def processAlgorithm(self, progress): vlayerA = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri(self.getParameterValue(Union.INPUT)) vlayerB = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri(self.getParameterValue(Union.INPUT2)) GEOS_EXCEPT = True FEATURE_EXCEPT = True vproviderA = vlayerA.dataProvider() allAttrsA = vproviderA.attributeIndexes() allAttrsA ) vproviderB = vlayerB.dataProvider() allAttrsB = vproviderB.attributeIndexes() allAttrsB ) # check for crs compatibility crsA = crsB = if not crsA.isValid() or not crsB.isValid(): SextanteLog.addToLog(SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Union. Invalid CRS. Results might be unexpected") else: if not crsA != crsB: SextanteLog.addToLog(SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Union. Non-matching CRSs. Results might be unexpected") fields = ftools_utils.combineVectorFields(vlayerA, vlayerB ) longNames = ftools_utils.checkFieldNameLength( fields ) if not longNames.isEmpty(): raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException("Following field names are longer than 10 characters:\n" + longNames.join('\n') ) writer = self.getOutputFromName(Union.OUTPUT).getVectorWriter(fields, vproviderA.geometryType(), ) inFeatA = QgsFeature() inFeatB = QgsFeature() outFeat = QgsFeature() indexA = ftools_utils.createIndex( QGisLayers.features(vlayerB) ) indexB = ftools_utils.createIndex( QGisLayers.features(vlayerA) ) nFeat = vproviderA.featureCount() + vproviderB.featureCount() vproviderA.rewind() count = 0 nElement = 0 featuresA = QGisLayers.features(vlayerA) nFeat = len(featuresA) for inFeatA in featuresA: progress.setPercentage(nElement/float(nFeat) * 50) nElement += 1 found = False geom = QgsGeometry( inFeatA.geometry() ) diff_geom = QgsGeometry( geom ) atMapA = inFeatA.attributeMap() intersects = indexA.intersects( geom.boundingBox() ) if len( intersects ) < 1: try: outFeat.setGeometry( geom ) outFeat.setAttributeMap( atMapA ) writer.addFeature( outFeat ) except: # this really shouldn't happen, as we # haven't edited the input geom at all FEATURE_EXCEPT = False else: for id in intersects: count += 1 vproviderB.featureAtId( int( id ), inFeatB , True, allAttrsB ) atMapB = inFeatB.attributeMap() tmpGeom = QgsGeometry( inFeatB.geometry() ) try: if geom.intersects( tmpGeom ): found = True int_geom = geom.intersection( tmpGeom ) if int_geom is None: # There was a problem creating the intersection GEOS_EXCEPT = False int_geom = QgsGeometry() else: int_geom = QgsGeometry(int_geom) if diff_geom.intersects( tmpGeom ): diff_geom = diff_geom.difference( tmpGeom ) if diff_geom is None: # It's possible there was an error here? diff_geom = QgsGeometry() else: diff_geom = QgsGeometry(diff_geom) if int_geom.wkbType() == 0: # intersection produced different geomety types temp_list = int_geom.asGeometryCollection() for i in temp_list: if i.type() == geom.type(): int_geom = QgsGeometry( i ) try: outFeat.setGeometry( int_geom ) outFeat.setAttributeMap( ftools_utils.combineVectorAttributes( atMapA, atMapB ) ) writer.addFeature( outFeat ) except Exception, err: FEATURE_EXCEPT = False else: # this only happends if the bounding box # intersects, but the geometry doesn't try: outFeat.setGeometry( geom ) outFeat.setAttributeMap( atMapA ) writer.addFeature( outFeat ) except: # also shoudn't ever happen FEATURE_EXCEPT = False except Exception, err: GEOS_EXCEPT = False found = False
def processAlgorithm(self, progress): vlayerA = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri( self.getParameterValue(Union.INPUT)) vlayerB = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri( self.getParameterValue(Union.INPUT2)) GEOS_EXCEPT = True FEATURE_EXCEPT = True vproviderA = vlayerA.dataProvider() allAttrsA = vproviderA.attributeIndexes() vproviderB = vlayerB.dataProvider() allAttrsB = vproviderB.attributeIndexes() # check for crs compatibility crsA = crsB = if not crsA.isValid() or not crsB.isValid(): SextanteLog.addToLog( SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Union. Invalid CRS. Results might be unexpected") else: if not crsA != crsB: SextanteLog.addToLog( SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Union. Non-matching CRSs. Results might be unexpected") fields = ftools_utils.combineVectorFields(vlayerA, vlayerB) longNames = ftools_utils.checkFieldNameLength(fields) if not longNames.isEmpty(): raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException( "Following field names are longer than 10 characters:\n" + longNames.join('\n')) writer = self.getOutputFromName(Union.OUTPUT).getVectorWriter( fields, vproviderA.geometryType(), inFeatA = QgsFeature() inFeatB = QgsFeature() outFeat = QgsFeature() indexA = ftools_utils.createIndex(QGisLayers.features(vlayerB)) indexB = ftools_utils.createIndex(QGisLayers.features(vlayerA)) nFeat = vproviderA.featureCount() + vproviderB.featureCount() vproviderA.rewind() count = 0 nElement = 0 featuresA = QGisLayers.features(vlayerA) nFeat = len(featuresA) for inFeatA in featuresA: progress.setPercentage(nElement / float(nFeat) * 50) nElement += 1 found = False geom = QgsGeometry(inFeatA.geometry()) diff_geom = QgsGeometry(geom) atMapA = inFeatA.attributeMap() intersects = indexA.intersects(geom.boundingBox()) if len(intersects) < 1: try: outFeat.setGeometry(geom) outFeat.setAttributeMap(atMapA) writer.addFeature(outFeat) except: # this really shouldn't happen, as we # haven't edited the input geom at all FEATURE_EXCEPT = False else: for id in intersects: count += 1 vproviderB.featureAtId(int(id), inFeatB, True, allAttrsB) atMapB = inFeatB.attributeMap() tmpGeom = QgsGeometry(inFeatB.geometry()) try: if geom.intersects(tmpGeom): found = True int_geom = geom.intersection(tmpGeom) if int_geom is None: # There was a problem creating the intersection GEOS_EXCEPT = False int_geom = QgsGeometry() else: int_geom = QgsGeometry(int_geom) if diff_geom.intersects(tmpGeom): diff_geom = diff_geom.difference(tmpGeom) if diff_geom is None: # It's possible there was an error here? diff_geom = QgsGeometry() else: diff_geom = QgsGeometry(diff_geom) if int_geom.wkbType() == 0: # intersection produced different geomety types temp_list = int_geom.asGeometryCollection() for i in temp_list: if i.type() == geom.type(): int_geom = QgsGeometry(i) try: outFeat.setGeometry(int_geom) outFeat.setAttributeMap( ftools_utils.combineVectorAttributes( atMapA, atMapB)) writer.addFeature(outFeat) except Exception, err: FEATURE_EXCEPT = False else: # this only happends if the bounding box # intersects, but the geometry doesn't try: outFeat.setGeometry(geom) outFeat.setAttributeMap(atMapA) writer.addFeature(outFeat) except: # also shoudn't ever happen FEATURE_EXCEPT = False except Exception, err: GEOS_EXCEPT = False found = False
def processAlgorithm(self, progress): vlayerA = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri( self.getParameterValue(Intersection.INPUT)) vlayerB = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri( self.getParameterValue(Intersection.INPUT2)) GEOS_EXCEPT = True FEATURE_EXCEPT = True vproviderA = vlayerA.dataProvider() allAttrsA = vproviderA.attributeIndexes() vproviderB = vlayerB.dataProvider() allAttrsB = vproviderB.attributeIndexes() # check for crs compatibility crsA = crsB = if not crsA.isValid() or not crsB.isValid(): SextanteLog.addToLog( SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Intersection. Invalid CRS. Results might be unexpected") else: if not crsA != crsB: SextanteLog.addToLog( SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Intersection. Non-matching CRSs. Results might be unexpected" ) fields = ftools_utils.combineVectorFields(vlayerA, vlayerB) longNames = ftools_utils.checkFieldNameLength(fields) if not longNames.isEmpty(): raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException( "Following field names are longer than 10 characters:\n" + longNames.join('\n')) writer = self.getOutputFromName(Intersection.OUTPUT).getVectorWriter( fields, vproviderA.geometryType(), inFeatA = QgsFeature() inFeatB = QgsFeature() outFeat = QgsFeature() index = ftools_utils.createIndex(QGisLayers.features(vlayerB)) nElement = 0 selectionA = QGisLayers.features(vlayerA) nFeat = len(selectionA) for inFeatA in selectionA: nElement += 1 progress.setPercentage(nElement / float(nFeat) * 100) geom = QgsGeometry(inFeatA.geometry()) atMapA = inFeatA.attributeMap() intersects = index.intersects(geom.boundingBox()) for id in intersects: vproviderB.featureAtId(int(id), inFeatB, True, allAttrsB) tmpGeom = QgsGeometry(inFeatB.geometry()) try: if geom.intersects(tmpGeom): atMapB = inFeatB.attributeMap() int_geom = QgsGeometry(geom.intersection(tmpGeom)) if int_geom.wkbType() == 7: int_com = geom.combine(tmpGeom) int_sym = geom.symDifference(tmpGeom) int_geom = QgsGeometry(int_com.difference(int_sym)) try: outFeat.setGeometry(int_geom) outFeat.setAttributeMap( ftools_utils.combineVectorAttributes( atMapA, atMapB)) writer.addFeature(outFeat) except: FEATURE_EXCEPT = False continue except: GEOS_EXCEPT = False break del writer if not GEOS_EXCEPT: SextanteLog.addToLog( SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Geometry exception while computing intersection") if not FEATURE_EXCEPT: SextanteLog.addToLog( SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Feature exception while computing intersection")
def processAlgorithm(self, progress): vlayerA = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri(self.getParameterValue(Intersection.INPUT)) vlayerB = QGisLayers.getObjectFromUri(self.getParameterValue(Intersection.INPUT2)) GEOS_EXCEPT = True FEATURE_EXCEPT = True vproviderA = vlayerA.dataProvider() allAttrsA = vproviderA.attributeIndexes() vproviderB = vlayerB.dataProvider() allAttrsB = vproviderB.attributeIndexes() # check for crs compatibility crsA = crsB = if not crsA.isValid() or not crsB.isValid(): SextanteLog.addToLog(SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Intersection. Invalid CRS. Results might be unexpected") else: if not crsA != crsB: SextanteLog.addToLog( SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Intersection. Non-matching CRSs. Results might be unexpected" ) fields = ftools_utils.combineVectorFields(vlayerA, vlayerB) longNames = ftools_utils.checkFieldNameLength(fields) if not longNames.isEmpty(): raise GeoAlgorithmExecutionException( "Following field names are longer than 10 characters:\n" + longNames.join("\n") ) writer = self.getOutputFromName(Intersection.OUTPUT).getVectorWriter( fields, vproviderA.geometryType(), ) inFeatA = QgsFeature() inFeatB = QgsFeature() outFeat = QgsFeature() index = ftools_utils.createIndex(QGisLayers.features(vlayerB)) nElement = 0 selectionA = QGisLayers.features(vlayerA) nFeat = len(selectionA) for inFeatA in selectionA: nElement += 1 progress.setPercentage(nElement / float(nFeat) * 100) geom = QgsGeometry(inFeatA.geometry()) atMapA = inFeatA.attributeMap() intersects = index.intersects(geom.boundingBox()) for id in intersects: vproviderB.featureAtId(int(id), inFeatB, True, allAttrsB) tmpGeom = QgsGeometry(inFeatB.geometry()) try: if geom.intersects(tmpGeom): atMapB = inFeatB.attributeMap() int_geom = QgsGeometry(geom.intersection(tmpGeom)) if int_geom.wkbType() == 7: int_com = geom.combine(tmpGeom) int_sym = geom.symDifference(tmpGeom) int_geom = QgsGeometry(int_com.difference(int_sym)) try: outFeat.setGeometry(int_geom) outFeat.setAttributeMap(ftools_utils.combineVectorAttributes(atMapA, atMapB)) writer.addFeature(outFeat) except: FEATURE_EXCEPT = False continue except: GEOS_EXCEPT = False break del writer if not GEOS_EXCEPT: SextanteLog.addToLog(SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Geometry exception while computing intersection") if not FEATURE_EXCEPT: SextanteLog.addToLog(SextanteLog.LOG_WARNING, "Feature exception while computing intersection")