コード例 #1
    def post(self):

        # get the post data
        post_data = request.get_json()

        old_password = post_data.get('old_password')
        new_password = post_data.get('new_password')
        phone = proccess_phone_number(phone_number=post_data.get('phone'), region=post_data.get('region'))
        one_time_code = post_data.get('one_time_code')

        auth_header = request.headers.get('Authorization')

        # Check authorisation using a one time code
        if phone and one_time_code:
            card = phone[-6:]
            user = (User.query.filter_by(phone=phone).execution_options(show_all=True).first() or

            if not user:
                response_object = {
                    'status': 'fail',
                    'message': 'User not found'

                return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401

            if user.is_activated:
                response_object = {
                    'status': 'fail',
                    'message': 'Account already activated'

                return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401

            if str(one_time_code) != user.one_time_code:
                response_object = {
                    'status': 'fail',
                    'message': 'One time code not valid'

                return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401


            user.is_phone_verified = True
            user.is_activated = True
            user.one_time_code = None

            auth_token = user.encode_auth_token()

            response_object = create_user_response_object(user, auth_token, 'Successfully set pin')


            return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 200

        # Check authorisation using regular auth
        elif auth_header and auth_header != 'null' and old_password:
            auth_token = auth_header.split(" ")[0]

            resp = User.decode_auth_token(auth_token)

            if isinstance(resp, str):
                response_object = {
                    'status': 'fail',
                    'message': 'Invalid auth token'

                return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401

            user = User.query.filter_by(id=resp.get('user_id')).execution_options(show_all=True).first()

            if not user:
                response_object = {
                    'status': 'fail',
                    'message': 'User not found'

                return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401

            if not user.verify_password(old_password):
                response_object = {
                    'status': 'fail',
                    'message': 'invalid password'

                return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401

        # Check authorisation using a reset token provided via email

            reset_password_token = post_data.get('reset_password_token')

            if not reset_password_token:
                response_object = {
                    'status': 'fail',
                    'message': 'Missing token.'

                return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401

            reset_password_token = reset_password_token.split(" ")[0]

            validity_check = User.decode_single_use_JWS(reset_password_token, 'R')

            if not validity_check['success']:
                response_object = {
                    'status': 'fail',
                    'message': validity_check['message']

                return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401

            user = validity_check['user']

            reuse_check = user.check_reset_token_already_used(

            if not reuse_check:
                response_object = {
                    'status': 'fail',
                    'message': 'Token already used'

                return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401

        if not new_password or len(new_password) < 6:
            response_object = {
                'status': 'fail',
                'message': 'Password must be at least 6 characters long'

            return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401


        response_object = {
            'status': 'success',
            'message': 'Password changed, please log in'

        return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 200
コード例 #2
    def post(self):
        # get the post data
        post_data = request.get_json()

        activation_token = post_data.get('activation_token')

        if activation_token and activation_token != 'null':
            auth_token = activation_token.split(" ")[0]
            auth_token = ''
        if auth_token:

            validity_check = User.decode_single_use_JWS(activation_token, 'A')

            if not validity_check['success']:
                response_object = {
                    'status': 'fail',
                    'message': validity_check['message']

                return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401

            user = validity_check['user']

            if user.is_activated:
                response_object = {
                    'status': 'fail',
                    'message': 'Already activated.'

                return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401

            user.is_activated = True

            auth_token = user.encode_auth_token()


            # Possible Outcomes:
            # TFA required, but not set up
            # TFA not required

            tfa_response_oject = tfa_logic(user, tfa_token=None)
            if tfa_response_oject:
                tfa_response_oject['auth_token'] = auth_token.decode()

                db.session.commit()  # need to commit here so that is_activated = True

                return make_response(jsonify(tfa_response_oject)), 401

            # Update the last_seen TS for this user

            response_object = create_user_response_object(user, auth_token, 'Successfully activated.')


            return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 201

            response_object = {
                'status': 'fail',
                'message': 'Provide a valid auth token.'
            return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 401