def run_batch_job(self, job_json, background=True, timeout=constants.SYNC_JOB_MAX_WAIT_TIME): """ Submits a job request using Livy batches endpoint Keyword arguments: job_json {str} -- Job request payload background {bool} -- Flag indicating if the method should wait until the job finishes or return immediately after submitting the request. Returns: response {dict} -- Dictionary with job id, state and the application id. """ job_url = "{}/batches".format(self.url) response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().post( url=job_url, json=job_json, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, auth=self.auth) if not response.ok: raise ServiceError("Failed to run job. " + response.text) job_response = response.json() job_id = job_response.get("id") state = job_response.get("state") appId = job_response.get("appId") if background is False: start_time = time.time() elapsed_time = 0 sleep_time = 15 while state not in (constants.LIVY_JOB_FINISHED_STATE, constants.LIVY_JOB_FAILED_STATE, constants.LIVY_JOB_DEAD_STATE, constants.LIVY_JOB_KILLED_STATE): if elapsed_time > int(timeout): raise ServiceError( "Job didn't come to Finished/Failed state in {} seconds. Current state is " .format(timeout, state)) print("{}: Sleeping for {} seconds. Current state {}".format(, sleep_time, state)) sleep(sleep_time) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time status = self.get_job_status(job_id) state = status.get("state") appId = status.get("appId") response = {"id": job_id, "state": state, "appId": appId} return response
def download_file(self, file_name_with_path): """ Downloads a file from HDFS location identified by the path Keyword arguments: file_name_with_path {str} -- Name of the file identified with a path Returns: response -- Default Flask response object with file content and appropriate headers set """ file_name_with_path = self._get_actual_download_file_path( file_name_with_path) open_file_url = self.url + file_name_with_path + "?op=OPEN" response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().get(open_file_url, auth=self.auth, allow_redirects=False) if response.status_code != 307: if response.status_code == 404: raise ObjectNotFoundError( "File {} not found.".format(file_name_with_path)) raise ServiceError( "Attempt to open file {0} failed with {1} and {2}.".format( file_name_with_path, response.status_code, response.reason)) file_download_url = None if response.headers is not None: file_download_url = response.headers["Location"] if file_download_url is not None: res = RestUtil.request_with_retry().get(file_download_url, auth=self.auth, stream=True) if not response.ok: raise ServiceError( "Attempt to download file {0} failed with {1} and {2}.". format(file_name_with_path, response.status_code, response.reason)) response = Response(res.content, headers=dict(res.headers)) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' response.headers[ 'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename="{}"'.format( file_name_with_path.split("/")[-1]) return response
def get_job_status(self, job_id): """ Fetches the status of the batch job using Livy's batches endpoint Keyword arguments: job_id {str} -- Job identifier Returns: response {dict} -- Dictionary with job id, state and the application id. """ job_url = "{}/batches/{}".format(self.url, job_id) response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().get(url=job_url, auth=self.auth) if not response.ok: if response.status_code == 404: raise ObjectNotFoundError( "Job with id {} not found.".format(job_id)) raise ServiceError("Failed to get jobs state. " + response.text) job_response = response.json() response = { "id": job_response.get("id"), "state": job_response.get("state"), "appId": job_response.get("appId") } return response
def get_job_logs(self, job_id, size): """ Fetches the logs of the batch job using Livy's batches logs endpoint Keyword arguments: job_id {str} -- Job identifier size {int} -- Number of log lines to be returned Returns: response -- Http method response """ job_logs_url = "{}/batches/{}/logs".format(self.url, job_id) if size is not None and size > 0: job_logs_url = job_logs_url + "?size={}".format(size) response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().get(url=job_logs_url, auth=self.auth) if not response.ok: if response.status_code == 404: raise ObjectNotFoundError( "Job with id {} not found.".format(job_id)) raise ServiceError("Failed to get job logs. " + response.text) return response
def delete_file(self, file_name_with_path): """ Deletes a file from HDFS identified by the path Keyword arguments: file_name_with_path {str} -- Name of the file identified with a path Returns: response -- Http method response """ delete_file_url = self.url + file_name_with_path + "?op=DELETE" if os.path.splitext(file_name_with_path)[-1] == "": delete_file_url = delete_file_url + "&recursive=true" response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().delete(delete_file_url, auth=self.auth) if not response.ok: raise ServiceError( "Attempt to delete file {0} failed with {1} and {2}.".format( file_name_with_path, response.status_code, response.reason)) return response
def upload_directory(self, directory_path, archive_directory_data): '''Untars the archive_directory_data provided as input, and uploads all the contents of the tar to the directory path specified on HDFS. ''' logger.log_info("Uploading the directory to HDFS") web_hdfs_url = Environment().get_web_hdfs_url() hdfs_file_base_url = Environment().get_hdfs_file_base_url() session = SwSessionManager().get_session() user_name = session.get_username() client = InsecureClient(web_hdfs_url, user_name) directory_name_with_path = "/" + directory_path directory_name = os.path.split(directory_path)[1] try: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp: local_dir_path = temp + "/" + directory_name + ".tar.gz" with open(local_dir_path, "wb") as dir_archive: dir_archive.write(archive_directory_data) with, "r:gz") as tar: tar.extractall(temp) os.remove(local_dir_path) response = client.upload(hdfs_path=directory_name_with_path, local_path=temp) logger.log_info( "Successfully uploaded the directory {0} to HDFS".format( response)) return hdfs_file_base_url + directory_name_with_path except Exception as e: raise ServiceError( "Uploading the directory to HDFS failed with the error: {0}". format(str(e)))
def download_directory(self, directory_url): '''Downloads directory from remote HDFS to local, archives it and returns the zip of the directory''' logger.log_info("Downloading the directory {0} ".format(directory_url)) # Remove the base url from the absolute directory path provided as parameter # For example, if the absolute path is hdfs://alpha:9000/configuration/12345/drift, # the below statement will return /configuration/12345/drift directory_name_with_path = urllib3.util.parse_url(directory_url).path directory_name = os.path.split(directory_name_with_path)[1] web_hdfs_url = Environment().get_web_hdfs_url() session = SwSessionManager().get_session() user_name = session.get_username() client = InsecureClient(web_hdfs_url, user_name) try: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp:, local_path=temp, n_threads=5) tmp_archive = os.path.join(temp) data = io.BytesIO() with open(shutil.make_archive(tmp_archive, 'gztar', temp), "rb") as output_data: data.write( return send_file(data, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=directory_name + ".tar.gz") except Exception as e: raise ServiceError( "Downloading the folder from HDFS failed with the error: {0}". format(str(e)))
def delete_directory(self, directory_url): web_hdfs_url = Environment().get_web_hdfs_url() session = SwSessionManager().get_session() user_name = session.get_username() client = InsecureClient(web_hdfs_url, user_name) try: directory_name_with_path = urllib3.util.parse_url( directory_url).path logger.log_info( "Deleting the directory {}".format(directory_name_with_path)) response = client.delete(directory_name_with_path, recursive=True) if not response: raise ServiceError("Directory {0} doesn't exist".format( directory_name_with_path)) return except Exception as e: raise ServiceError( "Deleting the folder from HDFS failed with the error: {0}". format(str(e)))
def _get_actual_download_file_path(self, file_name_with_path): download_file_path = None list_status_url = self.url + file_name_with_path + "?op=LISTSTATUS" response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().get(list_status_url, auth=self.auth) if not response.ok: if response.status_code == 404: raise ObjectNotFoundError( "File {} not found.".format(file_name_with_path)) raise ServiceError( "Attempt to open file {0} failed with {1} and {2}.".format( file_name_with_path, response.status_code, response.reason)) list_status_response = json.loads(response.text) if list_status_response is not None and list_status_response.get( "FileStatuses") is not None: files_statuses = list_status_response.get("FileStatuses") if files_statuses.get("FileStatus") is not None: file_status_list = files_statuses.get("FileStatus") if len(file_status_list) > 1: raise BadRequestError( "Specified path is a directory containing multiple files. Supported only if single part file is inside folder." ) path_suffix = file_status_list[0]["pathSuffix"] if len(path_suffix) > 0: if file_status_list[0]["type"] == "DIRECTORY": download_file_path = self._get_actual_download_file_path( file_name_with_path + "/" + path_suffix) elif file_status_list[0]["type"] == "FILE": download_file_path = file_name_with_path + "/" + path_suffix else: download_file_path = file_name_with_path return download_file_path
def upload_file(self, file_name_with_path, data, overwrite=False): """ Uploads file to a HDFS location identified by the path Keyword arguments: file_name_with_path {str} -- Name of the file identified with a path data {bytearray} -- Byte array representation of the file overwrite {bool} -- Flag indicating of the file should be overwritten Returns: response {dict} -- Dictionary denoting the status of the upload operation and the relative location of the file. """ # The following lines (114-123) are a temporary fix until we have the right change made in the # ibm-wos-utils module to handle upload of this specific file only when its not found # in the HDFS location if "" in file_name_with_path: check_file_status_url = self.url + file_name_with_path + "?op=LISTSTATUS" response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().get(check_file_status_url, auth=self.auth) if response.status_code == 200: logger.log_warning("File already exists.. Skipping upload...") response = { "status": "finished", "location": file_name_with_path } return response create_file_url = self.url + file_name_with_path + "?op=CREATE" if overwrite: create_file_url = create_file_url + "&overwrite=true" response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().put(create_file_url, auth=self.auth, allow_redirects=False) if response.status_code != 307: raise ServiceError( "Attempt to create file {0} failed with {1} and {2}.".format( file_name_with_path, response.status_code, response.reason)) file_write_url = None if response.headers is not None: file_write_url = response.headers["Location"] if file_write_url is not None: response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().put(file_write_url, auth=self.auth, data=data) retry_attempt = 0 sleep_factor = random.randint(1, 5) # If the file upload fails with 404, during multiple parallel requests trying to upload the same file, # attempting retry up-to 5 times with a random start sleep time ranging between 1 and 5 seconds # and a back-off factor of 1.5 if response.status_code == 404: while retry_attempt < 5: sleep_factor = sleep_factor * 1.5 time.sleep(sleep_factor) retry_attempt += 1 logger.log_info("Re-attempt {} of file {} upload.".format( retry_attempt, file_name_with_path)) actual_response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().put( create_file_url, auth=self.auth, allow_redirects=False) if actual_response.headers is not None: file_url = actual_response.headers["Location"] response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().put( file_url, auth=self.auth, data=data) if not response.ok: raise ServiceError( "Attempt to write to file {0} failed with {1} and {2}.". format(file_name_with_path, response.status_code, response.reason)) check_file_status_url = self.url + file_name_with_path + "?op=LISTSTTAUS" response = RestUtil.request_with_retry().get(check_file_status_url, auth=self.auth) if response.status_code == 404: raise ServiceError( "File {} not found".format(file_name_with_path)) response = {"status": "finished", "location": file_name_with_path} return response