from dataset import pad_sentence from seq2seq_lstm import Seq2seqLSTM context = mx.cpu() num_embed = 128 num_hidden = 1024 num_layers = 2 sequence_length = 64 beam_size = 10 print("Loading vocabulary...", flush=True) vocab = Vocabulary() vocab.load("data/vocabulary.json") print("Loading model...", flush=True) model = Seq2seqLSTM(vocab.size(), num_embed, num_hidden, num_layers) model.load_parameters("model/seq2seq_lstm.params", ctx=context) while True: try: source = input("> ") except EOFError: print("") break source = [vocab.char2idx(ch) for ch in source] source = pad_sentence( source, vocab, [2**(i + 1) for i in range(int(math.log(sequence_length, 2)))]) print(source) source = mx.nd.reverse(mx.nd.array(source, ctx=context), axis=0) hidden = model.begin_state(func=mx.nd.zeros, batch_size=1, ctx=context)
def main(num_embed, num_hidden, num_layers, batch_size, sequence_length, context, sgd=False): print("Loading dataset...", flush=True) dataset = dataset_filter( load_conversations("data/xiaohuangji50w_nofenci.conv"), sequence_length) vocab = make_vocab(dataset)"data/vocabulary.json") dataset = tokenize(dataset, vocab) model = Seq2seqLSTM(vocab.size(), num_embed, num_hidden, num_layers) loss = mx.gluon.loss.SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss() if os.path.isfile("model/seq2seq_lstm.ckpt"): with open("model/seq2seq_lstm.ckpt", "r") as f: ckpt_lines = f.readlines() ckpt_argv = ckpt_lines[-1].split() epoch = int(ckpt_argv[0]) best_L = float(ckpt_argv[1]) learning_rate = float(ckpt_argv[2]) epochs_no_progress = int(ckpt_argv[3]) model.load_parameters("model/seq2seq_lstm.params", ctx=context) else: epoch = 0 best_L = float("Inf") epochs_no_progress = 0 learning_rate = 0.001 model.initialize(mx.init.Xavier(), ctx=context) print("Learning rate:", learning_rate) if sgd: print("Optimizer: SGD") trainer = mx.gluon.Trainer(model.collect_params(), "SGD", { "learning_rate": learning_rate, "momentum": 0.5, "clip_gradient": 5.0 }) else: print("Optimizer: Adam") trainer = mx.gluon.Trainer(model.collect_params(), "Adam", { "learning_rate": learning_rate, "clip_gradient": 5.0 }) print("Training...", flush=True) while learning_rate >= 1e-8: random.shuffle(dataset) ts = time.time() total_L = 0.0 batch = 0 ppl = mx.metric.Perplexity(ignore_label=None) for bucket, src_len, tgt_len in rnn_buckets( dataset, [2**(i + 1) for i in range(int(math.log(sequence_length, 2)))]): for source, target, label in rnn_batches(bucket, vocab, batch_size, src_len, tgt_len, context): batch += 1 hidden = model.begin_state(func=mx.nd.zeros, batch_size=source.shape[1], ctx=context) with mx.autograd.record(): output, hidden = model(source, target, hidden) L = loss(output, label) L.backward() trainer.step(source.shape[1]) batch_L = mx.nd.mean(L).asscalar() if batch_L != batch_L: raise ValueError() total_L += batch_L probs = mx.nd.softmax(output, axis=1) ppl.update([label], [probs]) print( "[Epoch %d Bucket (%d, %d) Batch %d] batch_loss %.10f average_loss %.10f elapsed %.2fs" % (epoch, src_len, tgt_len, batch, batch_L, total_L / batch, time.time() - ts), flush=True) epoch += 1 avg_L = total_L / batch print( "[Epoch %d] learning_rate %.10f loss %.10f %s %f epochs_no_progress %d duration %.2fs" % (epoch, learning_rate, avg_L, ppl.get()[0], ppl.get()[1], epochs_no_progress, time.time() - ts), flush=True) if avg_L < best_L: best_L = avg_L epochs_no_progress = 0 model.save_params("model/seq2seq_lstm.params") with open("model/seq2seq_lstm.ckpt", "a") as f: f.write("%d %.10f %.10f %d\n" % (epoch, best_L, learning_rate, epochs_no_progress)) elif epochs_no_progress < 2: epochs_no_progress += 1 else: epochs_no_progress = 0 learning_rate *= 0.5 trainer.set_learning_rate(learning_rate)