コード例 #1
    def submit_physical_measurements(self, participant_id, site):
    Create a physical measurements response for the participant
    :param participant_id: participant id
    :param site: HPOSiteGen object
    :return: True if POST request is successful otherwise False.
        if not self._pm_gen:
            self._pm_gen = PhysicalMeasurementsGen()

        pm_obj = self._pm_gen.new(participant_id, site)

        data = dict()
        data['api'] = 'Participant/{0}/PhysicalMeasurements'.format(
        data['data'] = pm_obj.make_fhir_document()
        # make the submit time a little later than the authored timestamp.
        data['timestamp'] = clock.CLOCK.now().isoformat()

        code, resp = make_api_request(self._host,

        if code == 200:
            return pm_obj

        raise ValueError(
            'invalid response, failed to create module response [Http {0}: {1}].'
            .format(code, resp))
コード例 #2
    def _download_questions(self, module):
    Download fhir questionnaire from rdr service.
    :param module: questionnaire module name
    :return: fhir questionnaire object
        data = dict()
        data['api'] = 'Questionnaire?concept={0}'.format(module)
        data['timestamp'] = clock.CLOCK.now().isoformat()
        data['method'] = 'GET'

        code, resp = make_api_request(self._rdr_host,

        if code != 200:
                'failed to get module questionnaire [Http {0}: {1}.'.format(
                    code, resp))
            return None

        questions = Questionnaire(resp, strict=False)
        if questions:
            return questions

        _logger.error('failed to parse the module questionnaire data.')
        return None
コード例 #3
  def submit_module_response(self, module_id, participant_id, overrides=None):
    Create a questionnaire response for the given module.
    :param module_id: questionnaire module name
    :param participant_id: participant id
    :param overrides: list of tuples giving answers to specific questions.
    :return: True if POST request is successful otherwise False.
    if not module_id or not isinstance(module_id, str):
      raise ValueError('invalid module id.')
    if not participant_id or not isinstance(str(participant_id), str):
      raise ValueError('invalid participant id.')

    if not self._cb:
      # We only want to create these once, because they download data from github.
      self._cb = CodeBook()
      self._qn_gen = QuestionnaireGen(self._cb, self._host)

    qn_obj = self._qn_gen.new(module_id, participant_id, overrides)

    data = dict()
    data['api'] = 'Participant/{0}/QuestionnaireResponse'.format(participant_id)
    data['data'] = qn_obj.make_fhir_document()
    # make the submit time a little later than the authored timestamp.
    data['timestamp'] = clock.CLOCK.now().isoformat()

    code, resp = make_api_request(self._host, self._gen_url, req_type='POST', json_data=data,
    if code == 200:
      return qn_obj

    _logger.error('module response failure: [Http {0}: {1}].'.format(code, resp))
    return None
コード例 #4
  def submit_biobank_order(self, participant_id, sample_test, site, to_mayo=False):
    Create a biobank order response for the participant
    :param participant_id: participant id
    :param sample_test: sample test code
    :param site: HPOSiteGen object
    :param to_mayo: if True, also send order to Mayolink.
    :return: True if POST request is successful otherwise False.
    if not sample_test:
      return None

    if not self._bio_gen:
      self._bio_gen = BioBankOrderGen()

    bio_obj = self._bio_gen.new(participant_id, sample_test, site)

    data = dict()
    data['api'] = 'Participant/{0}/BiobankOrder'.format(participant_id)
    data['data'], finalized = bio_obj.make_fhir_document()
    # make the submit time a little later than the finalized timestamp.
    data['timestamp'] = self._increment_date(finalized, minute_range=15).isoformat()
    data['mayolink'] = to_mayo

    code, resp = make_api_request(self._host, self._gen_url, req_type='POST', json_data=data,
    if code == 200:
      return bio_obj

    _logger.error('biobank order response failure: [Http {0}: {1}].'.format(code, resp))
    return None
コード例 #5
 def generate_data_from_file(self):
   reader = self._read_csv_lines(self.args.create_samples_from_file)
   _logger.info('requesting pm&b for participants')
   for item in reader:
     # pylint: disable=unused-variable
     code, resp = make_api_request(self._host, self._gen_url, req_type='POST', json_data=item,
     if code != 200:
       _logger.error('request failed')
コード例 #6
  def generate_fake_data(self):
    total_participants_created = 0

    while total_participants_created < self.args.num_participants:
      participants_for_batch = min(self.MAX_PARTICIPANTS_PER_REQUEST,
                                   self.args.num_participants - total_participants_created)
      request_body = {'num_participants': participants_for_batch,
                      'include_physical_measurements': self.args.include_physical_measurements,
                      'include_biobank_orders': self.args.include_biobank_orders}
      if self.args.hpo:
        request_body['hpo'] = self.args.hpo
      _logger.info('generating batch of [{0}] participants.'.format(participants_for_batch))
      num_consecutive_errors = 0
      while num_consecutive_errors <= self.MAX_CONSECUTIVE_ERRORS:
        code, resp = make_api_request(self._host, self._gen_url, req_type='POST', json_data=request_body,
        if code == 200:
        _logger.error('{0} [{1}]'.format(code, resp))
        num_consecutive_errors += 1
      if num_consecutive_errors > self.MAX_CONSECUTIVE_ERRORS:
        raise IOError("more than {0} consecutive errors; bailing out.".format(self.MAX_CONSECUTIVE_ERRORS))

      total_participants_created += participants_for_batch
      _logger.info('total participants created: [{0}].'.format(total_participants_created))
    if self.args.create_biobank_samples:
      _logger.info('requesting Biobank sample generation.')
      code, resp = make_api_request(self._host, self._gen_url, req_type='POST',
                                    json_data={'create_biobank_samples': True},
      if code != 200:
        _logger.error('request to generate biobank samples failed.')
          'biobank samples are being generated asynchronously.'
          ' wait until done, then use the cron tab in AppEngine to start the samples pipeline.')
コード例 #7
    def create_participant(self, site_id=None, hpo_id=None):
    Create a new participant with a random or specific hpo or site id
    :param site_id: name of specific hpo site
    :param hpo_id: name of hpo
    :return: participant object
        hpo_site = None
        hpo_gen = HPOGen()

        if site_id:
            # if site_id is given, it also returns the HPO the site is matched with.
            hpo_site = hpo_gen.get_site(site_id)
        if hpo_id and not hpo_site:
            # if hpo is given, select a random site within the hpo.
            hpo_site = hpo_gen.get_hpo(hpo_id).get_random_site()
        if not hpo_site:
            # choose a random hpo and site.
            hpo_site = hpo_gen.get_random_site()
        # initialize participant generator.
        if not self._p_gen:
            self._p_gen = ParticipantGen()

        # make a new participant.
        p_obj = self._p_gen.new(hpo_site)

        data = dict()
        data['api'] = 'Participant'
        data['data'] = p_obj.to_dict()
        data['timestamp'] = clock.CLOCK.now().isoformat()

        code, resp = make_api_request(self._host,
        if code == 200 and resp:
            return p_obj, hpo_site

        raise ValueError(
            'invalid response, failed to create participant [Http {0}: {1}].'.
            format(code, resp))
コード例 #8
  def run(self):
    Main program process
    :return: Exit code value
    # TODO: Future: these two blocks of code should be replaced by Tanner's new config bucket for sites csv files.
    # Copy the bucket config file to a temp file
    _logger.info('retrieving configuration...')
    tmpfile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()))
    gcp_cp(HPO_REPORT_CONFIG_GCS_PATH, tmpfile)
    # Read the tempfile and get the sheet_id from it.
    config = json.loads(open(tmpfile).read())
    sheet_id = config.get('hpo_report_google_sheet_id')
    # delete tempfile

    # download the sheet in csv format
    _logger.info('retrieving sites config...')
    sheet_url = 'spreadsheets/d/{0}/export?format=csv'.format(sheet_id)
    resp_code, resp_data = make_api_request('docs.google.com', sheet_url, ret_type='text')
    if resp_code != 200:
      _logger.error('failed to retrieve site information, aborting.')
      return 1
    # TODO end

    # Load the site info we need into a dict.
    sites = dict()
    handle = StringIO.StringIO(resp_data)
    sites_reader = csv.DictReader(handle)
    for row in sites_reader:
      if row['Org ID']:
        sites[row['Org ID']] = {'aggregating_org_id': row['Aggregating Org ID'], 'bucket_name': row['Bucket Name']}

    _logger.info('retrieving db configuration...')
    headers = gcp_make_auth_header()
    resp_code, resp_data = make_api_request(
      '{0}.appspot.com'.format(self.gcp_env.project), '/rdr/v1/Config/db_config', headers=headers)
    if resp_code != 200:
      _logger.error('failed to retrieve config, aborting.')
      return 1

    passwd = resp_data['rdr_db_password']
    if not passwd:
      _logger.error('failed to retrieve database user password from config.')
      return 1

    # connect a sql proxy to the current project
    _logger.info('starting google sql proxy...')
    port = random.randint(10000, 65535)
    instances = gcp_format_sql_instance(self.gcp_env.project, port=port)
    proxy_pid = self.gcp_env.activate_sql_proxy(instances)
    if not proxy_pid:
      _logger.error('activating google sql proxy failed.')
      return 1

      _logger.info('connecting to mysql instance...')
      sql_conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user='******', passwd=str(passwd), db='rdr', port=port)
      cursor = sql_conn.cursor()

      _logger.info('retrieving participant information...')
      # get record count
      if self.args.org_id:
        cursor.execute(COUNT_SQL, (self.args.org_id, ))
        sql = COUNT_SQL.replace('where organization.external_id = %s', 'where')
      rec = cursor.fetchone()
      total_recs = rec[0]

      if self.args.org_id:
        cursor.execute(PARTICIPANT_SQL, (self.args.org_id, ))
        sql = PARTICIPANT_SQL.replace('where organization.external_id = %s', 'where')

      _logger.info('transferring files to destinations...')
      count = 0
      rec = cursor.fetchone()
      while rec:
        if not self.args.debug:
          print_progress_bar(count, total_recs, prefix='{0}/{1}:'.format(count, total_recs), suffix='complete')

        p_id = rec[0]
        site = rec[1]
        if self.args.destination_bucket is not None:
          # override destination bucket lookup (the lookup table is incomplete)
          bucket = self.args.destination_bucket
          site_info = sites.get(rec[2])
          if not site_info:
            _logger.warn('\nsite info not found for [{0}].'.format(rec[2]))
          bucket = site_info.get('bucket_name')
        if not bucket:
          _logger.warn('\nno bucket name found for [{0}].'.format(rec[2]))

        src_bucket = SOURCE_BUCKET.format(p_id=p_id)
        dest_bucket = DEST_BUCKET.format(bucket_name=bucket,
                                         site_name=site if site else 'no-site-assigned',
        _logger.debug(' Participant: {0}'.format(p_id))
        _logger.debug('    src: {0}'.format(src_bucket))
        _logger.debug('   dest: {0}'.format(dest_bucket))

        if not self.args.dry_run:
          # gsutil -m cp -r -n gs://src/ gs://dest
          gcp_cp(src_bucket, dest_bucket, args='-r', flags='-m')

        count += 1
        rec = cursor.fetchone()
        # print progressbar one more time to show completed.
        if not rec and not self.args.debug:
          print_progress_bar(count, total_recs, prefix='{0}/{1}:'.format(count, total_recs), suffix='complete')


    except MySQLdb.OperationalError as e:
      _logger.error('failed to connect to {0} mysql instance. [{1}]'.format(self.gcp_env.project, e))

    return 0