コード例 #1
def chall_four(unknown_string):
    unknown_hex = base64.b64decode(unknown_string).hex()

    found_block_sizes = find_cipher_block_size(unknown_hex)
    block_size = found_block_sizes[1] - found_block_sizes[0]
    my_string = ("A" * block_size * 3).encode().hex(
    )  # want to pad >2 block lengths to detect repetition (i.e. force message to have 2 equivalent blocks)

    padded_msg = pkcs7_pad(my_string + unknown_hex, block_size)
     CipherObj) = aes_ecb_encrypt_with_key(bytes.fromhex(padded_msg),
    ciphertext = ciphertext.hex()
    ecb_detected = detect_ecb(ciphertext)
    if not ecb_detected:
        print("ECB not detected; not exploitable")

    # now we know the block size, and it's in ECB
    decrypted_blocks = ''.join([
        padding_oracle(unknown_hex[i:i + block_size * 2], block_size, '')
        for i in range(0, len(unknown_hex), block_size * 2)

    #unpad string
    padding = ord(decrypted_blocks[-1])
    decrypted_blocks = decrypted_blocks[:-padding]

    return decrypted_blocks
コード例 #2
def cbc_encrypt(msg, key, iv):

    # check that msg == hex, key == hex, iv == hex
    # I should probably handle these better but whatever
    assert int(msg, 16)
    assert int(key, 16)
    assert int(iv, 16)

    padded_msg = pkcs7_pad(msg, block_size)
    msg_blocks = [
        padded_msg[i:(i + block_size * 2)]
        for i in range(0, len(padded_msg), block_size * 2)

    iv_first_block = xor_hex_strings(iv, msg_blocks[0])

     encryptor) = aes_ecb_encrypt_with_key(bytes.fromhex(iv_first_block),
    block_i = block_0
    ctext = [block_i.hex()]
    for msg_block in msg_blocks:
        iv_i = xor_hex_strings(block_i.hex(), msg_block)
         encryptor) = aes_ecb_encrypt_with_key(bytes.fromhex(iv_i),

    return ''.join(ctext)
コード例 #3
def encryption_oracle(msg):
    rand_count = random.randint(5, 10)
    prepad_msg = get_random_int(
        rand_count * 8) + msg.encode().hex() + get_random_int(rand_count * 8)
    padded_msg = pkcs7_pad(prepad_msg.encode().hex(), 16)

    ciphertext = ''
    key = get_random_int(128)
    iv = get_random_int(128)

    if random.getrandbits(1):
        ciphertext = cbc_encrypt(padded_msg, key, iv)
         CipherObj) = aes_ecb_encrypt_with_key(bytes.fromhex(padded_msg),
        ciphertext = ciphertext.hex()

    return ciphertext
コード例 #4
ファイル: chall_two.py プロジェクト: ljhsiun2/cryptopals
def encryption_oracle(input_string):
    input_string = urllib.parse.quote(input_string)
    plaintext = '"comment1"="cooking%20MCs";"userdata"="' + input_string + '";"comment2"="%20like%20a%20pound%20of%20bacon"'
    plaintext = pkcs7_pad(plaintext.encode().hex(), block_size)
    return aes_ctr_operation(key, plaintext, nonce)
コード例 #5
def generic_encrypt_ecb(msg, key, block_size):
    (ciphertext, CipherObj) = aes_ecb_encrypt_with_key(
        bytes.fromhex(pkcs7_pad(msg, block_size)), bytes.fromhex(key))
    return ciphertext.hex()
コード例 #6
def encrypt_profile(input_string):
    padded_string = pkcs7_pad(input_string.encode().hex(), 16)
    return aes_ecb_encrypt_with_key(bytes.fromhex(padded_string), bytes.fromhex(key))
コード例 #7
    formatted_cookie = f"email={input_string}&uid={rand_int}&role=user"
    add_cookie_to_json(formatted_cookie, my_dict)

def encrypt_profile(input_string):
    padded_string = pkcs7_pad(input_string.encode().hex(), 16)
    return aes_ecb_encrypt_with_key(bytes.fromhex(padded_string), bytes.fromhex(key))

def decrypt_profile(ciphertext, CipherObj):
    return aes_ecb_decrypt(CipherObj, ciphertext)

# json format: {"email": "<email>", "uid": "10", "role": "user"}
# attacker knows: ciphertext, and format of plaintext (but in a real scenario, UID might be more randomized)

my_dict = {}
email = "*****@*****.**" + bytes.fromhex(pkcs7_pad('"admin"}'.encode().hex(), 16)).decode()
profile_for(email, my_dict)
(ciphertext, CipherObj) = encrypt_profile(json.dumps(my_dict))

# cut off first two bytes (email) to get admin ciphertext
admin_ciphertext = ciphertext[32:48]

# 2) pad "admin" ciphertext onto encrypted cookie such that ciphertext ends in "role="

my_dict = {}
email = "*****@*****.**"
profile_for(email, my_dict)
(ciphertext, CipherObj) = encrypt_profile(json.dumps(my_dict))

# cut first 48 bytes and append with step 1 ciphertext; 48 = length of formatted json
plaintext = decrypt_profile(ciphertext[:48] + admin_ciphertext, CipherObj)