コード例 #1
def loadRaster(raster_file, md_dest=None):
    Load a raster dataset, and optionally reproject
        raster_file: Path to a GeoTiff or .vrt file.
        md_dest: A metadata file from sen2mosaic.Metadata().
        A numpy array

    # Load landcover map
    ds_source = gdal.Open(raster_file, 0)

    # If no reprojection required, return array
    if md_dest is None:

        return ds_source.GetRasterBand(1)

    # Else reproject

        geo_t = ds_source.GetGeoTransform()

        # Get extent and resolution of input raster
        nrows = ds_source.RasterXSize
        ncols = ds_source.RasterYSize
        ulx = float(geo_t[0])
        uly = float(geo_t[3])
        xres = float(geo_t[1])
        yres = float(geo_t[5])
        lrx = ulx + (xres * ncols)
        lry = uly + (yres * nrows)
        extent = [ulx, lry, lrx, uly]

        # Get EPSG
        proj = ds_source.GetProjection()
        srs = osr.SpatialReference(wkt=proj)
        EPSG = int(srs.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY", 1))

        # Add source metadata to a dictionary
        md_source = sen2mosaic.Metadata(extent, xres, EPSG)

        # Build an empty destination dataset
        ds_dest = createGdalDataset(

        # And reproject landcover dataset to match input image
        im_rep = np.squeeze(
            _reprojectImage(ds_source, ds_dest, md_source, md_dest))

        return im_rep
コード例 #2
ファイル: extract.py プロジェクト: eriklindquist/deforest
def main(source_files, target_extent, resolution, EPSG_code, training_data, forest_values, nonforest_values, level = '2A', field_name = '', n_processes = 1, max_images = 0, max_pixels = 5000, output_dir = os.getcwd(), output_name = 'S2', verbose = True):
    '''main(source_files, training_data, target_extent, resolution, EPSG_code, n_processes = 1, max_pixels = 5000, output_dir = os.getcwd(), output_name = 'S2')
    Extract pixel values from source_files and output as a np.savez() file. This is the function that is initiated from the command line.
        source_files: A list of directories for Sentinel-2 input tiles. 
        target_extent: Extent of search area, in format [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
        resolution: Resolution to re-sample search area, in meters. Best to be 10 m, 20 m or 60 m to match Sentinel-2 resolution.
        EPSG_code: EPSG code of search area.
        training_data: A GeoTiff, .vrt of .shp file containing training pixels/polygons.
        forest_values: A list of raster classes (integers) or shapefile attribute values (str) indicating forest in training_data.
        nonforest_values: A list of raster classes (integers) or shapefile attribute values (str) indicating nonforest in training_data.
        field_name: Shapefile attribute under which forest_values and nonforest_values can be found
        n_processes: Number of processes, defaults to 1.
        max_images: Maximum number of input tiles to extract data from. Defaults to 0, meaning all valid tiles.
        max_pixels: Maximum number of pixels to extract for each class from each image. Defaults to 5000.
        output_dir: Directory to output classifier predictors. Defaults to current working directory.
        output_name: Name to precede output file. Defaults to 'S2'.
    assert type(n_processes) == int and n_processes > 0, "n_processes must be an integer > 0."
    # Get output metadata
    md_dest = sen2mosaic.Metadata(target_extent, resolution, EPSG_code)
    # Load and sort input scenes    
    scenes = sen2mosaic.IO.loadSceneList(source_files, md_dest = md_dest, level = level, sort_by = 'date')#, verbose = verbose)
    # Reduce number of inputs to max_images
    if max_images > 0 and len(scenes) > max_images:
        scenes =  [scenes[i] for i in sorted(random.sample(range(len(scenes)), max_images))]
    assert len(scenes) > 0, "No valid input files found at specified location."
    # Extract pixel values
    forest_px, nonforest_px = deforest.extraction.extractData(scenes, training_data, md_dest, forest_values, nonforest_values, field = field_name, subset = max_pixels, n_processes = n_processes, output = True, output_dir = output_dir, output_name = output_name, verbose = verbose)
コード例 #3
ファイル: extraction.py プロジェクト: eriklindquist/deforest
def _extractData(input_list):
    Multiprocessing requires some gymnastics. This is a wrapper function to initiate extractData() for multiprocessing.
        input_list: A list of inputs for a single source_file, in the format: [source_file. trainging_data, target_extent, resolution, EPSG_code, subset].
        A tuple with (a list of forest pixel values, a list of nonforest pixel values)

    source_file = input_list[0]
    s2_res = input_list[1]
    training_data = input_list[2]
    target_extent = input_list[3]
    resolution = input_list[4]
    EPSG_code = input_list[5]
    forest_values = input_list[6]
    nonforest_values = input_list[7]
    field_name = input_list[8]
    subset = input_list[9]
    verbose = input_list[10]

    # Load input scene
    md_dest = sen2mosaic.Metadata(target_extent, resolution, EPSG_code)

    # Load scene with sen2mosaic
    scene = sen2mosaic.core.LoadScene(source_file, resolution=s2_res)

    return extractData([scene],