def rm_portf_underpf(limit_max): """ Remove underperforming strategy portfolio that are auto-generated. Auto-generated portfolio strategy are used as example. Args: Int: Maximum number of example to keep. Returns: None """ total = 0 quant_to_rm = 0 connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM instruments JOIN users ON instruments.owner =' cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: total = row[0] quant_to_rm = int(total) - int(limit_max) if quant_to_rm > 0: cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = 'SELECT instruments.symbol, users.is_bot '+\ 'FROM instruments JOIN users ON instruments.owner = '+\ 'WHERE users.is_bot=1 AND instruments.symbol LIKE "%'+\ get_portf_suffix() +'%" ORDER BY instruments.y1 '+\ 'LIMIT '+ str(quant_to_rm) cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: symbol = row[0] rm_portf_from('feed', 'symbol', symbol) rm_portf_from('chart_data', 'symbol', symbol) rm_portf_from('portfolios', 'portf_symbol', symbol) rm_portf_from('instruments', 'symbol', symbol) rm_portf_from('symbol_list', 'symbol', symbol) cursor.close() connection.close()
def __init__(self, symbol, uid, connection): """ Select and initialize instrument data according to args """ self.symbol_selection = symbol cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = "SELECT symbol from symbol_list WHERE uid=" + str(uid) cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: symbol_is_portf = row[0] if symbol_is_portf.find(get_portf_suffix()) > -1: self.sql_select = "SELECT price_close, date FROM chart_data "+\ "WHERE symbol='"+ self.symbol_selection +"' " else: self.sql_select = "SELECT price_close, date "+\ "FROM price_instruments_data WHERE symbol='"+ self.symbol_selection + "' " self.sql_select_signal = "SELECT signal_price, date FROM chart_data "+\ "WHERE symbol='"+ self.symbol_selection +"' AND forecast = 0 " sql = self.sql_select_signal + " ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT 1" debug(sql) cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: self.lp_signal = row[0] sql = self.sql_select + " ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT 1" cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: self.last_price = row[0] self.last_date = row[1] cursor.close() self.uid = uid self.d_1_year_perf = self.last_date - (timedelta(days=365)) self.d_6_month_perf = self.last_date - (timedelta(days=180)) self.d_3_month_perf = self.last_date - (timedelta(days=90)) self.d_1_month_perf = self.last_date - (timedelta(days=30)) self.d_1_week_perf = self.last_date - (timedelta(days=7)) self.d_1_day_perf = get_prev_session_date(self.symbol_selection) self.d_1_week_forcast = 0
def output_prediction(force_full_update, uid, order): """ Main function to get prediction calculated and update tables in database Args: Boolean: if True, update tables regardless of flag is_ta_calc Integer: Instrument unique id String: order of update desc, asc. by symbol. Returns: None """ log_this('2. output_prediction', 0) connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) if uid == 0: sql = "SELECT uid FROM symbol_list WHERE symbol NOT LIKE '%"+\ get_portf_suffix() +"%' AND disabled=0 ORDER BY symbol "+ order else: sql = "SELECT uid FROM symbol_list WHERE uid = " + str(uid) cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: uid = row[0] set_all_prediction_model_target_price_n_score(uid, force_full_update, connection) cursor.close() connection.close() gc.collect() log_this('2. output_prediction', 1)
def get_update_instr_data(extended_scan, is_update_all, specific_symbol): """ Main function to update all data Args: Integer: if 1 then update up to number of day specified in variable extended_scanelse up to 10 days. Boolean: if 1 then update all data regardless flag is_ta_calc String: if not '' then update specific instrument (symbol) Returns: None """ log_this('3. get_update_instr_data', 0) if extended_scan == 1: nd_scan = 370 else: nd_scan = 10 if specific_symbol == '': sql_parse_list = "SELECT symbol_list.symbol, symbol_list.uid, instruments.asset_class "+\ "FROM symbol_list JOIN instruments ON symbol_list.symbol = instruments.symbol "+\ "WHERE symbol_list.symbol NOT LIKE '"+get_portf_suffix()+\ "%' AND symbol_list.disabled = 0 ORDER BY symbol" else: sql_parse_list = "SELECT symbol_list.symbol, symbol_list.uid, instruments.asset_class "+\ "FROM symbol_list JOIN instruments ON symbol_list.symbol = instruments.symbol "+\ "WHERE symbol_list.symbol = '"+ str(specific_symbol) +"' AND symbol_list.disabled = 0" connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) clear_chart_table(specific_symbol, connection) cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = sql_parse_list cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: symbol = row[0] uid = row[1] asset_class = row[2] debug( str(uid) + ' - ' + str(symbol) + '------------------------------') date_minus_ten = - timedelta(days=10) date_minus_ten = date_minus_ten.strftime("%Y%m%d") date_minus_seven = - timedelta(days=7) date_minus_seven = date_minus_seven.strftime("%Y%m%d") date_num_day_scan = - timedelta(days=nd_scan) date_num_day_scan = date_num_day_scan.strftime("%Y%m%d") sentiment = update_instruments_data(symbol, is_update_all, date_num_day_scan, date_minus_seven, connection) if is_update_all: get_trades(symbol, uid, nd_scan, True, connection) else: get_trades(symbol, uid, nd_scan, False, connection) """ These functions needs to run before all else """ get_trend_line_data(symbol, uid, connection) gen_recomm(symbol, uid, connection) gen_chart(symbol, uid, connection) """ ******************************************** """ get_forecast_pnl(symbol, nd_scan, is_update_all, connection) get_instr_sum(symbol, uid, asset_class, date_minus_ten, sentiment, connection) set_signals_feed(symbol, connection) set_widgets_feed(symbol, connection) check_instr_is_obsolete(symbol, connection) check_price_inconsist_price_move(symbol, connection) gc.collect() cursor.close() connection.close() log_this('3. get_update_instr_data', 1)
def collect_crypto_data(): """ Collect and import crypto price data into the database Args: None Returns: None """ log_this('1. collect_crypto_data', 0) connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = "SELECT symbol_list.symbol, symbol_list.uid, symbol_list.fsym, symbol_list.tsym "+\ "FROM symbol_list INNER JOIN instruments ON "+\ "symbol_list.symbol = instruments.symbol WHERE symbol_list.symbol "+\ "NOT LIKE '%"+ get_portf_suffix() +"%' AND instruments.asset_class = 'CR:' AND disabled =0" cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() i = 1 for row in res: symbol = row[0] fsym = row[2] tsym = row[3] debug(symbol+": "+ os.path.basename(__file__)) ### Cryptocompare API ###################################################### url = ""+\ "fsym="+fsym+"&tsym="+tsym+"&limit=30&aggregate=1&e=CCCAGG" ############################################################################ request = urllib.request.Request(url) opener = urllib.request.build_opener() fil = j = json.loads( k = len(j['Data']) i = 1 inserted_values = '' cr_i = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) while i < k: price_close = j['Data'][i]['close'] date = j['Data'][i]['time'] date_today = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(date)) if i == 1: sep = '' else: sep = ',' inserted_values = inserted_values + sep +\ "('"+symbol+"','"+date_today.strftime('%Y%m%d')+"','"+str(price_close)+"')" debug(inserted_values) i += 1 sql_i = "INSERT IGNORE INTO price_instruments_data(symbol, date, price_close) VALUES " +\ inserted_values cr_i.execute(sql_i) connection.commit() cr_i.close() cursor.close() log_this('1. collect_crypto_data', 1)
def set_portf_feed(): """ Import all the portfolio to table feed. Args: None Returns: None """ feed_id = 9 feed_type = "portfolios" add_feed_type(feed_id, feed_type) #Date [Today date] date_today = date_today = date_today.strftime("%Y%m%d") connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cr_i = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql_i = "DELETE FROM feed WHERE type= "+ str(feed_id) cr_i.execute(sql_i) connection.commit() cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = "SELECT instruments.symbol, instruments.fullname, instruments.asset_class, "+\ ", instruments.w_forecast_change, "+\ "instruments.w_forecast_display_info, symbol_list.uid, instruments.owner, "+\ "instruments.romad_st, instruments.stdev_st, instruments.y1, instruments.m6, "+\ "instruments.m3, instruments.m1 "+\ "FROM instruments "+\ "JOIN symbol_list ON instruments.symbol = symbol_list.symbol "+\ "WHERE instruments.symbol LIKE '"+ get_portf_suffix() +"%'" cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() i = 0 inserted_value = '' for row in res: symbol = row[0] fullname = row[1].replace("'", "") asset_class = row[2] market = row[3] w_forecast_display_info = row[5] uid = row[6] owner = row[7] romad_st = row[8] y1_performance = row[10] m6_performance = row[11] m3_performance = row[12] m1_performance = row[13] short_title = fullname short_description = symbol content = get_portf_content(owner) url = "{burl}p/?uid="+str(uid) ranking = str(get_portf_ranking(symbol, romad_st, y1_performance, m6_performance, m3_performance, m1_performance)) feed_type = str(feed_id) hash_this = get_hash_string(str(url)) badge = w_forecast_display_info search = asset_class + market + symbol + " " + fullname debug(search +": "+ os.path.basename(__file__)) if i == 0: sep = '' else: sep = ',' inserted_value = inserted_value + sep +\ "('"+date_today+"','"+short_title+"','"+short_description+"','"+content+"','"+url+"',"+\ "'"+ranking+"','"+symbol+"','"+feed_type+"','"+badge+"',"+\ "'"+search+"','"+asset_class+"','"+market +"','"+hash_this+"'" +")" i += 1 sql_i = "INSERT IGNORE INTO temp_feed"+\ "(date, short_title, short_description, content, url,"+\ " ranking, symbol, type, badge, "+\ "search, asset_class, market, hash) VALUES " + inserted_value debug(sql_i) cr_i.execute('''CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_feed SELECT * FROM feed LIMIT 0;''') cr_i.execute(sql_i) connection.commit() cr_i.execute('SELECT @i := 0') cr_i.execute('UPDATE temp_feed SET globalRank = (SELECT @i := @i +1) ORDER BY ranking DESC') connection.commit() cr_i.execute('INSERT INTO feed SELECT * FROM temp_feed') connection.commit() cr_i.close() gc.collect() cursor.close() connection.close()
def get_portf_perf(): """ Description Args: None Returns: None """ portf_symbol_suffix = get_portf_suffix() day_last_year = - timedelta(days=370) connection = pymysql.connect(host=DB_SRV, user=DB_USR, password=DB_PWD, db=DB_NAME, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = "SELECT symbol_list.symbol, symbol_list.uid, instruments.fullname, "+\ "instruments.account_reference "+\ "FROM `symbol_list` INNER JOIN instruments ON symbol_list.symbol = instruments.symbol "+\ "WHERE symbol_list.symbol LIKE '"+portf_symbol_suffix+"%' ORDER BY symbol_list.symbol" cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() for row in res: portf_symbol = row[0] portf_uid = row[1] account_reference = row[3] i = 0 j = 370 date_last_year = day_last_year inserted_value = '' portf_nav = account_reference cr_i = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql_i = "DELETE FROM chart_data WHERE uid = " + str(portf_uid) debug(sql_i) cr_i.execute(sql_i) connection.commit() cr_i.close() while i <= j: date_last_year = date_last_year + timedelta(days=1) date_last_year_str = date_last_year.strftime("%Y%m%d") portf_pnl = 0 #get portfolio allocations #for each item get the pnl if date_last_year < portf_pnl = get_portf_pnl(portf_symbol, date_last_year_str, connection) portf_nav = round(portf_nav + portf_pnl, 2) if i > 0: sep = ', ' else: sep = '' inserted_value = inserted_value + sep + "(" + str(portf_uid) +\ ",'"+ str(portf_symbol) +"','" + str(date_last_year_str) + "'," +\ str(portf_nav) + ")" i += 1 cr_i = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql_i = "INSERT IGNORE INTO chart_data(uid, symbol, date, price_close) VALUES "+\ inserted_value debug(sql_i) cr_i.execute(sql_i) connection.commit() cr_i.close() get_portf_perf_summ(portf_symbol, portf_uid, connection) cursor.close() connection.close()
def set_widgets_tradingview_chart(symbol, feed_id, connection): """ Create tradingview chart widget for each symbol as per args Args: String: Instrument symbol Integer: Id of feed type to identfy as widget Returns: None """ date_today = date_today = date_today.strftime("%Y%m%d") disabled = True cursor = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = "SELECT instruments.symbol, instruments.fullname, "+\ "instruments.asset_class,, sectors.sector, "+\ "symbol_list.uid, symbol_list.disabled FROM instruments "+\ "JOIN sectors ON instruments.sector = JOIN symbol_list ON "+\ "instruments.symbol = symbol_list.symbol "+\ "WHERE instruments.symbol = '"+ symbol +"' AND instruments.symbol NOT LIKE '"+\ get_portf_suffix() +"%' " cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetchall() i = 0 inserted_values = '' for row in res: symbol = row[0] fullname = row[1].replace("'", "") asset_class = row[2] market = row[3] sector = row[4] uid = row[5] disabled = row[6] short_title = fullname short_description = symbol content = sector url = "{burl}w/?funcname=get_tradingview_chart(" + str(uid) + ",0,0,1)" badge = '' ranking = '-1' feed_type = str(feed_id) search = set_feed_function( 'GP', symbol, 'label') + fullname + ' - Interactive Chart / Historical Graphs' sa_function = set_feed_function('GP', symbol, 'value') hash_this = get_hash_string(str(url)) debug(search + ": " + os.path.basename(__file__)) cr_i = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql_i = "DELETE FROM feed WHERE (symbol ='"+symbol+"' AND date<='"+\ date_today+"' AND type="+ feed_type +")" cr_i.execute(sql_i) connection.commit() if i == 0: sep = '' else: sep = ',' inserted_values = inserted_values + sep +\ "('"+date_today+"','"+short_title+"','"+short_description+"','"+content+"','"+url+"',"+\ "'"+ranking+"','"+symbol+"','"+feed_type+"','"+badge+"',"+\ "'"+search+"','"+asset_class+"','"+market+"','"+sa_function+"','"+hash_this+"'"+")" cr_i.close() cursor.close() cr_i = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql_i = "INSERT IGNORE INTO feed"+\ "(date, short_title, short_description, content, url,"+\ " ranking, symbol, type, badge, "+\ "search, asset_class, market, sa_function, hash) VALUES " + inserted_values if not disabled: cr_i.execute(sql_i) connection.commit() cr_i.close()
def get_portf_alloc(): """ Description Args: None Returns: None """ portf_symbol_suffix = get_portf_suffix() connection = pymysql.connect(host=db_srv, user=db_usr, password=db_pwd, db=db_name, charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) cr = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql = "SELECT instruments.symbol, instruments.fullname, symbol_list.uid, instruments.unit, FROM instruments "+\ "INNER JOIN symbol_list ON instruments.symbol = symbol_list.symbol "+\ "WHERE instruments.symbol LIKE '"+portf_symbol_suffix+"%' ORDER BY instruments.symbol" cr.execute(sql) rs = cr.fetchall() for row in rs: portf_symbol = row[0] portf_market = row[4] portf_currency = get_market_currency(portf_market) portf_forc_return = 0 portf_perc_return = 0 portf_nav = 0 alloc_forc_pnl = 0 portfd = portf_data(portf_symbol) cr_pf = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql_pf = "SELECT symbol, quantity, strategy_conviction FROM portfolios WHERE portf_symbol ='"+ portf_symbol +"' ORDER BY portf_symbol" cr_pf.execute(sql_pf) rs_pf = cr_pf.fetchall() for row in rs_pf: debug(sql_pf+": "+ os.path.basename(__file__) ) portf_item_symbol = row[0] portf_initial_item_quantity = row[1] portf_item_conviction = row[2] portf_item_conviction_coef = get_conviction_coef(portf_item_conviction) if portf_initial_item_quantity == 1: portf_item_quantity = portfd.get_quantity(portf_item_symbol,portf_item_conviction_coef) else: portf_item_quantity = portf_initial_item_quantity cr_p = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql_p = "SELECT price_close, date FROM price_instruments_data WHERE symbol ='"+portf_item_symbol+"' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1" cr_p.execute(sql_p) rs_p = cr_p.fetchall() debug(sql_p+": "+ os.path.basename(__file__) ) for row in rs_p: alloc_price = row[0] alloc_date = row[1] alloc_expiration = alloc_date + timedelta(days=7) alloc_expiration = alloc_expiration.strftime("%Y%m%d") cr_p.close() cr_t = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql_t = "SELECT instruments.symbol, instruments.fullname, instruments.decimal_places, "+\ "instruments.w_forecast_change, instruments.pip, symbol_list.uid, FROM instruments "+\ "INNER JOIN symbol_list ON instruments.symbol = symbol_list.symbol WHERE instruments.symbol ='"+portf_item_symbol+"'" cr_t.execute(sql_t) rs_t = cr_t.fetchall() debug(sql_t+": "+ os.path.basename(__file__) ) for row in rs_t: alloc_symbol = row[0] alloc_fullname = row[1] alloc_decimal_places = row[2] alloc_w_forecast_change = row[3] alloc_pip = row[4] alloc_uid = row[5] alloc_market = row[6] if alloc_w_forecast_change >= 0: alloc_entry_level_sign = '<' alloc_order_type = 'buy' else: alloc_entry_level_sign = '>' alloc_order_type = 'sell' if portf_currency != 'USD': alloc_conv_rate = 1 else: alloc_conv_rate = get_market_conv_rate(alloc_market) alloc_dollar_amount = round( portf_item_quantity * alloc_price * alloc_conv_rate, int(alloc_decimal_places) ) * alloc_pip portf_item_quantity = round(portf_item_quantity / alloc_conv_rate,2) if portf_item_quantity < 0.01: portf_item_quantity = 0.01 entry_level = alloc_entry_level_sign + ' ' + str( round( float(alloc_price), alloc_decimal_places) ) debug(portf_symbol +": " + alloc_symbol ) cr_x = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql_x = 'UPDATE portfolios SET quantity='+ str(portf_item_quantity) +', alloc_fullname="'+ alloc_fullname +'", order_type="' + alloc_order_type + '", '+\ 'dollar_amount='+ str(alloc_dollar_amount) +', entry_level="'+ entry_level +'", expiration='+ alloc_expiration +' '+\ 'WHERE symbol ="'+ alloc_symbol+'" AND portf_symbol ="' + portf_symbol + '" ' debug(sql_x) cr_x.execute(sql_x) connection.commit() cr_x.close() alloc_forc_data = ForecastData(alloc_uid, connection) alloc_forc_pnl = abs( (alloc_price - float(alloc_forc_data.get_frc_pt() )) * portf_item_quantity * alloc_pip ) portf_forc_return = portf_forc_return + alloc_forc_pnl portf_nav = portf_nav + alloc_dollar_amount cr_t.close() cr_pf.close() ### Updatedb try: portf_perc_return = (100/(portf_nav/portf_forc_return))/100 except: portf_perc_return = 0 w_forecast_display_info = str(round(portf_perc_return,2))+ "%" cr_f = connection.cursor(pymysql.cursors.SSCursor) sql_f = "UPDATE instruments SET w_forecast_change=" + str(portf_perc_return) + ", w_forecast_display_info='" + w_forecast_display_info + "' " +\ "WHERE symbol='"+portf_symbol+"' " cr_f.execute(sql_f) connection.commit() cr_f.close() cr.close() connection.close()