コード例 #1
def test_enum(se, de, opt):
    from serde.compat import is_enum

    from .data import IE, E

    class Inner(enum.IntEnum):
        V0 = enum.auto()
        V1 = enum.auto()
        V2 = enum.auto()

    class NestedEnum(enum.Enum):
        V = Inner.V0

    class Foo:
        e: E
        ie: IE
        ne: NestedEnum
        e2: E = E.S
        ie2: IE = IE.V1
        ne2: NestedEnum = NestedEnum.V

    f = Foo(E.S, IE.V0, NestedEnum.V)
    ff = de(Foo, se(f))
    assert f == ff
    assert is_enum(ff.e) and isinstance(ff.e, E)
    assert is_enum(ff.ie) and isinstance(ff.ie, IE)
    assert is_enum(ff.ne) and isinstance(ff.ne, NestedEnum)
    assert is_enum(ff.e2) and isinstance(ff.e2, E)
    assert is_enum(ff.ie2) and isinstance(ff.ie2, IE)
    assert is_enum(ff.ne2) and isinstance(ff.ne2, NestedEnum)

    # pyserde automatically convert enum compatible value.
    f = Foo('foo', 2, Inner.V0, True, 10, Inner.V0)
    ff = de(Foo, se(f))
    assert is_enum(ff.e) and isinstance(ff.e, E) and ff.e == E.S
    assert is_enum(ff.ie) and isinstance(ff.ie, IE) and ff.ie == IE.V1
    assert is_enum(ff.ne) and isinstance(ff.ne, NestedEnum) and ff.ne == NestedEnum.V
    assert is_enum(ff.e2) and isinstance(ff.e2, E) and ff.e2 == E.B
    assert is_enum(ff.ie2) and isinstance(ff.ie2, IE) and ff.ie2 == IE.V2
    assert is_enum(ff.ne2) and isinstance(ff.ne2, NestedEnum) and ff.ne2 == NestedEnum.V
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_basics.py プロジェクト: yukinarit/pyserde
def test_enum(se, de, opt):
    from serde.compat import is_enum

    from .data import IE, E

    class Inner(enum.IntEnum):
        V0 = enum.auto()
        V1 = enum.auto()
        V2 = enum.auto()

    class NestedEnum(enum.Enum):
        V = Inner.V0

    class Foo:
        a: E
        b: IE
        c: NestedEnum
        d: E = E.S
        e: IE = IE.V1
        f: NestedEnum = NestedEnum.V

    f = Foo(E.S, IE.V0, NestedEnum.V)
    ff = de(Foo, se(f))
    assert f == ff
    assert is_enum(ff.a) and isinstance(ff.a, E)
    assert is_enum(ff.b) and isinstance(ff.b, IE)
    assert is_enum(ff.c) and isinstance(ff.c, NestedEnum)
    assert is_enum(ff.d) and isinstance(ff.d, E)
    assert is_enum(ff.e) and isinstance(ff.e, IE)
    assert is_enum(ff.f) and isinstance(ff.f, NestedEnum)

    # pyserde automatically convert enum compatible value.
    f = Foo('foo', 2, Inner.V0, True, 10, Inner.V0)
    ff = de(Foo, se(f))
    assert is_enum(ff.a) and isinstance(ff.a, E) and ff.a == E.S
    assert is_enum(ff.b) and isinstance(ff.b, IE) and ff.b == IE.V1
    assert is_enum(ff.c) and isinstance(ff.c,
                                        NestedEnum) and ff.c == NestedEnum.V
    assert is_enum(ff.d) and isinstance(ff.d, E) and ff.d == E.B
    assert is_enum(ff.e) and isinstance(ff.e, IE) and ff.e == IE.V2
    assert is_enum(ff.f) and isinstance(ff.f,
                                        NestedEnum) and ff.f == NestedEnum.V