def lost_account(): cursor, conn = connect() email = request.form.get("email") check_existing_users_stmt = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE email=%s" cursor.execute(check_existing_users_stmt, (email)) result = cursor.fetchall() if len(result) is not 1: return error_with_message("user does not exist") user_id = result[0][0] create_recovery_stmt = "INSERT INTO password_recovery (user_id, recovery_token) VALUES (%s, %s)" recovery_token = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(32)) cursor.execute(create_recovery_stmt, (user_id, recovery_token)) if cursor.rowcount is not 1: return error_with_message("account recovery failed") conn.commit() # Send confirmation email FROM = "*****@*****.**" TO = [email] SUBJECT = "Recover your StudyBuddy Account" MSG = ( "Hello " + name + ",\nYou have requested to recovery your account. Please change your password by visiting this link: " + "" + recovery_token + "\n" + "\nThank you,\nThe StudyBuddies Team") message = 'Subject: {}\n\n{}'.format(SUBJECT, MSG) server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') server.sendmail(FROM, TO, message) server.quit() print(message) return success_with_data({"confirmation_token": recovery_token})
def list_user_classes(**kwargs): user_id = kwargs["user_id"] user_classes_stmt = """SELECT, course_title, course_name FROM classes LEFT JOIN user_classes ON = user_classes.class_id WHERE user_classes.user_id = %s""" cursor, conn = connect() cursor.execute(user_classes_stmt, (user_id, )) classes = cursor.fetchall() resultsDict = [] for the_class in classes: groups = [] get_group_stmt = """SELECT id, leader_id, start_time, end_time, category, description, location_lat, location_lon, location_description, chat_id FROM groups WHERE class_id=%s AND end_time > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP""" cursor.execute(get_group_stmt, (the_class[0], )) group_list = cursor.fetchall() for the_group in group_list: group_id = the_group[0] leader_id = the_group[1] start_time = the_group[2] end_time = the_group[3] category = the_group[4] description = the_group[5] location_lat = the_group[6] location_lon = the_group[7] location_description = the_group[8] chat_id = the_group[9] get_size_stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE group_id=%s" cursor.execute(get_size_stmt, (group_id, )) size = cursor.fetchone()[0] group_result = { "id": group_id, "leader_id": leader_id, "start_time": str(start_time), "end_time": str(end_time), "category": category, "description": description, "location_lat": location_lat, "location_lon": location_lon, "location_description": location_description, "chat_id": chat_id, "size": size } groups.append(group_result) id = the_class[0] course_title = the_class[1] course_name = the_class[2] result = { "id": id, "course_title": course_title, "course_name": course_name, "active_groups": groups } resultsDict.append(result) return success_with_data({"classes": resultsDict})
def create_group(**kwargs): userID = kwargs["user_id"] cursor, conn = connect() class_id = request.form.get("class_id") end_time = request.form.get("end_time") category = request.form.get("category") description = request.form.get("description") location_lat = request.form.get("location_lat") location_lon = request.form.get("location_lon") location_des = request.form.get("location_description") check_user_group_id_stmt = "SELECT group_id FROM users WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(check_user_group_id_stmt, (userID, )) results = cursor.fetchall() if results[0][0] == 1: return error_with_message("User already in group") create_group_stmt = "INSERT INTO groups (class_id, leader_id, end_time, category, description, location_lat, location_lon, location_description) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" cursor.execute(create_group_stmt, (class_id, userID, end_time, category, description, location_lat, location_lon, location_des)) if cursor.rowcount is not 1: return error_with_message("msg_creating_group_failed") group_id = cursor.lastrowid update_user_group_id_stmt = "UPDATE users SET group_id=%s WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(update_user_group_id_stmt, (group_id, userID)) conn.commit() return success_with_data({"group_id": group_id})
def delete_user(**kwargs): cursor, conn = connect() password = request.form.get("password") user_id = kwargs["user_id"] del_user_stmt = "DELETE from users where id=%s AND password=%s" cursor.execute(del_user_stmt, (user_id, password)) if cursor.rowcount is not 1: return error_with_message("user does not exist") del_user_class_stmt = "DELETE from user_classes where user_id=%s" cursor.execute(del_user_class_stmt, (user_id, )) del_user_sess_stmt = "DELETE from sessions where user_id=%s" cursor.execute(del_user_sess_stmt, (user_id, )) find_group_stmt = "SELECT id FROM groups WHERE leader_id=%s" cursor.execute(find_group_stmt, (user_id, )) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) != 0: group_id = results[0][0] find_member_stmt = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE group_id=%s" cursor.execute(find_member_stmt, (group_id, )) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: del_group_stmt = "DELETE from groups where leader_id=%s" cursor.execute(del_group_stmt, (user_id, )) else: newlead = results[0][0] change_leader_stmt = "UPDATE groups SET leader_id=%s where leader_id=%s" cursor.execute(change_leader_stmt, (newlead, user_id)) conn.commit() return success_with_data({})
def logout(): cursor, conn = connect() token = request.form.get("session_token") logout_stmt = "DELETE FROM sessions where token=%s" cursor.execute(logout_stmt, (token, )) if cursor.rowcount is not 1: return error_with_message("session_does_not_exist") conn.commit() return success_with_data({})
def create_user(): cursor, conn = connect() email = request.form.get("email") password = request.form.get("password") name = request.form.get("name") class_year = request.form.get("class_year") split_email = email.split("@") school = split_email[1] find_school_stmt = "SELECT id FROM schools where email=%s" cursor.execute(find_school_stmt, (school, )) result = cursor.fetchall() if len(result) == 0: return error_with_message("must use school email") school_id = result[0][0] check_existing_users_stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE email=%s" cursor.execute(check_existing_users_stmt, (email, )) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count is not 0: return error_with_message("user already exists") salt = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(32)) h = bcrypt_sha256.hash(password + salt) create_user_stmt = "INSERT INTO users (email, password, name, class_year, school_id, salt) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" cursor.execute(create_user_stmt, (email, h, name, class_year, school_id, salt)) if cursor.rowcount is not 1: return error_with_message("creating user failed") conn.commit() user_id = cursor.lastrowid confirmation_token = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(32)) create_confirmation_stmt = "INSERT INTO email_confirmations (user_id, token) VALUES (%s, %s)" cursor.execute(create_confirmation_stmt, (user_id, confirmation_token)) conn.commit() # Send confirmation email FROM = "*****@*****.**" TO = [email] SUBJECT = "Confirm your StudyBuddy Account" MSG = ("Hello " + name + ",\nPlease confirm your account by visiting this link: " + "" + confirmation_token + "\n" + "\nThank you,\nThe StudyBuddies Team") message = 'Subject: {}\n\n{}'.format(SUBJECT, MSG) server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') server.sendmail(FROM, TO, message) server.quit() print(message) return success_with_data({"confirmation_token": confirmation_token})
def delete_class(**kwargs): cursor, conn = connect() user_id = kwargs["user_id"] class_id = int(request.form.get("class_id")) del_class_stmt = "DELETE FROM user_classes where user_id=%s AND class_id=%s" cursor.execute(del_class_stmt, (user_id, class_id)) if cursor.rowcount is not 1: return error_with_message("msg_failed_to_delete_class_for_user") conn.commit() return success_with_data({"deleted_class_id": class_id})
def change_leader(**kwargs): cursor, conn = connect() new_leader_id = request.form.get("new_leader_id") user_id = kwargs["user_id"] change_leader_stmt = "UPDATE groups SET leader_id=%s where leader_id=%s" cursor.execute(change_leader_stmt, (new_leader_id, user_id)) if cursor.rowcount == 0: return error_with_message("user was not a group leader") conn.commit() return success_with_data({})
def join_group(**kwargs): cursor, conn = connect() user_id = kwargs["user_id"] group_id = request.form.get("group_id") check_group_id_stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM groups WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(check_group_id_stmt, (group_id, )) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return error_with_message("no_matching_group_id") update_stmt = "UPDATE users SET group_id=%s WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(update_stmt, (group_id, user_id)) conn.commit() return success_with_data({})
def list_class_groups(**kwargs): cursor, conn = connect() user_id = kwargs["user_id"] class_groups_stmt = """SELECT, leader_id, start_time, end_time, category, groups.description, location_lat, location_lon, location_description,, course_title, course_name FROM groups LEFT JOIN classes ON groups.class_id = LEFT JOIN user_classes ON = user_classes.class_id WHERE user_classes.user_id = %s""" cursor.execute(class_groups_stmt, (user_id, )) results = cursor.fetchall() resultsDict = [] for result in results: group_id = result[0] leader_id = result[1] start_time = result[2] end_time = result[3] category = result[4] group_description = result[5] location_lat = result[6] location_lon = result[7] location_description = result[8] class_id = result[9] course_title = result[10] course_name = result[11] result = { "group_id": group_id, "leader_id": leader_id, "start_time": start_time, "end_time": end_time, "category": category, "group_description": group_description, "location_lat": location_lat, "location_lon": location_lon, "location_description": location_description, "class_id": class_id, "course_title": course_title, "course_name": course_name } resultsDict.append(result) return success_with_data({"groups": resultsDict})
def update_user(**kwargs): cursor, conn = connect() userID = kwargs["user_id"] check_user_id_stmt = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(check_user_id_stmt, (userID,)) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return error_with_message("user_does_not_exist") elif len(results) > 1: return error_with_message("more_than_one_user") check_password_stmt = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE id=%s AND password=%s" cursor.execute(check_user_id_stmt, (userID,)) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return error_with_message("incorrect password") choose_defaults_stmt = "SELECT push_notifications_enabled, Apple_APN_Key, Android_APN_Key, group_id, name, class_year, password FROM users WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(choose_defaults_stmt, (userID,)) result = cursor.fetchone() default_push = result[0] default_apple = result[1] default_android = result[2] default_group_id = result[3] default_name = result[4] default_class_year = result[5] default_password = result[6] push_notif_enable = request.form.get("push_notifications_enabled", default_push) Apple_APN_Key = request.form.get("Apple_APN_Key", default_apple) Android_APN_Key = request.form.get("Android_APN_Key", default_android) group_id = request.form.get("group_id", default_group_id) name = request.form.get("name", default_name) class_year = request.form.get("class_year", default_class_year) password = request.form.get("password", default_password) if int(push_notif_enable) != 0 and int(push_notif_enable) != 1: return error_with_message("Push notifications is not 0 or 1.") if int(group_id) < -1: return error_with_message("Group id too negative") update_user_stmt = "UPDATE users SET push_notifications_enabled=%s, Apple_APN_Key=%s, Android_APN_Key=%s, group_id=%s, name=%s, class_year=%s, password=%s WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(update_user_stmt, (push_notif_enable, Apple_APN_Key, Android_APN_Key, group_id, name, class_year, password, userID)) if cursor.rowcount is not 1: return error_with_message("updating user failed") conn.commit() return success_with_data({})
def leave_group(**kwargs): cursor, conn = connect() user_id = kwargs["user_id"] get_group_stmt = "SELECT group_id FROM users WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(get_group_stmt, (user_id, )) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return error_with_message("msg_user_does_not_exist") group_id = results[0][0] get_leader_stmt = "SELECT leader_id FROM groups WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(get_leader_stmt, (group_id, )) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return error_with_message("msg_group_does_not_exist") leader_id = results[0][0] if leader_id == user_id: find_members_stmt = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE group_id=%s" cursor.execute(find_members_stmt, (group_id, )) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) != 0: new_leader_id = results[0][0] change_leader_stmt = "UPDATE groups SET leader_id=%s WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(change_leader_stmt, (new_leader_id, group_id)) else: del_group_stmt = "DELETE FROM groups WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(del_group_stmt, (group_id)) leave_group_stmt = "UPDATE users SET group_id=-1 WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(leave_group_stmt, (user_id, )) count_stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE group_id=%s" cursor.execute(count_stmt, (group_id, )) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: delete_group_stmt = "DELETE FROM groups WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(delete_group_stmt, (group_id, )) conn.commit() return success_with_data({})
def classes_list(**kwargs): cursor, conn = connect() search_string = request.form.get("search_string","(.*?)") user_id = kwargs["user_id"] get_school_stmt = "SELECT school_id FROM users WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(get_school_stmt, (user_id,)) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return error_with_message("msg_nonexistant_school") school_id = results[0][0] get_classes_stmt = "SELECT id, course_title, course_name FROM classes WHERE school_id=%s" cursor.execute(get_classes_stmt, (school_id,)) results = cursor.fetchall() search_results = [] final_results = [] for course in results: if, course[1].lower()) is not None: search_results.append(course) elif, course[2].lower()) is not None: search_results.append(course) else: listings = course[2].split(",") for listing in listings: if, listing.lower()) is not None: search_results.append(course) elif, listing.replace(" ", "").lower()) is not None: search_results.append(course) for match in search_results: result = { "id": match[0], "course_title": match[1], "course_name": match[2] } final_results.append(result) return success_with_data({"classes" : final_results})
def account_recovery(): cursor, conn = connect() recovery_token = request.form.get("recovery_token") new_password = request.form.get("new_password") find_token_stmt = "SELECT user_id FROM password_recovery WHERE token=%s" cursor.execute(find_token_stmt, (recovery_token, )) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return error_with_message("msg_invalid_recovery_code") user_id = results[0][0] change_password_stmt = "UPDATE users SET password=%s where id=%s" cursor.execute(change_password_stmt, (new_password, user_id)) if cursor.rowcount == 0: return error_with_message("msg_user_does_not_exist") conn.commit() return success_with_data({})
def delete_group(**kwargs): cursor, conn = connect() user_id = kwargs["user_id"] get_group_stmt = "SELECT id FROM groups WHERE leader_id=%s" cursor.execute(get_group_stmt, (user_id, )) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return error_with_message("msg_user_not_leader_of_group") group_id = results[0][0] del_group_stmt = "DELETE FROM groups WHERE leader_id=%s" cursor.execute(del_group_stmt, (user_id, )) if cursor.rowcount is not 1: return error_with_message("msg_failed_to_delete_class") leave_group_stmt = "UPDATE users SET group_id=%s WHERE group_id=%s" cursor.execute(leave_group_stmt, (-1, group_id)) conn.commit() return success_with_data({})
def update_group(**kwargs): userID = kwargs["user_id"] cursor, conn = connect() group_id = request.form.get("group_id") choose_defaults_stmt = "SELECT end_time, category, description, location_lat, location_lon, location_description FROM groups WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(choose_defaults_stmt, (group_id,)) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return error_with_message("msg_group_does_not_exist") group_info = results[0] default_end_time = group_info[0] default_category = group_info[1] default_description = group_info[2] default_location_lat = group_info[3] default_location_lon = group_info[4] default_location_des = group_info[5] end_time = request.form.get("end_time", default_end_time) category = request.form.get("category", default_category) description = request.form.get("description", default_description) location_lat = request.form.get("location_lat", default_location_lat) location_lon = request.form.get("location_lon", default_location_lon) location_des = request.form.get("location_description", default_location_des) check_leader_id_stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM groups WHERE leader_id=%s" cursor.execute(check_leader_id_stmt, (userID,)) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return error_with_message("msg_no_matching_leader_id") elif len(results) > 1: return error_with_message("msg_multiple_leader_id_matches") update_group_stmt = "UPDATE groups SET end_time=%s, category=%s, description=%s, location_lat=%s, location_lon=%s, location_des=%s WHERE id=%s AND leader_id=%s" cursor.execute(update_group_stmt, (end_time, category, description, location_lat, location_lon, location_des, group_id, userID)) if cursor.rowcount is not 1: return error_with_message("msg_updating_group_failed") conn.commit() return success_with_data({})
def add_class(): cursor, conn = connect() class_id = int(request.form.get("class_id")) session_token = request.form.get("session_token") #Check: Check if entered class id exists check_class_stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM classes WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(check_class_stmt, (class_id, )) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count is 0: return error_with_message("invalid_class_id") elif count is not 1: return error_with_message( "multiple_class_id (This message should not pop up)") # Choose the id associated with the session token choose_user_id_stmt = "SELECT user_id FROM sessions WHERE token=%s" cursor.execute(choose_user_id_stmt, (session_token, )) user_id = cursor.fetchall() if len(user_id) == 0: return error_with_message("invalid_session_token") userID = user_id[0][0] # Check: Check if this user already has the class added check_class_list_stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user_classes WHERE user_id=%s AND class_id=%s" cursor.execute(check_class_list_stmt, (userID, class_id)) count2 = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count2 is not 0: return error_with_message("user_has_this_class") # Add class to user's classes add_class_stmt = "INSERT INTO user_classes (user_id, class_id) VALUES (%s, %s)" cursor.execute(add_class_stmt, (userID, class_id)) if cursor.rowcount is not 1: return error_with_message("adding class failed") conn.commit() return success_with_data({})
def login(): cursor, conn = connect() email = request.form.get("email") passwd = request.form.get("password") login_stmt = "SELECT id, email, name, class_year, salt, password, account_confirmed FROM users WHERE email=%s" cursor.execute(login_stmt, (email, )) results = cursor.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return error_with_message("account_not_created") if results[0][6] == 0: return error_with_message("email_not_confirmed") salted_password = passwd + results[0][4] if not bcrypt_sha256.verify(salted_password, results[0][5]): return error_with_message("bad_login") user = results[0] user_id = user[0] delete_duplicates_stmt = "DELETE FROM sessions WHERE user_id=%s" cursor.execute(delete_duplicates_stmt, (user_id, )) session_token = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(32)) session_create_stmt = "INSERT INTO sessions (user_id, token) VALUES (%s, %s)" cursor.execute(session_create_stmt, (user_id, session_token)) if cursor.rowcount is not 1: return error_with_message("bad_session_creation") conn.commit() return success_with_data({ "token": session_token, "user_info": { "id": user_id, "email": user[1], "name": user[2], "class_year": user[3] } })
def get_current_group(**kwargs): user_id = kwargs["user_id"] current_group_stmt = """SELECT group_id FROM users WHERE id = %s""" cursor, conn = connect() cursor.execute(current_group_stmt, (user_id, )) group_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] if group_id == -1: return success_with_data({"group": {"id": -1}}) group_exists_stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM groups WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(group_exists_stmt, (group_id, )) size = cursor.fetchone()[0] if size == 0: return success_with_data({"group": {"id": -1}}) get_group_stmt = """SELECT id, leader_id, start_time, end_time, category, description, location_lat, location_lon, location_description, chat_id, class_id FROM groups WHERE id = %s""" cursor.execute(get_group_stmt, (group_id, )) the_group = cursor.fetchone() group_id = the_group[0] leader_id = the_group[1] start_time = the_group[2] end_time = the_group[3] category = the_group[4] description = the_group[5] location_lat = the_group[6] location_lon = the_group[7] location_description = the_group[8] chat_id = the_group[9] course_id = the_group[10] get_size_stmt = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE group_id=%s" cursor.execute(get_size_stmt, (group_id, )) size = cursor.fetchone()[0] get_class_stmt = "SELECT id, course_title, course_name, school_id FROM classes WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(get_class_stmt, (course_id, )) course_data = cursor.fetchone() id = course_data[0] course_title = course_data[1] course_name = course_data[2] school_id = course_data[3] group_result = { "id": group_id, "leader_id": leader_id, "start_time": str(start_time), "end_time": str(end_time), "category": category, "description": description, "location_lat": location_lat, "location_lon": location_lon, "location_description": location_description, "chat_id": chat_id, "course": { "id": id, "course_title": course_title, "course_name": course_name, "school_id": school_id }, "size": size } return success_with_data({"group": group_result})