コード例 #1
def semantic_scholar_alias(NAME):
    inputs a URL that's full of publication orientated links, preferably the
    authors scholar page.

    author_results = []
    aliases = None
    dois, coauthors, titles, visit_urls = author_to_urls(NAME)
    inv_alias_dict = {}
    velocity = {}
    for d in dois:
        paper = sch.paper(d, timeout=32)
        if "authors" in paper.keys():
            all_coauthors = paper["authors"]
            for co_name in all_coauthors:
                key = co_name["name"]
                if (NAME.split(" ")[0] in key.split(" ")[0]
                        or key.split(" ")[0] in NAME.split(" ")[0]
                        or NAME.split(" ")[-1] in key.split(" ")[-1]):
                    author = sch.author(co_name["authorId"], timeout=32)

                    if "aliases" in author.keys():
                        aliases = author["aliases"]
                        return aliases
コード例 #2
def fetch_semantic_author(ssID, fillpapers=True):
    ''' Queries semantic scholar for a given author
		Also fills all papers if fillpapers is True (a bit slower)'''
    author = sch.author(ssID, timeout=2)

    if fillpapers:
        filledpapers = fetch_semantic_papers(author)
        author['filledpapers'] = filledpapers
    return author
コード例 #3
def get_all_papers():
    """Determine the ids of all relevant research papers."""
    neumann = 143993045
    valenzuela = 143990000
    li = 144000000
    grant = 144100000
    kemper = 144122431
    authorIds = [neumann, valenzuela, li, grant, kemper]
    paperIds = []
    for authorId in authorIds:
        author = ss.author(authorId)
        papers = []
        if author != {}:
            papers = author['papers']
        for paper in papers:
            paperId = paper['paperId']
    return paperIds
コード例 #4
def papercollector(id, year):
    author = sch.author(id)
    paper = author["papers"]
    collectedpapers = []
    for p in paper:
        if p["year"] == year:
            a = sch.paper(p["paperId"])["abstract"]
            #             print(a)
                lan = detect(a)
                #                 print(lan)
                if lan == 'en':
                    p["abstract"] = a
            except TypeError:
    return collectedpapers
コード例 #5
def test_author():
    data = sch.author(2262347)
    assert data['name'] == 'Alan M. Turing'
コード例 #6
 def test_author(self):
     data = sch.author(2262347, timeout=5)
     self.assertEqual(data['name'], 'A. Turing')
コード例 #7
def loop(_id, _papers):
    papers = sch.author(_id, timeout=2)
    for paper in papers['papers']:
    _papers = sorted(list(dict.fromkeys(_papers)))  # de-duplicate and sort
コード例 #8
variable declarations
count:              ID for every paper
numbers_of_papers:  for numbers of papers that the user want to view
MAX:                number of documents the author has written
author:             select an author in the semantic scholar database
name:               author name
file:               the csv file
CSVstring:          string to write to the CSV file
auth_name_file:     name of the file, compose of iD and author name
team:               group of people who worked on the same document
print("inserisci l'id dell'autore che si vuole analizzare")
print("esempio: Turing 2262347")

iD_auth = input()
author = sch.author(iD_auth)
    MAX = int(len(author['papers']))
except KeyError:
    print("Numero autore non valido: " + iD_auth)
    print("Il programma verrà interrotto...")

print("quanti documenti scientifici vuoi analizzare?")
print("documenti totali di questo autore: " + str(MAX))
numbers_of_papers = int(input())
if (numbers_of_papers < 0 or numbers_of_papers > MAX):
    print("Numero non valido, verranno analizzati tutti i documenti")
    numbers_of_papers = MAX