def test_intersection(c, d, ans):
    from sets.verified_sets import IntSet
    a = IntSet(c)
    b = IntSet(d)
    t = a.intersection(b)
    assert (str(t) == ans and isinstance(t, IntSet)), \
        f"Expected intersection {ans} and type IntSet"
def test_symmetric_difference(c, d, ans):
    from sets.verified_sets import IntSet
    a = IntSet(c)
    b = IntSet(d)
    t = a.symmetric_difference(b)
    assert (str(t) == ans and isinstance(t, IntSet)), \
        f"Expected symmetric difference {ans} and type IntSet"
def test_union(c, d, ans):
    from sets.verified_sets import IntSet

    a = IntSet(c)
    b = IntSet(d)
    t = a.union(b)
    assert str(t) == ans and isinstance(
        t, IntSet
    ), f"Expected union {ans} and type IntSet"
def test_difference(c, d, ans):
    from sets.verified_sets import IntSet

    a = IntSet(c)
    b = IntSet(d)
    t = a.difference(b)
    assert str(t) == ans and isinstance(
        t, IntSet
    ), f"Expected difference {ans} and type IntSet"
def test_copy():
    from sets.verified_sets import IntSet
    a = IntSet((9, 1, 10))
    b = a.copy()
    assert (str(b) == str(a) and isinstance(b, IntSet))
def test_difference_subclass():
    from sets.verified_sets import IntSet
    a = IntSet(())
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        a.difference(("a", "b"))
def test_intersection_subclass():
    from sets.verified_sets import IntSet
    a = IntSet(())
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        a.intersection(("a", "b"))
def test_symmetric_difference_subclass():
    a = IntSet(())
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        a.symmetric_difference_update((1, "s"))
def test_symmetric_difference_update(c, d, ans):
    a = IntSet(c)
    b = IntSet(d)
    assert (str(a) == ans and isinstance(a, IntSet)), \
        f"Expected set of {ans} but got {a}"
def test_update_subclass():
    a = IntSet(())
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        a.update((1, "s"))
def test_add_subclass():
    a = IntSet(())
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_add(s, a, ans):
    c = IntSet(s)
    assert (str(c) == ans and isinstance(c, IntSet)), \
        f"Expected set of {ans} but got {c}"