def invoke_server(userip, cmd): #ssh do not use -tt here cmd = cmd.replace(' ', delimit) cmd = 'ssh ' + userip + ' python ' + host2dir( userip) + '/ ' + cmd, shell=True) # call has to block and wait here print "coor cmd: " + cmd
def get_power(hoststr='', suffix='', LOG=0): if not hoststr: hoststr = get_ip_addr() try: if hoststr.startswith('tarekc'): name = hoststr.split('.')[0] elif hoststr[0].isalpha(): # t1 hip = host2ip[hoststr] if hip in ip2tarekc.keys(): name = ip2tarekc[hip] else: name = get_namehostip('hname', hip) # help from namehostip elif hoststr.startswith('1'): # 172. if hoststr in ip2tarekc.keys(): name = ip2tarekc[hoststr] # is ip already in else: name = get_namehostip('hname', hoststr) # help from namehostip pport = tarekc2powerport[name] #print 'Power for '+hoststr+' '+pport cmd = 'php ' + mypydir + '/avocent_measure.php ' + pport proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open('/dev/null', 'w')) output = proc.communicate()[0].strip() if LOG: fid = open(host2dir(name) + '/power' + suffix + '.log', 'a') fid.write(('%.4f' % time.time()) + ' ' + hoststr + ' ' + output + '\n') fid.close() # SET LOG # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # handler = logging.FileHandler(host2dir(name)+'/power'+suffix+'.log') # handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # handler.setFormatter(formatter) # logger.addHandler(handler)' '+output) except: print hoststr + ' ' + name + ' has NO power measure!' output = '' return output
def th_sh(h,script): cmd="ssh -tt "+host2userip[h]+ " sh "+host2dir(h)+"/"+script print '\nrun: '+cmd,shell=True)
t.start() thqueue.append(t) # gen php file first: cmd='python ./ '+et print cmd print 'copy...' cmd='python ./ '+et print '\n\n\nrun: '+cmd time.sleep(1) for th in thqueue: th.join() userip=host2userip[coor] cmd="ssh -tt "+userip+ " 'python "+host2dir(coor)+"/ "+et+"'" print '\n\n\nrun: '+cmd,shell=True) # has to shell, or no such file... time.sleep(1) cmd='python ./ '+et print '\n\n\nrun: '+cmd #t make sure mysqld, lighttpd, haproxy, php-fpm, memcached #e make sure mysql, lighttpd, haproxy, php5-fpm, memcached
def th_monitor_run(rewrite,sampleIntv,measureIntv=0.5): global serverruntime,nametag,runflag,monitordict,monitorsuffix global masterlist,slavelist,allhosts if rewrite: try: fn=glob.glob(host2dir(tname)+'/monitor*') for rmf in fn: os.remove(rmf) except: print 'monitor.log already removed !' print tname+" "+nametag+' thread running...\nmonitordict:',monitordict,sampleIntv while serverruntime>0 and runflag: fid=open(host2dir(tname)+'/monitor-'+monitorsuffix+'-'+nametag+'-'+tname+'.log','a') sttime=time.time() if monitordict['cpu']>0: core=monitor.get_cpu_count() # cpu logical number dic=monitor.get_cpu_usage(intv=measureIntv) # us, sy, % each core msg='cpu' for i in range(core): msg=msg+' %.1f,%.1f'%(dic[i]['usr'],dic[i]['sys']) fid.write(('%.4f'%time.time())+' '+msg+'\n') if monitordict['mem']>0: dic=monitor.get_mem_usage() # used %, total MB msg='mem %.1f %d'%(dic['used'],dic['total']) fid.write(('%.4f'%time.time())+' '+msg+'\n') if monitordict['nettxrx']>0: dic=monitor.get_net_txrx(rlevel=4) # tx,rx,dropin,dropout msg='nettxrx %.4f %.4f %d %d %d %d %d %d'%(dic['tx'],dic['rx'],dic['dropin'],dic['dropout'],dic['errin'],dic['errout'],dic['txpac'],dic['rxpac']) fid.write(('%.4f'%time.time())+' '+msg+'\n') if nametag=='mem': pname=host2servicedict(tname)['mem'][0] # memcached proc num dic=monitor.get_procnum(pname) fid.write(('%.4f'%time.time())+' '+pname+' '+`dic[pname]`+'\n') if nametag=='web': pname=host2servicedict(tname)['web'][0] # php-fpm proc num dic=monitor.get_procnum(pname) fid.write(('%.4f'%time.time())+' '+pname+' '+`dic[pname]`+'\n') pname=host2servicedict(tname)['web'][1] # memcached proc num dic=monitor.get_procnum(pname) fid.write(('%.4f'%time.time())+' '+pname+' '+`dic[pname]`+'\n') if monitordict['netconn']>0: dic=monitor.get_net_conn() # {rip:{CONN_TIME_WAIT:1000, }, } for rip in dic.keys(): if rip in ip2host.keys(): tn=ip2host[rip] ripdic=dic[rip] if tn in masterlist: msg='to-master ' elif tn in slavelist: msg='to-slave ' elif tn in coorlist: msg='to-coor ' else: msg='to-? ' msg=msg+tn for key in ripdic: msg=msg+' '+key+' '+str(ripdic[key]) fid.write(('%.4f'%time.time())+' '+msg+'\n') fid.close() endtime=time.time()-sttime time.sleep(max(0,sampleIntv-endtime)) print tname+' mon thread exit.'+nametag
rpctimeout=int(readconf.get_conf(et,'servertimeout')) skipservicecheck=int(readconf.get_conf(et,'skipservicecheck')) skipwarmup=int(readconf.get_conf(et,'skipwarmup')) cleanlog=int(readconf.get_conf(et,'cleanlog')) cleanres=int(readconf.get_conf(et,'cleanres')) delaytime=1.0/rqps # START RPC SERVER tgen = threading.Thread(target=rpc_server_thread) tgen.setDaemon(True) # when main exit, this thread also terminate tgen.start() print tname+" RPC server thread running... "+nametag # cleaning if cleanlog>=1: cmd='ssh -tt '+host2userip[tname]+' sh '+host2dir(tname)+'/' print '\nclean cmd: '+cmd try: fn=glob.glob(host2dir(tname)+'/*.log') for rmf in fn: os.remove(rmf) except: print '*.log already removed !' if cleanres>=1: cmd='ssh -tt '+host2userip[tname]+' sh '+host2dir(tname)+'/' print '\nclean cmd: '+cmd # if nametag=='': # if tname in masterlist:
sys.exit(1) print 'my role: ' + nametag # START RPC SERVER tgen = threading.Thread(target=rpc_server_thread) tgen.setDaemon(True) # when main exit, this thread also terminate tgen.start() print tname + " RPC server thread running... " + nametag # INVOKE REMOTE thqueue = [] MANUALINVOKE = int(readconf.get_conf(et, 'manualinvoke')) if MANUALINVOKE == 0: print "coor invoking python servers..." for n in workerlist: # nametag at last cmd = 'python ' + host2dir(n) + '/ ' + et thqueue.append(use_thread_invoke_server(host2userip[n], cmd)) # wait worker to start RPC... while len(thqueue) > 0: t = thqueue.pop(0) print 'coor: join th invoke_server %s' % t.getName() t.join() # make sure every work has started RPC time.sleep(1) else: print '\n\nYou need to invoke rpc on servers yourself! ' time.sleep(3) # cleaning if cleanlog >= 1: cmd = 'ssh -tt ' + host2userip[tname] + ' sh ' + host2dir( tname) + '/'