コード例 #1
def hmac(key, msg):
    https: // en.wikipedia.org / wiki / HMAC
    sha256 is SHA-2
    sha2_block_size, sha2_output_size = 64, 32
    if len(key) > sha2_block_size:
        key = hashlib.sha256().update(key).digest()
    if len(key) < sha2_block_size:
        key = key + bytes([0] * (sha2_block_size - len(key)))
    o_key_pad = xor(key, bytes([0x5c] * sha2_block_size))
    i_key_pad = xor(key, bytes([0x36] * sha2_block_size))
    h1 = hashlib.sha256(i_key_pad + msg).digest()
    return hashlib.sha256(o_key_pad + h1).digest()
コード例 #2
def ctr_edit_decrypt(ct, edit):
    Attacker has an edit function and a ct.
    To recover the plaintext, we xor our
    specified pt with the associated edited ct to get
    E(nonce..counter) for that given block. Then
    E(nonce..counter) ^ original ct gives us the original pt.
    pt = b""
    attacker_pt = bytes([0]*16)
    for i in range(0, len(ct), 16):
        new_ct = edit(ct, i, attacker_pt)
        e = xor(new_ct[i:i+16], attacker_pt)
        pt_block = xor(e, ct[i:i+16])
        pt += pt_block
    return pt
コード例 #3
def decrypt_aes_cbc(key, msg, block_size, iv):
    ct_prev, pt, i = iv, bytearray([]), 0
    while i < len(msg) / block_size:
        ct = msg[i * block_size:(i + 1) * block_size]
        pt.extend(xor(ct_prev, decrypt_aes_ecb(key, ct)))
        ct_prev = ct
        i += 1
    return bytes(pt)
コード例 #4
def approach2(cts):
    # Break this exactly like a repeating xor
    # Concatenate the first byte from every
    key = b""
    for i in range(min([len(c) for c in cts])):
        b = bytes(list(map(lambda x: x[i], cts)))
        _, _, k = decrypt_single_byte_xor(bytes.hex(b))
        key += bytes([k])
    return [xor(key, c[:len(key)]) for c in cts]
コード例 #5
def encrypt_aes_cbc(key, msg, block_size, iv):
    msg = pad_pkcs7(msg, block_size)
    ct_prev, ct, i = iv, [], 0
    while i < len(msg) / block_size:
        ct_block = encrypt_aes_ecb(
            key, xor(ct_prev, msg[i * block_size:(i + 1) * block_size]))
        ct_prev = ct_block
        i += 1
    return b''.join(ct)
コード例 #6
        "VHJhbnNmb3JtZWQgdXR0ZXJseTo=", "QSB0ZXJyaWJsZSBiZWF1dHkgaXMgYm9ybi4="
    # Because we re-used the nonce in CTR mode, we should be able to
    # break all these ciphertexts.
    k = bytes([randrange(255) for _ in range(16)])
    pts = [base64.decodebytes(bytes(i, 'utf-8')) for i in inputs]
    cts = [
        encrypt_ctr(base64.decodebytes(bytes(i, 'utf-8')), k, 0)
        for i in inputs
    # Try all possible 255 bytes for the first byte of the keystream
    # and xor it with the first byte of every cipher text. If thats an ascii character or space
    # then its very likely to be the keybyte.
    common_key = b""
    for i in range(max([len(c) for c in cts])):
        common_key += bytes([best_k(cts, i)])
    for c in cts:
        print(str(xor(common_key[:len(c)], c), 'utf-8'))

    with open('20.txt') as f:
        cts = [
            encrypt_ctr(base64.decodebytes(bytes(i, 'utf-8')), k, 0)
            for i in f.readlines()
        for p in approach2(cts):
コード例 #7
def encrypt(input):
    if b';' in input or b'=' in input:
        raise Exception("invalid characters")
    for b in input:
        if b > 128:
            raise Exception("non-ascii byte", b)
    # prefix = b"comment1=cooking%20MCs;userdata=" #
    # postfix = b";comment2=%20like%20a%20pound%20of%20bacon"
    return encrypt_aes_cbc(key, input, 16, key)

def decrypt(ct):
    pt = decrypt_aes_cbc(key, ct, 16, key)
    non_ascii_byte = False
    for i, b in enumerate(pt):
        if b > 128:
            non_ascii_byte = True
    if non_ascii_byte:
        return errmsg + pt
    return pt

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pt = b"yellow submarineyellow submarineyellow submarine"
    ct = encrypt(pt)  # 3 blocks encrypted
    ct_modified = ct[:16] + bytes([0] * 16) + ct[:16]
    pt_t = decrypt(ct_modified)
    pt_t = pt_t[len(errmsg):]
    recovered_key = xor(b"yellow submarine", pt_t[16 * 2:16 * 3])
    assert (key == recovered_key)