コード例 #1
ファイル: test_crud.py プロジェクト: JiscMonitor/monitor-uk
    def test_01_create(self):
        # Create instances of the ApiRequest object

        # construct a blank one, just to make sure we can
        req = ApiRequest()
        assert req.raw is None
        assert req.account is None
        assert req.json() is None

        # make one using valid source data
        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        csource = deepcopy(source)
        csource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        req = ApiRequest(csource, account=acc)
        assert req.raw == source
        assert req.account.id == acc.id
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make one with some invalid data
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest({"whatever" : "here"}, account=acc)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_crud.py プロジェクト: JiscMonitor/monitor-uk
    def test_04_pull_public(self):
        # Pull a PublicAPC through the ApiRequest object

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc.id = "abcdefghij"

        acc2 = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc2.id = "qwerty"

        # make a competing public version, and check that a pull on the doi works
        pub_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        pub = PublicAPC(pub_source)

        result = ApiRequest.pull("10.1234/me", account=acc)
        assert result.raw == pub.clean_record
        assert result.account.id == acc.id
        assert result.public_id == pub.id

        craw = deepcopy(pub.clean_record)
        craw["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        assert json.loads(result.json()) == craw

        # also try the pull with the wrong owner, which should work
        result = ApiRequest.pull("10.1234/me", account=acc2)
        assert result is not None
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_crud.py プロジェクト: JiscMonitor/monitor-uk
    def test_07_save_delete(self):
        # Work through acycle of saves and deletes to observe the outputs

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)

        dao = Request()
        req2 = dao.pull(req.request.id)
        assert req2 is not None
        assert req2.owner == acc.id
        assert req2.record == source
        assert req2.action == "update"

        # now publish the request

        # now pull the object as identified by its API identifier (which should be the DOI)
        source2 = deepcopy(source)
        source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        next = ApiRequest.pull(req.id, account=acc)

        # now, at this point we should have 2 request objects in the index.  One for the
        # original save, and one for the new save
        req3 = dao.pull(next.request.id)
        assert req3 is not None
        assert req3.owner == acc.id
        assert req3.record == source2
        assert req3.action == "update"

        # now issue a delete on the same record

        # by now we should have 3 request objects in the index, 2 for the above updates
        # and one for the delete request
        req4 = dao.pull(next.request.id)
        assert req4 is not None
        assert req4.owner == acc.id
        assert req4.record == source2
        assert req4.action == "delete"
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_crud.py プロジェクト: JiscMonitor/monitor-uk
    def test_03_pull_request(self):
        # Pull a Request through the ApiRequest object

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc.id = "abcdefghij"

        # first make a request which contains that doi
        req_source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(req_source)

        # you can't pull a request object, so just show that that's true...

        # pull by doi should fail
        result = ApiRequest.pull("10.1234/me", account=acc)
        assert result is None

        # pull by request id should fail
        result = ApiRequest.pull(req.id, account=acc)
        assert result is None
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_crud.py プロジェクト: JiscMonitor/monitor-uk
    def test_05_pull_then_update(self):
        # Pull a record through the ApiRequest object and then udpate it

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc.id = "abcdefghij"

        pub_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        del pub_source["id"]
        pub = PublicAPC(pub_source)

        pub_source2 = deepcopy(pub_source.get("record"))
        pub_source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        result = ApiRequest.pull(pub.id, account=acc)
        assert result.raw == pub_source2
        assert result.account.id == acc.id
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_crud.py プロジェクト: JiscMonitor/monitor-uk
    def test_06_get_id(self):
        # Get the operative ID of a record

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc.id = "abcdefghij"
        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()

        # first, provide a record which has a doi, and ensure that's the id we get back
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        assert req.id == "10.1234/me"

        # now make a public record, and check we get the right ids for it
        pub_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        del pub_source["id"]
        del pub_source["record"]["dc:identifier"]
        pub = PublicAPC(pub_source)

        result = ApiRequest.pull(pub.id, account=acc)
        assert result.id == pub.id
        assert result.id == result.public_id
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_crud.py プロジェクト: JiscMonitor/monitor-uk
    def test_02_update(self):
        # Do updates on the ApiRequest object

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        csource = deepcopy(source)
        csource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        # do an update on blank one (unlikely use case)
        req = ApiRequest()
        assert req.raw == source
        assert req.account is None
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make one, and then update it
        source2 = deepcopy(source)
        source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        assert req.raw == source2
        assert req.account.id == acc.id
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make a valid one, and then do something invalid to it
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req.update({"whatever" : "here"})
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_crud.py プロジェクト: JiscMonitor/monitor-uk
    def test_09_responses(self):
        # Check that we get appropriate JSON responses

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)

        # have a look at what we'd expect the responses to be if this was a create
        cr = req.created_response()
        assert cr.get("status") == "created"
        assert cr.get("request_id") is not None
        assert cr.get("public_id") == "10.1234/me"

        # now look at the responses if this was an update/append
        ur = req.updated_response()
        assert ur.get("status") == "updated"
        assert ur.get("request_id") is not None
        assert ur.get("public_id") == "10.1234/me"

        # now look at a delete
        dr = req.deleted_response()
        assert dr.get("status") == "deleted"
        assert dr.get("request_id") is not None
        assert dr.get("public_id") == "10.1234/me"

        # just make a quick check to be sure that if no DOI is present, we get the right kind of info in the public_id
        source2 = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        source2["dc:identifier"] = [{"type" : "pmcid", "id" : "PMC1234"}]
        req2 = ApiRequest(source2, account=acc)

        cr = req.created_response()
        assert cr.get("public_id") == req.id

        ur = req.updated_response()
        assert ur.get("public_id") == req.id

        dr = req.deleted_response()
        assert dr.get("public_id") == req.id
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_crud.py プロジェクト: JiscMonitor/monitor-uk
    def test_08_append(self):
        # Check that append works, which is the same as update

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        # do an update on blank one (unlikely use case)
        req = ApiRequest()
        assert req.raw == source
        assert req.account is None
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make one, and then update it
        source2 = deepcopy(source)
        source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        assert req.raw == source2
        assert req.account.id == acc.id
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make a valid one, and then do something invalid to it
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req.append({"whatever" : "here"})