def tag_page(topic): line = "<tr><td>{0} " \ + "<td><a href='/threads/{0}/{1}'>{5}</a>" \ + "<td>{4}" result = [] ot = "".join(topic) if "+" in topic: topic = topic.split("+") else: topic = [topic] result.append("<div><h1> #" + " #".join(topic) + "</h1>") result.append(" <a href='/create/" + ot + "'>+ create new</a><br>") result.append("<i>Note: tags can be combined using the " "+ (plus sign) in the URL</i></div>") result.append("<p><table>") result.append("<tr><th>origin<th>title<th>replies") threads = tags_threads(topic) with open("./threads/list.txt") as site: site = site = [s.split(" ") for s in site] site = [[*s[:5], " ".join(s[5:])] for s in site if [s[0], s[1]] in threads] result[0] += " (" + str(len(site)) + " threads)</h1>" test = "\n".join([line.format(*t) for t in site]) result.append(test) result.append("</table>") result ="\n".join(result)) return result
def setsettings(self, options): """ set utorrent settings. i.e max_ul_rate=10 """ settings = re.sub('\s+', '', options[0]) req = '&action=setsetting' splitted = settings.split('&') for opts in splitted: try: (setting, value) = opts.split('=') except: print "[Error]: Failed to parse `{0}`. exiting.".format(options[0]) sys.exit(0) # build request string req += "&s=" + setting + "&v=" + value self.__request(req)
def ldthread(host, thread): hosts = [] data = [] thread_dir = "/".join(["./threads", host, thread]) index = thread_dir + "/list.txt" with open(index, "r") as index: index = index = [i.split(" ") for i in index] hosts = list(set([i[0] for i in index])) files = ["/".join([thread_dir, host + ".txt"]) for host in hosts] for n, i in enumerate(files): with open(i, "r") as slice: slice = slice = [[hosts[n], *s.split("<>")] for s in slice] data.append(slice) data = [x for y in data for x in y] data.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=1) for n, d in enumerate(data): data[n][2] = unix2atom(d[1]) data[n].insert(3, f"Reply from {d[0]}") return data
def take_visit_first_action_time(s): """ Take index of visitor from log_visit from value of still_visiting directory """ return s.split('|')[2]
def take_index(s): """ Take index of visitor from log_visit from value of still_visiting directory """ return s.split('|')[0]
def take_server_time(s): """ Take server time from value of still_visiting directory """ return s.split('|')[1]