoding='utf8'), params.get("AccessToken", encoding='utf8') public_key = open(PERSIST + "/comma/").read() # create registration token # in the future, this key will make JWTs directly private_key = open(PERSIST + "/comma/id_rsa").read() # late import import jwt register_token = jwt.encode( { 'register': True, 'exp': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1) }, private_key, algorithm='RS256') try:"getting pilotauth") resp = api_get("v2/pilotauth/", method='POST', timeout=15, imei=get_imei(0), imei2=get_imei(1), serial=get_serial(), public_key=public_key, register_token=register_token) dongleauth = json.loads(resp.text) dongle_id, access_token = dongleauth["dongle_id"], dongleauth[ "access_token"] params.put("DongleId", dongle_id) params.put("AccessToken", access_token) return dongle_id, access_token except Exception: cloudlog.exception("failed to authenticate") if dongle_id is not None and access_token is not None: return dongle_id, access_token else: return None
def thermald_thread(): health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML) # 2.5x the expected health frequency # now loop thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock('thermal') health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout) location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation') fan_speed = 0 count = 0 startup_conditions = { "ignition": False, } startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() off_ts = None started_ts = None started_seen = False thermal_status = usb_power = True current_branch = get_git_branch() network_type = NetworkType.none network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML) cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML) health_prev = None should_start_prev = False handle_fan = None is_uno = False params = Params() pm = PowerMonitoring() no_panda_cnt = 0 thermal_config = get_thermal_config() while 1: health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True) location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock) location = location.gpsLocation if location else None msg = read_thermal(thermal_config) if health is not None: usb_power = != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad if == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: no_panda_cnt += 1 if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML: if startup_conditions["ignition"]: cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad") startup_conditions["ignition"] = False else: no_panda_cnt = 0 startup_conditions[ "ignition"] = or # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda if handle_fan is None and != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: is_uno = == if (not EON) or is_uno:"Setting up UNO fan handler") handle_fan = handle_fan_uno else:"Setting up EON fan handler") setup_eon_fan() handle_fan = handle_fan_eon # Handle disconnect if health_prev is not None: if == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown and \ != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: params.panda_disconnect() health_prev = health # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0: try: network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type() network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type) except Exception: cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status") msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0 msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round( psutil.virtual_memory().percent)) msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent())) msg.thermal.networkType = network_type msg.thermal.networkStrength = network_strength msg.thermal.batteryPercent = get_battery_capacity() msg.thermal.batteryStatus = get_battery_status() msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = get_battery_current() msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = get_battery_voltage() msg.thermal.usbOnline = get_usb_present() # Fake battery levels on uno for frame if (not EON) or is_uno: msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100 msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.thermal.bat = 0 current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6) # TODO: add car battery voltage check max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(max(msg.thermal.cpu)) max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem, max(msg.thermal.gpu)) bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat if handle_fan is not None: fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"]) msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107 # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ( (not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5)) if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (is_offroad_for_5_min and max_cpu_temp > 70.0): # onroad not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.: # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.danger) elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0: # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0: # uploader not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0: # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.yellow) else: # all good thermal_status = # **** starting logic **** # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # show invalid date/time alert startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or ( now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"])) # Show update prompt try: last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8')) except (TypeError, ValueError): last_update = now dt = now - last_update update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount") update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int( update_failed_count) last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8') if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None: if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]: extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed" else: extra_text = last_update_exception set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text) elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True) elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT: remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0)) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.") else: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get( "DoUninstall") == b"1" startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get( "HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware") startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or ( panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE ) # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None) set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"])) # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02 startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \ (current_branch in ['dashcam', 'dashcam-staging']) startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get( "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1" startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get( "IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1" # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60 startup_conditions[ "device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"])) should_start = all(startup_conditions.values()) startup_conditions[ "hardware_supported"] = health is not None and not in [ log.HealthData.HwType.whitePanda, log.HealthData.HwType.greyPanda ] set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_HardwareUnsupported", health is not None and not startup_conditions["hardware_supported"]) if should_start: if not should_start_prev: params.delete("IsOffroad") off_ts = None if started_ts is None: started_ts = sec_since_boot() started_seen = True os.system( 'echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor' ) else: if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev): cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions) if should_start_prev or (count == 0): params.put("IsOffroad", "1") started_ts = None if off_ts is None: off_ts = sec_since_boot() os.system( 'echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor' ) # Offroad power monitoring pm.calculate(health) msg.thermal.offroadPowerUsage = pm.get_power_used() msg.thermal.carBatteryCapacity = max(0, pm.get_car_battery_capacity()) # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd) msg.thermal.chargingDisabled = pm.should_disable_charging( health, off_ts) # Check if we need to shut down if pm.should_shutdown(health, off_ts, started_seen, LEON):"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}") # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep time.sleep(10) os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown') msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90 # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0)) msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status thermal_sock.send(msg.to_bytes()) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power)) should_start_prev = should_start startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() # report to server once per minute if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0: cloudlog.event("STATUS_PACKET", count=count, health=(health.to_dict() if health else None), location=(location.to_dict() if location else None), thermal=msg.to_dict()) count += 1
def thermald_thread(): pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState']) pandaState_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML) # 2.5x the expected pandaState frequency pandaState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pandaState', timeout=pandaState_timeout) location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocationExternal') managerState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('managerState', conflate=True) fan_speed = 0 count = 0 startup_conditions = { "ignition": False, } startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() off_ts = None started_ts = None started_seen = False thermal_status = usb_power = True current_branch = get_git_branch() network_type = NetworkType.none network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML) cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML) charging_disabled = False #CHO: Add battery management pandaState_prev = None should_start_prev = False handle_fan = None is_uno = False #ui_running_prev = False ui_running_prev = True #CHO: Add battery management params = Params() power_monitor = PowerMonitoring() no_panda_cnt = 0 thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config() # CPR3 logging if EON: base_path = "/sys/kernel/debug/cpr3-regulator/" cpr_files = [p for p in Path(base_path).glob("**/*") if p.is_file()] cpr_data = {} for cf in cpr_files: with open(cf, "r") as f: try: cpr_data[str(cf)] = except Exception: pass cloudlog.event("CPR", data=cpr_data) while 1: pandaState = messaging.recv_sock(pandaState_sock, wait=True) msg = read_thermal(thermal_config) if pandaState is not None: usb_power = pandaState.pandaState.usbPowerMode != log.PandaState.UsbPowerMode.client # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: no_panda_cnt += 1 if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML: if startup_conditions["ignition"]: cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad") startup_conditions["ignition"] = False else: no_panda_cnt = 0 startup_conditions[ "ignition"] = pandaState.pandaState.ignitionLine or pandaState.pandaState.ignitionCan startup_conditions["hardware_supported"] = True set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_HardwareUnsupported", not startup_conditions["hardware_supported"]) # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda if handle_fan is None and pandaState.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: is_uno = pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == if (not EON) or is_uno:"Setting up UNO fan handler") handle_fan = handle_fan_uno else:"Setting up EON fan handler") setup_eon_fan() handle_fan = handle_fan_eon # Handle disconnect if pandaState_prev is not None: if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown and \ pandaState_prev.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: params.panda_disconnect() pandaState_prev = pandaState # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0: try: network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type() network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type) except Exception: cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status") msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0) msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int( round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent)) msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent())) msg.deviceState.networkType = network_type msg.deviceState.networkStrength = network_strength msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity() msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = HARDWARE.get_battery_status() msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current() msg.deviceState.batteryVoltage = HARDWARE.get_battery_voltage() msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present() # Fake battery levels on uno for frame if (not EON) or is_uno: msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = 100 msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.deviceState.batteryTempC = 0 current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6) # TODO: add car battery voltage check max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC)) max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.deviceState.memoryTempC, max(msg.deviceState.gpuTempC)) bat_temp = msg.deviceState.batteryTempC if handle_fan is not None: fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"]) msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107 # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ( (not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5)) if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (is_offroad_for_5_min and max_cpu_temp > 70.0): # onroad not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.: # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.danger) elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0: # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0: # uploader not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0: # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.yellow) else: thermal_status = # default to good condition # **** starting logic **** # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # show invalid date/time alert startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or ( now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"])) # Show update prompt try: last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat( params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8')) except (TypeError, ValueError): last_update = now dt = now - last_update update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount") update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int( update_failed_count) last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8') if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None: if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]: extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed" else: extra_text = last_update_exception set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text) elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True) elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT: remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0)) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.") else: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get( "Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get( "DisableUpdates") == b"1" startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get( "DoUninstall") == b"1" startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get( "HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware") startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or ( panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE ) # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None) set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"])) # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2 startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \ (current_branch in ['dashcam', 'dashcam-staging']) startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get( "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1" startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get( "IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1" # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60 startup_conditions[ "device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"])) # Handle offroad/onroad transition should_start = all(startup_conditions.values()) if should_start: if not should_start_prev: params.delete("IsOffroad") if TICI and DISABLE_LTE_ONROAD: os.system("sudo systemctl stop --no-block lte") off_ts = None if started_ts is None: started_ts = sec_since_boot() started_seen = True else: if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev): cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions) if should_start_prev or (count == 0): params.put("IsOffroad", "1") if TICI and DISABLE_LTE_ONROAD: os.system("sudo systemctl start --no-block lte") started_ts = None if off_ts is None: off_ts = sec_since_boot() #CHO: Added battery management charging_disabled = check_car_battery_voltage(should_start, pandaState, charging_disabled, msg) if msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent > 0: msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = "Discharging" else: msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = charging_disabled #CHO: END # Offroad power monitoring power_monitor.calculate(pandaState) msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used() msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max( 0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity()) # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd) msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging( pandaState, off_ts) # Check if we need to shut down if power_monitor.should_shutdown(pandaState, off_ts, started_seen):"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}") # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep time.sleep(10) HARDWARE.shutdown() # If UI has crashed, set the brightness to reasonable non-zero value manager_state = messaging.recv_one_or_none(managerState_sock) if manager_state is not None: ui_running = "ui" in ( for p in manager_state.managerState.processes if p.running) if ui_running_prev and not ui_running: HARDWARE.set_screen_brightness(20) ui_running_prev = ui_running msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90 # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0)) msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status pm.send("deviceState", msg) if EON and not is_uno: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power)) should_start_prev = should_start startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() # report to server once per minute if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0: location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock) cloudlog.event("STATUS_PACKET", count=count, pandaState=(strip_deprecated_keys( pandaState.to_dict()) if pandaState else None), location=(strip_deprecated_keys( location.gpsLocationExternal.to_dict()) if location else None), deviceState=strip_deprecated_keys(msg.to_dict())) count += 1
def manager_init(): # update system time from panda set_time(cloudlog) params = Params() params.clear_all(ParamKeyType.CLEAR_ON_MANAGER_START) default_params = [ ("CompletedTrainingVersion", "0"), ("HasAcceptedTerms", "0"), ("OpenpilotEnabledToggle", "1"), ("IsMetric", "1"), ("CommunityFeaturesToggle", "1"), ("EndToEndToggle", "1"), ("IsOpenpilotViewEnabled", "0"), ("OpkrAutoShutdown", "2"), ("OpkrForceShutdown", "5"), ("OpkrAutoScreenOff", "0"), ("OpkrUIBrightness", "0"), ("OpkrUIBrightness", "0"), ("OpkrUIVolumeBoost", "0"), ("OpkrEnableDriverMonitoring", "1"), ("OpkrEnableLogger", "0"), ("OpkrEnableUploader", "0"), ("OpkrEnableGetoffAlert", "1"), ("OpkrAutoResume", "1"), ("OpkrVariableCruise", "1"), ("OpkrLaneChangeSpeed", "45"), ("OpkrAutoLaneChangeDelay", "0"), ("OpkrSteerAngleCorrection", "0"), ("PutPrebuiltOn", "1"), ("LdwsCarFix", "0"), ("LateralControlMethod", "0"), ("CruiseStatemodeSelInit", "1"), ("InnerLoopGain", "35"), ("OuterLoopGain", "20"), ("TimeConstant", "14"), ("ActuatorEffectiveness", "20"), ("Scale", "1500"), ("LqrKi", "15"), ("DcGain", "27"), ("IgnoreZone", "0"), ("PidKp", "20"), ("PidKi", "40"), ("PidKd", "150"), ("PidKf", "7"), ("CameraOffsetAdj", "60"), ("SteerRatioAdj", "155"), ("SteerRatioMaxAdj", "175"), ("SteerActuatorDelayAdj", "20"), ("SteerRateCostAdj", "35"), ("SteerLimitTimerAdj", "80"), ("TireStiffnessFactorAdj", "100"), ("SteerMaxBaseAdj", "384"), ("SteerMaxAdj", "384"), ("SteerDeltaUpBaseAdj", "3"), ("SteerDeltaUpAdj", "3"), ("SteerDeltaDownBaseAdj", "7"), ("SteerDeltaDownAdj", "7"), ("SteerMaxvAdj", "10"), ("OpkrBatteryChargingControl", "1"), ("OpkrBatteryChargingMin", "70"), ("OpkrBatteryChargingMax", "80"), ("LeftCurvOffsetAdj", "0"), ("RightCurvOffsetAdj", "0"), ("DebugUi1", "0"), ("DebugUi2", "0"), ("LongLogDisplay", "0"), ("OpkrBlindSpotDetect", "1"), ("OpkrMaxAngleLimit", "90"), ("OpkrSpeedLimitOffset", "0"), ("OpkrLiveSteerRatio", "1"), ("OpkrVariableSteerMax", "1"), ("OpkrVariableSteerDelta", "0"), ("FingerprintTwoSet", "0"), ("OpkrVariableCruiseProfile", "1"), ("OpkrLiveTune", "0"), ("OpkrDrivingRecord", "0"), ("OpkrTurnSteeringDisable", "0"), ("CarModel", ""), ("CarModelAbb", ""), ("OpkrHotspotOnBoot", "0"), ("OpkrSSHLegacy", "1"), ("ShaneFeedForward", "0"), ("CruiseOverMaxSpeed", "0"), ("JustDoGearD", "0"), ("LanelessMode", "0"), ("ComIssueGone", "0"), ("MaxSteer", "384"), ("MaxRTDelta", "112"), ("MaxRateUp", "3"), ("MaxRateDown", "7"), ("SteerThreshold", "150"), ("RecordingCount", "100"), ("RecordingQuality", "1"), ("CruiseGapAdjust", "0"), ("AutoEnable", "1"), ("CruiseAutoRes", "0"), ("AutoResOption", "0"), ("SteerWindDown", "0"), ("OpkrMonitoringMode", "0"), ("OpkrMonitorEyesThreshold", "75"), ("OpkrMonitorNormalEyesThreshold", "50"), ("OpkrMonitorBlinkThreshold", "50"), ("MadModeEnabled", "1"), ("OpkrFanSpeedGain", "0"), ("WhitePandaSupport", "0"), ("SteerWarningFix", "0"), ("OpkrRunNaviOnBoot", "0"), ("OpkrApksEnable", "0"), ("CruiseGap1", "10"), ("CruiseGap2", "12"), ("CruiseGap3", "15"), ("CruiseGap4", "20"), ("DynamicTR", "2"), ("OpkrBattLess", "0"), ("LCTimingFactorUD", "0"), ("LCTimingFactor30", "10"), ("LCTimingFactor60", "20"), ("LCTimingFactor80", "70"), ("LCTimingFactor110", "110"), ] if not PC: default_params.append(("LastUpdateTime", datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat().encode('utf8'))) if params.get_bool("RecordFrontLock"): params.put_bool("RecordFront", True) # set unset params for k, v in default_params: if params.get(k) is None: params.put(k, v) # is this dashcam? if os.getenv("PASSIVE") is not None: params.put_bool("Passive", bool(int(os.getenv("PASSIVE")))) if params.get("Passive") is None: raise Exception("Passive must be set to continue") if EON and params.get_bool("OpkrApksEnable"): update_apks(show_spinner=True) os.umask(0) # Make sure we can create files with 777 permissions # Create folders needed for msgq try: os.mkdir("/dev/shm") except FileExistsError: pass except PermissionError: print("WARNING: failed to make /dev/shm") # set version params params.put("Version", version) params.put("TermsVersion", terms_version) params.put("TrainingVersion", training_version) params.put("GitCommit", get_git_commit(default="")) params.put("GitBranch", get_git_branch(default="")) params.put("GitRemote", get_git_remote(default="")) # set dongle id reg_res = register(show_spinner=True) if reg_res: dongle_id = reg_res elif not reg_res: dongle_id = "maintenance" else: serial = params.get("HardwareSerial") raise Exception(f"Registration failed for device {serial}") os.environ['DONGLE_ID'] = dongle_id # Needed for swaglog if not dirty: os.environ['CLEAN'] = '1' cloudlog.bind_global(dongle_id=dongle_id, version=version, dirty=dirty, device=HARDWARE.get_device_type()) if comma_remote and not (os.getenv("NOLOG") or os.getenv("NOCRASH") or PC): crash.init() # ensure shared libraries are readable by apks if EON and params.get_bool("OpkrApksEnable"): os.chmod(BASEDIR, 0o755) os.chmod("/dev/shm", 0o777) os.chmod(os.path.join(BASEDIR, "cereal"), 0o755) crash.bind_user(id=dongle_id) crash.bind_extra(dirty=dirty, origin=origin, branch=branch, commit=commit, device=HARDWARE.get_device_type()) os.system("/data/openpilot/")
def manager_init(): # update system time from panda set_time(cloudlog) params = Params() params.clear_all(ParamKeyType.CLEAR_ON_MANAGER_START) default_params = [ ("CompletedTrainingVersion", "0"), ("HasAcceptedTerms", "0"), ("OpenpilotEnabledToggle", "1"), ] if not PC: default_params.append( ("LastUpdateTime", datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat().encode('utf8'))) if params.get_bool("RecordFrontLock"): params.put_bool("RecordFront", True) if not params.get_bool("DisableRadar_Allow"): params.delete("DisableRadar") # set unset params for k, v in default_params: if params.get(k) is None: params.put(k, v) # is this dashcam? if os.getenv("PASSIVE") is not None: params.put_bool("Passive", bool(int(os.getenv("PASSIVE")))) if params.get("Passive") is None: raise Exception("Passive must be set to continue") # Create folders needed for msgq try: os.mkdir("/dev/shm") except FileExistsError: pass except PermissionError: print("WARNING: failed to make /dev/shm") # set version params params.put("Version", version) params.put("TermsVersion", terms_version) params.put("TrainingVersion", training_version) params.put("GitCommit", get_git_commit(default="")) params.put("GitBranch", get_git_branch(default="")) params.put("GitRemote", get_git_remote(default="")) # set dongle id reg_res = register(show_spinner=True) if reg_res: dongle_id = reg_res else: serial = params.get("HardwareSerial") raise Exception(f"Registration failed for device {serial}") os.environ['DONGLE_ID'] = dongle_id # Needed for swaglog if not dirty: os.environ['CLEAN'] = '1' cloudlog.bind_global(dongle_id=dongle_id, version=version, dirty=dirty, device=HARDWARE.get_device_type()) if comma_remote and not (os.getenv("NOLOG") or os.getenv("NOCRASH") or PC): crash.init() crash.bind_user(id=dongle_id) crash.bind_extra(dirty=dirty, origin=origin, branch=branch, commit=commit, device=HARDWARE.get_device_type())
def thermald_thread(): health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML) # 2.5x the expected health frequency # now loop thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock('thermal') health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout) location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation') fan_speed = 0 count = 0 startup_conditions = { "ignition": False, } startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() off_ts = None started_ts = None started_seen = False thermal_status = usb_power = True current_branch = get_git_branch() network_type = NetworkType.none network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML) cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML) health_prev = None charging_disabled = False should_start_prev = False handle_fan = None is_uno = False params = Params() pm = PowerMonitoring() no_panda_cnt = 0 thermal_config = get_thermal_config() ts_last_ip = 0 ip_addr = '' # sound trigger sound_trigger = 1 opkrAutoShutdown = 0 shutdown_trigger = 1 is_openpilot_view_enabled = 0 env = dict(os.environ) env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = mediaplayer getoff_alert = Params().get('OpkrEnableGetoffAlert') == b'1' if int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 0: opkrAutoShutdown = 0 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 1: opkrAutoShutdown = 5 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 2: opkrAutoShutdown = 30 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 3: opkrAutoShutdown = 60 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 4: opkrAutoShutdown = 180 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 5: opkrAutoShutdown = 300 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 6: opkrAutoShutdown = 600 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 7: opkrAutoShutdown = 1800 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 8: opkrAutoShutdown = 3600 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 9: opkrAutoShutdown = 10800 else: opkrAutoShutdown = 18000 lateral_control_method = int(params.get("LateralControlMethod")) lateral_control_method_prev = int(params.get("LateralControlMethod")) lateral_control_method_cnt = 0 lateral_control_method_trigger = 0 while 1: ts = sec_since_boot() health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True) location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock) location = location.gpsLocation if location else None msg = read_thermal(thermal_config) if health is not None: usb_power = != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad lateral_control_method = int(params.get("LateralControlMethod")) if lateral_control_method != lateral_control_method_prev and lateral_control_method_trigger == 0: startup_conditions["ignition"] = False lateral_control_method_trigger = 1 elif lateral_control_method != lateral_control_method_prev: lateral_control_method_cnt += 1 if lateral_control_method_cnt > 1 / DT_TRML: lateral_control_method_prev = lateral_control_method elif == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: no_panda_cnt += 1 if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML: if startup_conditions["ignition"]: cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad") startup_conditions["ignition"] = False shutdown_trigger = 1 else: no_panda_cnt = 0 startup_conditions["ignition"] = or sound_trigger == 1 lateral_control_method_cnt = 0 lateral_control_method_trigger = 0 # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda if handle_fan is None and != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: is_uno = == if (not EON) or is_uno:"Setting up UNO fan handler") handle_fan = handle_fan_uno else:"Setting up EON fan handler") setup_eon_fan() handle_fan = handle_fan_eon # Handle disconnect if health_prev is not None: if == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown and \ != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown: params.panda_disconnect() health_prev = health elif int(params.get("IsOpenpilotViewEnabled")) == 1 and int(params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled")) == 0 and is_openpilot_view_enabled == 0: is_openpilot_view_enabled = 1 startup_conditions["ignition"] = True elif int(params.get("IsOpenpilotViewEnabled")) == 0 and int(params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled")) == 0 and is_openpilot_view_enabled == 1: shutdown_trigger = 0 sound_trigger == 0 is_openpilot_view_enabled = 0 startup_conditions["ignition"] = False # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0: try: network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type() network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type) except Exception: cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status") msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0 msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent)) msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent())) msg.thermal.networkType = network_type msg.thermal.networkStrength = network_strength msg.thermal.batteryPercent = get_battery_capacity() msg.thermal.batteryStatus = get_battery_status() msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = get_battery_current() msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = get_battery_voltage() msg.thermal.usbOnline = get_usb_present() # Fake battery levels on uno for frame if (not EON) or is_uno: msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100 msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.thermal.bat = 0 # update ip every 10 seconds ts = sec_since_boot() if ts - ts_last_ip >= 10.: try: result = subprocess.check_output(["ifconfig", "wlan0"], encoding='utf8') # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg ip_addr = re.findall(r"inet addr:((\d+\.){3}\d+)", result)[0][0] except: ip_addr = 'N/A' ts_last_ip = ts msg.thermal.ipAddr = ip_addr current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6) # TODO: add car battery voltage check max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(max(msg.thermal.cpu)) max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem, max(msg.thermal.gpu)) bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat if handle_fan is not None: fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"]) msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107 # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ((not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5)) if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (is_offroad_for_5_min and max_cpu_temp > 70.0): # onroad not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.: # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.danger) elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0: # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0: # uploader not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0: # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.yellow) else: # all good thermal_status = # **** starting logic **** # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # show invalid date/time alert startup_conditions["time_valid"] = now.year >= True set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"])) # Show update prompt # try: # last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8')) # except (TypeError, ValueError): # last_update = now # dt = now - last_update # # update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount") # update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(update_failed_count) # last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8') # # if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None: # if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]: # extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed" # else: # extra_text = last_update_exception # # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text) # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1: # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True) # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT: # remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0)) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.") # else: # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get("DoUninstall") == b"1" startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware") startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or (panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE) # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"])) # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02 startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \ (current_branch in ['dashcam', 'dashcam-staging']) startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1" startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get("IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1" # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60 startup_conditions["device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"])) should_start = all(startup_conditions.values()) if should_start: if not should_start_prev: params.delete("IsOffroad") off_ts = None if started_ts is None: started_ts = sec_since_boot() started_seen = True os.system('echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor') else: if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev): cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions) if should_start_prev or (count == 0): params.put("IsOffroad", "1") started_ts = None if off_ts is None: off_ts = sec_since_boot() os.system('echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor') if shutdown_trigger == 1 and sound_trigger == 1 and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and started_seen and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 1 and getoff_alert: subprocess.Popen([mediaplayer + 'mediaplayer', '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/assets/sounds/eondetach.wav'], shell = False, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, env = env, close_fds=True) sound_trigger = 0 # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for # more than a minute but we were running if shutdown_trigger == 1 and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \ started_seen and opkrAutoShutdown and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > opkrAutoShutdown and not os.path.isfile(pandaflash_ongoing): os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown') charging_disabled = check_car_battery_voltage(should_start, health, charging_disabled, msg) if msg.thermal.batteryCurrent > 0: msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Discharging" else: msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.thermal.chargingDisabled = charging_disabled prebuiltlet = Params().get('PutPrebuiltOn') == b'1' if not os.path.isfile(prebuiltfile) and prebuiltlet: os.system("cd /data/openpilot; touch prebuilt") elif os.path.isfile(prebuiltfile) and not prebuiltlet: os.system("cd /data/openpilot; rm -f prebuilt") # Offroad power monitoring pm.calculate(health) msg.thermal.offroadPowerUsage = pm.get_power_used() msg.thermal.carBatteryCapacity = max(0, pm.get_car_battery_capacity()) # # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd) # msg.thermal.chargingDisabled = pm.should_disable_charging(health, off_ts) # # # Check if we need to shut down # if pm.should_shutdown(health, off_ts, started_seen, LEON): #"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}") # # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep # time.sleep(10) # os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown') msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90 # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9*(started_ts or 0)) msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status thermal_sock.send(msg.to_bytes()) set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power)) should_start_prev = should_start startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() # report to server once per minute if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0: cloudlog.event("STATUS_PACKET", count=count, health=(health.to_dict() if health else None), location=(location.to_dict() if location else None), thermal=msg.to_dict()) count += 1
def thermald_thread(): pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState']) pandaState_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 * DT_TRML) # 2.5x the expected pandaState frequency pandaState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pandaState', timeout=pandaState_timeout) location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocationExternal') managerState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('managerState', conflate=True) fan_speed = 0 count = 0 startup_conditions = { "ignition": False, } startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() off_ts = None started_ts = None started_seen = False thermal_status = usb_power = True current_branch = get_git_branch() network_type = NetworkType.none network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML) cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML) pandaState_prev = None charging_disabled = False should_start_prev = False handle_fan = None is_uno = False ui_running_prev = False params = Params() power_monitor = PowerMonitoring() no_panda_cnt = 0 thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config() # CPR3 logging if EON: base_path = "/sys/kernel/debug/cpr3-regulator/" cpr_files = [p for p in Path(base_path).glob("**/*") if p.is_file()] cpr_files = ["/sys/kernel/debug/regulator/pm8994_s11/voltage" ] + cpr_files cpr_data = {} for cf in cpr_files: with open(cf, "r") as f: try: cpr_data[str(cf)] = except Exception: pass cloudlog.event("CPR", data=cpr_data) ts_last_ip = 0 ip_addr = '' # sound trigger sound_trigger = 1 opkrAutoShutdown = 0 shutdown_trigger = 1 is_openpilot_view_enabled = 0 env = dict(os.environ) env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = mediaplayer getoff_alert = params.get_bool("OpkrEnableGetoffAlert") hotspot_on_boot = params.get_bool("OpkrHotspotOnBoot") hotspot_run = False if int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 0: opkrAutoShutdown = 0 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 1: opkrAutoShutdown = 5 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 2: opkrAutoShutdown = 30 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 3: opkrAutoShutdown = 60 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 4: opkrAutoShutdown = 180 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 5: opkrAutoShutdown = 300 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 6: opkrAutoShutdown = 600 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 7: opkrAutoShutdown = 1800 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 8: opkrAutoShutdown = 3600 elif int(params.get('OpkrAutoShutdown')) == 9: opkrAutoShutdown = 10800 else: opkrAutoShutdown = 18000 while 1: ts = sec_since_boot() pandaState = messaging.recv_sock(pandaState_sock, wait=True) msg = read_thermal(thermal_config) if pandaState is not None: usb_power = pandaState.pandaState.usbPowerMode != log.PandaState.UsbPowerMode.client # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: no_panda_cnt += 1 if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML: if startup_conditions["ignition"]: cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad") startup_conditions["ignition"] = False shutdown_trigger = 1 else: no_panda_cnt = 0 startup_conditions[ "ignition"] = pandaState.pandaState.ignitionLine or pandaState.pandaState.ignitionCan sound_trigger == 1 #startup_conditions["hardware_supported"] = pandaState.pandaState.pandaType not in [log.PandaState.PandaType.whitePanda, # log.PandaState.PandaType.greyPanda] #set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_HardwareUnsupported", not startup_conditions["hardware_supported"]) # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda if handle_fan is None and pandaState.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: is_uno = pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == if (not EON) or is_uno:"Setting up UNO fan handler") handle_fan = handle_fan_uno else:"Setting up EON fan handler") setup_eon_fan() handle_fan = handle_fan_eon # Handle disconnect if pandaState_prev is not None: if pandaState.pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown and \ pandaState_prev.pandaState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown: params.panda_disconnect() pandaState_prev = pandaState elif params.get_bool("IsOpenpilotViewEnabled") and not params.get_bool( "IsDriverViewEnabled") and is_openpilot_view_enabled == 0: is_openpilot_view_enabled = 1 startup_conditions["ignition"] = True elif not params.get_bool( "IsOpenpilotViewEnabled") and not params.get_bool( "IsDriverViewEnabled") and is_openpilot_view_enabled == 1: shutdown_trigger = 0 sound_trigger == 0 is_openpilot_view_enabled = 0 startup_conditions["ignition"] = False # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0: try: network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type() network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type) except Exception: cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status") msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0) msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int( round(psutil.virtual_memory().percent)) msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent())) msg.deviceState.networkType = network_type msg.deviceState.networkStrength = network_strength msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity() msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = HARDWARE.get_battery_status() msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current() msg.deviceState.batteryVoltage = HARDWARE.get_battery_voltage() msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present() # Fake battery levels on uno for frame if (not EON) or is_uno: msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = 100 msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.deviceState.batteryTempC = 0 # update ip every 10 seconds ts = sec_since_boot() if ts - ts_last_ip >= 10.: try: result = subprocess.check_output(["ifconfig", "wlan0"], encoding='utf8') # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg ip_addr = re.findall(r"inet addr:((\d+\.){3}\d+)", result)[0][0] except: ip_addr = 'N/A' ts_last_ip = ts msg.deviceState.ipAddr = ip_addr current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6) # TODO: add car battery voltage check max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC)) max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.deviceState.memoryTempC, max(msg.deviceState.gpuTempC)) bat_temp = msg.deviceState.batteryTempC if handle_fan is not None: fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, startup_conditions["ignition"]) msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107 # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and ( (not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5)) if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (is_offroad_for_5_min and max_cpu_temp > 70.0): # onroad not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger elif max_comp_temp > 96.0 or bat_temp > 60.: # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.danger) elif max_cpu_temp > 94.0: # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow, elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0: # uploader not allowed thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0: # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good thermal_status = clip(thermal_status,, ThermalStatus.yellow) else: thermal_status = # default to good condition # **** starting logic **** # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # show invalid date/time alert startup_conditions["time_valid"] = True if ( (now.year > 2020) or (now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10) ) else True # set True for battery less EON otherwise, set False. set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_InvalidTime", (not startup_conditions["time_valid"])) # Show update prompt # try: # last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8')) # except (TypeError, ValueError): # last_update = now # dt = now - last_update # update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount") # update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(update_failed_count) # last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException", encoding='utf8') # if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None: # if current_branch in ["release2", "dashcam"]: # extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed" # else: # extra_text = last_update_exception # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", True, extra_text=extra_text) # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1: # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True) # elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT: # remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0)) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", True, extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.") # else: # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False) # set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeededPrompt", False) #startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get_bool("DisableUpdates") startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get_bool( "DoUninstall") startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get( "HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware") startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or ( panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE ) # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None) set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_PandaFirmwareMismatch", (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"])) # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2 startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \ (current_branch in ['dashcam', 'dashcam-staging']) startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get_bool( "IsDriverViewEnabled") startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get_bool( "IsTakingSnapshot") # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60 startup_conditions[ "device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger set_offroad_alert_if_changed( "Offroad_TemperatureTooHigh", (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"])) # Handle offroad/onroad transition should_start = all(startup_conditions.values()) if should_start != should_start_prev or (count == 0): params.put_bool("IsOffroad", not should_start) HARDWARE.set_power_save(not should_start) if TICI and not params.get_bool("EnableLteOnroad"): fxn = "stop" if should_start else "start" os.system(f"sudo systemctl {fxn} --no-block lte") if should_start: off_ts = None if started_ts is None: started_ts = sec_since_boot() started_seen = True else: if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions != startup_conditions_prev): cloudlog.event("Startup blocked", startup_conditions=startup_conditions) started_ts = None if off_ts is None: off_ts = sec_since_boot() if shutdown_trigger == 1 and sound_trigger == 1 and msg.deviceState.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and started_seen and ( sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 1 and getoff_alert: subprocess.Popen([ mediaplayer + 'mediaplayer', '/data/openpilot/selfdrive/assets/sounds/eondetach.wav' ], shell=False, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, env=env, close_fds=True) sound_trigger = 0 # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for # more than a minute but we were running if shutdown_trigger == 1 and msg.deviceState.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \ started_seen and opkrAutoShutdown and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > opkrAutoShutdown and not os.path.isfile(pandaflash_ongoing): os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown') charging_disabled = check_car_battery_voltage(should_start, pandaState, charging_disabled, msg) if msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent > 0: msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = "Discharging" else: msg.deviceState.batteryStatus = "Charging" msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = charging_disabled prebuiltlet = params.get_bool("PutPrebuiltOn") if not os.path.isfile(prebuiltfile) and prebuiltlet: os.system("cd /data/openpilot; touch prebuilt") elif os.path.isfile(prebuiltfile) and not prebuiltlet: os.system("cd /data/openpilot; rm -f prebuilt") sshkeylet = params.get_bool("OpkrSSHLegacy") if not os.path.isfile(sshkeyfile) and sshkeylet: os.system( "cp -f /data/openpilot/selfdrive/assets/addon/key/GithubSshKeys_legacy /data/params/d/GithubSshKeys; chmod 600 /data/params/d/GithubSshKeys; touch /data/public_key" ) elif os.path.isfile(sshkeyfile) and not sshkeylet: os.system( "cp -f /data/openpilot/selfdrive/assets/addon/key/GithubSshKeys_new /data/params/d/GithubSshKeys; chmod 600 /data/params/d/GithubSshKeys; rm -f /data/public_key" ) # opkr hotspot if hotspot_on_boot and not hotspot_run and sec_since_boot() > 120: os.system("service call wifi 37 i32 0 i32 1 &") hotspot_run = True # Offroad power monitoring power_monitor.calculate(pandaState) msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used() msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max( 0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity()) # # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd) # msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging(pandaState, off_ts) # # # Check if we need to shut down # if power_monitor.should_shutdown(pandaState, off_ts, started_seen): #"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}") # # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep # time.sleep(10) # HARDWARE.shutdown() # If UI has crashed, set the brightness to reasonable non-zero value manager_state = messaging.recv_one_or_none(managerState_sock) if manager_state is not None: ui_running = "ui" in ( for p in manager_state.managerState.processes if p.running) if ui_running_prev and not ui_running: HARDWARE.set_screen_brightness(20) ui_running_prev = ui_running msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90 # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0)) msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status pm.send("deviceState", msg) if EON and not is_uno: set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ChargeDisabled", (not usb_power)) should_start_prev = should_start startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy() # report to server once every 10 minutes if (count % int(600. / DT_TRML)) == 0: if EON and started_ts is None and msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent > 40: cloudlog.event("High offroad memory usage", mem=msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent) location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock) cloudlog.event("STATUS_PACKET", count=count, pandaState=(strip_deprecated_keys( pandaState.to_dict()) if pandaState else None), location=(strip_deprecated_keys( location.gpsLocationExternal.to_dict()) if location else None), deviceState=strip_deprecated_keys(msg.to_dict())) count += 1