def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id): getUserFromToken(token) u_id = int(u_id) channel_id = int(channel_id) DATA = load() channelDict = DATA['channelDict'] if channel_id_check(channel_id) == False: raise ValueError("channel_id is invalid") if if_User_Owner(token, channel_id) == False: raise AccessError("the authorised user is not an owner of the slackr, or an owner of this channel") if u_id not in channelDict[channel_id - 1]['channel_owner']: raise AccessError("user with user id u_id is not an owner of the channel") for parts in channelDict: if parts['channel_id'] == channel_id: parts['channel_owner'].remove(u_id) parts['channel_member'].append(u_id) DATA['channelDict'] = channelDict save(DATA) return {}
def users_all(token): getUserFromToken(token) data = load() userDict = data['userDict'] lis = [] for user in userDict: dic = { 'u_id': user['u_id'], 'email': (user['email']), 'name_first': (user['first_name']), 'name_last': (user['last_name']), 'handle_str': (user['handle']), 'profile_img_url': user['profile_img_url'] } lis.append(dic) return { 'users': list(lis) }
def get_messages(u_id, message_ids): data = load() messDict = data['messDict'] mess = [] for mID in list(message_ids): for message in messDict: if message['message_id'] == int(mID): mom = { 'message_id': message['message_id'], 'u_id': message['u_id'], 'message': message['message'], 'time_created': message['time_created'], 'reacts': message['reacts'], 'is_pinned': message['is_pinned'] } if is_user_reacted(u_id, message['message_id']): mom['reacts'][0]['is_this_user_reacted'] = True mess.append(mom) break return list(mess)
def user_profile_setmail(token, email): opid = getUserFromToken(token) DATA = load() userDict = DATA['userDict'] regex = '^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$' if, email): pass else: raise ValueError("Invalid Email") for user in userDict: if user['email'] == email: raise ValueError("Email address is already used bt another user.") for user in userDict: if opid == user['u_id']: user['email'] = email DATA['userDict'] = userDict save(DATA) return
def user_profile_setname(token, name_first, name_last): opid = getUserFromToken(token) DATA = load() userDict = DATA['userDict'] if len(name_first) > 50: raise ValueError('First name too long') if len(name_last) > 50: raise ValueError('Last name too long') if len(name_first) < 1: raise ValueError('First name too short') if len(name_last) < 1: raise ValueError('Last name too short') for user in userDict: if opid == user['u_id']: user['first_name'] = name_first user['last_name'] = name_last DATA['userDict'] = userDict save(DATA) return
def message_remove(token, message_id): DATA = load() messDict = DATA['messDict'] found = False for mess in messDict: if mess['message_id'] == int(message_id): channelID = int(mess['channel_id']) message = mess found = True break if not found: raise ValueError("Message (based on ID) no longer exists") if not is_owner(token, channelID) and not is_sender(token, message_id): raise AccessError('Unauthorised remove !') messDict.remove(message) DATA['messDict'] = messDict save(DATA) return {}
def search(token, query_str): data = load() messDict = data['messDict'] channel_list = channels_list(token)['channels'] cha_ids = [] for cha in channel_list: cha_ids.append(cha['channel_id']) lis = [] for meg in messDict: if meg['channel_id'] in cha_ids: if meg['message'] == query_str: mess = { 'message_id': meg['message_id'], 'u_id': meg['u_id'], 'message': meg['message'], 'time_created': meg['time_created'], 'reacts': meg['reacts'], 'is_pinned': meg['is_pinned'] } lis.append(mess) return {'messages': lis}
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id): if channel_id_check(int(channel_id)) == False: raise ValueError("channel_id is invalid") if u_id_check(u_id) == False: raise ValueError("u_id does not refer to a valid user") if auth_id_check(token, channel_id) == False: raise AccessError("Auth user is not a member of channel") if is_in_channel(u_id, channel_id): raise AccessError('The user you are inviting is already in this channel.') DATA = load() channelDict = DATA['channelDict'] for parts in channelDict: if int(parts['channel_id']) == int(channel_id): # the user invite by owner is also a owner if if_slackr_owner(token) == True: parts['channel_owner'].append(int(u_id)) else: parts['channel_member'].append(int(u_id)) DATA['channelDict'] = channelDict save(DATA) return {}
def is_owner(token, channel_id): channel_id = int(channel_id) DATA = load() channelDict = DATA['channelDict'] userDict = DATA['userDict'] # get the user id from token uid = getUserFromToken(token) uid = int(uid) # slacker owner or admin for parts in userDict: if (parts['u_id'] == uid and (parts['permission_id'] == 1 or parts['permission_id'] == 2)): return True # find the channel and serach the owner for elements in channelDict: if elements['channel_id'] == channel_id: # if (elements['channel_creater'] == id): if uid in elements['channel_owner']: return True return False
def message_edit(token, message_id, message): u_id = getUserFromToken(token) u_id = int(u_id) message_id = int(message_id) DATA = load() messDict = DATA['messDict'] for mess in messDict: if mess['message_id'] == message_id: channelID = mess['channel_id'] mess_dict = mess break if not is_owner(token, channelID) and not is_sender(token, message_id): raise AccessError('Unauthorised edit !') if len(str(message)) == 0: DATA['messDict'].remove(mess_dict) else: mess_dict['message'] = message DATA['messDict'] = messDict save(DATA) return {}
def message_unpin(token, message_id): u_id = getUserFromToken(token) u_id = int(u_id) message_id = int(message_id) DATA = load() messDict = DATA['messDict'] channelDict = DATA['channelDict'] found = False for mess in messDict: if mess['message_id'] == message_id: if not mess['is_pinned']: raise ValueError('already unpinned') channelID = mess['channel_id'] message = mess found = True break if not found: raise ValueError("Invalid message_id") if not if_User_Owner(token, channelID): raise ValueError('The authorised user is not an admin') for chan in channelDict: if chan['channel_id'] == channelID: if int(u_id) in chan['channel_member']: pass elif u_id in chan['channel_owner']: pass else: raise AccessError( 'message_id is not a valid message within a channel that the authorised user has joined' ) message['is_pinned'] = False DATA['messDict'] = messDict DATA['channelDict'] = channelDict save(DATA) return {}
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id): u_id = getUserFromToken(token) u_id = int(u_id) message_id = int(message_id) react_id = int(react_id) DATA = load() messDict = DATA['messDict'] if react_id != 1: raise ValueError('React_id is not a valid React ID') is_mess = False for mess in messDict: if mess['message_id'] == message_id: if mess['reacts'][0]['react_id'] == None: raise ValueError( 'Message with ID message_id does not contain an active React' ) if mess['reacts'][0]['react_id'] != react_id: raise ValueError('React_id is not a valid React ID') channelID = mess['channel_id'] message = mess is_mess = True break if not is_mess: raise ValueError('invalid message_id') if not is_in_channel(u_id, channelID): raise ValueError( 'message_id is not a valid message within a channel that the authorised user has joined' ) if u_id in message['reacts'][0]['u_ids']: message['reacts'][0]['u_ids'].remove(u_id) if len(message['reacts'][0]['u_ids']) == 0: message['reacts'][0]['react_id'] = None DATA['messDict'] = messDict save(DATA) return {}
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length): channel_id = int(channel_id) data = load() channelDict = data['channelDict'] opid = getUserFromToken(token) for ch in channelDict: if int(channel_id) == ch['channel_id']: if opid not in ch['channel_member'] and opid not in ch[ 'channel_owner']: raise AccessError('You are not a member of this channel') if ch['standUp'] == True: raise ValueError('this channel is already in standup') ch['standUp'] = True ch['standtime'] = showtime(length) time = ch['standtime'] data['channelDict'] = channelDict save(data) timer = threading.Timer(int(length), send, [channel_id, token]) timer.start() return {'time_finish': time} raise ValueError('incorrect channel id')
def auth_register(email, password, name_first, name_last): DATA = load() userDict = DATA['userDict'] #check email regex = '^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$' if not, email): raise ValueError("Invalid Email") # Email already be used for user in userDict: if user['email'] == email: raise ValueError("Email address is already used bt another user.") # incorrect name if len(name_first) > 50 or len(name_first) < 1: raise ValueError("Firstname is needed between 1 and 50 characters.") if len(name_last) > 50 or len(name_last) < 1: raise ValueError("Lastname is needed between 1 and 50 characters.") # incorrect password if len(password) < 6: raise ValueError("Password should be at least 6 characters long") firstName = name_first.lower() lastName = name_last.lower() handle = firstName + lastName if len(handle) > 40: handle = handle[:20] newUser = { 'first_name': firstName, 'last_name': lastName, 'email': email, 'u_id': len(userDict) + 1, 'permission_id': None, 'handle': handle, 'password': hashPassword(password), 'online': True, 'reset_code': 0, 'profile_img_url': '' } # handling if handle_check(handle): handle = handle[3:len(handle)] for i in range(1, 999): if digit_check(i) == 1: new = "00" + str(i) if not handle_check(new + handle): newUser['handle'] = new + handle break elif digit_check(i) == 2: new = "0" + str(i) if not handle_check(new + handle): newUser['handle'] = new + handle break elif digit_check(i) == 3: new = str(i) if not handle_check(new + handle): newUser['handle'] = new + handle break if userDict == []: newUser['permission_id'] = 1 else: newUser['permission_id'] = 3 userDict.append(newUser) returned = { 'u_id': newUser['u_id'], 'token': generateToken(newUser['u_id']) } DATA['userDict'] = userDict save(DATA) return returned
def test_auth_register_handleCombine(): restart() auth_register('*****@*****.**', '123456', 'hongzhou', 'xuan') DATA = load() userDict = DATA['userDict'] assert userDict[0]['handle'] == 'hongzhouxuan'