コード例 #1
 def stack_buffers(self, env_index: int):
     """ Stack the observations/actions/rewards for this env and return them.
     # episode_observations = tuple(self.observations[env_index])
     episode_representations = tuple(self.representations[env_index])
     episode_actions = tuple(self.actions[env_index])
     episode_rewards = tuple(self.rewards[env_index])
     assert len(episode_representations)
     assert len(episode_actions)
     assert len(episode_rewards)
     # BUG: Need to make sure that all tensors are on the same device:
     # assert self.device is not None
     # episode_representations = [
     #     move(item, device=self.device) for item in episode_representations
     # ]
     # episode_actions = [
     #     move(item, device=self.device) for item in episode_actions
     # ]
     # episode_rewards = [
     #     move(item, device=self.device) for item in episode_rewards
     # ]
     stacked_inputs = stack(episode_representations)
     stacked_actions = stack(episode_actions)
     stacked_rewards = stack(episode_rewards)
     return stacked_inputs, stacked_actions, stacked_rewards
コード例 #2
 def stack_buffers(self, env_index: int):
     """ Stack the observations/actions/rewards for this env and return them.
     # episode_observations = tuple(self.observations[env_index])
     episode_representations = tuple(self.representations[env_index])
     episode_actions = tuple(self.actions[env_index])
     episode_rewards = tuple(self.rewards[env_index])
     assert len(episode_representations)
     assert len(episode_actions)
     assert len(episode_rewards)
     stacked_inputs = stack(episode_representations)
     stacked_actions = stack(episode_actions)
     stacked_rewards = stack(episode_rewards)
     return stacked_inputs, stacked_actions, stacked_rewards
コード例 #3
ファイル: batch.py プロジェクト: optimass/Sequoia
 def stack(cls: Type[B], items: List[B]) -> B:
     items = list(items)
     from sequoia.utils.generic_functions import stack
     # Just to make sure that the returned item will be of the type `cls`.
     assert isinstance(items[0], cls)
     return stack(items)
コード例 #4
ファイル: multihead_model.py プロジェクト: gopeshh/Sequoia
    def task_inference_forward_pass(self,
                                    observations: Observations) -> Tensor:
        """ Forward pass with a simple form of task inference.
        # We don't have access to task labels (`task_labels` is None).
        # --> Perform a simple kind of task inference:
        # 1. Perform a forward pass with each task's output head;
        # 2. Merge these predictions into a single prediction somehow.
        assert observations.task_labels is None

        # NOTE: This assumes that the observations are batched.
        # These are used below to indicate the shape of the different tensors.
        B = observations.x.shape[0]
        T = n_known_tasks = len(self.output_heads)
        N = self.action_space.n
        # Tasks encountered previously and for which we have an output head.
        known_task_ids: list[int] = list(range(n_known_tasks))
        assert known_task_ids
        # Placeholder for the predictions from each output head for each item in the
        # batch
        task_outputs = [None for _ in known_task_ids]  # [T, B, N]

        # Get the forward pass for each task.
        for task_id in known_task_ids:
            # Create 'fake' Observations for this forward pass, with 'fake' task labels.
            # NOTE: We do this so we can call `self.forward` and not get an infinite
            # recursion.
            task_labels = torch.full([B],
            task_observations = replace(observations, task_labels=task_labels)

            # Setup the model for task `task_id`, and then do a forward pass.
            task_forward_pass = self.forward(task_observations)

            task_outputs[task_id] = task_forward_pass

        # 'Merge' the predictions from each output head using some kind of task
        # inference.
        assert all(item is not None for item in task_outputs)
        # Stack the predictions (logits) from each output head.
        stacked_forward_pass: ForwardPass = stack(task_outputs, dim=1)
        logits_from_each_head = stacked_forward_pass.actions.logits
        assert logits_from_each_head.shape == (B, T, N), (
            logits_from_each_head.shape, (B, T, N))

        # Normalize the logits from each output head with softmax.
        # Example with batch size of 1, output heads = 2, and classes = 4:
        # logits from each head:  [[[123, 456, 123, 123], [1, 1, 2, 1]]]
        # 'probs' from each head: [[[0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.1], [0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2]]]
        probs_from_each_head = torch.softmax(logits_from_each_head, dim=-1)
        assert probs_from_each_head.shape == (B, T, N)

        # Simple kind of task inference:
        # For each item in the batch, use the class that has the highest probability
        # accross all output heads.
        max_probs_across_heads, chosen_head_per_class = probs_from_each_head.max(
        assert max_probs_across_heads.shape == (B, N)
        assert chosen_head_per_class.shape == (B, N)
        # Example (continued):
        # max probs across heads:        [[0.2, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2]]
        # chosen output heads per class: [[1, 0, 1, 1]]

        # Determine which output head has highest "confidence":
        max_prob_value, most_probable_class = max_probs_across_heads.max(dim=1)
        assert max_prob_value.shape == (B, )
        assert most_probable_class.shape == (B, )
        # Example (continued):
        # max_prob_value: [0.6]
        # max_prob_class: [1]

        # A bit of boolean trickery to get what we need, which is, for each item, the
        # index of the output head that gave the most confident prediction.
        mask = F.one_hot(most_probable_class, N).to(dtype=bool,
        chosen_output_head_per_item = chosen_head_per_class[mask]
        assert mask.shape == (B, N)
        assert chosen_output_head_per_item.shape == (B, )
        # Example (continued):
        # mask: [[False, True, False, True]]
        # chosen_output_head_per_item: [0]

        # Create a bool tensor to select items associated with the chosen output head.
        selected_mask = F.one_hot(chosen_output_head_per_item,
                                  T).to(dtype=bool, device=self.device)
        assert selected_mask.shape == (B, T)
        # Select the logits using the mask:
        selected_forward_pass = stacked_forward_pass[selected_mask]
        assert selected_forward_pass.actions.logits.shape == (B, N)
        return selected_forward_pass