コード例 #1
ファイル: test_goal_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
    def test_delete(self):
        # Requires login:
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/delete/", data={'id': 0})
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)


        ## Validates form:
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/delete/", data={'foo': 'bar'})
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, "id")

        ## works at all
        new_goal = self.create_test_goal()

        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/delete/", data={'id': new_goal['id']})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 204)

        ## 404s
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/delete/", data={'id': new_goal['id']})
        setup.assert404(self, res)

        ## Can't someone *else*'s goal.
        new_goal = self.create_test_goal()

        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/delete/", data={'id': new_goal['id']})
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)
コード例 #2
    def test_get(self):
        tc = self.test_client
        ## Login required
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, tc.get("/goals/0/check-ins/0/"))

        ## Goal exists
        setup.assert404(self, tc.get("/goals/0/check-ins/0/"))

        ## user is goal owner
        goal = self.create_test_numeric_goal()
        goal_id = str(goal.get_id())
            self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/0/"))

        ## Check in must exist
        setup.assert404(self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/0/"))

        ## Returns correctly
        ci = CheckIn(
            Timeframe.get_current_timeframe(goal.check_in_frequency_name), 1)
        tfid = str(ci.timeframe)
        res = tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/" + tfid + "/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(res.data), ci.to_dict())
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_check_in_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
    def test_get(self):
        tc = self.test_client
        ## Login required
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, tc.get("/goals/0/check-ins/0/"))

        ## Goal exists
        setup.assert404(self, tc.get("/goals/0/check-ins/0/"))
        ## user is goal owner
        goal = self.create_test_numeric_goal()
        goal_id = str(goal.get_id())
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/0/"))
        ## Check in must exist
        setup.assert404(self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/0/"))

        ## Returns correctly
        ci = CheckIn(goal, Timeframe.get_current_timeframe(goal.check_in_frequency_name), 1)
        tfid = str(ci.timeframe)
        res = tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/" + tfid + "/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(res.data), ci.to_dict())
コード例 #4
    def test_register(self):
        tc = self.test_client
        invalid_user = {}
        for x, y in self.new_user.iteritems():
            if x != 'password': invalid_user[x] = y 
        res = tc.post('/register/', data=invalid_user)
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, 'password')
        res = tc.post("/register/", data=self.new_user)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn('id', data)
        for field, value in self.new_user.iteritems():
            if (field == 'password'): self.assertNotIn(field, data)
            else: self.assertEqual(value, data[field])

        ## you should get a well-formatted error if the user already exists.
        self.new_user['password'] = "******"
        res = tc.post("/register/", data=self.new_user)
        self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 409)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn('detail', data)
        self.assertIn('[email protected] already exists', data['detail'])
        self.new_user['password'] = "******"
コード例 #5
    def test_delete(self):
        # Requires login:
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/delete/", data={'id': 0})
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)


        ## Validates form:
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/delete/", data={'foo': 'bar'})
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, "id")

        ## works at all
        new_goal = self.create_test_goal()

        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/delete/",
                                    data={'id': new_goal['id']})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 204)

        ## 404s
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/delete/",
                                    data={'id': new_goal['id']})
        setup.assert404(self, res)

        ## Can't someone *else*'s goal.
        new_goal = self.create_test_goal()

        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/delete/",
                                    data={'id': new_goal['id']})
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_check_in_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
    def test_get_by_time(self):
        tc = self.test_client
        ## Login required
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, tc.get("/goals/0/check-ins/"))
        ## Goal must exist
        setup.assert404(self, tc.get("/goals/0/check-ins/"))
        ## User is the goal's owner
        goal = self.create_test_numeric_goal()
        goal_id = str(goal.get_id())
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/"))
        ## Start and end are present
        setup.assertBadData(self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/"), "start and end")
        setup.assertBadData(self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/?start=banana"), "start and end")
        setup.assertBadData(self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/?end=banana"), "start and end")
        ## Start and end in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
        res = tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/?start=2016-01-01 10:00:00&end=banana")
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "'banana' does not match format")
        res = tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/?start=strawberry&end=2016-01-01 10:00:00")
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "'strawberry' does not match format")
        ## Returns empty for no check-ins
        res = tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/?start=2016-01-01 00:00:00&end=2016-01-08 00:00:00")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("check-ins", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['check-ins']), 0)
        ## Correctly returns multiple check-ins
        ci = CheckIn(goal, Timeframe(goal.check_in_frequency_name, datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 31)), 0)
        for x in range(0, 8): #one preceding and one postceding so we can make sure this limits the results
            tf = ci.timeframe_obj
            new_tf = Timeframe(tf.frequency_name, tf.start + datetime.timedelta(1))
            ci = CheckIn(ci.goal_obj, new_tf, x)

        res = tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/?start=2016-01-01 00:00:00&end=2016-01-08 00:00:00")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("check-ins", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['check-ins']), 7)
        for index, check_in in enumerate(data['check-ins']):
            self.assertEqual(index, check_in['value'])
コード例 #7
    def test_update(self):
        tc = self.test_client

        res = tc.post('/register/', data=self.new_user)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        user = json.loads(res.data)

        post_data = {"password": self.new_user['password'], "first_name": "new-first-name"}

        res = tc.post('/users/update/', data=post_data)
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, 'email')

        post_data['email'] = "not-real-email"
        res = tc.post('/users/update/', data=post_data)
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)        

        post_data['email'] = self.new_user['email']
        post_data['password'] = '******'
        res = tc.post('/users/update/', data=post_data)
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)    

        post_data['password'] = self.new_user['password']
        res = tc.post('/users/update/', data=post_data)
        setup.assertOk(self, res)

        res = tc.post('/login/', data={'email': self.new_user['email'], 'password': self.new_user['password']})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        res = tc.get('/users/me/')
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        updated_user = json.loads(res.data)
        for key, value in user.iteritems():
            if (key == 'first_name'): self.assertEqual(updated_user[key], 'new-first-name')
            else: self.assertEqual(updated_user[key], user[key])
コード例 #8
    def test_create(self):
        # Requires login:
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=self.new_goal)
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)


        ## Test that it rejects bad inputs
        bad_goal = self.new_goal.copy()
        bad_goal['name'] = None
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=bad_goal)
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, "name")

        bad_goal['name'] = self.new_goal['name']
        bad_goal['prompt'] = ""
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=bad_goal)

        setup.assertBadData(self, res,
                            "Prompt must be between 0 and 255 characters")

        ## Test that it actually registers at all :-)
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=self.new_goal)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn('id', data)
        goal = Goal.pull_by_id(data['id'])
        for key, val in self.new_goal.iteritems():
            self.assertEqual(val, data[key])
            if (key == 'frequency' or key == 'check_in_frequency'):
                                 Frequency.get_name_by_id(getattr(goal, key)))
                self.assertEqual(val, getattr(goal, key))

        ## Shouldn't be able to register something that already exists
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=self.new_goal)
        self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 409)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn('detail', data)
        self.assertIn('Test goal already exists', data['detail'])
コード例 #9
    def test_login(self):
        tc = self.test_client
        res = tc.post('/register/', data=self.new_user)

        res = tc.post('/login/', data={"email": self.new_user['email']})
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, 'password')

        res = tc.post('/login/', data={"email": "notreal", "password": self.new_user['password']})
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn('detail', data)
        self.assertIn('notreal is not a registered', data['detail'])
        self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 401)

        res = tc.post('/login/', data={"email": self.new_user['email'], "password": "******"})
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn('detail', data)
        self.assertIn('Incorrect password', data['detail'])
        self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 401)

        res = tc.post('/login/', data={"email": self.new_user['email'], "password": self.new_user['password']})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_goal_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
    def test_create(self):
        # Requires login:
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=self.new_goal)
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)


        ## Test that it rejects bad inputs
        bad_goal = self.new_goal.copy()
        bad_goal['name'] = None
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=bad_goal)
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, "name")

        bad_goal['name'] = self.new_goal['name']
        bad_goal['prompt'] = "" 
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=bad_goal)

        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "Prompt must be between 0 and 255 characters")

        ## Test that it actually registers at all :-)
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=self.new_goal)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn('id', data)
        goal = Goal.pull_by_id(data['id'])
        for key, val in self.new_goal.iteritems():
            self.assertEqual(val, data[key])
            if (key == 'frequency' or key == 'check_in_frequency'):
                self.assertEqual(val, Frequency.get_name_by_id(getattr(goal, key)))
                self.assertEqual(val, getattr(goal, key))

        ## Shouldn't be able to register something that already exists
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=self.new_goal)
        self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 409)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn('detail', data)
        self.assertIn('Test goal already exists', data['detail'])
コード例 #11
    def test_destroy(self):
        user = User(self.new_user['email'], self.new_user['password'], self.new_user['first_name'], self.new_user['last_name'])
        self.assertTrue(user.exists()) ## I don't understand why but this is necessary or else line 45 fails

        tc = self.test_client
        res = tc.post("/users/delete/", data={"email": "fake email"})
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, 'password')

        res = tc.post("/users/delete/", data={"email": "fake email", "password": "******"})
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)

        tc = self.test_client
        res = tc.post("/users/delete/", data={"email": user.email, "password": "******"})
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)

        res = tc.post("/users/delete/", data={"email": user.email, "password": "******"})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 204)
コード例 #12
    def test_get_index(self):
        tc = self.test_client
        res = tc.get('/users/index/')
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)

        res = tc.post('/login/', data={'email': "*****@*****.**", 'password': self.new_user['password']})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)

        res = tc.get('/users/index/')
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn('users', data)
        data = data['users']
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 20) # default is 20
        for x in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + 19):
            self.assertEqual(data[x - ord('a')]['email'], 'test_' + chr(x) + '@example.com') ## Should sort by email 

        res = tc.get('/users/index/?count=3&offset=3')
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn('users', data)
        data = data['users']
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 3)
        for x in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + 2):
            self.assertEqual(data[x - ord('a')]['email'], 'test_' + chr(x + 3) + '@example.com') ## Should still sort by email 

        res = tc.get('/users/index/?count=3&offset=3&sort=last_name&sort_order=desc')
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn('users', data)
        data = data['users']
        self.assertEqual(len(data), 3)
        for x in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + 2):
            self.assertEqual(data[x - ord('a')]['email'], 'test_' + chr(2 * ord('a') + 25 - x - 3) + '@example.com')

        res = tc.get('/users/index/?count=3&offset=3&sort=not_a_real_field&sort_order=desc')
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, 'sort')
        res = tc.get('/users/index/?count=3&offset=3&sort=last_name&sort_order=pineapple')
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, 'sort_order')
コード例 #13
    def test_get(self):
        ## Requires login
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/0/")
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)

        ## 404s
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/0/")
        setup.assert404(self, res)

        ## Can access own private goals
        goal = self.create_test_goal()
        res = self.test_client.get('/goals/' + str(goal['id']) + '/')
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(res.data), goal)

        ## Cannot access other's private goals
        res = self.test_client.get('/goals/' + str(goal['id']) + '/')
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)

        ## Can access own public goals
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/",
                                        'id': goal['id'],
                                        'public': True
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        res = self.test_client.get('/goals/' + str(goal['id']) + '/')
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        goal['public'] = True
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(res.data), goal)

        ## Can access others' public goals
        res = self.test_client.get('/goals/' + str(goal['id']) + '/')
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(res.data), goal)
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_goal_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
    def test_get(self):
        ## Requires login
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/0/")
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)

        ## 404s
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/0/")
        setup.assert404(self, res)        
        ## Can access own private goals
        goal = self.create_test_goal()
        res = self.test_client.get('/goals/' + str(goal['id']) + '/')
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(res.data), goal)

        ## Cannot access other's private goals
        res = self.test_client.get('/goals/' + str(goal['id']) + '/')
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)
        ## Can access own public goals
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/", data={'id': goal['id'], 'public': True})
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        res = self.test_client.get('/goals/' + str(goal['id']) + '/')
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        goal['public'] = True
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(res.data), goal)
        ## Can access others' public goals
        res = self.test_client.get('/goals/' + str(goal['id']) + '/')
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        self.assertEqual(json.loads(res.data), goal)
コード例 #15
    def test_get_user(self):
        tc = self.test_client
        res = tc.get('/users/1/')
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)

        res = tc.post('/register/', data=self.new_user)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        user_data = json.loads(res.data)
        res = tc.post('/login/', data={"email": self.new_user['email'], "password": self.new_user['password']})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)

        res = tc.get('/users/' + str(user_data['id']) + '/')
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        self.assertEqual(user_data, json.loads(res.data))

        res = tc.get('/users/0/')
        self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 404)
コード例 #16
    def test_update_password(self):
        tc = self.test_client
        res = tc.post("/register/", data=self.new_user)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)

        ## Shoudl fail if missing a key
        res = tc.post('/users/update-password/', data={"email": self.new_user['email'], "new_password": "******"})
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, 'old_password')

        ## should fail for non-existent emails
        res = tc.post('/users/update-password/', data={"email": "notreal", "old_password": "******", "new_password": "******"})
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)

        res = tc.post('/users/update-password/', data={"email": self.new_user['email'], "old_password": "******", "new_password": "******"})
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)

        res = tc.post('/users/update-password/', data={"email": self.new_user['email'], "old_password": self.new_user['password'], "new_password": "******"})
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        res = tc.post("/login/", data={"email": self.new_user['email'], "password": "******"})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
コード例 #17
    def test_get_me(self):
        tc = self.test_client
        res = tc.get('/users/me/') ## Should return anonymous user
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)
        res = tc.post('/register/', data=self.new_user)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        res = tc.post('/login/', data={"email": self.new_user['email'], "password": self.new_user['password']})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)

        res = tc.get('/users/me/')
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        for key in ["registered_on", "first_name", "last_name", "id", "email"]:
            self.assertIn(key, data)
            if (key in self.new_user):
                self.assertEqual(self.new_user[key], data[key])

        res = tc.post('/logout/')
        res = tc.get('/users/me/') ## Should return anonymous user
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)
コード例 #18
    def test_update_email(self):
        tc = self.test_client
        post_data = {"old_email": self.new_user['email'], "new_email": "*****@*****.**", "password": self.new_user['password']}
        res = tc.post('/users/update-email/', data=post_data)
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)

        res = tc.post('/register/', data=self.new_user)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)

        post_data['password'] = '******'
        res = tc.post('/users/update-email/', data=post_data)
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)

        post_data['password'] = None
        res = tc.post('/users/update-email/', data=post_data)
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, 'password')

        post_data['password'] = self.new_user['password']
        res = tc.post('/users/update-email/', data=post_data)
        setup.assertOk(self, res)

        res = tc.post('/login/', data={"email": post_data['new_email'], "password": post_data['password']})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_goal_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
 def logout(self):
     return setup.assertOk(self, setup.logout(), 204)
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_goal_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
 def login(self):        
     return setup.assertOk(self, setup.login_test_user(), 201)
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_goal_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
    def test_index(self):
        ## Requires login
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/0/")
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)
        ## 404s on bum user
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/0/")
        setup.assert404(self, res)
        # Empty if user has no goals
        user_id = str(json.loads(self.test_client.get("/users/me/").data)['id'])
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id +"/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 0)
        ## Shows only public goals even for current user
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 0) # No public goals
        public_goals = db.session.query(Goal).all()
        for goal in public_goals:
            goal.update({"public": True})

        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 20) # default count is 20
        name_appendix = ord('a')
        is_public = False ## Test to make sure at least one is public
        is_private = False # none should be private
        for goal in data['goals']:
            if (goal['public']): is_public = True
            else: is_private = True
            self.assertTrue(goal['active']) # by default they're all active
            self.assertEqual(goal['name'], "test goal " + chr(name_appendix)) # by default sort by name ASC
            name_appendix = name_appendix + 1

        ## Only shows public goals for other users
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 20) # default count is 20
        name_appendix = ord('a')
        is_public = False ## Test to make sure at least one is public
        is_private = False # none should be private
        for goal in data['goals']:
            if (goal['public']): is_public = True
            else: is_private = True
            self.assertTrue(goal['active']) # by default they're all active
            self.assertEqual(goal['name'], "test goal " + chr(name_appendix)) # by default sort by name ASC
            name_appendix = name_appendix + 1


        public_goals = db.session.query(Goal).all()
        for goal in public_goals:
            goal.update({"public": False})

        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 0) # No public goals
        ## Count works
        public_goals = db.session.query(Goal).all()
        for goal in public_goals:
            goal.update({"public": True})

        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/?count=3")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 3) # default count is 20
        name_appendix = chr(ord('a') - 1)
        for goal in data['goals']:
            self.assertTrue(goal['active']) # by default they're all active
            new_appendix = goal['name'].replace("test goal ", "")
            self.assertTrue(ord(new_appendix) > ord(name_appendix))
            name_appendix = new_appendix
        ## Sort rejects invalid inputs
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/?sort=banana")
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "sort can only be one of")

        ## Sort works
        ## Sort works -- and it should always give active first, then inactive
        active_goals = db.session.query(Goal).order_by(func.rand()).limit(15)
        for goal in active_goals:
            goal.update({"active": False})

        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/?sort=created")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 20) # default count is 20
        is_active = False
        is_inactive = False
        test_created = str(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
        for goal in data['goals']: 
            if (goal['active']):
                is_active = True
            if (not goal['active']):
                if (not is_inactive):
                    test_created = str(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) # reset the sort on the first inactive goal
                is_inactive = True
            self.assertTrue(goal['created'] > test_created)
            test_created = goal['created']
        ## Sort order rejects invalid inputs
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/?sort_order=banana")
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "sort_order must be either")

        ## Sort_order works
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/?sort=created&sort_order=desc")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 20) # default count is 20
        is_active = False
        is_inactive = False
        test_created = str(datetime.datetime(2100, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
        for goal in data['goals']: 
            if (goal['active']):
                is_active = True
            if (not goal['active']):
                if (not is_inactive):
                    test_created = str(datetime.datetime(2100, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) # reset the sort on the first inactive goal
                is_inactive = True
            self.assertTrue(goal['created'] < test_created)
            test_created = goal['created']
        ## Offset works
        min_name = db.session.query(Goal).filter_by(active=True).order_by(Goal.name).first().name
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/?offset=1")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 20) # default count is 20
        self.assertTrue(data['goals'][0]['name'] > min_name)
        ## Count, sort, sort order, and offset all work together
        max_created = db.session.query(Goal).filter_by(active=True).order_by(Goal.created.desc()).first().created
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/?offset=1&count=1&sort=created&sort_order=desc")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 1)
        self.assertTrue(data['goals'][0]['created'] < str(max_created))
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_goal_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
    def test_update(self):
        ## Requires login
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/", data={'id': 0})
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)

        ## Validates form
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/", data={'favorite_muppet': 'kermit'})
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, 'id')        
        ## 404's
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/", data={'id': 0, 'name': 'test goal 2.0'})
        setup.assert404(self, res)

        ## Actually works
        goal = self.create_test_goal()
        data = {'id': goal['id']}
        data['name'] = "Test Goal 2.0"
        data['prompt'] = "Guess how many eggs I had for breakfast today!"
        data['frequency'] = "monthly"
        data['target'] = 100
        data['input_type'] = "binary"
        data['active'] = False
        data['public'] = True
        data['check_in_frequency'] = "daily"
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/", data=data)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)

        updated_goal = Goal.pull_by_id(goal['id'])
        for key, val in data.iteritems():
            if (key == 'frequency' or key == 'check_in_frequency'):
                self.assertEqual(Frequency.get_name_by_id(getattr(updated_goal, key)), val)
                self.assertEqual(getattr(updated_goal, key), val)

        ## If any part is invalid, no part should go through
        bad_data = {'id': goal['id']}
        bad_data['name'] = "Test Goal 3.0"
        bad_data['prompt'] = "How many jars of sand did you collect?"
        bad_data['frequency'] = "daily"
        bad_data['target'] = 1000
        bad_data['input_type'] = "numeric"
        bad_data['active'] = True
        bad_data['public'] = "banana"
        bad_data['check_in_frequency'] = "daily"

        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/", data=bad_data)
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "Public must be a boolean")
        updated_goal = Goal.pull_by_id(goal['id'])
        for key, val in data.iteritems():
            if (key == 'frequency' or key == 'check_in_frequency'):
                self.assertEqual(Frequency.get_name_by_id(getattr(updated_goal, key)), val)
                self.assertEqual(getattr(updated_goal, key), val)

        ## Can't update someone else's goal
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/", data=bad_data) ## using bad_data here ensures we don't update
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_check_in_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
    def test_check_in(self):
        tc = self.test_client

        # Requires Login:
        res = tc.post("/goals/1/check-ins/", data={"value": 1})
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)

        ## Requires "value"
        res = tc.post("/goals/1/check-ins/", data={"not-value": 1})
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, "value")

        ## Must be a goal that exists
        res = tc.post("/goals/0/check-ins/", data={"value": 1})
        setup.assert404(self, res)        
        ## User must own the goal in question
        numeric_goal = self.create_test_numeric_goal()
        numeric_goal_id = str(numeric_goal.get_id()) ## You have to do this before you log out, for some reason?
        binary_goal = self.create_test_binary_goal()
        binary_goal_id = str(binary_goal.get_id())
        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/", data={"value": 1})
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)
        ## Check-in must conform (true / false vs. numeric)
        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/", data={"value": "true"})
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "Value must be numeric")

        res = tc.post("/goals/" + binary_goal_id + "/check-ins/", data={"value": 10})
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "Value must be a boolean")        

        ## Check-in is returned with 201 if no timeframe is given, returning current timeframe (both numeric & binary)
        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/", data={"value": 1})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("id", data)
        self.assertEqual(str(data['goal']), numeric_goal_id)
        self.assertEqual(data['value'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(data['timeframe'], Timeframe.get_current_timeframe('daily').to_dict())
        self.assertEqual(CheckIn.pull_by_id(data['id']).to_dict(), data)

        res = tc.post("/goals/" + binary_goal_id + "/check-ins/", data={"value": True})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("id", data)
        self.assertEqual(str(data['goal']), binary_goal_id)
        self.assertEqual(data['value'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(data['timeframe'], Timeframe.get_current_timeframe('daily').to_dict())
        self.assertEqual(CheckIn.pull_by_id(data['id']).to_dict(), data)

        ## An updated check-in is returned with 200 if no timeframe is given, returning current timeframe
        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/", data={"value": 3})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("id", data)
        self.assertEqual(str(data['goal']), numeric_goal_id)
        self.assertEqual(data['value'], 3)
        self.assertEqual(data['timeframe'], Timeframe.get_current_timeframe('daily').to_dict())
        self.assertEqual(CheckIn.pull_by_id(data['id']).to_dict(), data)

        ## Check-in is returned with 201 if timeframe ID is given, returning correct timeframe
        tf = Timeframe.get_timeframe("daily", datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1))
        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/", data={"value": 1, "timeframe": tf.get_id()})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("id", data)
        self.assertEqual(str(data['goal']), numeric_goal_id)
        self.assertEqual(data['value'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(data['timeframe'], tf.to_dict())
        self.assertEqual(CheckIn.pull_by_id(data['id']).to_dict(), data)
        ## Updated check-in is returned with 200 if Timeframe ID is given, returning correct timeframe
        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/", data={"value": 3, "timeframe": tf.get_id()})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("id", data)
        self.assertEqual(str(data['goal']), numeric_goal_id)
        self.assertEqual(data['value'], 3)
        self.assertEqual(data['timeframe'], tf.to_dict())
        self.assertEqual(CheckIn.pull_by_id(data['id']).to_dict(), data)
コード例 #24
 def login_other_user(self):
     return setup.assertOk(self, setup.login_other_user(), 201)
コード例 #25
 def logout(self):
     return setup.assertOk(self, setup.logout(), 204)
コード例 #26
 def login(self):
     return setup.assertOk(self, setup.login_test_user(), 201)
コード例 #27
ファイル: test_goal_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
    def create_test_goal(self):
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=self.new_goal)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)

        return json.loads(res.data)
コード例 #28
    def test_update(self):
        ## Requires login
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/", data={'id': 0})
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)

        ## Validates form
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/",
                                    data={'favorite_muppet': 'kermit'})
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, 'id')

        ## 404's
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/",
                                        'id': 0,
                                        'name': 'test goal 2.0'
        setup.assert404(self, res)

        ## Actually works
        goal = self.create_test_goal()
        data = {'id': goal['id']}
        data['name'] = "Test Goal 2.0"
        data['prompt'] = "Guess how many eggs I had for breakfast today!"
        data['frequency'] = "monthly"
        data['target'] = 100
        data['input_type'] = "binary"
        data['active'] = False
        data['public'] = True
        data['check_in_frequency'] = "daily"

        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/", data=data)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)

        updated_goal = Goal.pull_by_id(goal['id'])
        for key, val in data.iteritems():
            if (key == 'frequency' or key == 'check_in_frequency'):
                    Frequency.get_name_by_id(getattr(updated_goal, key)), val)
                self.assertEqual(getattr(updated_goal, key), val)

        ## If any part is invalid, no part should go through
        bad_data = {'id': goal['id']}
        bad_data['name'] = "Test Goal 3.0"
        bad_data['prompt'] = "How many jars of sand did you collect?"
        bad_data['frequency'] = "daily"
        bad_data['target'] = 1000
        bad_data['input_type'] = "numeric"
        bad_data['active'] = True
        bad_data['public'] = "banana"
        bad_data['check_in_frequency'] = "daily"

        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/update/", data=bad_data)
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "Public must be a boolean")
        updated_goal = Goal.pull_by_id(goal['id'])
        for key, val in data.iteritems():
            if (key == 'frequency' or key == 'check_in_frequency'):
                    Frequency.get_name_by_id(getattr(updated_goal, key)), val)
                self.assertEqual(getattr(updated_goal, key), val)

        ## Can't update someone else's goal
        res = self.test_client.post(
            data=bad_data)  ## using bad_data here ensures we don't update
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)
コード例 #29
ファイル: test_goal_api.py プロジェクト: Carscafmoo/goly
 def login_other_user(self):
     return setup.assertOk(self, setup.login_other_user(), 201)
コード例 #30
    def test_get_by_time(self):
        tc = self.test_client

        ## Login required
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, tc.get("/goals/0/check-ins/"))

        ## Goal must exist
        setup.assert404(self, tc.get("/goals/0/check-ins/"))

        ## User is the goal's owner
        goal = self.create_test_numeric_goal()
        goal_id = str(goal.get_id())
            self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/"))

        ## Start and end are present
        setup.assertBadData(self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/"),
                            "start and end")
            self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/?start=banana"),
            "start and end")
            self, tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id + "/check-ins/?end=banana"),
            "start and end")

        ## Start and end in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
        res = tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id +
                     "/check-ins/?start=2016-01-01 10:00:00&end=banana")
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "'banana' does not match format")
        res = tc.get("/goals/" + goal_id +
                     "/check-ins/?start=strawberry&end=2016-01-01 10:00:00")
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "'strawberry' does not match format")

        ## Returns empty for no check-ins
        res = tc.get(
            "/goals/" + goal_id +
            "/check-ins/?start=2016-01-01 00:00:00&end=2016-01-08 00:00:00")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("check-ins", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['check-ins']), 0)

        ## Correctly returns multiple check-ins
        ci = CheckIn(
                      datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 31)), 0)
        for x in range(
                0, 8
        ):  #one preceding and one postceding so we can make sure this limits the results
            tf = ci.timeframe_obj
            new_tf = Timeframe(tf.frequency_name,
                               tf.start + datetime.timedelta(1))
            ci = CheckIn(ci.goal_obj, new_tf, x)

        res = tc.get(
            "/goals/" + goal_id +
            "/check-ins/?start=2016-01-01 00:00:00&end=2016-01-08 00:00:00")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("check-ins", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['check-ins']), 7)
        for index, check_in in enumerate(data['check-ins']):
            self.assertEqual(index, check_in['value'])
コード例 #31
    def create_test_goal(self):
        res = self.test_client.post("/goals/create/", data=self.new_goal)
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)

        return json.loads(res.data)
コード例 #32
    def test_index(self):
        ## Requires login
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/0/")
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)

        ## 404s on bum user
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/0/")
        setup.assert404(self, res)

        # Empty if user has no goals
        user_id = str(
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 0)

        ## Shows only public goals even for current user
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 0)  # No public goals

        public_goals = db.session.query(Goal).all()
        for goal in public_goals:
            goal.update({"public": True})

        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 20)  # default count is 20
        name_appendix = ord('a')
        is_public = False  ## Test to make sure at least one is public
        is_private = False  # none should be private
        for goal in data['goals']:
            if (goal['public']): is_public = True
            else: is_private = True
            self.assertTrue(goal['active'])  # by default they're all active
            self.assertEqual(goal['name'], "test goal " +
                             chr(name_appendix))  # by default sort by name ASC
            name_appendix = name_appendix + 1


        ## Only shows public goals for other users
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 20)  # default count is 20
        name_appendix = ord('a')
        is_public = False  ## Test to make sure at least one is public
        is_private = False  # none should be private
        for goal in data['goals']:
            if (goal['public']): is_public = True
            else: is_private = True
            self.assertTrue(goal['active'])  # by default they're all active
            self.assertEqual(goal['name'], "test goal " +
                             chr(name_appendix))  # by default sort by name ASC
            name_appendix = name_appendix + 1


        public_goals = db.session.query(Goal).all()
        for goal in public_goals:
            goal.update({"public": False})

        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 0)  # No public goals

        ## Count works
        public_goals = db.session.query(Goal).all()
        for goal in public_goals:
            goal.update({"public": True})

        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/?count=3")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 3)  # default count is 20
        name_appendix = chr(ord('a') - 1)
        for goal in data['goals']:
            self.assertTrue(goal['active'])  # by default they're all active
            new_appendix = goal['name'].replace("test goal ", "")
            self.assertTrue(ord(new_appendix) > ord(name_appendix))
            name_appendix = new_appendix

        ## Sort rejects invalid inputs
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/?sort=banana")
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "sort can only be one of")

        ## Sort works
        ## Sort works -- and it should always give active first, then inactive
        active_goals = db.session.query(Goal).order_by(func.rand()).limit(15)
        for goal in active_goals:
            goal.update({"active": False})

        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id +
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 20)  # default count is 20
        is_active = False
        is_inactive = False
        test_created = str(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
        for goal in data['goals']:
            if (goal['active']):
                is_active = True
            if (not goal['active']):
                if (not is_inactive):
                    test_created = str(datetime.datetime(
                        1970, 1, 1, 0, 0,
                        0))  # reset the sort on the first inactive goal
                is_inactive = True
            self.assertTrue(goal['created'] > test_created)
            test_created = goal['created']

        ## Sort order rejects invalid inputs
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id +
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "sort_order must be either")

        ## Sort_order works
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id +
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 20)  # default count is 20
        is_active = False
        is_inactive = False
        test_created = str(datetime.datetime(2100, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
        for goal in data['goals']:
            if (goal['active']):
                is_active = True
            if (not goal['active']):
                if (not is_inactive):
                    test_created = str(datetime.datetime(
                        2100, 1, 1, 0, 0,
                        0))  # reset the sort on the first inactive goal
                is_inactive = True
            self.assertTrue(goal['created'] < test_created)
            test_created = goal['created']

        ## Offset works
        min_name = db.session.query(Goal).filter_by(active=True).order_by(
        res = self.test_client.get("/goals/users/" + user_id + "/?offset=1")
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 20)  # default count is 20
        self.assertTrue(data['goals'][0]['name'] > min_name)

        ## Count, sort, sort order, and offset all work together
        max_created = db.session.query(Goal).filter_by(active=True).order_by(
        res = self.test_client.get(
            "/goals/users/" + user_id +
        setup.assertOk(self, res)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("goals", data)
        self.assertEqual(len(data['goals']), 1)
        self.assertTrue(data['goals'][0]['created'] < str(max_created))
コード例 #33
    def test_check_in(self):
        tc = self.test_client

        # Requires Login:
        res = tc.post("/goals/1/check-ins/", data={"value": 1})
        setup.assertRequiresLogin(self, res)

        ## Requires "value"
        res = tc.post("/goals/1/check-ins/", data={"not-value": 1})
        setup.assertInvalid(self, res, "value")

        ## Must be a goal that exists
        res = tc.post("/goals/0/check-ins/", data={"value": 1})
        setup.assert404(self, res)

        ## User must own the goal in question
        numeric_goal = self.create_test_numeric_goal()
        numeric_goal_id = str(numeric_goal.get_id(
        ))  ## You have to do this before you log out, for some reason?
        binary_goal = self.create_test_binary_goal()
        binary_goal_id = str(binary_goal.get_id())

        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/",
                      data={"value": 1})
        setup.assertInvalidCredentials(self, res)

        ## Check-in must conform (true / false vs. numeric)
        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/",
                      data={"value": "true"})
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "Value must be numeric")

        res = tc.post("/goals/" + binary_goal_id + "/check-ins/",
                      data={"value": 10})
        setup.assertBadData(self, res, "Value must be a boolean")

        ## Check-in is returned with 201 if no timeframe is given, returning current timeframe (both numeric & binary)
        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/",
                      data={"value": 1})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("id", data)
        self.assertEqual(str(data['goal']), numeric_goal_id)
        self.assertEqual(data['value'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(CheckIn.pull_by_id(data['id']).to_dict(), data)

        res = tc.post("/goals/" + binary_goal_id + "/check-ins/",
                      data={"value": True})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("id", data)
        self.assertEqual(str(data['goal']), binary_goal_id)
        self.assertEqual(data['value'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(CheckIn.pull_by_id(data['id']).to_dict(), data)

        ## An updated check-in is returned with 200 if no timeframe is given, returning current timeframe
        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/",
                      data={"value": 3})
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("id", data)
        self.assertEqual(str(data['goal']), numeric_goal_id)
        self.assertEqual(data['value'], 3)
        self.assertEqual(CheckIn.pull_by_id(data['id']).to_dict(), data)

        ## Check-in is returned with 201 if timeframe ID is given, returning correct timeframe
        tf = Timeframe.get_timeframe("daily", datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1))
        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/",
                          "value": 1,
                          "timeframe": tf.get_id()
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 201)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("id", data)
        self.assertEqual(str(data['goal']), numeric_goal_id)
        self.assertEqual(data['value'], 1)
        self.assertEqual(data['timeframe'], tf.to_dict())
        self.assertEqual(CheckIn.pull_by_id(data['id']).to_dict(), data)

        ## Updated check-in is returned with 200 if Timeframe ID is given, returning correct timeframe
        res = tc.post("/goals/" + numeric_goal_id + "/check-ins/",
                          "value": 3,
                          "timeframe": tf.get_id()
        setup.assertOk(self, res, 200)
        data = json.loads(res.data)
        self.assertIn("id", data)
        self.assertEqual(str(data['goal']), numeric_goal_id)
        self.assertEqual(data['value'], 3)
        self.assertEqual(data['timeframe'], tf.to_dict())
        self.assertEqual(CheckIn.pull_by_id(data['id']).to_dict(), data)