コード例 #1
def cond_rm(in_file, seed_location):
    Conditional Rate Map. Given an fMRI, extract timeseries, calculate Point Process
    and then the Rate Map for each voxel given a seed   

    in_file : 4D Nifti file
    seed_location  :  voxel to analyze as seed


    cond_rm_img  :  3D Volume

    import numpy as np
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    from series_mod import point_process

    # Treat fMRI image
    img = nb.load(in_file)
    # print img.shape
    data = img.get_data()

    (n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t) = data.shape

    K = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z))
    # Extract each voxel
    seed_data = data[seed_location[0], seed_location[1], seed_location[2], :]
    # Extraction of PP signal
    pp_seed_data = point_process(seed_data)
    # Count how many extreme events happen. This is needed for later calculation of the CRM ratio
    r = np.count_nonzero(pp_seed_data)

    # As we have to compare the extreme events in the seed up to 2 time steps later,
    # we roll the series 2 times, ensuring the 1st value = 0. It could happen that
    # comparing with the target, 2 extreme events counted as 1 if seed[idx]=extreme
    # event and seed[idx+2]=extreme event, but it is very unlikely to happen.
    pp_seed_data_1 = np.roll(pp_seed_data, 1)
    pp_seed_data_1[0] = 0
    pp_seed_data_1 = np.logical_or(pp_seed_data, pp_seed_data_1)
    pp_seed_data_2 = np.roll(pp_seed_data_1, 1)
    pp_seed_data_2[0] = 0
    pp_seed_data_2 = np.logical_or(pp_seed_data_1, pp_seed_data_2)
    # example: 0100010010001000101001 => 0111011111101110111111

    # Calculate each PP signal
    for i_ in range(n_x):
        for j_ in range(n_y):
            for k_ in range(n_z):

                target_data = data[i_, j_, k_, :]
                pp_target_data = point_process(target_data)

                # LOGIC AND (target/seed) and count(signal == 1), that will give you the X/r parameter [0,1]
                K[i_, j_, k_] = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and(pp_seed_data_2, pp_target_data)) / float(r)

    # create img with K values
    img_new = nb.Nifti1Image(K, header=img.get_header(), affine=img.get_affine())

    # Reconstruct the 3D volume
    cond_rm_img = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), in_file[:-7] + "cond_rm.nii.gz")

    return cond_rm_img
コード例 #2
def cluster_detection_mod2(in_file):

    import numpy as np
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    from series_mod import point_process

    # Treat fMRI image
    img = nb.load(in_file)
    data = img.get_data()

    (n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t) = data.shape

    # Get the PP data
    pp_data = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t))
    for i_ in range(n_x):
        for j_ in range(n_y):
            for k_ in range(n_z):
                voxel_data = data[i_, j_, k_, :]
                pp_data[i_, j_, k_, :] = point_process(voxel_data)

    cluster_graph_data_total = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t))
    for t_ in range(n_t):
        time_slice = pp_data[:, :, :, t_]
        cluster_graph_data = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z))
        cluster_number = 1

        for i_ in range(n_x):
            for j_ in range(n_y):
                for k_ in range(n_z):

                    if time_slice[i_, j_, k_] == 1:  # is active, check if it has active neighboours
                        if (
                            time_slice[i_ - 1, j_, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_ + 1, j_, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_ - 1, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_ + 1, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_, k_ - 1]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_, k_ + 1]
                            or time_slice[i_ - 2, j_, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_ + 2, j_, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_ - 2, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_ + 2, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_, k_ - 2]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_, k_ + 2]

                            if cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_] == 0:  # if is not in any previous cluster
                                this_cluster = (
                                    cluster_graph_data[i_ - 1, j_, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_ + 1, j_, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 1, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 1, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ - 1]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ + 1]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_ - 2, j_, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_ + 2, j_, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 2, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 2, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ - 2]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ + 2]

                                if this_cluster == 0:  # no neighbours in any previous cluster neither
                                    this_cluster = cluster_number
                                    cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_] = this_cluster
                                    cluster_number = cluster_number + 1
                                    # check cluster union
                                    merge_clusters = np.unique(
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_ - 1, j_, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_ + 1, j_, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 1, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 1, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ - 1],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ + 1],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_ - 2, j_, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_ + 2, j_, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 2, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 2, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ - 2],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ + 2],
                                    merge_clusters = merge_clusters[1:]  # quit first value = 0

                                    this_cluster = merge_clusters[0]
                                    cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_] = this_cluster
                                    for cluster_to_merge in merge_clusters[1:]:
                                        cluster_graph_data[cluster_graph_data == cluster_to_merge] = this_cluster

                                this_cluster = cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_]

                            # find neighbours and give cluster_number
                            if time_slice[i_ - 1, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ - 1, j_, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_ + 1, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ + 1, j_, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ - 1, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 1, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ + 1, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 1, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ - 1] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ - 1] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ + 1] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ + 1] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_ - 2, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ - 1, j_, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_ + 2, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ + 1, j_, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ - 2, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 1, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ + 2, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 1, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ - 2] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ - 1] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ + 2] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ + 1] = this_cluster

                                # find neighbours and give this_cluster

                    # if not == 1¡, keep the search
                    # if not neighbours, keep the search

        cluster_graph_data_total[:, :, :, t_] = cluster_graph_data

        img_new = nb.Nifti1Image(cluster_graph_data_total, header=img.get_header(), affine=img.get_affine())
        # Reconstruct the 4D volume
        cluster_graph_img = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), in_file[:-7] + "cluster_2N.nii.gz")

    return cluster_graph_img
コード例 #3
def cluster_detection(in_file):
    Detects clusters after Point Processing a Brain 
    as described in http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fphys.2012.00015/abstract

    in_file : 4D Nifti file


    cluster_graph_img  :  4D Nifti file with an id for each cluster in each timestep

    import numpy as np
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    from series_mod import point_process

    # Treat fMRI image
    img = nb.load(in_file)
    data = img.get_data()

    (n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t) = data.shape

    # Get the PP data
    pp_data = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t))
    for i_ in range(n_x):
        for j_ in range(n_y):
            for k_ in range(n_z):
                voxel_data = data[i_, j_, k_, :]
                pp_data[i_, j_, k_, :] = point_process(voxel_data)

    cluster_graph_data_total = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t))
    for t_ in range(n_t):
        time_slice = pp_data[:, :, :, t_]
        cluster_graph_data = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z))
        cluster_number = 1

        for i_ in range(n_x):
            for j_ in range(n_y):
                for k_ in range(n_z):

                    if time_slice[i_, j_, k_] == 1:  # is active, check if it has active neighboours
                        if (
                            time_slice[i_ - 1, j_, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_ + 1, j_, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_ - 1, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_ + 1, k_]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_, k_ - 1]
                            or time_slice[i_, j_, k_ + 1]

                            if cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_] == 0:  # if is not in any previous cluster
                                this_cluster = (
                                    cluster_graph_data[i_ - 1, j_, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_ + 1, j_, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 1, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 1, k_]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ - 1]
                                    or cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ + 1]

                                if this_cluster == 0:  # no neighbours in any previous cluster neither
                                    this_cluster = cluster_number
                                    cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_] = this_cluster
                                    cluster_number = cluster_number + 1
                                    # check cluster union
                                    merge_clusters = np.unique(
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_ - 1, j_, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_ + 1, j_, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 1, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 1, k_],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ - 1],
                                            cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ + 1],
                                    merge_clusters = merge_clusters[1:]  # quit first value = 0

                                    this_cluster = merge_clusters[0]
                                    cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_] = this_cluster
                                    for cluster_to_merge in merge_clusters[1:]:
                                        cluster_graph_data[cluster_graph_data == cluster_to_merge] = this_cluster

                                this_cluster = cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_]

                            # find neighbours and give cluster_number
                            if time_slice[i_ - 1, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ - 1, j_, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_ + 1, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ + 1, j_, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ - 1, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 1, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ + 1, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 1, k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ - 1] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ - 1] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ + 1] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_ + 1] = this_cluster

                                # find neighbours and give this_cluster

                    # if not == 1¡, keep the search
                    # if not neighbours, keep the search

        cluster_graph_data_total[:, :, :, t_] = cluster_graph_data

        img_new = nb.Nifti1Image(cluster_graph_data_total, header=img.get_header(), affine=img.get_affine())
        # Reconstruct the 4D volume
        cluster_graph_img = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), in_file[:-7] + "cluster_1N.nii.gz")

    return cluster_graph_img
コード例 #4
def cond_rm(in_file, seed_location):
    Conditional Rate Map. Given an fMRI, extract timeseries, calculate Point Process
    and then the Rate Map for each voxel given a seed   

    in_file : 4D Nifti file
    seed_location  :  voxel to analyze as seed


    cond_rm_img  :  3D Volume

    import numpy as np
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    from series_mod import point_process
    # Treat fMRI image
    img = nb.load(in_file)
    #print img.shape
    data = img.get_data()

    (n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t) = data.shape

    K = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z))
    # Extract each voxel
    seed_data = data[seed_location[0], seed_location[1], seed_location[2], :]
    # Extraction of PP signal
    pp_seed_data = point_process(seed_data)
    # Count how many extreme events happen. This is needed for later calculation of the CRM ratio
    r = np.count_nonzero(pp_seed_data)

    # As we have to compare the extreme events in the seed up to 2 time steps later,
    # we roll the series 2 times, ensuring the 1st value = 0. It could happen that
    # comparing with the target, 2 extreme events counted as 1 if seed[idx]=extreme
    # event and seed[idx+2]=extreme event, but it is very unlikely to happen.
    pp_seed_data_1 = np.roll(pp_seed_data, 1)
    pp_seed_data_1[0] = 0
    pp_seed_data_1 = np.logical_or(pp_seed_data, pp_seed_data_1)
    pp_seed_data_2 = np.roll(pp_seed_data_1, 1)
    pp_seed_data_2[0] = 0
    pp_seed_data_2 = np.logical_or(pp_seed_data_1, pp_seed_data_2)
    # example: 0100010010001000101001 => 0111011111101110111111

    # Calculate each PP signal
    for i_ in range(n_x):
        for j_ in range(n_y):
            for k_ in range(n_z):

                target_data = data[i_, j_, k_, :]
                pp_target_data = point_process(target_data)

                # LOGIC AND (target/seed) and count(signal == 1), that will give you the X/r parameter [0,1]
                K[i_, j_, k_] = np.count_nonzero(
                    np.logical_and(pp_seed_data_2, pp_target_data)) / float(r)

    #create img with K values
    img_new = nb.Nifti1Image(K,

    # Reconstruct the 3D volume
    cond_rm_img = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), in_file[:-7] + 'cond_rm.nii.gz')

    return cond_rm_img
コード例 #5
def cluster_detection_mod2(in_file):

    import numpy as np
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    from series_mod import point_process

    # Treat fMRI image
    img = nb.load(in_file)
    data = img.get_data()

    (n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t) = data.shape

    # Get the PP data
    pp_data = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t))
    for i_ in range(n_x):
        for j_ in range(n_y):
            for k_ in range(n_z):
                voxel_data = data[i_, j_, k_, :]
                pp_data[i_, j_, k_, :] = point_process(voxel_data)

    cluster_graph_data_total = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t))
    for t_ in range(n_t):
        time_slice = pp_data[:, :, :, t_]
        cluster_graph_data = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z))
        cluster_number = 1

        for i_ in range(n_x):
            for j_ in range(n_y):
                for k_ in range(n_z):

                    if time_slice[
                            i_, j_,
                            k_] == 1:  # is active, check if it has active neighboours
                        if time_slice[i_-1,j_,k_] or time_slice[i_+1,j_,k_] \
                        or time_slice[i_,j_-1,k_] or time_slice[i_,j_+1,k_] \
                        or time_slice[i_,j_,k_-1] or time_slice[i_,j_,k_+1] \
                        or time_slice[i_-2,j_,k_] or time_slice[i_+2,j_,k_] \
                        or time_slice[i_,j_-2,k_] or time_slice[i_,j_+2,k_] \
                        or time_slice[i_,j_,k_-2] or time_slice[i_,j_,k_+2]:

                            if cluster_graph_data[
                                    i_, j_,
                                    k_] == 0:  # if is not in any previous cluster
                                this_cluster = (cluster_graph_data[i_-1,j_,k_] or cluster_graph_data[i_+1,j_,k_] \
                                or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_-1,k_] or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_+1,k_] \
                                or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_-1] or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_+1] \
                                or cluster_graph_data[i_-2,j_,k_] or cluster_graph_data[i_+2,j_,k_] \
                                or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_-2,k_] or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_+2,k_] \
                                or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_-2] or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_+2])

                                if this_cluster == 0:  #no neighbours in any previous cluster neither
                                    this_cluster = cluster_number
                                    cluster_graph_data[i_, j_,
                                                       k_] = this_cluster
                                    cluster_number = cluster_number + 1
                                    #check cluster union
                                    merge_clusters = np.unique([cluster_graph_data[i_-1,j_,k_], cluster_graph_data[i_+1,j_,k_] \
                                , cluster_graph_data[i_,j_-1,k_], cluster_graph_data[i_,j_+1,k_] \
                                , cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_-1], cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_+1] \
                                , cluster_graph_data[i_-2,j_,k_] , cluster_graph_data[i_+2,j_,k_] \
                                , cluster_graph_data[i_,j_-2,k_] , cluster_graph_data[i_,j_+2,k_] \
                                , cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_-2] , cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_+2]])
                                    merge_clusters = merge_clusters[
                                        1:]  #quit first value = 0

                                    this_cluster = merge_clusters[0]
                                    cluster_graph_data[i_, j_,
                                                       k_] = this_cluster
                                    for cluster_to_merge in merge_clusters[1:]:
                                            cluster_graph_data ==
                                            cluster_to_merge] = this_cluster

                                this_cluster = cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_]

                            #find neighbours and give cluster_number
                            if time_slice[i_ - 1, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ - 1, j_,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_ + 1, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ + 1, j_,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ - 1, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 1,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ + 1, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 1,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ - 1] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_,
                                                   k_ - 1] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ + 1] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_,
                                                   k_ + 1] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_ - 2, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ - 1, j_,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_ + 2, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ + 1, j_,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ - 2, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 1,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ + 2, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 1,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ - 2] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_,
                                                   k_ - 1] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ + 2] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_,
                                                   k_ + 1] = this_cluster

                                #find neighbours and give this_cluster

                    # if not == 1¡, keep the search
                    # if not neighbours, keep the search

        cluster_graph_data_total[:, :, :, t_] = cluster_graph_data

        img_new = nb.Nifti1Image(cluster_graph_data_total,
        # Reconstruct the 4D volume
        cluster_graph_img = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                                         in_file[:-7] + 'cluster_2N.nii.gz')

    return cluster_graph_img
コード例 #6
def cluster_detection(in_file):
    Detects clusters after Point Processing a Brain 
    as described in http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fphys.2012.00015/abstract

    in_file : 4D Nifti file


    cluster_graph_img  :  4D Nifti file with an id for each cluster in each timestep

    import numpy as np
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    from series_mod import point_process

    # Treat fMRI image
    img = nb.load(in_file)
    data = img.get_data()

    (n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t) = data.shape

    # Get the PP data
    pp_data = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t))
    for i_ in range(n_x):
        for j_ in range(n_y):
            for k_ in range(n_z):
                voxel_data = data[i_, j_, k_, :]
                pp_data[i_, j_, k_, :] = point_process(voxel_data)

    cluster_graph_data_total = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z, n_t))
    for t_ in range(n_t):
        time_slice = pp_data[:, :, :, t_]
        cluster_graph_data = np.zeros((n_x, n_y, n_z))
        cluster_number = 1

        for i_ in range(n_x):
            for j_ in range(n_y):
                for k_ in range(n_z):

                    if time_slice[
                            i_, j_,
                            k_] == 1:  # is active, check if it has active neighboours
                        if time_slice[i_-1,j_,k_] or time_slice[i_+1,j_,k_] \
                        or time_slice[i_,j_-1,k_] or time_slice[i_,j_+1,k_] \
                        or time_slice[i_,j_,k_-1] or time_slice[i_,j_,k_+1]:

                            if cluster_graph_data[
                                    i_, j_,
                                    k_] == 0:  # if is not in any previous cluster
                                this_cluster = (cluster_graph_data[i_-1,j_,k_] or cluster_graph_data[i_+1,j_,k_] \
                                or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_-1,k_] or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_+1,k_] \
                                or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_-1] or cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_+1])

                                if this_cluster == 0:  #no neighbours in any previous cluster neither
                                    this_cluster = cluster_number
                                    cluster_graph_data[i_, j_,
                                                       k_] = this_cluster
                                    cluster_number = cluster_number + 1
                                    #check cluster union
                                    merge_clusters = np.unique([cluster_graph_data[i_-1,j_,k_], cluster_graph_data[i_+1,j_,k_] \
                                , cluster_graph_data[i_,j_-1,k_], cluster_graph_data[i_,j_+1,k_] \
                                , cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_-1], cluster_graph_data[i_,j_,k_+1]])
                                    merge_clusters = merge_clusters[
                                        1:]  #quit first value = 0

                                    this_cluster = merge_clusters[0]
                                    cluster_graph_data[i_, j_,
                                                       k_] = this_cluster
                                    for cluster_to_merge in merge_clusters[1:]:
                                            cluster_graph_data ==
                                            cluster_to_merge] = this_cluster

                                this_cluster = cluster_graph_data[i_, j_, k_]

                            #find neighbours and give cluster_number
                            if time_slice[i_ - 1, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ - 1, j_,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_ + 1, j_, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_ + 1, j_,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ - 1, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ - 1,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_ + 1, k_] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_ + 1,
                                                   k_] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ - 1] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_,
                                                   k_ - 1] = this_cluster
                            elif time_slice[i_, j_, k_ + 1] == 1:
                                cluster_graph_data[i_, j_,
                                                   k_ + 1] = this_cluster

                                #find neighbours and give this_cluster

                    # if not == 1¡, keep the search
                    # if not neighbours, keep the search

        cluster_graph_data_total[:, :, :, t_] = cluster_graph_data

        img_new = nb.Nifti1Image(cluster_graph_data_total,
        # Reconstruct the 4D volume
        cluster_graph_img = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                                         in_file[:-7] + 'cluster_1N.nii.gz')

    return cluster_graph_img