コード例 #1
def test_mixed_arithmetic():
    result = parse_arithmetic("12 + 34 * 56")
    result.operator == "plus"
    result.lhs = 12.0
    result.rhs.operator = "multiply"
    result.rhs.lhs = 34.0
    result.rhs.rhs = 56.0

    result = parse_arithmetic("12 / 34 - 56")
    result.operator == "subtract"
    result.lhs.operator = "divide"
    result.lhs.lhs = 12.0
    result.lhs.rhs = 34.0
    result.rhs = 56.0
コード例 #2
def test_mixed_arithmetic():
    result, _ = parse_arithmetic("12 + 34 * 56")
    assert result.operator == "plus"
    assert result.lhs == 12.0
    assert isinstance(result.rhs, Operation)
    assert result.rhs.operator == "multiply"
    assert result.rhs.lhs == 34.0
    assert result.rhs.rhs == 56.0

    result, _ = parse_arithmetic("12 / 34 - 56")
    assert result.operator == "minus"
    assert isinstance(result.lhs, Operation)
    assert result.lhs.operator == "divide"
    assert result.lhs.lhs == 12.0
    assert result.lhs.rhs == 34.0
    assert result.rhs == 56.0
コード例 #3
def test_four_terms():
    result = parse_arithmetic("1 + 2 / 3 * 4")
    assert result.operator == "plus"
    assert result.lhs == 1.0
    assert result.rhs.operator == "multiply"
    assert result.rhs.lhs.operator == "divide"
    assert result.rhs.lhs.lhs == 2.0
    assert result.rhs.lhs.rhs == 3.0
    assert result.rhs.rhs == 4.0
コード例 #4
def test_homogenous_arithmetic(a, op1, b, op2, c):
    """ Test that literal order of ops is respected assuming we don't have to worry about BEDMAS """
    equation = f"{a}{op1}{b}{op2}{c}"
    result = parse_arithmetic(equation)
    assert result.operator == op_map[op2.strip()], equation
    assert result.lhs.operator == op_map[op1.strip()], equation
    assert result.lhs.lhs == float(a), equation
    assert result.lhs.rhs == float(b), equation
    assert result.rhs == float(c), equation
コード例 #5
def test_field_values(a, op, b):
    equation = f"{a}{op}{b}"
    result, fields = parse_arithmetic(equation)
    assert result.operator == op_map[op.strip()], equation
    assert result.lhs == a, equation
    assert result.rhs == b, equation
    if isinstance(a, str):
        assert a in fields, equation
    if isinstance(b, str):
        assert b in fields, equation
コード例 #6
def test_brackets_with_three_inner_terms():
    result, _, _ = parse_arithmetic("(1 + 2 + 3) / 4")
    assert result.operator == "divide"
    assert isinstance(result.lhs, Operation)
    assert result.lhs.operator == "plus"
    assert isinstance(result.lhs.lhs, Operation)
    assert result.lhs.lhs.lhs == 1.0
    assert result.lhs.lhs.rhs == 2.0
    assert result.lhs.rhs == 3.0
    assert result.rhs == 4.0
コード例 #7
def test_homogenous_four_terms(a, op1, b, op2, c, op3, d):
    """This basically tests flatten in the ArithmeticVisitor

    flatten only kicks in when its a chain of the same operator type
    equation = f"{a}{op1}{b}{op2}{c}{op3}{d}"
    result = parse_arithmetic(equation)
    assert result.operator == op_map[op3.strip()], equation
    assert result.lhs.operator == op_map[op2.strip()], equation
    assert result.lhs.lhs.operator == op_map[op1.strip()], equation
    assert result.lhs.lhs.lhs == float(a), equation
    assert result.lhs.lhs.rhs == float(b), equation
    assert result.lhs.rhs == float(c), equation
    assert result.rhs == float(d), equation
コード例 #8
def test_field_values(a, op, b):
    for with_brackets in [False, True]:
        equation = f"{a}{op}{b}"
        if with_brackets:
            equation = f"({equation}) + 5"
        result, fields, functions = parse_arithmetic(equation)
        if with_brackets:
            assert result.operator == "plus"
            assert isinstance(result.lhs, Operation)
            assert result.rhs == 5.0
            result = result.lhs
        assert result.operator == op_map[op.strip()], equation
        assert result.lhs == a, equation
        assert result.rhs == b, equation
        assert len(functions) == 0
        if isinstance(a, str):
            assert a in fields, equation
        if isinstance(b, str):
            assert b in fields, equation
コード例 #9
def test_simple_arithmetic(a, op, b):
    equation = f"{a}{op}{b}"
    result, _ = parse_arithmetic(equation)
    assert result.operator == op_map[op.strip()], equation
    assert result.lhs == float(a), equation
    assert result.rhs == float(b), equation
コード例 #10
def test_invalid_arithmetic(equation):
    with pytest.raises(ArithmeticValidationError):
コード例 #11
def test_single_term():
    result, _ = parse_arithmetic("12")
    assert result == 12.0
コード例 #12
def test_unparseable_arithmetic(equation):
    with pytest.raises(ArithmeticParseError):
コード例 #13
def test_max_operators():
    with pytest.raises(MaxOperatorError):
        parse_arithmetic("1 + 2 * 3 * 4", 2)

    # exactly 3 should be ok
    parse_arithmetic("1 + 2 * 3 * 4", 3)