コード例 #1
def search(args):
    Return features within a chromosomal region in JBrowse JSON format
    q = args['q']
    chrom = None if 'chr' not in args \
            else args['chr']
    start = None if 'start' not in args \
            else args['start']
    end = None if 'end' not in args \
            else args['end']
    if start >= end:
        tools.fail('End coordinate must be greater than start')
    strand = None if 'strand' not in args \
            else args['strand']
    featuretype = 'mRNA' if 'featuretype' not in args \
            else args['featuretype']
    completely_within = False if 'completely_within' not in args \
            else args['completely_within']
    level = 1 if 'level' not in args \
            else args['level']

    imfeatureclass = tools.to_camel_case(featuretype)
    if q == 'features':
        data = utils.get_features(refseq=chrom, start=start, \
            end=end, strand=strand, featuretype=imfeatureclass,
            completely_within=completely_within, level=level)

        if not data:
            return tools.fail('Failed to retrieve feature data in JSON')
    elif q == 'globalStats':
        data = utils.get_global_stats(featuretype=imfeatureclass)
    elif q == 'regionStats':
        data = utils.get_region_stats(refseq=chrom, start=start, \
            end=end, featuretype=imfeatureclass)
    elif q == 'regionFeatureDensities':
        data = utils.get_region_feature_densities(refseq=chrom, start=start, \
            end=end, featuretype=imfeatureclass)

    return 'application/json', json.dumps(data)
コード例 #2
def search(args):
    Return features within a chromosomal region in JBrowse JSON format
    q = args['q']
    chrom = args['chr']
    start = args['start']
    end = args['end']
    if start >= end:
        tools.fail('End coordinate must be greater than start')
    strand = None if 'strand' not in args \
            else args['strand']
    featuretype = 'mRNA' if 'featuretype' not in args \
            else args['featuretype']
    level = 1 if 'level' not in args \
            else args['level']
    completely_within = False if 'completely_within' not in args \
            else args['completely_within']
    interbase = True if 'interbase' not in args \
            else args['interbase']

    if q == 'features':
        data = utils.parse_gff(gff_file, chrom=chrom, start=start, \
            end=end, strand=strand, featuretype=featuretype, level=level, \
            completely_within=completely_within, interbase=interbase)

        if not data:
            return tools.fail('Failed to parse gff')
    elif q == 'globalStats':
        data = { 'scoreMin': -1, 'scoreMax': 1 }
    elif q == 'regionStats':
        raise Exception('Not implemented yet')
    elif q == 'regionFeatureDensities':
        raise Exception('Not implemented yet')

    return 'application/json', json.dumps(data)