def handler_leave(update, context): text, text_to_all = '', '' user_id = room_id = server.get_current_room(user_id) if room_id: game = server.select_game(room_id) if not game: server.delete_user_from_room(user_id) text += 'You have left room number ' + str(room_id) + '.\n' if server.check_room_empty(room_id): server.delete_room(room_id) text += 'The room was empty with your departure, so it has been deleted.\n' else: text_to_all += get_user_name(user_id) + ' left the room.\n' server.commit() else: text += 'A game is being played in this room! Someone must /end it before anyone can leave.\n' else: text += 'You are not in any room right now!\n' update.message.reply_text(text, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) send_message_to_room(room_id, text_to_all)
def handler_begin(update, context): text, text_to_all = '', '' user_id = room_id = server.get_current_room(user_id) if room_id: users = server.select_users_info_in_room(room_id) game = server.select_game(room_id) if not game: text_to_all += get_user_name(user_id) + ' has begun the game' else: text_to_all += get_user_name(user_id) + ' has rebegun the game' game = uno.Game() configs = server.get_room_configs(room_id) apply_room_configs(configs, game) game.begin(len(users)) server.update_game(room_id, game) numbers = list(range(len(users))) random.shuffle(numbers) for for_player_number, for_user_id in users: server.update_player_number(room_id, for_user_id, numbers.pop()) server.commit() send_message_to_room(room_id, text_to_all) def get_user_status_text(user_id): settings = get_and_apply_user_settings(user_id) return get_status_text(room_id, user_id, show_room_info=False) send_message_to_room(room_id, get_user_status_text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: update.message.reply_text( "You cannot begin the game if you are not in a room! Try /new or /join <room number>", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())
def handler_join(update, context): text, text_to_all = '', '' user_id = room_id = None if len(context.args) > 0: room_id = string_to_positive_integer(context.args[0]) if room_id != None: current_room_id = server.get_current_room(user_id) room_exists = server.check_room_exists(room_id) game = None if current_room_id: text += 'You are already in room ' + str( current_room_id) + '! You must /leave that room first.\n' if not room_exists: text += 'This room does not exist!\n' else: game = server.select_game(room_id) if game: text += 'A game is being played in this room! They must /end it before anyone can join.\n' if not current_room_id and room_exists and not game: server.insert_user_to_room(room_id, user_id) server.commit() text += 'Joined room ' + str(room_id) + '.\n' text_to_all += get_user_name(user_id) + ' joined the room.\n' else: text += 'This can\'t possibly be a room! Come on!\n' else: text += 'You have not said the room you want to join! Try /join <room number>\n' update.message.reply_text(text, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) send_message_to_room(room_id, text_to_all)
def get_status_text(room_id, user_id, show_room_info=True, show_your_turn=False): text = '' if room_id: users = server.select_users_info_in_room(room_id) game = server.select_game(room_id) configs = server.get_room_configs(room_id) apply_room_configs(configs, game) if show_room_info: num_users = len(users) text += ('You are currently in room number ' + str(room_id) + ', which has ' + str(num_users) + ' ' + plural(num_users, 'user', 'users') + '.\n') if show_your_turn: text += 'It is your turn.\n' if game: if game.direction == -1: users.reverse() for for_player_number, for_user_id in users: for_user_name = get_user_name(for_user_id) if game: num_cards = len(game.player_cards[for_player_number]) text += (str(for_player_number) + ': ' + for_user_name + ' (' + str(num_cards) + ' ' + plural(num_cards, 'card', 'cards') + ')') if game.winner == None: if game.current_player == for_player_number: text += ' <- Current' elif game.get_next_player() == for_player_number: text += ' <- Next' elif game.winner == for_player_number: text += ' <- Winner' else: text += '- ' + for_user_name text += '\n' if game: text += 'Current card: ' + unoparser.card_string( game.current_card) + '\n' if game.current_color != game.current_card.color: text += 'Chosen color: ' + unoparser.card_color_string( game.current_color) + '\n' player_number = next((for_player_number for for_player_number, for_user_id in users if for_user_id == user_id)) text += 'Your cards: ' if len(game.player_cards[player_number]) != 0: text += unoparser.play_intent_list_string( game.get_play_intents_cards(player_number)) else: text += 'None!' text += '\n' else: text += 'You are currently not joined in any room.\n' return text
def handler_text_message(update, context): user_id = room_id = server.get_current_room(user_id) message = update.message.text # Check if it is a chat message if (len(message) > 0 and message[0] == "."): command_chat(update, user_id, room_id, message[1:]) return if room_id: game = server.select_game(room_id) player_number = server.select_player_number(room_id, user_id) if game: configs = server.get_room_configs(room_id) apply_room_configs(configs, game) # Check if someone has already won the game if game.winner != None: winner_user_id = server.select_user_id_from_player_number( room_id, game.winner) update.message.reply_text( get_user_name(winner_user_id) + ' already won this game! You cannot play anymore. Try /begin', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return # Check if is the current player if game.current_player != player_number: current_user_id = server.select_user_id_from_player_number( room_id, game.current_player) update.message.reply_text( 'It is not your turn! The current player is ' + get_user_name(current_user_id), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return # Try to parse the user text try: play = unoparser.parse_play(message) except unoparser.InputParsingError as e: update.message.reply_text('That is not how you play! ' + str(e) + ' And try reading /help', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return bluffed_player = game.previous_player # Execute the play play_result =, play) # If failed, send reason if not play_result.success: fail_reason = unoparser.fail_reason_string( play_result.fail_reason) update.message.reply_text(fail_reason, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return if play_result.draw_pile_has_emptied: send_message_to_room( room_id, 'The draw pile does not have enough cards, cards from the discard pile have been shuffled into the draw pile.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) # Store game in database server.update_game(room_id, game) server.commit() # Send info messages current_user_id = server.select_user_id_from_player_number( room_id, game.current_player) user_name = get_user_name(user_id) if play_result.action == uno.ACTION_CALL_BLUFF: bluffed_user_id = server.select_user_id_from_player_number( room_id, bluffed_player) bluffed_user_name = get_user_name(bluffed_user_id) else: bluffed_user_name = None # For all users in room... for room_user_id in server.select_users_ids_in_room(room_id): settings = get_and_apply_user_settings(room_user_id) # Send made play play_number_text = '' if settings.get('show_play_number', 'false') == 'true': play_number_text = '#' + str( game.current_play_number) + ': ' play_result_text = play_number_text + unoparser.play_result_string( play_result, user_name, bluffed_user_name) bot.send_message(room_user_id, play_result_text, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) # Send if someone won if game.winner != None: bot.send_message(room_user_id, user_name + ' won.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) continue # Send status to current player if room_user_id == current_user_id: text = get_status_text(room_id, room_user_id, show_your_turn=True, show_room_info=False) bot.send_message(room_user_id, text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: update.message.reply_text('There is no game going on! Try /begin', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: update.message.reply_text( 'You cannot play if you are not in a room! Try /new or /join <room number>', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())