コード例 #1
ファイル: Application.py プロジェクト: Draco-/FW-Template
 def _initApplicationServices(self):
     initialize an services for the application
     # Service icons, provides icons based on a search path
     self.icons = IconManager()
コード例 #2
ファイル: Application.py プロジェクト: Draco-/FW-Template
class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
    This class is used as the MainWindow of the application.
    It sets up the MainWindow and defines other important basics, that are
    needed in the application. See __init__ method for the implementation

    # Signal to create a new model view pait.
    sigCreateModelView = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object, object)

    # =================================================================================================
    # initializing the application class
    # =================================================================================================
    def __init__(self, *args):
        Initialize the MainWindow and the basic elements.
        This method keeps just the boilerplate stuff and calls methods for the
        several initialisation steps.
        Application specific stuff is placed within these methods

        # call __init__ method of superclass
        QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args)

        self.setGeometry(100, 100, 600, 400)
        # TODO: Make setup of main window and view manager available via user configuration

        # initialize basic element of the application gui

        # setup data model or document and view manager

    def _initApplicationServices(self):
        initialize an services for the application
        # Service icons, provides icons based on a search path
        self.icons = IconManager()

    def _initActions(self):
        Setup and prepare a list of application actions (to be performed from the top level
        of the application.
        An exit action is already implemented as an example
        # Dictionary of actions
        self.actions = {}

        # exitApp - exit the application (end of application programme)
        self.actions["exitApp"] = QtGui.QAction(self.icons.getIcon(["application", "actions", "exitApp"]), "Exit", self)

        # other actions follow here

    def _initMenuBar(self):
        Define the necessary menues and put them into the menu bar of the main window
        self.fileMenu = QtGui.QMenu("&File", None)
        # additional actions in the file menue go here

        # additional menues for the menue bar go here

    def _initToolBar(self):
        Define a tool bar and put required actions in
        self.fileToolBar = self.addToolBar("File")

        # more actions for the tool bar go here

    def _initStatusBar(self):
        Initialize the status bar. Here we just put the string 'Ready ...' to the status bar
        self.statusBar().showMessage("Ready ...")

    # =================================================================================================
    # initializing the data model / document and the view manager
    # =================================================================================================
    def _initModelManager(self):
        Create a model manager or a document from its class and initialize it.
        The application class keeps a reference to the model manager
        # if we need arguments for the model manager, we must provide them here
        self.model = Model()

        # other initialisation stuff goes here

    def _initViewManager(self):
        Create a view manager from its class and initialize it.
        The application class keeps a referene to the view manager
        self.view = ViewManager()

    def createModelViewPair(self):

        self.sigCreateModelView.emit("model", "view")

    # =================================================================================================
    # slot implementations for the application
    # =================================================================================================
    # each action, as well as each activity that is triggered from other parts of the application
    # e.g. user demands ...  has to be implemented here

    def slotExitApp(self):
        Query the user, if he wants to exit (depending on the query parameter), start the shutdown
        stuff and finally exit the application

        query = AppConfig.query_exit
        # query=True

        if query:
            self.statusBar().showMessage("Exiting application ...")
            if self.queryExit():
                self.statusBar().showMessage("Ready ...")
            self.statusBar().showMessage("Exiting application ...")

    # =================================================================================================
    # other action methods and hooks
    # =================================================================================================
    def queryExit(self):
        Ask user, if he realy wants to quit the application
        exit = QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "Quit...", "Do you really want to quit?", "&OK", "&Cancel", "", 0, 1)
        if exit == 0:
            return True
            return False

    def shutdownApplication(self):
        Function hook for the exit application slot.
        This method is intended to clean up the application if necessary before
        final shut down (exit of application)

    def closeEvent(self, event):
        this event handler catches the close event, that is signalled, when the user tries to close
        the application by the windows close button and sends it to the slotExitApp like all other
        exit / close actions