def set_time_interval(from_day: float, to_day: float): """ Sets start time and stop time to file. :param from_day: :param to_day: :return: """ def _edit_file(filepath: str, callback: Callable[[Iterable[str], TextIO], None]): with open(filepath) as f: out_fname = filepath + ".tmp" out = open(out_fname, "w") callback(f, out) out.close() os.rename(out_fname, filepath) def _update_params(infile: Iterable[str], outfile: TextIO): startday_pattern = ' start time (days)= ' stopday_pattern = ' stop time (days) = ' for line in infile: if line.startswith(startday_pattern): line = '%s%f\n' % (startday_pattern, from_day) if line.startswith(stopday_pattern): line = '%s%f\n' % (stopday_pattern, to_day) outfile.write(line) integrator_path = opjoin(Config.get_project_dir(), CONFIG['integrator']['dir']) param_in_filepath = opjoin(integrator_path, CONFIG.INTEGRATOR_PARAM_FILENAME) _edit_file(param_in_filepath, _update_params)
from .facades import PhaseCountException from .collection import OrbitalElementSet from os.path import exists as opexists from os.path import join as opjoin from os.path import isabs from os import makedirs import glob from tarfile import is_tarfile from tarfile import open as taropen import os from settings import Config import shutil from os.path import basename PROJECT_DIR = Config.get_project_dir() CONFIG = Config.get_params() _ex_folder = CONFIG['extract_dir'] EXTRACT_PATH = _ex_folder if isabs(_ex_folder) else opjoin(PROJECT_DIR, _ex_folder) BUCKET = CONFIG['s3']['bucket'] _s3_folder = CONFIG['s3files_dir'] S3_FILES_DIR = _s3_folder if isabs(_s3_folder) else opjoin(PROJECT_DIR, _s3_folder) class FilepathException(Exception): pass class FilepathInvalidException(Exception): pass
logger = logging.getLogger("myapp.sqltime") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) @event.listens_for(Engine, "before_cursor_execute") def before_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany):'query_start_time', []).append(time.time()) logger.debug("Start Query: %s", statement % parameters) @event.listens_for(Engine, "after_cursor_execute") def after_cursor_execute(conn, cursor, statement, parameters, context, executemany): total = time.time() -['query_start_time'].pop(-1) logger.debug("Query Complete!") logger.debug("Total Time: %f", total) _config = AlembicConfig(os.path.join( Config.get_project_dir(), Config.get_params()['db_path'] )) @as_declarative() class Base(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Base, self).__init__(**kwargs) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) engine = create_engine('postgres://%s:%s@%s/%s' % (_USER, _PASSWORD, _HOST, _DB)) _Session = sessionmaker() _Session.configure(bind=engine) session = _Session() # type: Session _conn = redis.ConnectionPool(