def get_reads(): """ 获取所有的read记录 :return: """ page_num = int(request.args.get('page', 1)) page_size = int(request.args.get('size', 20)) dbms = request.args.get('dbms') try: check_alias(db_alias=dbms) except DbmsAliasError: return Result.gen_failed('404', 'dbms error') uid = request.args.get('uid') aid = request.args.get('aid') cons = {'uid': uid, 'aid': aid} kwargs = {} for key, value in cons.items(): if value is not None and value != '': kwargs[key] = value res = ReadService().get_reads(page_num=page_num, page_size=page_size, db_alias=dbms, **kwargs) _reads = list(read.to_dict() for read in res) total = ReadService().count(db_alias=dbms, **kwargs) data = {'total': total, 'list': _reads} return Result.gen_success(data)
def update_popular(self, _date=None, db_alias=None, daily_pop=None, weekly_pop=None, monthly_pop=None): if isinstance(_date, datetime.datetime): _date = _date = _date or if daily_pop is None: daily_pop = ReadService().get_daily_popular(_date) weekly_pop = ReadService().get_weekly_popular(_date) monthly_pop = ReadService().get_monthly_popular(_date) if db_alias is None: for dbms in DBMS.all: self.update_popular(_date=_date, db_alias=dbms, daily_pop=daily_pop, weekly_pop=weekly_pop, monthly_pop=monthly_pop) pass else: check_alias(db_alias) self.__update_daily_rank(daily_pop, _date, db_alias) self.__update_weekly_rank(weekly_pop, _date, db_alias) self.__update_monthly_rank(monthly_pop, _date, db_alias)"update popular on {}, date:{}".format( db_alias, _date)) pass
def test_read_twice(self): aid = ArticleService().get_articles_by_title('title2')[0].aid uid = UserService().get_user_by_name('user2').uid read1 = self.readService.add_one(aid, uid, 1, 34, 2, 0, 'sdf', 0, 1) ReadService().pretty_reads([read1]) read2 = self.readService.add_one(aid, uid, 1, 34, 2, 1, 'asdaff', 1, 1) ReadService().pretty_reads([read2]) read1.reload() assert read1.readSequence == read2.readSequence
def dashboard(): from config import DBMS from service.user_service import UserService from service.article_service import ArticleService from service.read_service import ReadService from service.popular_service import PopularService dbms = request.args.get('dbms') nums = { 'users': UserService().count(db_alias=dbms), 'articles': ArticleService().count(db_alias=dbms), 'reads': ReadService().count(db_alias=dbms), 'populars': PopularService().count(temporalGranularity='daily', db_alias=dbms) } charts = {'users': [], 'articles': [], 'reads': []} for dbms in DBMS().get_all_dbms_by_region(): charts['users'].append({ 'name': dbms, 'value': UserService().count(db_alias=dbms) }) charts['articles'].append({ 'name': dbms, 'value': ArticleService().count(db_alias=dbms) }) charts['reads'].append({ 'name': dbms, 'value': ReadService().count(db_alias=dbms) }) data = {'nums': nums, 'charts': charts} # if dbms == 'Beijing': # data = { # 'users': 12354, # 'articles': 533366, # 'reads': 23424, # 'populars': 90372 # } # else: # data = { # 'users': 63234, # 'articles': 1284, # 'reads': 724933, # 'populars': 8422 # } return Result.gen_success(data=data) pass
def get_user_read_history(uid): """ 获取指定用户的所有read记录 :return: """ region = request.args.get('region') if region not in DBMS().region['values']: return Result.gen_failed('404', 'region error') else: dbms = DBMS().get_best_dbms_by_region(region) kwargs = {'uid': uid} # kwargs = {} data = None # _REDIS_KEY_ = f"READ_LIST:{dbms}:{page_num}:{page_size}:{kwargs}" # data = RedisService().get_redis(dbms).get_dict(_REDIS_KEY_) if data is None or data == {}: res = ReadService().get_reads(sort_by='-timestamp', db_alias=dbms, **kwargs) records = {} for read in res: if read.aid not in records.keys(): article = ArticleService().get_one_by_aid(aid=read.aid, only=['title']) if article is not None: # record = read.to_dict() read.title = article.title records[read.aid] = read else: records[read.aid].readOrNot = records[ read.aid].readOrNot or read.readOrNot records[read.aid].agreeOrNot = records[ read.aid].agreeOrNot or read.agreeOrNot records[read.aid].shareOrNot = records[ read.aid].shareOrNot or read.shareOrNot records[read.aid].commentOrNot = records[ read.aid].commentOrNot or read.commentOrNot records[read.aid].readTimeLength += read.readTimeLength records[read.aid].readSequence += read.readSequence records[read.aid].timestamp = max(records[read.aid].timestamp, read.timestamp) records = list( read.to_dict(other=['title']) for (key, read) in records.items()) total = ReadService().count(db_alias=dbms, **kwargs) data = {'total': total, 'list': records} return Result.gen_success(data)
def read_an_article(user, article): # from service.read_service import Read, ReadService import time time_read_start = time.time() # input("\n按回车返回") # TODO 阅读完后的操作,点赞、评论、分享等 aid = article.aid uid = user.uid commentOrNot, commentDetail, agreeOrNot, shareOrNot = 0, '', 0, 0 while True: print("1. 点赞 \t2. 评论\t3. 分享\t4. 返回") mode = input("请选择操作: ") if mode == '1': agreeOrNot = 1 print("点赞成功") elif mode == '2': commentOrNot = 1 detail = input("请输入评论信息: ") commentDetail = detail print("评论成功") elif mode == '3': shareOrNot = 1 print("分享成功") elif mode == '4': time_read_end = time.time() readTimeLength = time_read_end - time_read_start ReadService().add_one(aid, uid, 1, readTimeLength, 1, commentOrNot, commentDetail, agreeOrNot, shareOrNot) return else: print("输入错入,请重新输入") pass
def gen_reads(): print() for i in range(READS_NUM): print_bar(i, READS_NUM) data = gen_an_read(i) data['rid'] = i region = uid_region[data["uid"]] category = aid_category[data["aid"]] ReadService().import_from_dict(data, region=region, category=category) if (i + 1) % 100000 == 0:"saving reads") ReadService().update_many() # BeReadService().update_many() ReadService().update_many() BeReadService().update_many()
def delete_read(rid): if rid is None: return Result.gen_failed('404', 'uid not found') _REDIS_KEY_ = f"{READS_ITEM}:{rid}" RedisService().delete_key_to_all(f"{READS_ITEM}:{rid}") ReadService().del_read_by_rid(rid) return Result.gen_success(msg='删除成功')
def history_admin(): for index, dbms in enumerate(DBMS.all): print("{}. {}".format(index + 1, dbms)) db = input("请选择查看的数据库: ") if db == '': return while not db.isdigit() or int(db) < 1 or int(db) > len(DBMS.all): db = input("输入错误,请重新选择: ") db_alias = DBMS.all[int(db) - 1] total = ReadService().count(db_alias=db_alias) show_history_admin(total, db_alias=db_alias)
def read(): i = 0 with open(data_path + read_file_name, 'r') as f: for line in f: data = json.loads(line) article = ArticleService.get_an_article(title='title' + data['aid']) name = 'user' + data['uid'] if data['uid'] != 0 else 'admin' user = UserService.get_user_by_name(name=name) new_read = Read() new_read.aid = article new_read.uid = user new_read.readOrNot = int(data['readOrNot']) new_read.readTimeLength = int(data['readTimeLength']) new_read.readSequence = int(data['readSequence']) new_read.commentOrNot = int(data['commentOrNot']) new_read.commentDetail = data['commentDetail'] new_read.agreeOrNot = int(data['agreeOrNot']) new_read.shareOrNot = int(data['shareOrNot']) ReadService.add_one(new_read) i += 1 print_bar(i, READS_NUM)
def update_read_record(): """ 对用户的阅读行为添加记录 :return: """ # TODO uid 和region 通过登录的用户进行获取 # print(request.json) uid = int(request.json.get('uid')) aid = int(request.json.get('aid')) region = request.json.get('region') category = request.json.get('category') readOrNot = int(request.json.get('readOrNot', 0)) readTimeLength = int(request.json.get('readTimeLength', 0)) readSequence = int(request.json.get('readSequence', 0)) agreeOrNot = int(request.json.get('agreeOrNot', 0)) commentOrNot = int(request.json.get('commentOrNot', 0)) shareOrNot = int(request.json.get('shareOrNot', 0)) commentDetail = request.json.get('commentDetail', '') if region not in DBMS().region['values'] or category not in DBMS( ).category['values']: return Result.gen_failed(500, msg='region or category error') if uid is None or aid is None: return Result.gen_failed(500, "uid or aid 不能为空") rid = -343 for dbms in get_dbms_by_region(region): rid = ReadService().new_record(aid=aid, uid=uid, readOrNot=readOrNot, readTimeLength=readTimeLength, readSequence=readSequence, agreeOrNot=agreeOrNot, commentOrNot=commentOrNot, shareOrNot=shareOrNot, commentDetail=commentDetail, db_alias=dbms).rid for dbms in get_dbms_by_category(category): BeReadService().new_record(aid=aid, uid=uid, readOrNot=readOrNot, commentOrNot=commentOrNot, agreeOrNot=agreeOrNot, shareOrNot=shareOrNot, db_alias=dbms) return Result.gen_success(msg='success', data={'rid': rid}) pass
def show_history_admin(total, page_num=1, page_size=20, db_alias=None, **kwargs): # TODO 数据量大时分页显示 # x.clear() x.clear_rows() x.field_names = ('index', 'aid', 'uid', 'readTimeLength', 'readSequence', 'agreeOrNot', 'commentOrNot', 'shareOrNot', 'commentDetail', 'readTime') # TODO 展示历史阅读数据 # 根据Read 表的数据展示当前用户的阅读历史 # 目前只展示DBMS1里边的阅读数据 reads = ReadService().get_reads(page_num, page_size, db_alias=db_alias) for index, read in enumerate(reads): x.add_row((index, read.aid, read.uid, read.readTimeLength, read.readSequence, read.agreeOrNot, read.commentOrNot, read.shareOrNot, read.commentDetail, read.timestamp)) print(x) show_next(page_num, page_size, total, show_history_admin, **kwargs) # input("按回车键返回") pass
def show_history(user, total, page_num=1, page_size=20, **kwargs): # TODO 数据量大时分页显示 x.clear() x.field_names = ('index', 'aid', 'readTimeLength', 'readSequence', 'agreeOrNot', 'commentOrNot', 'shareOrNot', 'commentDetail', 'timestamp') # TODO 展示历史阅读数据 # 根据Read 表的数据展示当前用户的阅读历史 reads = ReadService().get_history(user.uid, page_num, page_size) for index, read in enumerate(reads): # title = ReadService().get_by_rid(rid=read.aid) x.add_row((index, read.aid, read.readTimeLength, read.readSequence, read.agreeOrNot, read.commentOrNot, read.shareOrNot, read.commentDetail, timestamp_to_str(read.timestamp))) print(x) show_next(page_num, page_size, total, show_history, **kwargs) # input("按回车键返回") pass
def get_read(rid): read = {} _REDIS_KEY_ = f"{READS_ITEM}:{rid}" for dbms in DBMS().get_all_dbms_by_region(): read = RedisService().get_dict(dbms, _REDIS_KEY_) if read == {}: read = ReadService().get_by_rid(rid=rid) if read is None: return Result.gen_failed(404, 'user not found') read = read.to_dict() for dbms in DBMS().get_all_dbms_by_region(): RedisService().set_dict(dbms, _REDIS_KEY_, read) return Result.gen_success(read) pass
def get_dashboard_info(): from config import DBMS from service.user_service import UserService from service.article_service import ArticleService from service.read_service import ReadService from service.popular_service import PopularService from service.redis_service import RedisService dbms = request.args.get('dbms') print('get info start time: {}'.format( if dbms not in DBMS().all: return Result.gen_failed(code=500, msg='dbms error') _KEY_ = "DASHBOARD" data = RedisService().get_dict(dbms, _KEY_) if data is not None and data != {}: return Result.gen_success(data=data) nums = { 'users': UserService().count(db_alias=dbms), 'articles': ArticleService().count(db_alias=dbms), 'reads': ReadService().count(db_alias=dbms), 'populars': PopularService().count(temporalGranularity='daily', db_alias=dbms) } nodes = get_nodes(dbms) charts = {'users': [], 'articles': [], 'reads': []} for dbms1 in DBMS().get_all_dbms_by_region(): if dbms1 == dbms: charts['users'].append({'name': dbms1, 'value': nums['users']}) charts['articles'].append({ 'name': dbms1, 'value': nums['articles'] }) charts['reads'].append({'name': dbms1, 'value': nums['reads']}) else: charts['users'].append({ 'name': dbms1, 'value': UserService().count(db_alias=dbms1) }) charts['articles'].append({ 'name': dbms1, 'value': ArticleService().count(db_alias=dbms1) }) charts['reads'].append({ 'name': dbms1, 'value': ReadService().count(db_alias=dbms1) }) data = {'nums': nums, 'charts': charts, 'nodes': nodes} print('end info start time: {}'.format( RedisService().set_dict(dbms, _KEY_, data) return Result.gen_success(data=data) pass
def history(user): total = ReadService().count(uid=user.uid, db_alias=get_best_dbms_by_region(user.region)) if total == 0: print("当前没有任何阅读记录哟") return show_history(user, total)
def setup_class(cls) -> None: super().setup_class() cls.readService = ReadService()