コード例 #1
ファイル: upload.py プロジェクト: Alchemy-Meister/send-cli
def api_upload(service, encData, encMeta, keys):
       Uploads data to Send.
       Caution! Data is uploaded as given, this function will not encrypt it for you
    service += 'api/upload'
    files = requests_toolbelt.MultipartEncoder(
        fields={'file': ('blob', encData, 'application/octet-stream')})
    pbar = progbar(files.len)
    monitor = requests_toolbelt.MultipartEncoderMonitor(
        files, lambda files: pbar.update(monitor.bytes_read - pbar.n))

    headers = {
        'X-File-Metadata': unpadded_urlsafe_b64encode(encMeta),
        'Authorization': 'send-v1 ' + unpadded_urlsafe_b64encode(keys.authKey),
        'Content-type': monitor.content_type

    r = requests.post(service, data=monitor, headers=headers, stream=True)

    body_json = r.json()
    secretUrl = body_json['url'] + '#' + unpadded_urlsafe_b64encode(
    fileId = body_json['id']
    fileNonce = unpadded_urlsafe_b64decode(
        r.headers['WWW-Authenticate'].replace('send-v1 ', ''))
    delete_token = body_json['delete']
    return secretUrl, fileId, fileNonce, delete_token
コード例 #2
def api_metadata(service, fileId, authorisation):
    headers = {'Authorization' : 'send-v1 ' + unpadded_urlsafe_b64encode(authorisation)}
    url = service + 'api/metadata/' + fileId
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    newNonce = unpadded_urlsafe_b64decode(response.headers['WWW-Authenticate'].replace('send-v1 ', ''))
    return response.json(), newNonce
コード例 #3
def send_urlToFile(url, password=None, ignoreVersion=False):
    service, fileId, key = splitkeyurl(url)

    if checkServerVersion(service, ignoreVersion) == False:
        raise Exception('Potentially incompatible server version, use --ignore-version to disable version checks')

    passwordRequired = check_for_password(service + 'download/' + str(fileId) + '/')

    rawKey = unpadded_urlsafe_b64decode(key)
    if passwordRequired == False and password == None:
        keys = secretKeys(rawKey)
    elif passwordRequired == True and password != None:
        keys = secretKeys(rawKey, password=password, url=url)
        keys.authKey = keys.newAuthKey
    elif passwordRequired and password == None:
        print("A password is required, please enter it now")
        password = getpass.getpass()
        keys = secretKeys(rawKey, password=password, url=url)
        keys.authKey = keys.newAuthKey
    elif passwordRequired == False and password != None:
        raise Exception('A password was provided but none is required')

    print('Checking if file exists...')
    passwordRequired = check_for_password(service + 'download/' + fileId)

    if password == None and passwordRequired == True:
        raise Exception('This Send url requires a password')

    nonce = get_nonce(service + 'download/' + str(fileId) + '/')
    authorisation = sign_nonce(keys.authKey, nonce)
    print('Fetching metadata...')
    jsonMeta, nonce = api_metadata(service, fileId, authorisation)

    encMeta = unpadded_urlsafe_b64decode(jsonMeta['metadata'])
    metadata = decrypt_metadata(encMeta, keys)
    keys.encryptIV = unpadded_urlsafe_b64decode(metadata['iv'])
    print('The file wishes to be called \'' + metadata['name'] + '\' and is ' + str(jsonMeta['size'] - 16) + ' bytes in size')

    print('Downloading ' + url)
    authorisation = sign_nonce(keys.authKey, nonce)
    data = api_download(service, fileId, authorisation)

    print('Decrypting to temp file')
    tmpfile = decrypt_filedata(data, keys)

    return tmpfile, metadata['name']
コード例 #4
def test_unpadded_urlsafe_b64decode():
    jwk = '39EL7SuqwWNYe4ISl2M06g'
    assert unpadded_urlsafe_b64decode(
        jwk) == b'\xdf\xd1\x0b\xed+\xaa\xc1cX{\x82\x12\x97c4\xea'
コード例 #5
def get_nonce(url):
    r = requests.get(url)
    nonce = unpadded_urlsafe_b64decode(r.headers['WWW-Authenticate'].replace('send-v1 ', ''))
    return nonce