def RecordManualWeather(mw_text): # print gnd_meas dbio.createTable("manualweather", "manualweather") query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO manualweather (timestamp, meas_type, site_id, observer_name, weatherdesc) VALUES " + mw_text dbio.commitToDb(query, 'RecordManualWeather')
def ProcessStats(line, txtdatetime): print 'Site status: ' + line try: msgtable = "stats" items = re.match( r'(\w{4})[-](\d{1,2}[.]\d{02}),(\d{01}),(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2}),#(\d),(\d),(\d{1,2}),(\d)[*](\d{10})', line) site = voltage = chan = att = retVal = msgs = sim = csq = sd = #getting date and time msgdatetime = line[-10:] print 'date & time: ' + msgdatetime col_list = cfg.get("Misc", "AdjustColumnTimeOf").split(',') if site in col_list: msgdatetime = txtdatetime print "date & time adjusted " + msgdatetime else: print 'date & time no change' except IndexError and AttributeError: print '\n>> Error: Status message format is not recognized' print line return except: print '\n>>Error: Status message format unknown ' + line return dbio.createTable(str(msgtable), "stats") try: query = """INSERT INTO %s (timestamp,site,voltage,chan,att,retVal,msgs,sim,csq,sd) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')""" % ( str(msgtable), str(msgdatetime), str(site), str(voltage), str(chan), str(att), str(retVal), str(msgs), str(sim), str(csq), str(sd)) except: print '>> Error writing status data to database. ' + line return dbio.commitToDb(query, 'ProcessStats') print 'End of Process status data'
def writeAlertToDb(alertmsg): dbio.createTable('smsalerts', 'smsalerts') today ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") query = "insert into smsalerts (ts_set,alertmsg,remarks) values ('%s','%s','none')" % ( today, alertmsg) print query dbio.commitToDb(query, 'writeAlertToDb', 'LOCAL')
def ProcessRain(line, sender): #msg = message line = re.sub("[^A-Z0-9,\/:\.\-]", "", line) print 'Weather data: ' + line if len(line.split(',')) > 9: line = re.sub(",(?=$)", "", line) line = re.sub("(?<=,)(?=(,|$))", "NULL", line) line = re.sub("(?<=,)NULL(?=,)", "0.0", line) print line try: msgtable = line.split(",")[0] msgdatetime ="\d{02}\/\d{02}\/\d{02},\d{02}:\d{02}:\d{02}", line).group(0) txtdatetime = dt.strptime(msgdatetime, '%m/%d/%y,%H:%M:%S') txtdatetime = txtdatetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00') # data = data = line.split(",", 3)[3] except IndexError and AttributeError: print '\n>> Error: Rain message format is not recognized' print line return except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\n>>Error: Weather message format unknown ' + line return updateSimNumTable(msgtable, sender, txtdatetime[:10]) dbio.createTable(str(msgtable), "weather") try: query = """INSERT INTO %s (timestamp,name,temp,wspd,wdir,rain,batt,csq) VALUES ('%s','%s',%s)""" % ( msgtable.lower(), txtdatetime, msgtable, data) except: print '>> Error writing weather data to database. ' + line return try: dbio.commitToDb(query, 'ProcesRain') except MySQLdb.ProgrammingError: print query[:-2] dbio.commitToDb(query[:-2] + ')', 'ProcessRain') print 'End of Process weather data'
def ProcessPiezometer(line, sender): #msg = message print 'Piezometer data: ' + line try: #PUGBPZ*13173214*1511091800 linesplit = line.split('*') msgname = linesplit[0].lower() msgname = re.sub("due", "", msgname) msgname = msgname + 'pz' print 'msg_name: ' + msgname data = linesplit[1] msgid = int(('0x' + data[:4]), 16) p1 = int(('0x' + data[4:6]), 16) * 100 p2 = int(('0x' + data[6:8]), 16) p3 = int(('0x' + data[8:10]), 16) * .01 piezodata = p1 + p2 + p3 t1 = int(('0x' + data[10:12]), 16) t2 = int(('0x' + data[12:14]), 16) * .01 tempdata = t1 + t2 try: txtdatetime = dt.strptime( linesplit[2], '%y%m%d%H%M%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00') except ValueError: txtdatetime = dt.strptime( linesplit[2], '%y%m%d%H%M').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00') except IndexError and AttributeError: print '\n>> Error: Piezometer message format is not recognized' print line return except ValueError: print '>> Error: Possible conversion mismatch ' + line return # try: dbio.createTable(str(msgname), "piezo") try: query = """INSERT INTO %s(timestamp, name, msgid, freq, temp ) VALUES ('%s','%s', %s, %s, %s )""" % ( msgname, txtdatetime, msgname, str(msgid), str(piezodata), str(tempdata)) # print query except ValueError: print '>> Error writing query string.', return dbio.commitToDb(query, 'ProcessPiezometer') print 'End of Process Piezometer data'
def WriteSomsDataToDb(dlist, msgtime): query = """INSERT IGNORE INTO %s (timestamp,id,msgid,mval1,mval2) VALUES """ % str( dlist[0][0].lower()) print "site_name", str(dlist[0][0]) dbio.createTable(str(dlist[0][0]), "soms") for item in dlist: timetowrite = str(item[1]) query = query + """('%s',%s,%s,%s,%s),""" % (timetowrite, str( item[2]), str(item[3]), str(item[4]), str(item[5])) query = query[:-1] query = query.replace("nan", "NULL") dbio.commitToDb(query, 'WriteSomsDataToDb')
def WriteTwoAccelDataToDb(dlist, msgtime): query = """INSERT IGNORE INTO %s (timestamp,id,msgid,xvalue,yvalue,zvalue,batt) VALUES """ % str( dlist[0][0].lower()) dbio.createTable(dlist[0][0], "sensor v2") for item in dlist: timetowrite = str(item[1]) query = query + """('%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s),""" % ( timetowrite, str(item[2]), str(item[3]), str(item[4]), str( item[5]), str(item[6]), str(item[7])) query = query[:-1] # print len(query) dbio.commitToDb(query, 'WriteTwoAccelDataToDb')
def checkAlertMessage(): c = cfg.config() dbio.createTable("runtimelog", "runtime") server.logRuntimeStatus("alert", "checked") alertfile = cfg.config().fileio.allalertsfile f = open(alertfile, 'r') alertmsg = f.close() print alertmsg if not alertmsg: print '>> No alert msg read.' return # write alert message to db server.writeAlertToDb(alertmsg)
def ProcessCoordinatorMsg(coordsms, num): print ">> Coordinator message received" print coordsms dbio.createTable("coordrssi", "coordrssi") coordsms = re.sub("(?<=,)(?=(,|$))", "NULL", coordsms) try: datafield = coordsms.split('*')[1] timefield = coordsms.split('*')[2] timestamp = dt.strptime(timefield, "%y%m%d%H%M%S").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") smstype = datafield.split(',')[0] # process rssi parameters if smstype == "RSSI": site_name = datafield.split(',')[1] rssi_string = datafield.split(',', 2)[2] print rssi_string # format is # <router name>,<rssi value>,... query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO coordrssi (timestamp, site_name, router_name, rssi_val) VALUES (" tuples = re.findall("[A-Z]+,\d+", rssi_string) for item in tuples: query += "'" + timestamp + "'," query += "'" + site_name + "'," query += "'" + item.split(',')[0] + "'," query += item.split(',')[1] + "),(" query = query[:-2] print query dbio.commitToDb(query, 'ProcessCoordinatorMsg') return True else: print ">> Processing coordinator weather" except IndexError: print "IndexError: list index out of range" return False except: print ">> Unknown Error", coordsms return False
def main(): try: if sys.argv[1] == 'test': writetodb = False else: writetodb = True except: writetodb = True c = cfg.config() dbio.createTable("runtimelog", "runtime") server.logRuntimeStatus("alert", "checked") print '>> Checking for alert sms' alertmsg = server.CheckAlertMessages() print alertmsg if alertmsg: # server.WriteOutboxMessageToDb(alertmsg,c.smsalert.smartnum) # server.WriteOutboxMessageToDb(alertmsg,c.smsalert.globenum) query = """select nickname, numbers from dewslcontacts where grouptags like '%alert%'""" contacts = dbio.querydatabase(query, 'checkalert') # print contacts query = "INSERT INTO smsoutbox (timestamp_written,recepients,sms_msg,send_status) VALUES " tsw ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for item in contacts: message = 'SENSOR ALERT:\n%s' % (alertmsg) message = message.replace("ALERT", "AL3RT") query += "('%s','%s','%s','UNSENT')," % (tsw, item[1], message) query = query[:-1] if writetodb: dbio.commitToDb(query, 'checkalertmsg', 'GSM') else: print query print 'done' else: print '>> No alert msg read.'
def RunSenslopeServer(network): minute_of_last_alert = timetosend = 0 lastAlertMsgSent = '' logruntimeflag = True global checkIfActive checkIfActive = True try: gsm = gsmio.gsmInit(network) except serial.SerialException: print '**NO COM PORT FOUND**' serverstate = 'serial' gsm.close() logRuntimeStatus(network, "com port error") raise ValueError(">> Error: no com port found") dbio.createTable("runtimelog", "runtime", cfg.config().mode.logtoinstance) logRuntimeStatus(network, "startup") dbio.createTable('smsinbox', 'smsinbox', cfg.config().mode.logtoinstance) dbio.createTable('smsoutbox', 'smsoutbox', cfg.config().mode.logtoinstance) sensor_numbers_str = str(getSensorNumbers()) print '**' + network + ' GSM server active**' print time.asctime() while True: m = gsmio.countmsg() if m > 0: allmsgs = gsmio.getAllSms(network) try: WriteRawSmsToDb(allmsgs, sensor_numbers_str) except MySQLdb.ProgrammingError: print ">> Error: May be an empty line.. skipping message storing" deleteMessagesfromGSM() print"\n" + network + " Server active as of %A, %B %d, %Y, %X") logRuntimeStatus(network, "alive") trySendingMessages(network) elif m == 0: trySendingMessages(network) gsmio.gsmflush() today = if (today.minute % 10 == 0): if checkIfActive: print today.strftime( "\nServer active as of %A, %B %d, %Y, %X") checkIfActive = False else: checkIfActive = True elif m == -1: print 'GSM MODULE MAYBE INACTIVE' serverstate = 'inactive' logRuntimeStatus(network, "gsm inactive") gsmio.resetGsm() elif m == -2: print '>> Error in parsing mesages: No data returned by GSM' gsmio.resetGsm() else: print '>> Error in parsing mesages: Error unknown' gsmio.resetGsm()
def ProcessARQWeather(line, sender): #msg = message print 'ARQ Weather data: ' + line line = re.sub("(?<=\+) (?=\+)", "NULL", line) try: # ARQ+1+3+4.143+4.128+0.0632+5.072+0.060+0000+13+28.1+75.0+55+150727/160058 #table name linesplit = line.split('+') msgname = checkNameOfNumber(sender).lower() if msgname: print ">> Number registered as", msgname msgname_contact = msgname msgname = msgname + 'w' # else: # print ">> New number", sender # msgname = '' r15m = int(linesplit[1]) * 0.5 r24h = int(linesplit[2]) * 0.5 batv1 = linesplit[3] batv2 = linesplit[4] current = linesplit[5] boostv1 = linesplit[6] boostv2 = linesplit[7] charge = linesplit[8] csq = linesplit[9] if csq == '': csq = '0' temp = linesplit[10] hum = linesplit[11] flashp = linesplit[12] txtdatetime = dt.strptime( linesplit[13], '%y%m%d/%H%M%S').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00') updateSimNumTable(msgname_contact, sender, txtdatetime[:8]) # print str(r15m),str(r24h),batv1, batv2, current, boostv1, boostv2, charge, csq, temp, hum, flashp,txtdatetime except IndexError and AttributeError: print '\n>> Error: Rain message format is not recognized' print line return except ValueError: print '>> Error: Possible conversion mismatch ' + line return if msgname: dbio.createTable(str(msgname), "arqweather") else: print ">> Error: Number does not have station name yet" return try: query = """INSERT INTO %s (timestamp,name,r15m, r24h, batv1, batv2, cur, boostv1, boostv2, charge, csq, temp, hum, flashp) VALUES ('%s','%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)""" % ( msgname, txtdatetime, msgname, r15m, r24h, batv1, batv2, current, boostv1, boostv2, charge, csq, temp, hum, flashp) # print query except ValueError: print '>> Error writing query string.', return dbio.commitToDb(query, 'ProcessARQWeather') print 'End of Process ARQ weather data'
def ProcessEarthquake(msg): line = print "Processing earthquake data" print line dbio.createTable('earthquake', 'earthquake') #find date if"\d{1,2}\w+201[6789]", line): datestr_init ="\d{1,2}\w+201[6789]", pattern = ["%d%B%Y", "%d%b%Y"] datestr = None for p in pattern: try: datestr = dt.strptime(datestr_init, p).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") break except: print ">> Error in datetime conversion", datestr, "for pattern", p if datestr == None: return False else: print ">> No date string recognized" return False #find time if"\d{1,2}[:\.]\d{1,2} *[AP]M", line): timestr ="\d{1,2}[:\.]\d{1,2} *[AP]M", line).group(0) timestr = timestr.replace(" ", "").replace(".", ":") try: timestr = dt.strptime(timestr, "%I:%M%p").strftime("%H:%M:00") except: print ">> Error in datetime conversion", timestr return False else: print ">> No time string recognized" return False datetimestr = datestr + ' ' + timestr #find magnitude if"((?<=M[SBLVOW]\=)|(?<=M\=)|(?<=MLV\=))\d+\.\d+(?= )", line): magstr = "((?<=M[SBLVOW]\=)|(?<=M\=)|(?<=MLV\=))\d+\.\d+(?= )", line).group(0) else: print ">> No magnitude string recognized" magstr = 'NULL' #find depth if"(?<=D\=)\d+(?=K*M)", line): depthstr ="(?<=D\=)\d+(?=K*M)", line).group(0) else: print ">> No depth string recognized" depthstr = 'NULL' #find latitude if"\d+[\.\:]\d+(?=N)", line): latstr ="\d+[\.\:]\d+(?=N)", line).group(0) else: print ">> No latitude string recognized" latstr = 'NULL' #find longitude if"\d+[\.\:]\d+(?=E)", line): longstr ="\d+[\.\:]\d+(?=E)", line).group(0) else: print ">> No longitude string recognized" longstr = 'NULL' #find epicenter distance if"(?<=OR )\d+(?=KM)", line): diststr ="(?<=OR )\d+(?=KM)", line).group(0) else: print ">> No distance string recognized" diststr = 'NULL' # find heading if"[NS]\d+[EW]", line): headstr ="[NS]\d+[EW]", line).group(0) else: print ">> No heading string recognized" headstr = 'NULL' # find Municipality if"(?<=OF )[A-Z ]+(?= \()", line): munistr ="(?<=OF )[A-Z ]+(?= \()", line).group(0) else: print ">> No municipality string recognized" munistr = 'NULL' # find province if"(?<=\()[A-Z ]+(?=\))", line): provistr ="(?<=\()[A-Z ]+(?=\))", line).group(0) else: print ">> No province string recognized" provistr = 'NULL' # find issuer if"(?<=\<)[A-Z]+(?=\>)", line): issuerstr ="(?<=\<)[A-Z]+(?=\>)", line).group(0) else: print ">> No issuer string recognized" issuerstr = 'NULL' query = "INSERT INTO senslopedb.earthquake (timestamp, mag, depth, lat, longi, dist, heading, municipality, province, issuer) VALUES ('%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,'%s','%s','%s','%s') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE mag=mag, depth=depth, lat=lat, longi=longi, dist=dist, heading=heading, municipality=municipality, province=province, issuer=issuer;" % ( datetimestr, magstr, depthstr, latstr, longstr, diststr, headstr, munistr, provistr, issuerstr) print query query.replace("'NULL'", "NULL") dbio.commitToDb(query, 'earthquake') # subprocess.Popen(["python",cfg.config().fileio.eqprocfile]) exec_line = "~/anaconda2/bin/python %s > ~/scriptlogs/earthquakescript.txt 2>&1" % ( cfg.config().fileio.eqprocfile) p = subprocess.Popen(exec_line, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return True
def ProcessColumn(line, txtdatetime, sender): msgtable = line[0:4] print 'SITE: ' + msgtable ##msgdata = line[5:len(line)-11] #data is 6th char, last 10 char are date msgdata = (line.split('*'))[1] print 'raw data: ' + msgdata #getting date and time #msgdatetime = line[-10:] try: msgdatetime = (line.split('*'))[2][:10] print 'date & time: ' + msgdatetime except: print '>> Date and time defaults to SMS not sensor data' msgdatetime = txtdatetime # col_list = cfg.get("Misc","AdjustColumnTimeOf").split(',') # if msgtable == 'PUGB': # msgdatetime = txtdatetime # print "date & time adjusted " + msgdatetime # else: msgdatetime = dt.strptime(msgdatetime, '%y%m%d%H%M').strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:00') # print 'date & time no change' dlen = len(msgdata) #checks if data length is divisible by 15 #print 'data length: %d' %dlen nodenum = dlen / 15 #print 'number of nodes: %d' %nodenum if dlen == 0: print 'Error: There is NO data!' return elif ((dlen % 15) == 0): #print 'Data has correct length!' valid = dlen else: print 'Warning: Excess data will be ignored!' valid = nodenum * 15 updateSimNumTable(msgtable, sender, msgdatetime[:10]) query = query = """INSERT IGNORE INTO %s (timestamp,id,xvalue,yvalue,zvalue,mvalue) VALUES """ % ( str(msgtable.lower())) try: i = 0 while i < valid: #NODE ID #parsed - NODE ID: node_id = int('0x' + msgdata[i:i + 2], 16) i = i + 2 #X VALUE #parsed - TEMPX VALUE: tempx = int('0x' + msgdata[i:i + 3], 16) i = i + 3 #Y VALUE #parsed - TEMPY VALUE: tempy = int('0x' + msgdata[i:i + 3], 16) i = i + 3 #Z VALUE #parsed - ZVALUE: tempz = int('0x' + msgdata[i:i + 3], 16) i = i + 3 #M VALUE #parsed - TEMPF VALUE: tempf = int('0x' + msgdata[i:i + 4], 16) i = i + 4 valueX = tempx if valueX > 1024: valueX = tempx - 4096 valueY = tempy if valueY > 1024: valueY = tempy - 4096 valueZ = tempz if valueZ > 1024: valueZ = tempz - 4096 valueF = tempf #is this the M VALUE? query = query + """('%s',%s,%s,%s,%s,%s),""" % ( str(msgdatetime), str(node_id), str(valueX), str(valueY), str(valueZ), str(valueF)) print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (str(node_id), str(valueX), str(valueY), str(valueZ), str(valueF)) query = query[:-1] # print query if i != 0: dbio.createTable(str(msgtable), "sensor v1") dbio.commitToDb(query, 'ProcessColumn') SpawnAlertGen(msgtable) except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\n>>Error: Unknown' raise KeyboardInterrupt return except ValueError: print '\n>>Error: Unknown' return