def post(self): """This post is for priming/prefetching, not actually delivering the widget """ start = time.time() api_key = self.request.get('apikey') account_id = self.request.get('accountid') user_id = self.request.get('userid') widget_type = self.request.get('widget') logdiction = {'event':'prefetchwidget', 'api':'get_widget', 'user':user_id, 'is_api':'yes', 'ip':self.request.remote_addr, 'account':account_id, 'widget':widget_type, 'success':'true'} if widget_type not in constants.VALID_WIDGETS: logdiction['success'] = 'false' logdiction['details'] = "Using an invalid widget name" logs.create(logdiction) self.response.out.write(bad_args()) return # Get the account acc_ref = accounts_dao.authorize_api(account_id, api_key) if not acc_ref: logdiction['success'] = 'false' logdiction['details'] = auth_error() logs.create(logdiction) self.response.out.write(auth_error()) return if not user_id and widget_type in constants.WIDGETS_THAT_DONT_NEED_A_USER: user_id = constants.ANONYMOUS_USER if not user_id: logdiction['success'] = 'false' logdiction['details'] = bad_args() logs.create(logdiction) self.response.out.write(bad_args()) return user_ref = None if user_id: user_ref = users_dao.get_user_with_key(user_id) if not user_ref and user_id == constants.ANONYMOUS_USER: users_dao.create_new_user(account_id, constants.ANONYMOUS_USER) #acc_ref = users_dao.get_account_from_user(user_ref) # TODO Need to measure if there is an actual gain from this prefetching # or if it's causing unnecessary contention values = getattr(self, widget_type + "_values")(user_ref, acc_ref, 500, 300) logs.create(logdiction) return
def get(self): current_session = Session().get_current_session(self) account_entity = current_session.get_account_entity() email = """ notify anonymous account """ userhash = hashlib.sha1(email + '---' + constants.ANONYMOUS_USER).hexdigest() user_ref = users_dao.get_user_with_key(userhash) notifier.user_badge_award(user_ref, "This is a note", "/images/badges/test2.jpg", "Title", account_entity, "anonymous_badge") self.response.out.write("done")
def get(self): """ Users fetch their widgets from here """ start = time.time() user_key = self.request.get('u') if not user_key: self.redirect('/html/404.html') return height = self.request.get('height') width = self.request.get('width') widget_type = self.request.get('widget') if widget_type not in constants.VALID_WIDGETS: self.redirect('/html/404.html') error("Fetching widget type " + str(widget_type)) return # TODO make sure the account has permission to the type of widget # as of right now all widgets are enabled user_ref = users_dao.get_user_with_key(user_key) acc_ref = users_dao.get_account_from_user(user_ref) user_id = "" acc_id = "" if user_ref: user_id = user_ref.key().name() if acc_ref: acc_id = acc_ref.key().name() logdiction = {'event':'viewwidget', 'api':'get_widget', 'user':user_id, 'is_api':'yes', 'ip':self.request.remote_addr, 'account':acc_id, 'widget':widget_type, 'success':'true'} values = getattr(self, widget_type + "_values")(user_ref, acc_ref, height, width) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'widgets/v1.0/' + widget_type + ".html") #TODO minify temp code, lots of white space right now temp = template.render(path, values) logs.create(logdiction) self.response.out.write(temp) timing(start) return
def post(self): start = time.time() clean = XssCleaner() api_key = self.request.get('apikey') account_id = self.request.get('accountid') new_user_id = self.request.get('userid') # Anything that can possibly be rended should be cleaned profile_link = self.request.get('profile_link') # We can't clean it because it will not render if embedded into a site # Be wary of doing any queries with this data #profile_link = clean.strip(profile_link) profile_img = self.request.get('profile_img') #profile_img = clean.strip(profile_img) profile_name = self.request.get('profile_name') profile_name = clean.strip(profile_name) logdiction = {'event':'loginuser', 'api': 'update_user', 'is_api':'yes', 'ip':self.request.remote_addr, 'user':new_user_id, 'account':account_id, 'success':'true'} if not account_id or not new_user_id or not api_key: self.response.out.write(bad_args()) logdiction['success'] = 'false' logdiction['details'] = bad_args() logs.create(logdiction) return acc = accounts_dao.authorize_api(account_id, api_key) if not acc: self.response.out.write(auth_error()) logdiction['success'] = 'false' logdiction['details'] = auth_error() logs.create(logdiction) return # Create a new user user_key = users_dao.get_user_key(account_id, new_user_id) #Update user_ref = users_dao.get_user_with_key(user_key) if user_ref: dict = {} update = False if profile_link and profile_link != user_ref.profileLink: dict["profileLink"] = profile_link update = True if profile_img and profile_img != user_ref.profileImg: dict["profileImg"] = profile_img update = True if profile_name and profile_name != user_ref.profileName: dict["profileName"] = profile_name update = True if update: logdiction['event'] = 'updateuser' try: users_dao.update_user(user_key, dict, None) except: logdiction['success'] = 'false' logdiction['details'] = db_error() logs.create(logdiction) self.response.out.write(db_error()) error("Error updating user with id %s"%new_user_id) return logs.create(logdiction) self.response.out.write(success_ret()) timing(start) return if not profile_img: profile_img = constants.IMAGE_PARAMS.USER_AVATAR new_user = Users(key_name=user_key, userid=new_user_id, isEnabled="yes", accountRef=acc, profileName=profile_name, profileLink=profile_link, profileImg=profile_img) logdiction['event'] = 'createuser' try: users_dao.save_user(new_user, user_key) except: logdiction['success'] = 'false' logdiction['details'] = db_error() logs.create(logdiction) self.response.out.write(db_error()) error("Error getting user with key %s"%key) return logs.create(logdiction) self.response.out.write(success_ret()) timing(start) return