コード例 #1
def _scan_for_suspect_projects() -> None:
    suspect_projects = set()

    for project_id in realtime_metrics.projects():

    # Prune projects we definitely know shouldn't be in the queue any more.
    # `update_lpq_eligibility` should handle removing suspect projects from the list if it turns
    # out they need to be evicted.
    current_lpq_projects = realtime_metrics.get_lpq_projects() or set()
    deleted_projects = current_lpq_projects.difference(suspect_projects)
    if len(deleted_projects) == 0:


    for project_id in deleted_projects:
        # TODO: add metrics!
        logger.warning("Moved project out of symbolicator's low priority queue: %s", project_id)
コード例 #2
def _scan_for_suspect_projects() -> None:
    suspect_projects = set()
    now = int(time.time())

    for project_id in realtime_metrics.projects():
        update_lpq_eligibility.delay(project_id=project_id, cutoff=now)

    # Prune projects we definitely know shouldn't be in the queue any more.
    # `update_lpq_eligibility` should handle removing suspect projects from the list if it turns
    # out they need to be evicted.
    current_lpq_projects = realtime_metrics.get_lpq_projects() or set()
    expired_projects = current_lpq_projects.difference(suspect_projects)
    if not expired_projects:


    for project_id in expired_projects:
        _report_change(project_id=project_id, change="removed", reason="no metrics")
コード例 #3
def _scan_for_suspect_projects() -> None:
    suspect_projects = set()
    now = int(time.time())

    for project_id in realtime_metrics.projects():
        update_lpq_eligibility.delay(project_id=project_id, cutoff=now)

    # Prune projects we definitely know shouldn't be in the queue any more.
    # `update_lpq_eligibility` should handle removing suspect projects from the list if it turns
    # out they need to be evicted.
    current_lpq_projects = realtime_metrics.get_lpq_projects() or set()
    expired_projects = current_lpq_projects.difference(suspect_projects)
    if not expired_projects:


    for project_id in expired_projects:
        # TODO: add metrics!
        logger.warning("Moved project out of symbolicator's low priority queue: %s", project_id)
コード例 #4
def _update_lpq_eligibility(project_id: int) -> None:
    counts = realtime_metrics.get_counts_for_project(project_id)
    durations = realtime_metrics.get_durations_for_project(project_id)

    is_eligible = calculation_magic(counts, durations)

    if is_eligible:
        was_added = realtime_metrics.add_project_to_lpq(project_id)
        if was_added:
            logger.warning("Moved project to symbolicator's low priority queue: %s", project_id)
    elif not is_eligible:
        was_removed = realtime_metrics.remove_projects_from_lpq({project_id})
        if was_removed:
            logger.warning("Moved project out of symbolicator's low priority queue: %s", project_id)
コード例 #5
def _update_lpq_eligibility(project_id: int, cutoff: int) -> None:
    # TODO: It may be a good idea to figure out how to debounce especially if this is
    # executing more than 10s after cutoff.
    counts = realtime_metrics.get_counts_for_project(project_id, cutoff)
    durations = realtime_metrics.get_durations_for_project(project_id, cutoff)

    is_eligible = calculation_magic(counts, durations)

    if is_eligible:
        was_added = realtime_metrics.add_project_to_lpq(project_id)
        if was_added:
            logger.warning("Moved project to symbolicator's low priority queue: %s", project_id)
    elif not is_eligible:
        was_removed = realtime_metrics.remove_projects_from_lpq({project_id})
        if was_removed:
            logger.warning("Moved project out of symbolicator's low priority queue: %s", project_id)
コード例 #6
def _update_lpq_eligibility(project_id: int, cutoff: int) -> None:
    # TODO: It may be a good idea to figure out how to debounce especially if this is
    # executing more than 10s after cutoff.

    event_counts = realtime_metrics.get_counts_for_project(project_id, cutoff)
    durations = realtime_metrics.get_durations_for_project(project_id, cutoff)

    excessive_rate = excessive_event_rate(project_id, event_counts)
    excessive_duration = excessive_event_duration(project_id, durations)

    if excessive_rate or excessive_duration:
        was_added = realtime_metrics.add_project_to_lpq(project_id)
        if was_added:
            reason = "rate" if excessive_rate else "duration"
            if excessive_rate and excessive_duration:
                reason = "rate-duration"
            _report_change(project_id=project_id, change="added", reason=reason)
        was_removed = realtime_metrics.remove_projects_from_lpq({project_id})
        if was_removed:
            _report_change(project_id=project_id, change="removed", reason="ineligible")