def send_password_reset_email(cls, email): user_doc = DM.db[User.COLLECTION_NAME].find_one({User.EMAIL: email}) if user_doc is None: # do nothing and return if the user doc is not available return # generate reset password token reset_password_token = secrets.token_urlsafe() # token valid for 30 mins from now valid_till = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=30) # save to reset token collection user_id = str(user_doc["_id"]) DM.db[PasswordResetTokens.COLLECTION_NAME].insert_one({ PasswordResetTokens.USERID: user_id, PasswordResetTokens.TOKEN: reset_password_token, PasswordResetTokens.IS_CONSUMED: False, PasswordResetTokens.VALID_TILL: valid_till }) # TODO: change mail subject line & body send_email( to=email, subject=f"MB: Password reset email", body= f"UserId: {user_id}, Reset password token: {reset_password_token}, valid till: {valid_till}" )
def remove_account(request): if request.user.is_authenticated(): # TODO: fix the way to send user notification of account deletion subject = u'[УДАЛЕНИЕ АККАУНТА] id=%s - %s %s' % (, request.profile.first_name, request.profile.last_name) send_email(None, subject, 'letters/remove_account.html', {'profile': request.profile}, 'remove_account', 'noreply') return HttpResponse('ok') return HttpResponse(u'Чтобы удалить аккаунт, необходимо войти в систему')
def save(self, **kwargs): for user in self.users_cache: ctx = { 'uid': int_to_base36(, 'user': user, 'token': kwargs['token_generator'].make_token(user), 'URL_PREFIX': settings.URL_PREFIX, } send_email(user.get_profile(), u'Смена пароля на', 'letters/password_reset_email.html', ctx, 'password_reset', 'noreply')
async def create_comment(comment: Comment, request: Request): comment.ip = comment.timestamp = await post_comment(comment) send_email(receiver=settings.MY_EMAIL, subject="dotmethod | new message on the blog", text=f"From: {}\nMessage: {comment.body}") return comment
def handle(self, *args, **options): from import send_email with open('/home/serg/gn1.txt') as f: emails = [line.strip() for line in f] for email in emails: print email send_email(None, u'Приглашение к участнию в новой площадке Гракон', 'letters/gn_invitation.html', {}, 'gn_invitation', 'noreply', to_email=email) sleep(0.2)
def handle(self, *args, **options): from import send_email with open('/home/serg/emails.txt') as f: emails = [line.strip() for line in f][:9000] for email in emails: print email send_email(None, u'Гракон готовится к выборам 14 октября', 'letters/invitation.html', {}, '14_10_invitation', 'noreply', to_email=email) sleep(0.2)
def send(self): ctx = { 'message': escape_html(self.cleaned_data['body']), 'profile': self.request.profile, 'hide_signature': True, } if not self.request.profile: ctx['name'] = self.cleaned_data['name'] ctx['email'] = self.cleaned_data['email'] send_email(None, u'[ОБРАТНАЯ СВЯЗЬ]', 'letters/feedback.html', ctx, 'feedback', 'noreply')
def save(self, **kwargs): for user in self.users_cache: ctx = { "uid": int_to_base36(, "user": user, "token": kwargs["token_generator"].make_token(user), "URL_PREFIX": settings.URL_PREFIX, } send_email( user.get_profile(), u"Смена пароля на", "letters/password_reset_email.html", ctx, "password_reset", "noreply", )
async def issuer_badge( request: Request, issuer_id: str, badge_id: str, recipients: List[RecipientIn], current_user: UserInDB = Depends(get_current_user) ): issuer = await IssuersDB().get_issuer_by_id(issuer_id) badge = await BadgesDB().get_badge_by_id(badge_id, issuer_id) if issuer is None or badge is None: raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) for recipient in recipients: # Add recipients to DB if they don't already exist. recipient_in_db = await RecipientsDB().get_recipient_by_email( if recipient_in_db is None: recipient_in_db = await RecipientsDB().create_recipient(recipient) # If recipient already has public key associated with the issuer, # Then just issue them a certificate. Otherwise, send the recipient # an invite email. if issuer_id in recipient_in_db.addresses: await issue_cert(issuer, recipient_in_db, badge) else: invite = await InvitesDB().get_by_issuer_and_recipient_ids(issuer_id, if invite is None: invite = await InvitesDB().create(InviteInCreate(issuer_id=issuer_id,, badge_id=badge_id)) if badge_id not in invite.badges: InvitesDB().add_badge(, badge_id) invite_html = templates.TemplateResponse( "invite.html", { "request": request, "issuer_url": f'{API_URL}/issuers/{issuer_id}/profile', "nonce": invite.nonce } ).body.decode('utf-8') send_email( from_address="*****@*****.**", to_addresses=[], subject="[DX - uBadge]", body=invite_html, is_html=True )
def notify_user(profile_id): nrs = NotificationRecipient.objects.select_related('notification') \ .filter(recipient=profile_id, email_sent=False, is_read=False) \ .order_by('notification__time') notifications = [] for nr in nrs: notification_type = NOTIFICATIONS[nr.notification.type] data = json.loads( ctx = notification_type.context(data) ctx.update({'URL_PREFIX': settings.URL_PREFIX, 'STATIC_URL': settings.STATIC_URL}) notifications.append(render_to_string(notification_type.template, ctx)) if len(notifications) > 0: profile = Profile.objects.select_related('user').get(id=profile_id) send_email(profile, u'Активность на площадке Гракон', 'letters/notifications.html', {'notifications': notifications}, 'notification', 'noreply') nrs = NotificationRecipient.objects.filter(id__in=[ for nr in nrs]) \ .update(email_sent=True)
def __send_email_address_verification_mail__(cls, email, verification_token): # TODO: change body and subject send_email(to=email, subject="Verify MB user", body=f"Verification Token: {verification_token}")
recipient = Profile.objects.select_related('user').get(id=recipient_id) except ValueError, Profile.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponse(u'Получатель указан неверно') title = escape_html(form.cleaned_data['title']) body = escape_html(form.cleaned_data['body']) show_email = form.cleaned_data['show_email'] subject = u'Пользователь %s написал вам сообщение' % unicode(request.profile) ctx = { 'title': title, 'body': body, 'show_email': show_email, 'sender': request.profile, } send_email(recipient, subject, 'letters/message.html', ctx, 'message', 'noreply', if show_email else None) Message.objects.create(sender=request.profile, receiver=recipient, title=title, body=body, show_email=show_email) return HttpResponse('ok') @authenticated_ajax_post def add_role(request): try: loc_id = int(request.POST.get('loc_id', '')) location = Location.objects.select_related().get(id=loc_id) except (ValueError, Location.DoesNotExist): return HttpResponse(u'Неверно указан loc_id') if not location.is_tik() and not location.is_uik():
def send_activation_email(self): send_email(self.user.get_profile(), u'Активация учетной записи на', 'letters/activation_email.html', {'activation_key': self.activation_key}, 'activation', 'noreply')