コード例 #1
def rcvlet(mirror, rxgobj):
	sock = mirror['info']['sock']

	# first, check if params were received correctly
	if session.recvmessage(sock) != b'PARAMS OK':
		raise Exception("Params were not delivered correctly or wrong format.")

	data = "0"
	first = True
	while data != '' and len(mirror['blocksrequested']) > 0 or first:
		first = False
		data = session.recvmessage(sock)
		rxgobj.notify_success(mirror['info'], data)
コード例 #2
def rcvlet(mirror, rxgobj):
    sock = mirror['info']['sock']

    # first, check if params were received correctly
    if session.recvmessage(sock) != b'PARAMS OK':
        raise Exception("Params were not delivered correctly or wrong format.")

    data = "0"
    first = True
    while data != '' and len(mirror['blocksrequested']) > 0 or first:
        first = False
        data = session.recvmessage(sock)
        rxgobj.notify_success(mirror['info'], data)
コード例 #3
ファイル: raidpirlib.py プロジェクト: encryptogroup/RAID-PIR
def _remote_query_helper_sock(socket, command):
	# issue the relevant command
	session.sendmessage(socket, command)

	# receive and return the answer
	rawanswer = session.recvmessage(socket)
	return rawanswer
コード例 #4
ファイル: raidpirlib.py プロジェクト: Ujjval-Patel/RAID-PIR
def _remote_query_helper_sock(socket, command):
    # issue the relevant command
    session.sendmessage(socket, command)

    # receive and return the answer
    rawanswer = session.recvmessage(socket)
    return rawanswer
コード例 #5
ファイル: uppirlib.py プロジェクト: masayoota/upPIR
def _remote_query_helper(serverlocation, command, defaultserverport):
  # private function that contains the guts of server communication.   It
  # issues a single query and then closes the connection.   This is used
  # both to talk to the vendor and also to talk to mirrors
  if type(serverlocation) != str and type(serverlocation) != unicode:
    raise TypeError("Server location must be a string, not "+str(type(serverlocation)))

  # now let's split it and ensure there are 0 or 1 colons
  splitlocationlist = serverlocation.split(':')
  if len(splitlocationlist) >2:
    raise TypeError("Server location may not contain more than one colon")

  # now either set the port or use the default
  if len(splitlocationlist) == 2:
    serverport = int(splitlocationlist[1])
    serverport = defaultserverport

  # check that this port is in the right range
  if serverport <= 0 or serverport > 65535:
    raise TypeError("Server location's port is not in the allowed range")

  serverhostname = splitlocationlist[0]

  # now we actually download the information...
  # first open the socket
  serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

  # if serverport == 60443, use SSL
  if (serverport == 60443):
    ssl_serversocket = ssl.wrap_socket(serversocket, server_side=False,

    ssl_serversocket.connect((serverhostname, serverport))
    #session.sendmessage(ssl_serversocket, command)
    #rawanswer = session.recvmessage(ssl_serversocket)    
    rawanswer = ssl_serversocket.recv(4096)
    return rawanswer

  # else connect normally
  serversocket.connect((serverhostname, serverport))

  # then issue the relevant command
  session.sendmessage(serversocket, command)

  # and return the answer
  rawanswer = session.recvmessage(serversocket)


  return rawanswer
コード例 #6
	def cleanup(self):
		"""cleanup. here: maybe request debug timing info and always close sockets"""
		for mirror in self.activemirrors:

			if self.timing:
				# request total computation time and measure delay
				ping_start = _timer()
				session.sendmessage(mirror['info']['sock'], "T")
				mirror['info']['comptime'] = float(session.recvmessage(mirror['info']['sock'])[1:])
				mirror['info']['ping'] = _timer() - ping_start

			session.sendmessage(mirror['info']['sock'], "Q")
コード例 #7
	def cleanup(self):
		"""cleanup. here: maybe request debug timing info and always close sockets"""
		for mirror in self.activemirrors:

			if self.timing:
				# request total computation time and measure delay
				ping_start = _timer()
				session.sendmessage(mirror['info']['sock'], "T")
				mirror['info']['comptime'] = float(session.recvmessage(mirror['info']['sock'])[1:])
				mirror['info']['ping'] = _timer() - ping_start

			session.sendmessage(mirror['info']['sock'], "Q")
コード例 #8
  def handle(self):

    # read the request from the socket...
    requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

    # for logging purposes, get the remote info
    remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

    # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
    if requeststring.startswith('XORBLOCK'):

      bitstring = requeststring[len('XORBLOCK'):]
      expectedbitstringlength = uppirlib.compute_bitstring_length(_global_myxordatastore.numberofblocks)

      if len(bitstring) != expectedbitstringlength:
        # Invalid request length...
        _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request with length: "+str(len(bitstring)))

        session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request length')
      # Now let's process this...
      xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)

      # and send the reply.
      session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

      # done!

    elif requeststring == 'HELLO':
      # send a reply.
      session.sendmessage(self.request, "HI!")
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" HI!")

      # done!

      # we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request type starts:'"+requeststring[:5]+"'")

      session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')
コード例 #9
ファイル: uppir_mirror.py プロジェクト: prasitsb/UPpir
  def handle(self):

    # read the request from the socket...
    requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

    # for logging purposes, get the remote info
    remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

    # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
    if requeststring.startswith('XORBLOCK'):

      bitstring = requeststring[len('XORBLOCK'):]
      expectedbitstringlength = uppirlib.compute_bitstring_length(_global_myxordatastore.numberofblocks)

      if len(bitstring) != expectedbitstringlength:
        # Invalid request length...
        _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request with length: "+str(len(bitstring)))

        session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request length')
      # Now let's process this...
      xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)

      # and send the reply.
      session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

      # done!

    elif requeststring == 'HELLO':
      # send a reply.
      session.sendmessage(self.request, "HI!")
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" HI!")

      # done!

      # we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request type starts:'"+requeststring[:5]+"'")

      session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')
コード例 #10
ファイル: uppir_vendor.py プロジェクト: JosuaKrause/uppir
  def handle(self):

    # read the request from the socket...
    requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

    # for logging purposes, get the remote info
    remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

    # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
    if requeststring == 'GET MANIFEST':

      session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmanifestdata)
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" manifest request")

      # done!

    elif requeststring == 'GET MIRRORLIST':
      # let's try to clean up the list.   If we are busy with another attempt
      # to do this, the latter will be a NOOP

      # reply with the mirror list
      session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmirrorlist)
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorlist request")

      # done!

    elif requeststring.startswith('RUN TEST'):
      if random.random() < RANDOM_THRESHOLD:
      testrawdata = requeststring[len('RUN TEST'):]
        testinfodict = json.loads(testrawdata)
      except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error cannot deserialize testinfo!")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" cannot deserialize testinfo!"+str(e))
      if type(testinfodict) != dict or 'ip' not in testinfodict or 'port' not in testinfodict or 'data' not in testinfodict or 'chunklist' not in testinfodict:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error, testinfodict has an invalid format.")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" testinfodict has an invalid format")
      _testmirror(self, testinfodict)
コード例 #11
ファイル: raidpirlib.py プロジェクト: encryptogroup/RAID-PIR
def _remote_query_helper(serverlocation, command, defaultserverport):
	# private function that contains the guts of server communication.   It
	# issues a single query and then closes the connection.   This is used
	# both to talk to the vendor and also to talk to mirrors
	if type(serverlocation) != str and type(serverlocation) != str:
		raise TypeError("Server location must be a string, not " + str(type(serverlocation)))

	# now let's split it and ensure there are 0 or 1 colons
	splitlocationlist = serverlocation.split(':')

	if len(splitlocationlist) > 2:
		raise TypeError("Server location may not contain more than one colon")

	# now either set the port or use the default
	if len(splitlocationlist) == 2:
		serverport = int(splitlocationlist[1])
		serverport = defaultserverport

	# check that this port is in the right range
	if serverport <= 0 or serverport > 65535:
		raise TypeError("Server location's port is not in the allowed range")

	serverhostname = splitlocationlist[0]

	# now we actually download the information...

	# first open the socket
	serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
	serversocket.connect((serverhostname, serverport))

	# then issue the relevant command
	session.sendmessage(serversocket, command)

	# and return the answer
	rawanswer = session.recvmessage(serversocket)


	return rawanswer
コード例 #12
ファイル: raidpirlib.py プロジェクト: Ujjval-Patel/RAID-PIR
def _remote_query_helper(serverlocation, command, defaultserverport):
    # private function that contains the guts of server communication.   It
    # issues a single query and then closes the connection.   This is used
    # both to talk to the vendor and also to talk to mirrors
    if type(serverlocation) != str and type(serverlocation) != str:
        raise TypeError("Server location must be a string, not " +

    # now let's split it and ensure there are 0 or 1 colons
    splitlocationlist = serverlocation.split(':')

    if len(splitlocationlist) > 2:
        raise TypeError("Server location may not contain more than one colon")

    # now either set the port or use the default
    if len(splitlocationlist) == 2:
        serverport = int(splitlocationlist[1])
        serverport = defaultserverport

    # check that this port is in the right range
    if serverport <= 0 or serverport > 65535:
        raise TypeError("Server location's port is not in the allowed range")

    serverhostname = splitlocationlist[0]

    # now we actually download the information...

    # first open the socket
    serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    serversocket.connect((serverhostname, serverport))

    # then issue the relevant command
    session.sendmessage(serversocket, command)

    # and return the answer
    rawanswer = session.recvmessage(serversocket)


    return rawanswer
コード例 #13
	def handle(self):

		global _batchrequests
		global _xorstrings
		global _finish
		global _batch_comp_time
		global _global_myxordatastore
		global _global_manifestdict
		global _request_restart

		_finish = False
		comp_time = 0
		_batch_comp_time = 0
		_batchrequests = 0
		_xorstrings = b''
		parallel = False

		requeststring = b'0'

		while requeststring != b'Q':
			# read the request from the socket...
			requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

			# for logging purposes, get the remote info
			# remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

			start_time = _timer()

			# if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
			if requeststring.startswith(b'X'):

				bitstring = requeststring[len(b'X'):]
				expectedbitstringlength = lib.bits_to_bytes(_global_myxordatastore.numberofblocks)

				if len(bitstring) != expectedbitstringlength:
					# Invalid request length...
					#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request with length: "+str(len(bitstring)))
					session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request length')
					_finish = True

				if not batch:
					# Now let's process this...
					xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)
					comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

					# and immediately send the reply.
					session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
					#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")


					with _batchlock:
						_xorstrings += bitstring
						_batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

					# notify batch thread

				# done!

			elif requeststring.startswith(b'C'):

				payload = requeststring[len(b'C'):]

				chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

				bitstring = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks(chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen)

				if not batch:
					# Now let's process this...
					xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)
					comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

					# and send the reply.
					session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
					#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

					with _batchlock:
						_xorstrings += bitstring
						_batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

					# notify batch thread


			elif requeststring.startswith(b'R'):

				payload = requeststring[len(b'R'):]

				chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

				#iterate through r-1 random chunks
				for c in chunknumbers[1:]:

					if c == k - 1:
						length = lastchunklen
						length = chunklen

					chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(cipher, length)

				bitstring = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks(chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen) #the expanded query

				if not batch:
					# Now let's process this...
					xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)
					comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

					# and send the reply.
					session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
					#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

					with _batchlock:
						_xorstrings += bitstring
						_batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

					# notify batch thread


			elif requeststring == b'MANIFEST UPDATE':
				print("MANIFEST UPDATE")
				_request_restart = True

			elif requeststring.startswith(b'M'):
				parallel = True

				payload = requeststring[len(b'M'):]

				chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

				#iterate through r-1 random chunks
				for c in chunknumbers[1:]:

					if c == k - 1:
						length = lastchunklen
						length = chunklen

					chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(cipher, length)

				bitstrings = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks_parallel(chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen) #the expanded query

				if not batch:

					result = {}
					for c in chunknumbers:
						result[c] = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstrings[c])

					comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

					# and send the reply.
					session.sendmessage(self.request, msgpack.packb(result, use_bin_type=True))
					with _batchlock:
						for c in chunknumbers:
							_xorstrings += bitstrings[c]
						_batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

					# notify batch thread

				#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

			elif requeststring.startswith(b'P'):

				payload = requeststring[len(b'P'):]

				params = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

				chunknumbers = params['cn']
				k = params['k']
				r = params['r']
				chunklen = params['cl']
				lastchunklen = params['lcl']
				batch = params['b']
				parallel = params['p']

				if 's' in params:
					cipher = lib.initAES(params['s'])

				if batch:
					# create batch xor thread
					t = threading.Thread(target=BatchAnswer, args=[parallel, chunknumbers, self.request], name="RAID-PIR Batch XOR")
					t.daemon = True

				# and send the reply.
				session.sendmessage(self.request, b"PARAMS OK")
				#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" PARAMS received " + str(params))

			#Timing Request
			elif requeststring == b'T':
				session.sendmessage(self.request, b"T" + str(comp_time + _batch_comp_time))
				comp_time = 0
				_batch_comp_time = 0

			#Debug Hello
			elif requeststring == b'HELLO':
				session.sendmessage(self.request, b"HI!")
				#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" HI!")
				# done!

			#the client asked to close the connection
			elif requeststring == b'Q':
				comp_time = 0
				_finish = True

			#this happens if the client closed the socket unexpectedly
			elif requeststring == b'':
				comp_time = 0
				_finish = True

				# we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
				#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request type starts:'"+requeststring[:5]+"'")

				session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')
				_finish = True
コード例 #14
ファイル: uppir_vendor.py プロジェクト: prasitsb/UPpir
  def handle(self):

    # read the request from the socket...
    requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

    # for logging purposes, get the remote info
    remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

    # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
    if requeststring == 'GET MANIFEST':

      session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmanifestdata)
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" manifest request")
      # done!

    elif requeststring == 'GET MIRRORLIST':
      # let's try to clean up the list.   If we are busy with another attempt
      # to do this, the latter will be a NOOP

      # reply with the mirror list
      session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmirrorlist)
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorlist request")

      # done!

    elif requeststring.startswith('MIRRORADVERTISE'):
      # This is a mirror telling us it's ready to serve clients.

      mirrorrawdata = requeststring[len('MIRRORADVERTISE'):]
      # handle the case where the mirror provides data that is larger than 
      # we want to serve
      if len(mirrorrawdata) > _commandlineoptions.maxmirrorinfo:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error, mirrorinfo too large!")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo too large: "+str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

      # Let's sanity check the data...
      # can we deserialize it?
        mirrorinfodict = json.loads(mirrorrawdata)
      except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error cannot deserialize mirrorinfo!")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" cannot deserialize mirrorinfo!"+str(e))

      # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
      if type(mirrorinfodict) != dict or 'ip' not in mirrorinfodict or 'port' not in mirrorinfodict:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error, mirrorinfo has an invalid format.")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo has an invalid format")
      # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
      if mirrorinfodict['ip'] != remoteip:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error, must provide mirrorinfo from the mirror's IP")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo provided from the wrong IP")
      # add the information to the mirrorlist

      # and notify the user
      session.sendmessage(self.request, 'OK')
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo update "+str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

      # done!
コード例 #15
    def handle(self):

        global _batchrequests
        global _xorstrings
        global _finish
        global _batch_comp_time
        global _global_myxordatastore
        global _global_manifestdict
        global _request_restart

        _finish = False
        comp_time = 0
        _batch_comp_time = 0
        _batchrequests = 0
        _xorstrings = b''
        parallel = False

        requeststring = b'0'

        while requeststring != b'Q':
            # read the request from the socket...
            requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

            # for logging purposes, get the remote info
            # remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

            start_time = _timer()

            # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
            if requeststring.startswith(b'X'):

                bitstring = requeststring[len(b'X'):]
                expectedbitstringlength = lib.bits_to_bytes(

                if len(bitstring) != expectedbitstringlength:
                    # Invalid request length...
                    #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request with length: "+str(len(bitstring)))
                    session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request length')
                    _finish = True

                if not batch:
                    # Now let's process this...
                    xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(
                    comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

                    # and immediately send the reply.
                    session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
                    #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")


                    with _batchlock:
                        _xorstrings += bitstring
                        _batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

                    # notify batch thread

                # done!

            elif requeststring.startswith(b'C'):

                payload = requeststring[len(b'C'):]

                chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

                bitstring = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks(
                    chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen)

                if not batch:
                    # Now let's process this...
                    xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(
                    comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

                    # and send the reply.
                    session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
                    #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

                    with _batchlock:
                        _xorstrings += bitstring
                        _batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

                    # notify batch thread


            elif requeststring.startswith(b'R'):

                payload = requeststring[len(b'R'):]

                chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

                #iterate through r-1 random chunks
                for c in chunknumbers[1:]:

                    if c == k - 1:
                        length = lastchunklen
                        length = chunklen

                    chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(cipher, length)

                bitstring = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks(
                    chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen)  #the expanded query

                if not batch:
                    # Now let's process this...
                    xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(
                    comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

                    # and send the reply.
                    session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
                    #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

                    with _batchlock:
                        _xorstrings += bitstring
                        _batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

                    # notify batch thread


            elif requeststring == b'MANIFEST UPDATE':
                print("MANIFEST UPDATE")
                _request_restart = True

            elif requeststring.startswith(b'M'):
                parallel = True

                payload = requeststring[len(b'M'):]

                chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

                #iterate through r-1 random chunks
                for c in chunknumbers[1:]:

                    if c == k - 1:
                        length = lastchunklen
                        length = chunklen

                    chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(cipher, length)

                bitstrings = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks_parallel(
                    chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen)  #the expanded query

                if not batch:

                    result = {}
                    for c in chunknumbers:
                            c] = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(

                    comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

                    # and send the reply.
                        self.request, msgpack.packb(result, use_bin_type=True))
                    with _batchlock:
                        for c in chunknumbers:
                            _xorstrings += bitstrings[c]
                        _batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

                    # notify batch thread

                #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

            elif requeststring.startswith(b'P'):

                payload = requeststring[len(b'P'):]

                params = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

                chunknumbers = params['cn']
                k = params['k']
                r = params['r']
                chunklen = params['cl']
                lastchunklen = params['lcl']
                batch = params['b']
                parallel = params['p']

                if 's' in params:
                    cipher = lib.initAES(params['s'])

                if batch:
                    # create batch xor thread
                    t = threading.Thread(
                        args=[parallel, chunknumbers, self.request],
                        name="RAID-PIR Batch XOR")
                    t.daemon = True

                # and send the reply.
                session.sendmessage(self.request, b"PARAMS OK")
                #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" PARAMS received " + str(params))

            #Timing Request
            elif requeststring == b'T':
                                    b"T" + str(comp_time + _batch_comp_time))
                comp_time = 0
                _batch_comp_time = 0

            #Debug Hello
            elif requeststring == b'HELLO':
                session.sendmessage(self.request, b"HI!")
                #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" HI!")
                # done!

            #the client asked to close the connection
            elif requeststring == b'Q':
                comp_time = 0
                _finish = True

            #this happens if the client closed the socket unexpectedly
            elif requeststring == b'':
                comp_time = 0
                _finish = True

                # we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
                #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request type starts:'"+requeststring[:5]+"'")

                session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')
                _finish = True
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_uppirmirror.py プロジェクト: JosuaKrause/uppir
def get_response(requeststring):
  s = socket.socket()
  return session.recvmessage(s)
コード例 #17
    def handle(self):

        # read the request from the socket...
        requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

        # for logging purposes, get the remote info
        remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

        # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
        if requeststring == b'GET MANIFEST':
            print("GET MANIFEST")

            rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename,
            _global_rawmanifestdata = rawmanifestdata

            session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmanifestdata)
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " manifest request")

            # done!

        elif requeststring == b'MANIFEST UPDATE':
            print('MANIFEST UPDATE')

            rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename,
            _global_rawmanifestdata = rawmanifestdata

            # get a copy of the mirrorlist
            mirrorlist = list()
                for mirror in _global_mirrorinfodict:

            for mirror in mirrorlist:
                sock = None
                    # Connect to server and send data
                    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                    sock.connect((mirror['ip'], mirror['port']))
                    session.sendmessage(sock, 'MANIFEST UPDATE')
                    print("Could not connect to mirror", mirror)

        elif requeststring == b'GET MIRRORLIST':
            # let's try to clean up the list.   If we are busy with another attempt
            # to do this, the latter will be a NOOP

            # reply with the mirror list
            session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmirrorlist)
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " mirrorlist request")

            # done!

        elif requeststring.startswith(b'MIRRORADVERTISE'):
            # This is a mirror telling us it's ready to serve clients.

            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " mirror advertise")

            mirrorrawdata = requeststring[len(b'MIRRORADVERTISE'):]

            # handle the case where the mirror provides data that is larger than
            # we want to serve
            if len(mirrorrawdata) > _commandlineoptions.maxmirrorinfo:
                                    "Error, mirrorinfo too large!")
                _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " mirrorinfo too large: " + str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

            # Let's sanity check the data...
            # can we unpack it?
                mirrorinfodict = msgpack.unpackb(mirrorrawdata, raw=False)
            except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
                                    "Error cannot unpack mirrorinfo!")
                _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " cannot unpack mirrorinfo!" + str(e))

            # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
            if type(
            ) != dict or 'ip' not in mirrorinfodict or 'port' not in mirrorinfodict:
                    self.request, "Error, mirrorinfo has an invalid format.")
                _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " mirrorinfo has an invalid format")

            #is the mirror to add coming from the same ip?
            if _commandlineoptions.checkmirrorip:
                if mirrorinfodict['ip'] != remoteip:
                        "Error, must provide mirrorinfo from the mirror's IP")
                    _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " +
                         str(remoteport) +
                         " mirrorinfo provided from the wrong IP")

            # add the information to the mirrorlist

            # and notify the user
            session.sendmessage(self.request, 'OK')
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " mirrorinfo update " + str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

            # done!

        # add HELLO
        elif requeststring == b'HELLO':
            # send a reply.
            session.sendmessage(self.request, "VENDORHI!")
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " VENDORHI!")

            # done!

            # we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " Invalid request type starts:'" + requeststring[:5] + "'")

            session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')
コード例 #18
    def handle(self):

        # read the request from the socket...
        requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

        # for logging purposes, get the remote info
        remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

        # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
        if requeststring == 'GET MANIFEST':

            session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmanifestdata)
            _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " manifest request")

            # done!

        elif requeststring == 'GET MIRRORLIST':
            # let's try to clean up the list.   If we are busy with another attempt
            # to do this, the latter will be a NOOP

            # reply with the mirror list
            session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmirrorlist)
            _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " mirrorlist request")

            # done!

        elif requeststring.startswith('MIRRORADVERTISE'):
            # This is a mirror telling us it's ready to serve clients.

            mirrorrawdata = requeststring[len('MIRRORADVERTISE'):]

            # handle the case where the mirror provides data that is larger than
            # we want to serve
            if len(mirrorrawdata) > _commandlineoptions.maxmirrorinfo:
                                    "Error, mirrorinfo too large!")
                _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " mirrorinfo too large: " + str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

            # Let's sanity check the data...
            # can we deserialize it?
                mirrorinfodict = json.loads(mirrorrawdata)
            except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
                                    "Error cannot deserialize mirrorinfo!")
                _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " cannot deserialize mirrorinfo!" + str(e))

            # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
            if type(
            ) != dict or 'ip' not in mirrorinfodict or 'port' not in mirrorinfodict:
                    self.request, "Error, mirrorinfo has an invalid format.")
                _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " mirrorinfo has an invalid format")

            # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
            if mirrorinfodict['ip'] != remoteip:
                    "Error, must provide mirrorinfo from the mirror's IP")
                _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " mirrorinfo provided from the wrong IP")

            # add the information to the mirrorlist

            # and notify the user
            session.sendmessage(self.request, 'OK')
            _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " mirrorinfo update " + str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

            # done!
コード例 #19
def get_response(requeststring):
    s = socket.socket()
    s.connect((mirrortocheck, 62294))
    session.sendmessage(s, requeststring)
    return session.recvmessage(s)