class Featurizer(object): def __init__(self): self.sentiment_analyzer = Sentiment('data/AFINN-111.txt') self.bow_vectorizer = None self.bow_analyzer = None def bag_of_words(self, body): return self.bow_vectorizer.transform([body]).toarray() def text_features(self, comment): num_chars = len(comment.get("body")) num_links = count_links(comment.get("body")) simple_tokens = comment.get("body").split(' ') num_words = 0 avg_word_length = 0 for token in simple_tokens: num_words += 1 avg_word_length += len(token) avg_word_length = float(avg_word_length) / float(num_words) sentiment = self.sentiment_analyzer.analyze( self.bow_analyzer(comment.get("body"))) score = comment.get("score") return [num_chars, num_links, num_words, num_words, avg_word_length, sentiment] def transform_comment(self, comment): return numpy.hstack(( numpy.array([self.text_features(comment)], dtype='float_'), self.bag_of_words(comment.get("body")))) def score_comment(self, comment): return comment.get("score") def transform(self, comments): """ Returns a Nx(D+1) numpy matrix of features. The first D columns correspond to features, where the final column corresponds to the scores of each comment""" # if it's a single instance, return an array if isinstance(comments, dict): return transform_comment(comments) # self.bow_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=1)[c.get("body") for c in comments]) self.bow_analyzer = self.bow_vectorizer.build_analyzer() def features_and_label(comment): return numpy.hstack(( self.transform_comment(comment), numpy.array([[self.score_comment(comment)]], dtype='float_'))) return numpy.vstack([features_and_label(c) for c in comments])
class Featurizer(object): def __init__(self): self.sentiment_analyzer = Sentiment('data/AFINN-111.txt') self.bow_vectorizer = None self.bow_analyzer = None def bag_of_words(self, body): return self.bow_vectorizer.transform([body]).toarray() def text_features(self, comment): num_chars = len(comment.get("body")) num_links = count_links(comment.get("body")) simple_tokens = comment.get("body").split(' ') num_words = 0 avg_word_length = 0 for token in simple_tokens: num_words += 1 avg_word_length += len(token) avg_word_length = float(avg_word_length) / float(num_words) sentiment = self.sentiment_analyzer.analyze( self.bow_analyzer(comment.get("body"))) score = comment.get("score") return [ num_chars, num_links, num_words, num_words, avg_word_length, sentiment ] def transform_comment(self, comment): return numpy.hstack((numpy.array([self.text_features(comment)], dtype='float_'), self.bag_of_words(comment.get("body")))) def score_comment(self, comment): return comment.get("score") def transform(self, comments): """ Returns a Nx(D+1) numpy matrix of features. The first D columns correspond to features, where the final column corresponds to the scores of each comment""" # if it's a single instance, return an array if isinstance(comments, dict): return transform_comment(comments) # self.bow_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=1)[c.get("body") for c in comments]) self.bow_analyzer = self.bow_vectorizer.build_analyzer() def features_and_label(comment): return numpy.hstack((self.transform_comment(comment), numpy.array([[self.score_comment(comment)]], dtype='float_'))) return numpy.vstack([features_and_label(c) for c in comments])
def GetSubjScoreForSingleSent(SentIndex, Sentence): T0 = time() try: SentAnalyzer = Sentiment() ResDict = SentAnalyzer.analyze([Sentence]) pprint(ResDict) SentSentimentPol = {S: {'sentiment':ResDict['sentiments'][I], 'score': ResDict['scores'][I]} for I,S in enumerate(ResDict['sentences'])} print 'processed sentence number {} in {} sec'.format(SentIndex, round(time() - T0)) return SentSentimentPol except: print 'failed to process sentence number ', SentIndex return {}
def ProcessSingleFile (FName, MailNumber): T0 = time() try: EmailText = [open(FName).read()] SentAnalyzer = Sentiment() Res = SentAnalyzer.analyze(EmailText) pprint (Res) SentSentimentPol = zip(Res['sentences'],Res['sentiments'],Res['scores']) SentSentimentPol = [ThreeTuple for ThreeTuple in SentSentimentPol if ThreeTuple[1] != 'neutral'] print 'processed email {} in {} sec'.format(MailNumber, round(time()-T0)) return SentSentimentPol except: print 'failed to process email ', MailNumber return []