コード例 #1
ファイル: oographics.py プロジェクト: javafx2010/OOSuite
    def oodraw(self, p):  #note that self is same as p.graphics
            import pylab
                'to use OpenOpt graphics you need pylab (Python module) installed. Turning graphics off...'
            p.plot = 0

        #isNewFigure = (not isempty(lastTask) and not isequal(lastTask, {p.name p.primal.fName})) ...
        #or (~self.drawingInOneWindow and globstat.iter ==1)...
        #or ~isfield(self, 'figureHandler')...
        #or (isequal(p.env, 'matlab') and ~ishandle(self.figureHandler))

        #todo: fix me later!
        needNewFigure = not p.iter

        #lastTask={p.name p.primal.fName} % x0 can be absent
        colors = ['b', 'k', 'c', 'r', 'g']
        specifiers = ['-', ':', '-.', '--']
        if needNewFigure:

            #self.figureHandler = pylab.figure
            self.colorCount = -1
            self.specifierCount = 0
            self.nTrajectories = 0
            self.ghandlers = []
            #self.solverNames = []

            #TODO: the condition should be handled somewhere other place, not here.
            if p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'):
                Y_LABELS = ['maxResidual']
                #pylab.plot([0], [log10(p.contol)-1.5])
            elif p.probType == 'NLLSP':
                Y_LABELS = ['sum(residuals^2)']
                Y_LABELS = ['objective function']
            isIterPointAlwaysFeasible = p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__ if type(p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__) == bool \
                else p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__(p)
            if not (p._isUnconstrained() or isIterPointAlwaysFeasible):
                self.isMaxConstraintSubplotRequired = True
                if p.useScaledResidualOutput:
                self.isMaxConstraintSubplotRequired = False

            if self.isMaxConstraintSubplotRequired: self.nSubPlots = 2
            else: self.nSubPlots = 1

        #creating new trajectory, if needed
        isNewTrajectory = not p.iter  # FIXME
        if isNewTrajectory:
            self.colorCount += 1
            if self.drawingInOneWindow:
                if self.colorCount > len(colors) - 1:
                    self.colorCount = 0
                    self.specifierCount += 1
                    if self.specifierCount > len(specifiers) - 1:
                        p.warn('line types number exeeded')
                        self.specifierCount = 0

        #setting color & specifier
        #color = colors[self.colorCount]
        #specifier = specifiers[self.specifierCount]
        color = p.color
        specifier = p.specifier

        #setting xlabel, ylabel, title etc
        tx = p.xlabel.lower()
        if isNewTrajectory:

            self.nTrajectories += 1

            #win = gtk.Window()
            #win.set_name("OpenOpt " + str(oover) + ", license: BSD 2.0")
            pTitle = 'problem: ' + p.name
            if p.showGoal: pTitle += '       goal: ' + p.goal
            if self.nSubPlots > 1: pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots, 1, 1)
            p.figure = pylab.gcf()
            p.figure.canvas.set_window_title('OpenOpt ' + ooversion)

            if tx == 'cputime':
                xlabel = 'CPU Time elapsed (without graphic output), sec'
                d_x = 0.01
            elif tx == 'time':
                xlabel = 'Time elapsed (without graphic output), sec'
                d_x = 0.01
            elif tx in ['niter', 'iter']:
                xlabel = 'iter'
                d_x = 4
            elif tx == 'nf':
                xlabel = 'Number of objective function evaluations'
                d_x = 4
                p.err('unknown graphic output xlabel: "' + tx +
                      '", should be in "time", "cputime", "iter", "nf"')
            self.nPointsPlotted = 0

            for ind in range(self.nSubPlots):
                if (self.nSubPlots > 1
                        and ind != 0) or p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'):
                    ax = pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots, 1, ind + 1)

#                if self.nSubPlots > 1:
#                    ax = pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots, 1, ind+1)
#                    if p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE') or ind != 0:
#                        ax.set_yscale('log')


        ################ getting data to plot ###############
        if p.iter > 0:
            IND_start, IND_end = self.nPointsPlotted - 1, p.iter + 1  #note: indexing from zero assumed
            #if p.isFinished: IND_end = p.iter
            IND_start, IND_end = 0, 1

        if p.plotOnlyCurrentMinimum:
            yy = array(p.iterValues.f[IND_start:])
            if isNewTrajectory: self.currMin = yy[0]
            k = 0
            for j in range(
                    IND_start, IND_start + len(yy)
            ):  #todo: min is slow in 1x1 comparison vs if-then-else
                yy[k] = min(self.currMin, p.iterValues.f[j])
                self.currMin = yy[k]
                k += 1
            if IND_start <= IND_end:
                if len(p.iterValues.f) >= 1:
                    yySave = [p.iterValues.f[-1]]  # FIXME! (for constraints)
                    yySave = [p.f(p.x0)]
            yy = array(p.iterValues.f[IND_start:IND_end])
            if IND_start <= IND_end:
                if len(p.iterValues.f) >= 1: yySave = [p.iterValues.f[-1]]
                    yySave = [p.f(p.x0)]

        if tx == 'iter': xx = range(IND_start, IND_end)
        elif tx == 'cputime':
            if len(p.iterTime) != len(p.cpuTimeElapsedForPlotting):
            xx = asfarray(p.iterCPUTime[IND_start:IND_end]) - asfarray(
        elif tx == 'time':
            if len(p.iterTime) != len(p.timeElapsedForPlotting):
            xx = asfarray(p.iterTime[IND_start:IND_end]) - asfarray(
        elif tx == 'nf':
            xx = asfarray(p.iterValues.nf[IND_start:IND_end])
            p.err('unknown labelX case')

        if len(xx) > len(yy):
            if p.isFinished: xx = xx[:-1]
            else: p.err('OpenOpt graphics ERROR - FIXME!')

        if p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'):
            yy = yy + p.ftol / self.REDUCE
        YY = [yy]
        #if len(YY) == 0: YY = yySave

        if self.isMaxConstraintSubplotRequired:
            yy22 = p.contol / self.REDUCE + asfarray(
            if p.useScaledResidualOutput: yy22 /= p.contol
            if IND_start <= IND_end:
                if len(p.iterValues.r) == 0: return
                rr = p.iterValues.r[-1]
                if p.useScaledResidualOutput: rr /= p.contol
                if len(p.iterValues.r) >= 1:
                    yySave.append(p.contol / self.REDUCE + asfarray(rr))
                    yySave.append(p.contol / self.REDUCE +

        if needNewFigure:
            if self.nSubPlots > 1:
                pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2)
                tmp = 1 if p.useScaledResidualOutput else p.contol
                pylab.plot([xx[0]], [tmp / 10**1.5])
                pylab.plot([xx[0] + d_x], [tmp / 10**1.5])
                pylab.plot([xx[0]], [YY[1][0] * 10])
                pylab.plot([xx[0] + d_x], [YY[1][0] * 10])
                pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1)

            pylab.plot([xx[0]], [YY[0][0]])
            pylab.plot([xx[0] + d_x], [YY[0][0]])

        if self.plotIterMarkers: usualMarker = 'o'
        else: usualMarker = ''

        for ind in range(self.nSubPlots):
            if self.nSubPlots > 1: pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots, 1, ind + 1)
            yy2 = ravel(YY[ind])
            if len(yy2) < len(xx):
                if IND_start > IND_end:
                    yy2 = ravel(yySave[ind])
                elif yy2.size == 0:
                    yy2 = ravel(yySave[ind])
                    yy2 = hstack((yy2, yy2[-1]))
#            if len(yy2)<len(xx):
#                if p.debug: p.warn('FIXME! - different len of xx and yy in graphics')
#                yy2 = yy2.tolist()+[yy2[-1]]
            if isNewTrajectory:
                if isfinite(p.xlim[0]):
                    pylab.plot([p.xlim[0]], [yy2[0]], color='w')
                if isfinite(p.xlim[1]):
                    pylab.plot([p.xlim[1]], [yy2[0]], color='w')
                if ind == 0:
                    if isfinite(p.ylim[0]):
                        pylab.plot([xx[0]], [p.ylim[0]], color='w')
                    if isfinite(p.ylim[1]):
                        pylab.plot([xx[0]], [p.ylim[1]], color='w')
                    if p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'):
                        pylab.plot([xx[0]], [p.ftol / self.REDUCE], color='w')
            if ind == 1:
                horz_line_value = 1 if p.useScaledResidualOutput else p.primalConTol
                pylab.plot([xx[0], xx[-1]], [horz_line_value, horz_line_value], ls = self.axLineStyle, linewidth = self.axLineWidth, color='g',\
                marker = self.axMarker, ms = self.axMarkerSize, mew = self.markerEdgeWidth, mec = self.axMarkerEdgeColor, mfc = self.axFaceColor)
            elif p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'):
                pylab.plot([xx[0], xx[-1]], [p.ftol, p.ftol], ls = self.axLineStyle, linewidth = self.axLineWidth, color='g',\
                marker = self.axMarker, ms = self.axMarkerSize, mew = self.markerEdgeWidth, mec = self.axMarkerEdgeColor, mfc = self.axFaceColor)
            if isNewTrajectory:
                p2 = pylab.plot([xx[0]], [yy2[0]],
                p3 = pylab.plot([xx[0], xx[0] + 1e-50], [yy2[0], yy2[0]],
                p._p3 = p3
                if p.legend == '':
                    pylab.legend([p3[0]], [p.solver.__name__], shadow=True)
                elif type(p.legend) in (tuple, list):
                    pylab.legend([p3[0]], p.legend, shadow=True)
                    pylab.legend([p3[0]], [p.legend], shadow=True)
                           markersize=self.markerSize / 3)
                           color + specifier,

            if p.isFinished:
                pylab.legend([p._p3[0]], [p.solver.__name__],
                #xMin, xMax = [], []
                if p.istop < 0:
                    if stopcase(
                    ) == 0:  # maxTime, maxIter, maxCPUTime, maxFunEvals etc exeeded
                        if p.isFeas(p.xf): s = self.specifierContinueFeasible
                        else: s = self.specifierContinueInfeasible
                    else: s = self.specifierFailed
                    #if not hasattr(p, 'isFeasible'): p.isFeas()
                    if p.isFeasible:
                        #if p.isFeas(p.xk)
                        if p.istop > 0:
                            s = self.specifierOK
                        else:  # p.istop = 0
                            s = self.specifierUndefined
                        s = self.specifierError
                if s == self.specifierOK: marker = (5, 1, 0)
                else: marker = s
                if isnan(yy2[-1]):
                    yy2[-1] = 0

                pylab.scatter(ravel(xx[-1]), [yy2[-1]],

                [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = pylab.axis()
                if ymax - ymin > 25 * (yy2[-1] - ymin):
                    delta = 0.04 * (ymax - ymin)
                    pylab.scatter([(xmin + xmax) / 2, (xmin + xmax) / 2],
                                  [ymin - delta, ymax + delta],
                if ind == 0 and p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'):
                    pylab.plot([xmin, xmax], [log10(p.ftol), log10(p.ftol)],\
                        linewidth = self.axLineWidth, ls = self.axLineStyle, color='g',\
                        marker = self.axMarker, ms = self.axMarkerSize, \
                        mew = self.markerEdgeWidth, mec = self.axMarkerEdgeColor, mfc = self.axFaceColor)
                if ind == 1:
                    horz_line_value = 0 if p.useScaledResidualOutput else log10(
                    pylab.plot([xmin, xmax], [horz_line_value, horz_line_value],\
                        linewidth = self.axLineWidth, ls = self.axLineStyle, color='g',\
                        marker = self.axMarker, ms = self.axMarkerSize, \
                        mew = self.markerEdgeWidth, mec = self.axMarkerEdgeColor, mfc = self.axFaceColor)
                    pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots, 1, 1)
                    pylab.plot([xmax], [yy2[-1]], color='w')

#                if p.probType == 'NLSP':
#                    pylab.axhline(y=log10(p.primalConTol),  xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax,\
#                        linewidth = self.axLineWidth, ls = self.axLineStyle, color='g',\
#                        marker = self.axMarker, ms = self.axMarkerSize, \
#                        mew = self.markerEdgeWidth, mec = self.axMarkerEdgeColor, mfc = self.axFaceColor)

#        if p.isFinished:
#            for ind in range(self.nSubPlots):
#                if self.nSubPlots>1: pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots,1,ind+1)
#pylab.xlim(min(xMin), max(xMax))
        self.nPointsPlotted = p.iter + 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: runProbSolver.py プロジェクト: AlbertHolmes/openopt
def runProbSolver(p_, solver_str_or_instance=None, *args, **kwargs):
    #p = copy.deepcopy(p_, memo=None, _nil=[])
    p = p_
    if len(args) != 0: p.err('unexpected args for p.solve()')
    if hasattr(p, 'was_involved'): p.err("""You can't run same prob instance for twice. 
    Please reassign prob struct. 
    You can avoid it via using FuncDesigner oosystem.""")
    else: p.was_involved = True

    if solver_str_or_instance is None:
        if hasattr(p, 'solver'): solver_str_or_instance = p.solver
        elif 'solver' in kwargs.keys(): solver_str_or_instance = kwargs['solver']

    if type(solver_str_or_instance) is str and ':' in solver_str_or_instance:
        isConverter = True
        probTypeToConvert,  solverName = solver_str_or_instance.split(':', 1)
        p.solver = getSolverFromStringName(p, solverName)
        solver_params = {}
        #return converter(solverName, *args, **kwargs)
        isConverter = False
        if solver_str_or_instance is None:
            p.err('you should provide name of solver')
        elif type(solver_str_or_instance) is str:
            p.solver = getSolverFromStringName(p, solver_str_or_instance)
        else: # solver_str_or_instance is oosolver
            if not solver_str_or_instance.isInstalled:
                solver %s seems to be uninstalled yet, 
                check http://openopt.org/%s for install instructions''' % (solver_str_or_instance.__name__, p.probType))
            p.solver = solver_str_or_instance
            for key, value  in solver_str_or_instance.fieldsForProbInstance.items():
                setattr(p, key, value)
    p.isConverterInvolved = isConverter

    old_err = seterr(all= 'ignore')
    if 'debug' in kwargs.keys():
       p.debug =  kwargs['debug']

    probAttributes = set(p.__dict__)
    solverAttributes = set(p.solver.__dict__)
    intersection = list(probAttributes.intersection(solverAttributes))
    if len(intersection) != 0:
        if p.debug:
            attribute %s is present in both solver and prob 
            (probably you assigned solver parameter in prob constructor), 
            the attribute will be assigned to solver''' % intersection[0])
        for elem in intersection:
            setattr(p.solver, elem, getattr(p, elem))

    solver = p.solver.__solver__
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if hasattr(p.solver, key):
            if isConverter:
                solver_params[key] = value
                setattr(p.solver, key, value)
        elif hasattr(p, key):
            setattr(p, key, value)
        else: p.warn('incorrect parameter for prob.solve(): "' + str(key) + '" - will be ignored (this one has been not found in neither prob nor ' + p.solver.__name__ + ' solver parameters)')
    if p.probType == 'EIG' and 'goal' in kwargs:
        p.err('for EIG parameter "goal" should be used only in class instance definition, not in "solve" method')
    p.iterValues = EmptyClass()

    p.iterCPUTime = []
    p.iterTime = []
    p.iterValues.x = [] # iter points
    p.iterValues.f = [] # iter ObjFunc Values
    p.iterValues.r = [] # iter MaxResidual
    p.iterValues.rt = [] # iter MaxResidual Type: 'c', 'h', 'lb' etc
    p.iterValues.ri = [] # iter MaxResidual Index
    p.solutions = [] # list of solutions, may contain several elements for interalg and mb other solvers
    if p._baseClassName == 'NonLin':p.iterValues.nNaNs = [] # number of constraints equal to numpy.nan

    if p.goal in ['max','maximum']: p.invertObjFunc = True

    #TODO: remove it!
    p.advanced = EmptyClass()

    p.istop = 0
    p.iter = 0
    p.graphics.nPointsPlotted = 0
    p.finalIterFcnFinished = False
    #for fn in p.nEvals.keys(): p.nEvals[fn] = 0 # NB! f num is used in LP/QP/MILP/etc stop criteria check

    p.msg = ''
    if not type(p.callback) in (list,  tuple): p.callback = [p.callback]
    if hasattr(p, 'xlabel'): p.graphics.xlabel = p.xlabel
    if p.graphics.xlabel == 'nf': p.iterValues.nf = [] # iter ObjFunc evaluation number
    T = time()
    C = clock()
    T = time() - T
    C = clock() - C
    if T > 1 or C > 1:
        p.disp('Initialization: Time = %0.1f CPUTime = %0.1f' % (T, C))
    for fn in ['FunEvals', 'Iter', 'Time', 'CPUTime']:
        if hasattr(p,'min'+fn) and hasattr(p,'max'+fn) and getattr(p,'max'+fn) < getattr(p,'min'+fn):
            p.warn('min' + fn + ' (' + str(getattr(p,'min'+fn)) +') exceeds ' + 'max' + fn + '(' + str(getattr(p,'max'+fn)) +'), setting latter to former')
            setattr(p,'max'+fn, getattr(p,'min'+fn))

    for fn in ['maxFunEvals', 'maxIter']: setattr(p, fn, int(getattr(p, fn)))# to prevent warnings from numbers like 1e7

    if hasattr(p, 'x0'): 
            p.x0 = atleast_1d(asfarray(p.x0).copy())
        except NotImplementedError:
            p.x0 = asfarray(p.x0.tolist())
    for fn in ['lb', 'ub', 'b', 'beq']:
        if hasattr(p, fn):
            fv = getattr(p, fn)
            if fv is not None:# and fv != []:
                if str(type(fv)) == "<class 'map'>":
                    p.err("Python3 incompatibility with previous versions: you can't use 'map' here, use rendered value instead")
                setattr(p, fn, asfarray(fv).flatten())
                setattr(p, fn, asfarray([]))

    if p.solver._requiresFiniteBoxBounds:
        ind1, ind2 = isinf(p.lb), isinf(p.ub)
        if isscalar(p.implicitBounds): p.implicitBounds = (-p.implicitBounds, p.implicitBounds) # may be from lp2nlp converter, thus omit nlp init code
        p.lb[ind1] = p.implicitBounds[0] if asarray(p.implicitBounds[0]).size == 1 else p.implicitBounds[0][ind1]
        p.ub[ind2] = p.implicitBounds[1] if asarray(p.implicitBounds[1]).size == 1 else p.implicitBounds[0][ind2]

#    if p.lb.size == 0:
#        p.lb = -inf * ones(p.n)
#    if p.ub.size == 0:
#        p.ub = inf * ones(p.n)

    p.stopdict = {}

    for s in ['b','beq']:
        if hasattr(p, s): setattr(p, 'n'+s, len(getattr(p, s)))

    #if p.probType not in ['LP', 'QP', 'MILP', 'LLSP']: p.objFunc(p.x0)

    p.isUC = p._isUnconstrained()
    isIterPointAlwaysFeasible = p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__ if type(p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__) == bool \
        else p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__(p)
    if isIterPointAlwaysFeasible:
        #assert p.data4TextOutput[-1] == 'log10(maxResidual)'
        if p.data4TextOutput[-1] == 'log10(maxResidual)': 
            p.data4TextOutput = p.data4TextOutput[:-1]
#        else:
#            p.err('bug in runProbSolver.py')
    elif p.useScaledResidualOutput:
        p.data4TextOutput[-1] = 'log10(MaxResidual/ConTol)'

    if p.showFeas and p.data4TextOutput[-1] != 'isFeasible': p.data4TextOutput.append('isFeasible')
    if p.maxSolutions != 1:
        p._nObtainedSolutions = 0

    if not p.solver.iterfcnConnected:
        if SMALL_DELTA_X in p.kernelIterFuncs: p.kernelIterFuncs.pop(SMALL_DELTA_X)
        if SMALL_DELTA_F in p.kernelIterFuncs: p.kernelIterFuncs.pop(SMALL_DELTA_F)

    if not p.solver._canHandleScipySparse:
        if hasattr(p.A, 'toarray'): p.A = p.A.toarray()
        if hasattr(p.Aeq, 'toarray'): p.Aeq = p.Aeq.toarray()
    if isinstance(p.A, ndarray) and type(p.A) != ndarray: # numpy matrix
        p.A = p.A.A 
    if isinstance(p.Aeq, ndarray) and type(p.Aeq) != ndarray: # numpy matrix
        p.Aeq = p.Aeq.A 

    if hasattr(p, 'optVars'):
        p.err('"optVars" is deprecated, use "freeVars" instead ("optVars" is not appropriate for some prob types, e.g. systems of (non)linear equations)')

#    p.xf = nan * ones([p.n, 1])
#    p.ff = nan
    #todo : add scaling, etc
    p.primalConTol = p.contol
    if not p.solver.__name__.startswith('interalg'): p.contol *= ConTolMultiplier

    p.timeStart = time()
    p.cpuTimeStart = clock()
    # TODO: move it into solver parameters
    if p.probType not in ('MINLP', 'IP'):
        p.plotOnlyCurrentMinimum = p.__isNoMoreThanBoxBounded__()

    # Start solving problem:

    if p.iprint >= 0:
        p.disp('\n' + '-'*25 + ' OpenOpt %s ' % version + '-'*25)
        pt = p.probType if p.probType != 'NLSP' else 'SNLE'
        s = 'solver: ' +  p.solver.__name__ +  '   problem: ' + p.name + '    type: %s' % pt
        if p.showGoal: s += '   goal: ' + p.goal

    p.extras = {}

        if isConverter:
            # TODO: will R be somewhere used?
            #R = converter(solverName, **solver_params)
            nErr = check(p)
            if nErr: p.err("prob check results: " +str(nErr) + "ERRORS!")#however, I guess this line will be never reached.
            if p.probType not in ('IP', 'EIG'): p.iterfcn(p.x0)
            if hasSetproctitleModule:
                    originalName = setproctitle.getproctitle()
                    if originalName.startswith('OpenOpt-'):
                        originalName = None
                        s = 'OpenOpt-' + p.solver.__name__
                        # if p.name != 'unnamed':
                        s += '-' + p.name
                    originalName = None
                please install setproctitle module 
                (it's available via easy_install and Linux soft channels like apt-get)''')
            if hasSetproctitleModule and originalName is not None:
#    except killThread:
#        if p.plot:
#            print 'exiting pylab'
#            import pylab
#            if hasattr(p, 'figure'):
#                print 'closing figure'
#                #p.figure.canvas.draw_drawable = lambda: None
#                pylab.ioff()
#                pylab.close()
#                #pylab.draw()
#            #pylab.close()
#            print 'pylab exited'
#        return None
    except isSolved:
#        p.fk = p.f(p.xk)
#        p.xf = p.xk
#        p.ff = p.objFuncMultiple2Single(p.fk)

        if p.istop == 0: p.istop = 1000
    p.contol = p.primalConTol

    # Solving finished
    if hasattr(p, '_bestPoint') and not any(isnan(p._bestPoint.x)) and p.probType != 'ODE':
    if p.probType != 'EIG':
        if not hasattr(p, 'xf') and not hasattr(p, 'xk'): p.xf = p.xk = ones(p.n)*nan
        if hasattr(p, 'xf') and (not hasattr(p, 'xk') or array_equal(p.xk, p.x0)): p.xk = p.xf
        if not hasattr(p,  'xf') or all(isnan(p.xf)): p.xf = p.xk
        if p.xf is nan: 
            p.xf = p.xk = ones(p.n)*nan
        if p.isFeas(p.xf) and (not p.probType=='MINLP' or p.discreteConstraintsAreSatisfied(p.xf)):
            p.isFeasible = True
        else: p.isFeasible = False
        p.isFeasible = True # check it!
    p.isFinished = True # After the feasibility check above!
    if p.probType == 'MOP':
        p.isFeasible = True
    elif p.probType == 'IP':
        p.isFeasible = p.rk < p.ftol
        p.ff = p.fk = p.objFunc(p.xk)
        # walkaround for PyPy:
        if type(p.ff) == ndarray and p.ff.size == 1:
            p.ff = p.fk = asscalar(p.ff)
    if not hasattr(p,  'ff') or any(p.ff==nan): 
        p.iterfcn, tmp_iterfcn = lambda *args: None, p.iterfcn
        p.ff = p.fk
        p.iterfcn = tmp_iterfcn

    if p.invertObjFunc:  p.fk, p.ff = -p.fk, -p.ff

    if asfarray(p.ff).size > 1: p.ff = p.objFuncMultiple2Single(p.fk)

    #p.ff = p.objFuncMultiple2Single(p.ff)
    #if not hasattr(p, 'xf'): p.xf = p.xk
    if type(p.xf) in (list, tuple) or isscalar(p.xf): p.xf = asarray(p.xf)
    p.xf = p.xf.flatten()
    p.rf = p.getMaxResidual(p.xf) if not p.probType == 'IP' else p.rk

    if not p.isFeasible and p.istop > 0: p.istop = -100-p.istop/1000.0
    if p.istop == 0 and p.iter >= p.maxIter:
        p.istop, p.msg = IS_MAX_ITER_REACHED, 'Max Iter has been reached'
    p.stopcase = stopcase(p)

    p.xk, p.rk = p.xf, p.rf
    if p.invertObjFunc: 
        p.fk = -p.ff
        p.iterfcn(p.xf, -p.ff, p.rf)
        p.fk = p.ff
        p.iterfcn(p.xf, p.ff, p.rf)

    if not p.storeIterPoints: delattr(p.iterValues, 'x')

    r = OpenOptResult(p)

    #TODO: add scaling handling!!!!!!!
#    for fn in ('df', 'dc', 'dh', 'd2f', 'd2c', 'd2h'):
#        if hasattr(p, '_' + fn): setattr(r, fn, getattr(p, '_'+fn))

    p.invertObjFunc = False
    if p.isFDmodel:
        p.x0 = p._x0

    finalTextOutput(p, r)
    if not hasattr(p, 'isManagerUsed') or p.isManagerUsed == False: 
    return r
コード例 #3
ファイル: oographics.py プロジェクト: PythonCharmers/OOSuite
    def oodraw(self, p): #note that self is same as p.graphics
            import pylab
            p.pWarn('to use OpenOpt graphics you need pylab (Python module) installed. Turning graphics off...')
            p.plot = 0

        #isNewFigure = (not isempty(lastTask) and not isequal(lastTask, {p.name p.primal.fName})) ...
            #or (~self.drawingInOneWindow and globstat.iter ==1)...
            #or ~isfield(self, 'figureHandler')...
            #or (isequal(p.env, 'matlab') and ~ishandle(self.figureHandler))

        #todo: fix me later!
        needNewFigure = not p.iter

        #lastTask={p.name p.primal.fName} % x0 can be absent
        colors = ['b', 'k', 'c', 'r', 'g']
        specifiers = ['-', ':', '-.', '--']
        if needNewFigure:

            #self.figureHandler = pylab.figure
            self.colorCount = -1
            self.specifierCount = 0
            self.nTrajectories = 0
            self.ghandlers = []
            #self.solverNames = []

            #TODO: the condition should be handled somewhere other place, not here.
            if p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'):
                Y_LABELS = ['maxResidual']
                #pylab.plot([0], [log10(p.contol)-1.5])
            elif p.probType == 'NLLSP':
                Y_LABELS = ['sum(residuals^2)']
                Y_LABELS = ['objective function']
            isIterPointAlwaysFeasible = p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__ if type(p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__) == bool \
                else p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__(p)
            if not (p._isUnconstrained() or isIterPointAlwaysFeasible):
                self.isMaxConstraintSubplotRequired = True
                if p.useScaledResidualOutput:
            else: self.isMaxConstraintSubplotRequired = False

            if self.isMaxConstraintSubplotRequired: self.nSubPlots = 2
            else: self.nSubPlots = 1

        #creating new trajectory, if needed
        isNewTrajectory = not p.iter # FIXME
        if isNewTrajectory:
            self.colorCount += 1
            if self.drawingInOneWindow:
                if self.colorCount > len(colors) - 1 :
                    self.colorCount = 0
                    self.specifierCount += 1
                    if self.specifierCount > len(specifiers) - 1 :
                        p.warn('line types number exeeded')
                        self.specifierCount = 0

        #setting color & specifier
        #color = colors[self.colorCount]
        #specifier = specifiers[self.specifierCount]
        color = p.color
        specifier = p.specifier

        #setting xlabel, ylabel, title etc
        tx = p.xlabel.lower()
        if isNewTrajectory:

            self.nTrajectories += 1

            #win = gtk.Window()
            #win.set_name("OpenOpt " + str(oover) + ", license: BSD 2.0")
            pTitle = 'problem: ' + p.name
            if p.showGoal: pTitle += '       goal: ' + p.goal
            if self.nSubPlots>1: pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots, 1, 1)
            p.figure = pylab.gcf()
            p.figure.canvas.set_window_title('OpenOpt ' + ooversion)

            if tx == 'cputime':
                xlabel = 'CPU Time elapsed (without graphic output), sec'
                d_x = 0.01
            elif tx == 'time':
                xlabel = 'Time elapsed (without graphic output), sec'
                d_x = 0.01
            elif tx in ['niter',  'iter']:
                xlabel = 'iter'
                d_x = 4
            elif tx == 'nf':
                xlabel = 'Number of objective function evaluations'
                d_x = 4
            else:  p.err('unknown graphic output xlabel: "' + tx + '", should be in "time", "cputime", "iter", "nf"')
            self.nPointsPlotted = 0

            for ind in range(self.nSubPlots):
                if (self.nSubPlots > 1 and ind != 0) or p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'):
                    ax = pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots, 1, ind+1)

#                if self.nSubPlots > 1:
#                    ax = pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots, 1, ind+1)
#                    if p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE') or ind != 0:
#                        ax.set_yscale('log')


        ################ getting data to plot ###############
        if p.iter>0:
            IND_start, IND_end = self.nPointsPlotted-1, p.iter+1#note: indexing from zero assumed
            #if p.isFinished: IND_end = p.iter
        else: IND_start, IND_end = 0, 1

        if p.plotOnlyCurrentMinimum:
            yy = array(p.iterValues.f[IND_start:])
            if isNewTrajectory: self.currMin = yy[0]
            k = 0
            for j in range(IND_start, IND_start + len(yy)): #todo: min is slow in 1x1 comparison vs if-then-else
                yy[k] = min(self.currMin, p.iterValues.f[j])
                self.currMin = yy[k]
                k += 1
            if IND_start<=IND_end: 
                if len(p.iterValues.f) >= 1:
                    yySave = [p.iterValues.f[-1]] # FIXME! (for constraints)
                    yySave = [p.f(p.x0)]
            yy = array(p.iterValues.f[IND_start:IND_end])
            if IND_start<=IND_end:
                if len(p.iterValues.f) >= 1: yySave = [p.iterValues.f[-1]]
                    yySave = [p.f(p.x0)]

        if tx == 'iter': xx = range(IND_start, IND_end)
        elif tx == 'cputime':
            if len(p.iterTime) != len(p.cpuTimeElapsedForPlotting): p.iterTime.append(p.iterTime[-1])
            xx = asfarray(p.iterCPUTime[IND_start:IND_end]) - asfarray(p.cpuTimeElapsedForPlotting[IND_start:IND_end])
        elif tx == 'time':
            if len(p.iterTime) != len(p.timeElapsedForPlotting): p.iterTime.append(p.iterTime[-1])
            xx = asfarray(p.iterTime[IND_start:IND_end]) - asfarray(p.timeElapsedForPlotting[IND_start:IND_end])
        elif tx == 'nf':
            xx = asfarray(p.iterValues.nf[IND_start:IND_end])
        else: p.err('unknown labelX case')

        if len(xx)>len(yy):
            if p.isFinished: xx = xx[:-1]
            else:  p.err('OpenOpt graphics ERROR - FIXME!')

        if p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'):
            yy = yy+p.ftol/self.REDUCE
        YY = [yy]
        #if len(YY) == 0: YY = yySave

        if self.isMaxConstraintSubplotRequired:
            yy22 = p.contol/self.REDUCE+asfarray(p.iterValues.r[IND_start:IND_end])
            if p.useScaledResidualOutput: yy22 /= p.contol
            if IND_start<=IND_end:
                if len(p.iterValues.r) == 0: return
                rr = p.iterValues.r[-1] 
                if p.useScaledResidualOutput: rr /= p.contol
                if len(p.iterValues.r) >= 1: yySave.append(p.contol/self.REDUCE+asfarray(rr))

        if needNewFigure:
            if self.nSubPlots > 1:
                pylab.subplot(2, 1, 2)
                tmp = 1 if p.useScaledResidualOutput else p.contol
                pylab.plot([xx[0]],[tmp / 10**1.5])
                pylab.plot([xx[0]+d_x],[tmp / 10**1.5])
                pylab.plot([xx[0]], [YY[1][0] * 10])
                pylab.plot([xx[0]+d_x], [YY[1][0] * 10])
                pylab.subplot(2, 1, 1)


        if self.plotIterMarkers: usualMarker = 'o'
        else: usualMarker = ''

        for ind in range(self.nSubPlots):
            if self.nSubPlots > 1: pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots,1,ind+1)
            yy2 = ravel(YY[ind])
            if len(yy2) < len(xx): 
                if IND_start > IND_end:
                    yy2 = ravel(yySave[ind])
                elif yy2.size == 0:
                    yy2 = ravel(yySave[ind])
                    yy2 = hstack((yy2, yy2[-1]))
#            if len(yy2)<len(xx):
#                if p.debug: p.warn('FIXME! - different len of xx and yy in graphics')
#                yy2 = yy2.tolist()+[yy2[-1]]
            if isNewTrajectory:
                if isfinite(p.xlim[0]): pylab.plot([p.xlim[0]],  [yy2[0]],  color='w')
                if isfinite(p.xlim[1]): pylab.plot([p.xlim[1]],  [yy2[0]],  color='w')
                if ind==0:
                    if isfinite(p.ylim[0]): pylab.plot([xx[0]],  [p.ylim[0]],  color='w')
                    if isfinite(p.ylim[1]): pylab.plot([xx[0]],  [p.ylim[1]],  color='w')
                    if p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'): pylab.plot([xx[0]], [p.ftol / self.REDUCE],  color='w')
            if ind == 1:
                horz_line_value = 1 if p.useScaledResidualOutput else p.primalConTol
                pylab.plot([xx[0], xx[-1]], [horz_line_value, horz_line_value], ls = self.axLineStyle, linewidth = self.axLineWidth, color='g',\
                marker = self.axMarker, ms = self.axMarkerSize, mew = self.markerEdgeWidth, mec = self.axMarkerEdgeColor, mfc = self.axFaceColor)
            elif p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'):
                pylab.plot([xx[0], xx[-1]], [p.ftol, p.ftol], ls = self.axLineStyle, linewidth = self.axLineWidth, color='g',\
                marker = self.axMarker, ms = self.axMarkerSize, mew = self.markerEdgeWidth, mec = self.axMarkerEdgeColor, mfc = self.axFaceColor)
            if isNewTrajectory:
                p2 = pylab.plot([xx[0]], [yy2[0]], color = color, marker = self.specifierStart,  markersize = self.markerSize)
                p3 = pylab.plot([xx[0], xx[0]+1e-50], [yy2[0], yy2[0]], color = color, markersize = self.markerSize)
                p._p3 = p3
                if p.legend == '': pylab.legend([p3[0]], [p.solver.__name__], shadow = True)
                elif type(p.legend) in (tuple, list): pylab.legend([p3[0]], p.legend, shadow = True)
                else: pylab.legend([p3[0]], [p.legend], shadow = True)
                pylab.plot(xx[1:], yy2[1:], color,  marker = usualMarker, markersize = self.markerSize/3)
                pylab.plot(xx, ravel(yy2), color + specifier, marker = usualMarker, markersize = self.iterMarkerSize)

            if p.isFinished:
                pylab.legend([p._p3[0]], [p.solver.__name__], shadow = True, loc=0)
                #xMin, xMax = [], []
                if p.istop<0:
                    if stopcase(p.istop) == 0: # maxTime, maxIter, maxCPUTime, maxFunEvals etc exeeded
                        if p.isFeas(p.xf):  s = self.specifierContinueFeasible
                        else: s = self.specifierContinueInfeasible
                    else: s = self.specifierFailed
                    #if not hasattr(p, 'isFeasible'): p.isFeas()
                    if p.isFeasible:
                    #if p.isFeas(p.xk)
                        if p.istop > 0:
                            s = self.specifierOK
                        else:# p.istop = 0
                            s = self.specifierUndefined
                    else: s = self.specifierError
                if s == self.specifierOK: marker = (5, 1, 0)
                else: marker = s
                if isnan(yy2[-1]):
                    yy2[-1] = 0
                pylab.scatter(ravel(xx[-1]), [yy2[-1]], c=color, marker = marker, s=[150])

                [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = pylab.axis()
                if ymax - ymin > 25 * (yy2[-1] -ymin):
                    delta = 0.04 * (ymax - ymin)
                    pylab.scatter([(xmin+xmax)/2,  (xmin+xmax)/2], [ymin-delta, ymax+delta], s=1, c='w', edgecolors='none',  marker='o')
                if  ind == 0 and p.probType in ('NLSP', 'SNLE'):
                    pylab.plot([xmin, xmax], [log10(p.ftol), log10(p.ftol)],\
                        linewidth = self.axLineWidth, ls = self.axLineStyle, color='g',\
                        marker = self.axMarker, ms = self.axMarkerSize, \
                        mew = self.markerEdgeWidth, mec = self.axMarkerEdgeColor, mfc = self.axFaceColor)
                if  ind == 1:
                    horz_line_value = 0 if p.useScaledResidualOutput else log10(p.primalConTol)
                    pylab.plot([xmin, xmax], [horz_line_value, horz_line_value],\
                        linewidth = self.axLineWidth, ls = self.axLineStyle, color='g',\
                        marker = self.axMarker, ms = self.axMarkerSize, \
                        mew = self.markerEdgeWidth, mec = self.axMarkerEdgeColor, mfc = self.axFaceColor)
                    pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots, 1, 1)
                    pylab.plot([xmax], [yy2[-1]],  color='w')

#                if p.probType == 'NLSP':
#                    pylab.axhline(y=log10(p.primalConTol),  xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax,\
#                        linewidth = self.axLineWidth, ls = self.axLineStyle, color='g',\
#                        marker = self.axMarker, ms = self.axMarkerSize, \
#                        mew = self.markerEdgeWidth, mec = self.axMarkerEdgeColor, mfc = self.axFaceColor)

#        if p.isFinished:
#            for ind in range(self.nSubPlots):
#                if self.nSubPlots>1: pylab.subplot(self.nSubPlots,1,ind+1)
                #pylab.xlim(min(xMin), max(xMax))
        self.nPointsPlotted = p.iter+1
コード例 #4
def runProbSolver(p_, solver_str_or_instance=None, *args, **kwargs):
    #p = copy.deepcopy(p_, memo=None, _nil=[])
    p = p_
    if len(args) != 0: p.err('unexpected args for p.solve()')
    if hasattr(p, 'was_involved'):
        p.err("""You can't run same prob instance for twice. 
    Please reassign prob struct. 
    You can avoid it via using FuncDesigner oosystem.""")
        p.was_involved = True

    if solver_str_or_instance is None:
        if hasattr(p, 'solver'): solver_str_or_instance = p.solver
        elif 'solver' in kwargs.keys():
            solver_str_or_instance = kwargs['solver']

    if type(solver_str_or_instance) is str and ':' in solver_str_or_instance:
        isConverter = True
        probTypeToConvert, solverName = solver_str_or_instance.split(':', 1)
        p.solver = getSolverFromStringName(p, solverName)
        solver_params = {}
        #return converter(solverName, *args, **kwargs)
        isConverter = False
        if solver_str_or_instance is None:
            p.err('you should provide name of solver')
        elif type(solver_str_or_instance) is str:
            p.solver = getSolverFromStringName(p, solver_str_or_instance)
        else:  # solver_str_or_instance is oosolver
            if not solver_str_or_instance.isInstalled:
                solver %s seems to be uninstalled yet, 
                check http://openopt.org/%s for install instructions''' %
                      (solver_str_or_instance.__name__, p.probType))
            p.solver = solver_str_or_instance
            for key, value in solver_str_or_instance.fieldsForProbInstance.items(
                setattr(p, key, value)
    p.isConverterInvolved = isConverter

    old_err = seterr(all='ignore')

    if 'debug' in kwargs.keys():
        p.debug = kwargs['debug']

    probAttributes = set(p.__dict__)
    solverAttributes = set(p.solver.__dict__)
    intersection = list(probAttributes.intersection(solverAttributes))
    if len(intersection) != 0:
        if p.debug:
            attribute %s is present in both solver and prob 
            (probably you assigned solver parameter in prob constructor), 
            the attribute will be assigned to solver''' % intersection[0])
        for elem in intersection:
            setattr(p.solver, elem, getattr(p, elem))

    solver = p.solver.__solver__

    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if hasattr(p.solver, key):
            if isConverter:
                solver_params[key] = value
                setattr(p.solver, key, value)
        elif hasattr(p, key):
            setattr(p, key, value)
                'incorrect parameter for prob.solve(): "' + str(key) +
                '" - will be ignored (this one has been not found in neither prob nor '
                + p.solver.__name__ + ' solver parameters)')
    if p.probType == 'EIG' and 'goal' in kwargs:
            'for EIG parameter "goal" should be used only in class instance definition, not in "solve" method'

    p.iterValues = EmptyClass()

    p.iterCPUTime = []
    p.iterTime = []
    p.iterValues.x = []  # iter points
    p.iterValues.f = []  # iter ObjFunc Values
    p.iterValues.r = []  # iter MaxResidual
    p.iterValues.rt = []  # iter MaxResidual Type: 'c', 'h', 'lb' etc
    p.iterValues.ri = []  # iter MaxResidual Index
    p.solutions = [
    ]  # list of solutions, may contain several elements for interalg and mb other solvers
    if p._baseClassName == 'NonLin':
        p.iterValues.nNaNs = []  # number of constraints equal to numpy.nan

    if p.goal in ['max', 'maximum']: p.invertObjFunc = True

    #TODO: remove it!
    p.advanced = EmptyClass()

    p.istop = 0
    p.iter = 0
    p.graphics.nPointsPlotted = 0
    p.finalIterFcnFinished = False
    #for fn in p.nEvals.keys(): p.nEvals[fn] = 0 # NB! f num is used in LP/QP/MILP/etc stop criteria check

    p.msg = ''
    if not type(p.callback) in (list, tuple): p.callback = [p.callback]
    if hasattr(p, 'xlabel'): p.graphics.xlabel = p.xlabel
    if p.graphics.xlabel == 'nf':
        p.iterValues.nf = []  # iter ObjFunc evaluation number

    T = time()
    C = clock()
    p.initTime = time() - T
    p.initCPUTime = clock() - C
    if p.initTime > 1 or p.initCPUTime > 1:
        p.disp('Initialization: Time = %0.1f CPUTime = %0.1f' %
               (p.initTime, p.initCPUTime))

    for fn in ['FunEvals', 'Iter', 'Time', 'CPUTime']:
        if hasattr(p, 'min' + fn) and hasattr(p, 'max' + fn) and getattr(
                p, 'max' + fn) < getattr(p, 'min' + fn):
            p.warn('min' + fn + ' (' + str(getattr(p, 'min' + fn)) +
                   ') exceeds ' + 'max' + fn + '(' +
                   str(getattr(p, 'max' + fn)) + '), setting latter to former')
            setattr(p, 'max' + fn, getattr(p, 'min' + fn))

    for fn in ['maxFunEvals', 'maxIter']:
        setattr(p, fn,
                            fn)))  # to prevent warnings from numbers like 1e7

    if hasattr(p, 'x0'):
            p.x0 = atleast_1d(asfarray(p.x0).copy())
        except NotImplementedError:
            p.x0 = asfarray(p.x0.tolist())
    for fn in ['lb', 'ub', 'b', 'beq']:
        if hasattr(p, fn):
            fv = getattr(p, fn)
            if fv is not None:  # and fv != []:
                if str(type(fv)) == "<class 'map'>":
                        "Python3 incompatibility with previous versions: you can't use 'map' here, use rendered value instead"
                setattr(p, fn, asfarray(fv).flatten())
                setattr(p, fn, asfarray([]))

    if p.solver._requiresFiniteBoxBounds:
        ind1, ind2 = isinf(p.lb), isinf(p.ub)
        if isscalar(p.implicitBounds):
            p.implicitBounds = (
                -p.implicitBounds, p.implicitBounds
            )  # may be from lp2nlp converter, thus omit nlp init code
        p.lb[ind1] = p.implicitBounds[0] if asarray(
            p.implicitBounds[0]).size == 1 else p.implicitBounds[0][ind1]
        p.ub[ind2] = p.implicitBounds[1] if asarray(
            p.implicitBounds[1]).size == 1 else p.implicitBounds[0][ind2]

#    if p.lb.size == 0:
#        p.lb = -inf * ones(p.n)
#    if p.ub.size == 0:
#        p.ub = inf * ones(p.n)

    p.stopdict = {}

    for s in ['b', 'beq']:
        if hasattr(p, s): setattr(p, 'n' + s, len(getattr(p, s)))

    #if p.probType not in ['LP', 'QP', 'MILP', 'LLSP']: p.objFunc(p.x0)

    p.isUC = p._isUnconstrained()

    isIterPointAlwaysFeasible = p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__ if type(p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__) == bool \
        else p.solver.__isIterPointAlwaysFeasible__(p)
    if isIterPointAlwaysFeasible:
        #assert p.data4TextOutput[-1] == 'log10(maxResidual)'
        if p.data4TextOutput[-1] == 'log10(maxResidual)':
            p.data4TextOutput = p.data4TextOutput[:-1]
#        else:
#            p.err('bug in runProbSolver.py')
    elif p.useScaledResidualOutput:
        p.data4TextOutput[-1] = 'log10(MaxResidual/ConTol)'

    if p.showFeas and p.data4TextOutput[-1] != 'isFeasible':
    if p.maxSolutions != 1:
        p._nObtainedSolutions = 0

    if not p.solver.iterfcnConnected:
        if SMALL_DELTA_X in p.kernelIterFuncs:
        if SMALL_DELTA_F in p.kernelIterFuncs:

    if not p.solver._canHandleScipySparse:
        if hasattr(p.A, 'toarray'): p.A = p.A.toarray()
        if hasattr(p.Aeq, 'toarray'): p.Aeq = p.Aeq.toarray()

    if isinstance(p.A, ndarray) and type(p.A) != ndarray:  # numpy matrix
        p.A = p.A.A
    if isinstance(p.Aeq, ndarray) and type(p.Aeq) != ndarray:  # numpy matrix
        p.Aeq = p.Aeq.A

    if hasattr(p, 'optVars'):
            '"optVars" is deprecated, use "freeVars" instead ("optVars" is not appropriate for some prob types, e.g. systems of (non)linear equations)'

#    p.xf = nan * ones([p.n, 1])
#    p.ff = nan
#todo : add scaling, etc
    p.primalConTol = p.contol
    if not p.solver.__name__.startswith('interalg'):
        p.contol *= ConTolMultiplier

    p.timeStart = time()
    p.cpuTimeStart = clock()

    # TODO: move it into solver parameters
    if p.probType not in ('MINLP', 'IP'):
        p.plotOnlyCurrentMinimum = p.__isNoMoreThanBoxBounded__()

    # Start solving problem:

    if p.iprint >= 0:
        p.disp('\n' + '-' * 25 + ' OpenOpt %s ' % version + '-' * 25)
        pt = p.probType if p.probType != 'NLSP' else 'SNLE'
        s = 'solver: ' + p.solver.__name__ + '   problem: ' + p.name + '    type: %s' % pt
        if p.showGoal: s += '   goal: ' + p.goal

    p.extras = {}

        #        if 0 and isConverter:
        #            pass
        #            # TODO: will R be somewhere used?
        #            #R = converter(solverName, **solver_params)
        #        else:
        nErr = check(p)
        if nErr:
                "prob check results: " + str(nErr) +
                "ERRORS!")  #however, I guess this line will be never reached.
        if p.probType not in ('IP', 'EIG'): p.iterfcn(p.x0)
        if hasSetproctitleModule:
                originalName = setproctitle.getproctitle()
                if originalName.startswith('OpenOpt-'):
                    originalName = None
                    s = 'OpenOpt-' + p.solver.__name__
                    # if p.name != 'unnamed':
                    s += '-' + p.name
                originalName = None
            please install setproctitle module 
            (it's available via easy_install and Linux soft channels like apt-get)'''

#        import os, cProfile
#        print '----'
#        print 'p.n, p.nb, p.nbeq, p.nc, p.nh:',  p.n, p.nb, p.nbeq, p.nc, p.nh
#        if p.solver.__name__ == 'interalg':
#            cProfile.runctx( 'solver(p)', globals(), locals(), filename="t.profile" )
#        #os.system('runsnake t.profile')
#        else:
#            solver(p)


#        if p.solver.__name__ == 'interalg':
#            print p.extras
#            os.system('pyprof2calltree -i t.profile -o myfile.prof.grind')
#            os.system('kcachegrind myfile.prof.grind')
#        print p.xk
#        print '===='

#    except killThread:
#        if p.plot:
#            print 'exiting pylab'
#            import pylab
#            if hasattr(p, 'figure'):
#                print 'closing figure'
#                #p.figure.canvas.draw_drawable = lambda: None
#                pylab.ioff()
#                pylab.close()
#                #pylab.draw()
#            #pylab.close()
#            print 'pylab exited'
#        return None
    except isSolved:
        #        p.fk = p.f(p.xk)
        #        p.xf = p.xk
        #        p.ff = p.objFuncMultiple2Single(p.fk)

        if p.istop == 0: p.istop = 1000
        if p.isFDmodel:
            for v in p.freeVarsSet | p.fixedVarsSet:
                if v.fields != ():
                    v.domain, v.aux_domain = v.aux_domain, v.domain

    if hasSetproctitleModule and originalName is not None:

    p.contol = p.primalConTol

    # Solving finished
    if hasattr(p, '_bestPoint') and not any(isnan(
            p._bestPoint.x)) and p.probType != 'ODE':
        except isSolved:
    if p.probType != 'EIG':
        if not hasattr(p, 'xf') and not hasattr(p, 'xk'):
            p.xf = p.xk = ones(p.n) * nan
        if hasattr(p, 'xf') and (not hasattr(p, 'xk')
                                 or array_equal(p.xk, p.x0)):
            p.xk = p.xf
        if not hasattr(p, 'xf') or all(isnan(p.xf)): p.xf = p.xk
        if p.xf is nan:
            p.xf = p.xk = ones(p.n) * nan

        if p.isFeas(p.xf) and (not p.probType == 'MINLP'
                               or p.discreteConstraintsAreSatisfied(p.xf)):
            p.isFeasible = True
            p.isFeasible = False
        p.isFeasible = True  # check it!

    p.isFinished = True  # After the feasibility check above!

    if p.probType == 'MOP':
        p.isFeasible = True
    elif p.probType == 'IP':
        p.isFeasible = p.rk < p.ftol
        p.ff = p.fk = p.objFunc(p.xk)

        # walkaround for PyPy:
        if type(p.ff) == ndarray and p.ff.size == 1:
            p.ff = p.fk = asscalar(p.ff)

    if not hasattr(p, 'ff') or any(p.ff == nan):
        p.iterfcn, tmp_iterfcn = lambda *args: None, p.iterfcn
        p.ff = p.fk
        p.iterfcn = tmp_iterfcn

    if p.invertObjFunc: p.fk, p.ff = -p.fk, -p.ff

    if asfarray(p.ff).size > 1: p.ff = p.objFuncMultiple2Single(p.fk)

    #p.ff = p.objFuncMultiple2Single(p.ff)
    #if not hasattr(p, 'xf'): p.xf = p.xk
    if type(p.xf) in (list, tuple) or isscalar(p.xf): p.xf = asarray(p.xf)
    p.xf = p.xf.flatten()
    p.rf = p.getMaxResidual(p.xf) if p.probType not in ('IP', 'ODE') else p.rk

    if not p.isFeasible and p.istop > 0: p.istop = -100 - p.istop / 1000.0

    if p.istop == 0 and p.iter >= p.maxIter:
        p.istop, p.msg = IS_MAX_ITER_REACHED, 'Max Iter has been reached'

    p.stopcase = stopcase(p)

    p.xk, p.rk = p.xf, p.rf
    if p.invertObjFunc:
        p.fk = -p.ff
        p.iterfcn(p.xf, -p.ff, p.rf)
        p.fk = p.ff
        p.iterfcn(p.xf, p.ff, p.rf)

    if not p.storeIterPoints: delattr(p.iterValues, 'x')

    r = OpenOptResult(p)

    #TODO: add scaling handling!!!!!!!
    #    for fn in ('df', 'dc', 'dh', 'd2f', 'd2c', 'd2h'):
    #        if hasattr(p, '_' + fn): setattr(r, fn, getattr(p, '_'+fn))

    p.invertObjFunc = False

    if p.isFDmodel:
        p.x0 = p._x0

    finalTextOutput(p, r)
    if not hasattr(p, 'isManagerUsed') or p.isManagerUsed == False:
    return r