def __call__(self, queue, data_names, igs, seq_data_names, yscales, xaxes, yaxes): """Sets-up the plotting window, sets GTK event loop timer callback to callback() returned by self.poll_draw(). The callback does the actual plotting, taking commands out of `queue`, and is called every second.""" self.output("starting plotter...") # atexit.register( self.terminate ) self.queue = queue self.data_names = data_names self.igs = igs self.seq_data_names = seq_data_names self.yscales = yscales self.xaxes = xaxes self.yaxes = yaxes self.n_gr = len(data_names) self.fig = pylab.figure() = [] for ig in range(self.n_gr): isub = 100 * self.n_gr + 11 + ig self.gid = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.poll_draw()) self.output("...done")
def main(): from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf, get_standard_keywords from sfepy.fem import ProblemDefinition from sfepy.base.plotutils import pylab required, other = get_standard_keywords() # Use this file as the input file. conf = ProblemConf.from_file( __file__, required, other ) # Create problem instance, but do not set equations. problem = ProblemDefinition.from_conf( conf, init_equations = False ) options = Struct( output_filename_trunk = None ) # Solve the problem. Output is ignored, results stored by using the # step_hook. u_t = solve_branch( problem, options, linear_tension ) u_c = solve_branch( problem, options, linear_compression ) # Get pressure load by calling linear_*() for each time step. ts = problem.get_timestepper() load_t = nm.array( [linear_tension( ts, nm.array( [[0.0]] ) )['val'] for aux in ts.iter_from( 0 )], dtype = nm.float64 ).squeeze() load_c = nm.array( [linear_compression( ts, nm.array( [[0.0]] ) )['val'] for aux in ts.iter_from( 0 )], dtype = nm.float64 ).squeeze() # Join the branches. displacements = {} for key in u_t.keys(): displacements[key] = nm.r_[u_c[key][::-1], u_t[key]] load = nm.r_[load_c[::-1], load_t] if pylab is None: print 'pylab cannot be imported, printing raw data!' print displacements print load else: legend = [] for key, val in displacements.iteritems(): pylab.plot( load, val ) legend.append( key ) pylab.legend( legend, loc = 2 ) pylab.xlabel( 'tension [kPa]' ) pylab.ylabel( 'displacement [mm]' ) pylab.grid( True ) pylab.gcf().savefig( 'pressure_displacement.png' )
def plot_logs( fig_num, plot_rsc, plot_labels, freqs, logs, valid, freq_range, plot_range, squared, draw_eigs = True, show_legend = True, show = False, clear = False, new_axes = False ): """ Plot logs of min/max eigs of M. """ if pylab is None: return fig = pylab.figure( fig_num ) if clear: fig.clf() if new_axes: ax = fig.add_subplot( 111 ) else: ax = fig.gca() if draw_eigs: aux = plot_eigs( fig_num, plot_rsc, plot_labels, valid, freq_range, plot_range ) for ii, log in enumerate( logs ): l1 = ax.plot( freqs[ii], log[:,0], **plot_rsc['eig_min'] ) l2 = ax.plot( freqs[ii], log[:,-1], **plot_rsc['eig_max'] ) l1[0].set_label( plot_labels['eig_min'] ) l2[0].set_label( plot_labels['eig_max'] ) fmin, fmax = freqs[0][0], freqs[-1][-1] ax.plot( [fmin, fmax], [0, 0], **plot_rsc['x_axis'] ) if squared: ax.set_xlabel( r'$\lambda$, $\omega^2$' ) else: ax.set_xlabel( r'$\sqrt{\lambda}$, $\omega$' ) ax.set_ylabel( plot_labels['y_axis'] ) if new_axes: ax.set_xlim( [fmin, fmax] ) ax.set_ylim( plot_range ) if show_legend: ax.legend() if show: return fig
def plot_eigs( fig_num, plot_rsc, plot_labels, valid, freq_range, plot_range, show = False, clear = False, new_axes = False ): """ Plot resonance/eigen-frequencies. `valid` must correspond to `freq_range` resonances : red masked resonances: dotted red """ if pylab is None: return assert_( len( valid ) == len( freq_range ) ) fig = pylab.figure( fig_num ) if clear: fig.clf() if new_axes: ax = fig.add_subplot( 111 ) else: ax = fig.gca() l0 = l1 = None for ii, f in enumerate( freq_range ): if valid[ii]: l0 = ax.plot( [f, f], plot_range, **plot_rsc['resonance'] )[0] else: l1 = ax.plot( [f, f], plot_range, **plot_rsc['masked'] )[0] if l0: l0.set_label( plot_labels['resonance'] ) if l1: l1.set_label( plot_labels['masked'] ) if new_axes: ax.set_xlim( [freq_range[0], freq_range[-1]] ) ax.set_ylim( plot_range ) if show: return fig
def plot_gaps( fig_num, plot_rsc, gaps, kinds, freq_range, plot_range, show = False, clear = False, new_axes = False ): """ """ if pylab is None: return def draw_rect( ax, x, y, rsc ): ax.fill( nm.asarray( x )[[0,1,1,0]], nm.asarray( y )[[0,0,1,1]], **rsc ) fig = pylab.figure( fig_num ) if clear: fig.clf() if new_axes: ax = fig.add_subplot( 111 ) else: ax = fig.gca() # Colors. strong = plot_rsc['strong_gap'] weak = plot_rsc['weak_gap'] propagation = plot_rsc['propagation'] for ii in xrange( len( freq_range ) - 1 ): f0, f1 = freq_range[[ii, ii+1]] gmin, gmax = gaps[ii] kind, kind_desc = kinds[ii] if kind == 'p': draw_rect( ax, (f0, f1), plot_range, propagation ) info = [(f0, f1)] elif kind == 'w': draw_rect( ax, (f0, f1), plot_range, weak ) info = [(f0, f1)] elif kind == 'wp': draw_rect( ax, (f0, gmin[1]), plot_range, weak ) draw_rect( ax, (gmin[1], f1), plot_range, propagation ) info = [(f0, gmin[1]), (gmin[1], f1)] elif kind == 's': draw_rect( ax, (f0, f1), plot_range, strong ) info = [(f0, f1)] elif kind == 'sw': draw_rect( ax, (f0, gmax[1]), plot_range, strong ) draw_rect( ax, (gmax[1], f1), plot_range, weak ) info = [(f0, gmax[1]), (gmax[1], f1)] elif kind == 'swp': draw_rect( ax, (f0, gmax[1]), plot_range, strong ) draw_rect( ax, (gmax[1], gmin[1]), plot_range, weak ) draw_rect( ax, (gmin[1], f1), plot_range, propagation ) info = [(f0, gmax[1]), (gmax[1], gmin[1]), (gmin[1], f1)] else: output( 'impossible band gap combination:' ) output( gmin, gmax ) raise ValueError output( ii, gmin[0], gmax[0], '%.8f' % f0, '%.8f' % f1 ) output( ' -> %s\n %s' %(kind_desc, info) ) if new_axes: ax.set_xlim( [freq_range[0], freq_range[-1]] ) ax.set_ylim( plot_range ) if show: return fig