def test2(): """ Example of use of the Fox Sink dongle """ # instanciate dongle foxdongle = fox_dongle.FoxDongle() print 'Enter acquisition loop (type ^C to stop and save tmp_imu.csv).' init = False while True: try: # handle dongle initialization if not init and foxdongle.init_dongle(test_acq_callback): init = True print 'Device is connected to %s.' % (foxdongle.line()) time.sleep(5) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nStopped and Record in tmp_imu.csv." resp = fox.save_foxsignals_csvfile([:, 1],[:, 2:5],\[:, 5:8],\[:, 8:11], "tmp_imu.csv") break except Exception as e: logging.error('exception reached:' + str(e)) # must close to kill read thread (fox_sink) foxdongle.close_dongle() print 'Done'
def close(fdongle): from import iofox as fox print "\nStopped and Record in tmp_imu.csv." if != [] : resp = fox.save_foxsignals_csvfile([:, 1],[:, 2:5],[:, 5:8],[:, 8:11], "tmp_imu.csv") fdongle.close_dongle() return
def test_save(): """ Test saving functions """ # save imutest_acc with load_foxacc_csvfile [time, acc] = fox.load_foxacc_csvfile("data/imutest_acc.csv") resp = fox.save_foxacc_csvfile("tmpdata/imutest_acc_save.csv", time, acc) yield assert_equal, resp, "OK" [time1, acc1] = fox.load_foxacc_csvfile("tmpdata/imutest_acc_save.csv") yield assert_array_almost_equal, time, time1 yield assert_array_almost_equal, acc, acc1 # save imutest_mag with load_foxmag_csvfile [time, mag] = fox.load_foxmag_csvfile("data/imutest_mag.csv") resp = fox.save_foxmag_csvfile("tmpdata/imutest_mag_save.csv", time, mag) yield assert_equal, resp, "OK" [time1, mag1] = fox.load_foxmag_csvfile("tmpdata/imutest_mag_save.csv") yield assert_array_almost_equal, time, time1 yield assert_array_almost_equal, mag, mag1 # save imutest_gyr with load_foxgyr_csvfile [time, gyr] = fox.load_foxgyr_csvfile("data/imutest_gyr.csv") resp = fox.save_foxgyr_csvfile("tmpdata/imutest_gyr_save.csv", time, gyr) yield assert_equal, resp, "OK" [time1, gyr1] = fox.load_foxgyr_csvfile("tmpdata/imutest_gyr_save.csv") yield assert_array_almost_equal, time, time1 yield assert_array_almost_equal, gyr, gyr1 # save_foxsignals_csvfile [time, acc, mag, gyr] = fox.load_foximu_csvfile("data/imutest_acc.csv", "data/imutest_mag.csv", "data/imutest_gyr.csv", 0.06, 1) resp = fox.save_foxsignals_csvfile(time, acc, mag, gyr, "tmpdata/imutest.csv") yield assert_equal, resp, "OK"
def main(argv): """ Main command """ options = [] filename = "" try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt(argv, "i:d:b:vt:f:pamgh", [ "input=", "dir=", "basename", "verif", "time=", "frequency=", "plot", "acc", "mag", "gyr", "help" ]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) period = 0.005 diroutput = "." newbasename = "" filenames = "" for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--input"): fnames = arg if not os.path.isfile(fnames): if not os.path.isdir(fnames): print "error: input file/dir does not exist" usage() sys.exit(2) else: # directory input specified filenames = os.listdir(fnames) idx = 0 for onefile in filenames: filenames[idx] = fnames + "/" + onefile #filenames[idx] = fnames + "/" + filenames[idx] idx = idx + 1 else: # filename input specified filenames = [fnames] elif opt in ("-d", "--dir"): diroutput = arg elif opt in ("-b", "--basename"): newbasename = arg elif opt in ("-v", "--verif"): options.append("-v") elif opt in ("-t", "--time"): try: period = float(arg) except ValueError: usage() sys.exit(2) if period <= 0: usage() sys.exit(2) elif opt in ("-f", "--frequency"): try: period = float(arg) except ValueError: usage() sys.exit(2) if period <= 0: usage() sys.exit(2) else: period = 1 / period elif opt in ("-p", "--plot"): options.append("-p") elif opt in ("-a", "--acc"): options.append("-a") elif opt in ("-m", "--mag"): options.append("-m") elif opt in ("-g", "--gyr"): options.append("-g") if len(filenames) == 0: usage() sys.exit(2) for filename in filenames: print "Conversion:", filename # Get names file basefile, fileacc, filemag, filegyr, fileimu =\ getnamefiles(filename, newbasename, diroutput) # Read and convert file answer = iofox.convert_sensors_rawfile(filename, fileacc, filemag, filegyr) if answer != "OK": usage() sys.exit(2) # Load ascii files converted [myt, acc, mag, gyr] = \ iofox.load_foximu_csvfile(fileacc, filemag, filegyr, period, 1) iofox.save_foxsignals_csvfile(myt, acc, mag, gyr, *fileimu) # Plot if necessary if "-p" in options: label = basefile + " IMU" viz.plot_imu(-1, label, myt, acc, mag, gyr) if "-a" in options: label = basefile + " Acc" plotsig(myt, acc, label, "ACC (m/s^2") if "-m" in options: label = basefile + " Mag" plotsig(myt, mag, label, "MAG (gauss)") if "-g" in options: label = basefile + " Gyr" plotsig(myt, gyr, label, "GYR (rad/s)") if "-v" in options: [myt, acc] = iofox.load_foxacc_csvfile(fileacc) label = basefile + " time verif." veriftime(label, myt[:, 0]) # Clean temp files os.remove(fileacc) os.remove(filemag) os.remove(filegyr)
if not os.path.exists(DATA): os.makedirs(DATA) if not os.path.exists(DATAExpe): os.makedirs(DATAExpe) FILEACC = DATA + "/" + BASEFILE + "_acc.csv" FILEMAG = DATA + "/" + BASEFILE + "_mag.csv" FILEGYR = DATA + "/" + BASEFILE + "_gyr.csv" FILEPRESST = DATA + "/" + BASEFILE + "_presst.csv" FILEGPIO = DATA + "/" + BASEFILE + "_gpio.csv" ANS = iofox.convert_sensors_rawfile(str(onefile), FILEACC, FILEMAG, FILEGYR, FILEPRESST, FILEGPIO) if ANS == "OK": [TIME, ACC, MAG, GYR] = \ iofox.load_foximu_csvfile( FILEACC, FILEMAG, FILEGYR, 1 / float(fs), 1) iofox.save_foxsignals_csvfile(TIME, ACC, MAG, GYR, DATA + "/" + BASEFILE + '.csv') if os.path.isfile(DATA + "/" + BASEFILE + '_gpio.csv'): shutil.copy(DATA + "/" + BASEFILE + '_gpio.csv', DATAExpe) else: shutil.copy(DATA + "/" + BASEFILE + '.csv', DATAExpe) os.remove(FILEACC) os.remove(FILEMAG) os.remove(FILEGYR) print "\n=>>> Successfully converted RAW file at Fs = " +\ str(fs) + "Hz to : " + HOME + "/ImuConvertedData/" + "\n" print str(file) + ' => ' + BASEFILE fileNumber = fileNumber + 1 else: print " Conversion failed"