コード例 #1
    def setup_surface_data(self, region, is_trace=False):
        """nodes[leconn] == econn"""
        """nodes are sorted by node number -> same order as region.vertices"""
        if region.name not in self.surface_data:
            sd = FESurface('surface_data_%s' % region.name, region,
                           self.efaces, self.econn, self.region)
            self.surface_data[region.name] = sd

        if region.name in self.surface_data and is_trace:
            sd = self.surface_data[region.name]

        return self.surface_data[region.name]
コード例 #2
ファイル: fields_base.py プロジェクト: frankipod/sfepy
    def setup_surface_data(self, region, is_trace=False):
        """nodes[leconn] == econn"""
        """nodes are sorted by node number -> same order as region.vertices"""
        if region.name not in self.surface_data:
            sd = FESurface('surface_data_%s' % region.name, region,
                           self.efaces, self.econn, self.region)
            self.surface_data[region.name] = sd

        if region.name in self.surface_data and is_trace:
            sd = self.surface_data[region.name]

        return self.surface_data[region.name]
コード例 #3
    def from_args(region, kind='v', ig=None):
        Create mapping from reference to physical entities in a given
        region, given the integration kind ('v' or 's').

        This mapping can be used to compute the physical quadrature

        region : Region instance
            The region defining the entities.
        kind : 'v' or 's'
            The kind of the entities: 'v' - cells, 's' - facets.
        ig : int, optional
            The group index.

        mapping : VolumeMapping or SurfaceMapping instance
            The requested mapping.
        from sfepy.discrete.fem.domain import FEDomain
        from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain

        if isinstance(region.domain, FEDomain):
            import sfepy.discrete.fem.mappings as mm
            coors = region.domain.get_mesh_coors()
            if kind == 's':
                coors = coors[region.vertices]

            gel = region.domain.groups[ig].gel
            conn = region.domain.groups[ig].conn

            if kind == 'v':
                cells = region.get_cells(ig)

                mapping = mm.VolumeMapping(coors, conn[cells], gel=gel)

            elif kind == 's':
                from sfepy.discrete.fem.fe_surface import FESurface

                aux = FESurface('aux', region, gel.get_surface_entities(),
                                conn, ig)
                mapping = mm.SurfaceMapping(coors,

        elif isinstance(region.domain, IGDomain):
            import sfepy.discrete.iga.mappings as mm
            mapping = mm.IGMapping(region.domain, region.cells)

            raise ValueError('unknown domain class! (%s)' %

        return mapping
コード例 #4
ファイル: domain.py プロジェクト: zitkat/sfepy
    def create_surface_group(self, region):
        Create a new surface group corresponding to `region` if it does
        not exist yet.

        Surface groups define surface facet connectivity that is needed
        for :class:`sfepy.discrete.fem.mappings.SurfaceMapping`.
        groups = self.surface_groups
        if region.name not in groups:
            conn, gel = self.get_conn(ret_gel=True)
            gel_faces = gel.get_surface_entities()

            name = 'surface_group_%s' % (region.name)
            surface_group = FESurface(name, region, gel_faces, conn)

            groups[region.name] = surface_group
コード例 #5
    def _setup_vertex_dofs(self):
        Setup vertex DOF connectivity.
        if self.node_desc.vertex is None:
            return 0, None

        region = self.region

        remap = prepare_remap(region.vertices, region.n_v_max)
        n_dof = region.vertices.shape[0]

        # Remap vertex node connectivity to field-local numbering.
        conn, gel = self.domain.get_conn(ret_gel=True)
        faces = gel.get_surface_entities()
        aux = FESurface('aux', region, faces, conn)
        self.econn[:, :aux.n_fp] = aux.leconn
        self.surface_data[region.name] = aux

        return n_dof, remap
コード例 #6
ファイル: domain.py プロジェクト: LeiDai/sfepy
    def create_surface_group(self, region):
        Create a new surface group corresponding to `region` if it does
        not exist yet.

        Surface groups define surface facet connectivity that is needed
        for :class:`sfepy.discrete.fem.mappings.SurfaceMapping`.
        for ig in region.igs:
            groups = self.surface_groups.setdefault(ig, {})
            if region.name not in groups:
                group = self.groups[ig]
                gel_faces = group.gel.get_surface_entities()

                name = 'surface_group_%s_%d' % (region.name, ig)
                surface_group = FESurface(name, region, gel_faces,
                                          group.conn, ig)

                groups[region.name] = surface_group
コード例 #7
ファイル: fields_base.py プロジェクト: marcinch18/sfepy
    def _setup_vertex_dofs(self):
        Setup vertex DOF connectivity.
        if self.node_desc.vertex is None:
            return 0, None

        region = self.region

        remap = prepare_remap(region.vertices, region.n_v_max)
        n_dof = region.vertices.shape[0]

        # Remap vertex node connectivity to field-local numbering.
        for ig, ap in self.aps.iteritems():
            group = self.domain.groups[ig]
            faces = group.gel.get_surface_entities()
            aux = FESurface('aux', region, faces, group.conn, ig)
            ap.econn[:,:aux.n_fp] = aux.leconn
            ap.surface_data[region.name] = aux

        return n_dof, remap
コード例 #8
def create_task_dof_maps(field,
    For each task list its inner and interface DOFs of the given field and
    create PETSc numbering that is consecutive in each subdomain.

    For each task, the DOF map has the following structure::

       [own_inter1, own_inter2, ...],
       [overlap_cells1, overlap_cells2, ...],
       n_task_total, task_offset]

    The overlapping cells are defined so that the system matrix corresponding
    to each task can be assembled independently, see [1]. TODO: Some "corner"
    cells may be added even if not needed - filter them out by using the PETSc
    DOFs range.

    When debugging domain partitioning problems, it is advisable to set
    `save_inter_regions` to True to save the task interfaces as meshes as well
    as vertex-based markers - to be used only with moderate problems and small
    numbers of tasks.

    [1] J. Sistek and F. Cirak. Parallel iterative solution of the
    incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with application to rotating
    wings. Submitted for publication, 2015
    domain = field.domain
    cmesh = domain.cmesh

    if use_expand_dofs:
        id_map = nm.zeros(field.n_nod * field.n_components, dtype=nm.uint32)

        id_map = nm.zeros(field.n_nod, dtype=nm.uint32)

    def _get_dofs_region(field, region):
        dofs = field.get_dofs_in_region(region)
        if use_expand_dofs:
            dofs = expand_dofs(dofs, field.n_components)
        return dofs

    def _get_dofs_conn(field, conn):
        dofs = nm.unique(conn)
        if use_expand_dofs:
            dofs = expand_dofs(dofs, field.n_components)
        return dofs

    dof_maps = {}
    count = 0
    inter_count = 0
    ocs = nm.zeros(0, dtype=nm.int32)
    cell_parts = []
    for ir, ntasks in ordered_iteritems(inter_facets):
        cells = nm.where(cell_tasks == ir)[0].astype(nm.int32)

        cregion = Region.from_cells(cells, domain, name='task_%d' % ir)
        dofs = _get_dofs_region(field, cregion)

        rdof_map = dof_maps.setdefault(ir, [None, [], [], 0, 0])
        inter_dofs = []
        for ic, facets in ordered_iteritems(ntasks):
            cdof_map = dof_maps.setdefault(ic, [None, [], [], 0, 0])

            name = 'inter_%d_%d' % (ir, ic)
            ii = ir

            region = Region.from_facets(facets,

            if save_inter_regions:
                output_dir = output_dir if output_dir is not None else '.'
                filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.mesh' % name)

                aux = domain.mesh.from_region(region,
                aux.write(filename, io='auto')

                mask = nm.zeros((domain.mesh.n_nod, 1), dtype=nm.float64)
                mask[region.vertices] = 1
                out = {name: Struct(name=name, mode='vertex', data=mask)}
                filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.h5' % name)
                domain.mesh.write(filename, out=out, io='auto')

            inter_dofs.append(_get_dofs_region(field, region))

            sd = FESurface('surface_data_%s' % region.name, region,
                           field.efaces, field.econn, field.region)
            econn = sd.get_connectivity()
            n_facet = econn.shape[0]

            ii2 = max(int(n_facet / 2), 1)

            dr = _get_dofs_conn(field, econn[:ii2])
            ii = nm.where((id_map[dr] == 0))[0]
            n_new = len(ii)
            if n_new:
                rdof_map[3] += n_new
                id_map[dr[ii]] = 1
                inter_count += n_new
                count += n_new

                if is_overlap:
                    ovs = cmesh.get_incident(0, region.facets[:ii2],
                                             cmesh.tdim - 1)
                    ocs = cmesh.get_incident(cmesh.tdim, ovs, 0)

            dc = _get_dofs_conn(field, econn[ii2:])
            ii = nm.where((id_map[dc] == 0))[0]
            n_new = len(ii)
            if n_new:
                cdof_map[3] += n_new
                id_map[dc[ii]] = 1
                inter_count += n_new
                count += n_new

                if is_overlap:
                    ovs = cmesh.get_incident(0, region.facets[ii2:],
                                             cmesh.tdim - 1)
                    ocs = cmesh.get_incident(cmesh.tdim, ovs, 0)

        domain.regions.pop()  # Remove the cell region.

        inner_dofs = nm.setdiff1d(dofs, nm.concatenate(inter_dofs))
        n_inner = len(inner_dofs)
        rdof_map[3] += n_inner
        assert_(nm.all(id_map[inner_dofs] == 0))
        id_map[inner_dofs] = 1
        count += n_inner

        rdof_map[0] = inner_dofs

    offset = 0
    overlap_cells = []
    for ir, dof_map in ordered_iteritems(dof_maps):
        n_owned = dof_map[3]

        i0 = len(dof_map[0])
        id_map[dof_map[0]] = nm.arange(offset, offset + i0, dtype=nm.uint32)
        for aux in dof_map[1]:
            i1 = len(aux)
            id_map[aux] = nm.arange(offset + i0,
                                    offset + i0 + i1,
            i0 += i1

        if len(dof_map[2]):
            ocs = nm.unique(nm.concatenate(dof_map[2]))

            ocs = nm.zeros(0, dtype=nm.int32)


        assert_(i0 == n_owned)

        dof_map[4] = offset
        offset += n_owned

    if not len(dof_maps):
        dofs = _get_dofs_region(field, field.region)
        dof_maps[0] = [dofs, [], [], len(dofs), 0]
        id_map[:] = nm.arange(len(dofs), dtype=nm.uint32)

    if not len(cell_parts):
        cell_parts.append(nm.arange(len(cell_tasks), dtype=nm.int32))

    if not len(overlap_cells):
        overlap_cells.append(nm.zeros(0, dtype=nm.int32))

    return dof_maps, id_map, cell_parts, overlap_cells
コード例 #9
def create_task_dof_maps(field, cell_tasks, inter_facets, is_overlap=True,
                         use_expand_dofs=False, save_inter_regions=False,
    For each task list its inner and interface DOFs of the given field and
    create PETSc numbering that is consecutive in each subdomain.

    For each task, the DOF map has the following structure::

       [own_inter1, own_inter2, ...],
       [overlap_cells1, overlap_cells2, ...],
       n_task_total, task_offset]

    The overlapping cells are defined so that the system matrix corresponding
    to each task can be assembled independently, see [1]. TODO: Some "corner"
    cells may be added even if not needed - filter them out by using the PETSc
    DOFs range.

    When debugging domain partitioning problems, it is advisable to set
    `save_inter_regions` to True to save the task interfaces as meshes as well
    as vertex-based markers - to be used only with moderate problems and small
    numbers of tasks.

    [1] J. Sistek and F. Cirak. Parallel iterative solution of the
    incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with application to rotating
    wings. Submitted for publication, 2015
    domain = field.domain
    cmesh = domain.cmesh

    if use_expand_dofs:
        id_map = nm.zeros(field.n_nod * field.n_components, dtype=nm.uint32)

        id_map = nm.zeros(field.n_nod, dtype=nm.uint32)

    def _get_dofs_region(field, region):
        dofs = field.get_dofs_in_region(region)
        if use_expand_dofs:
            dofs = expand_dofs(dofs, field.n_components)
        return dofs

    def _get_dofs_conn(field, conn):
        dofs = nm.unique(conn)
        if use_expand_dofs:
            dofs = expand_dofs(dofs, field.n_components)
        return dofs

    dof_maps = {}
    count = 0
    inter_count = 0
    ocs = nm.zeros(0, dtype=nm.int32)
    cell_parts = []
    for ir, ntasks in ordered_iteritems(inter_facets):
        cells = nm.where(cell_tasks == ir)[0].astype(nm.int32)

        cregion = Region.from_cells(cells, domain, name='task_%d' % ir)
        dofs = _get_dofs_region(field, cregion)

        rdof_map = dof_maps.setdefault(ir, [None, [], [], 0, 0])
        inter_dofs = []
        for ic, facets in ordered_iteritems(ntasks):
            cdof_map = dof_maps.setdefault(ic, [None, [], [], 0, 0])

            name = 'inter_%d_%d' % (ir, ic)
            ii = ir

            region = Region.from_facets(facets, domain, name,

            if save_inter_regions:
                output_dir = output_dir if output_dir is not None else '.'
                filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.mesh' % name)

                aux = domain.mesh.from_region(region, domain.mesh,
                aux.write(filename, io='auto')

                mask = nm.zeros((domain.mesh.n_nod, 1), dtype=nm.float64)
                mask[region.vertices] = 1
                out = {name : Struct(name=name, mode='vertex', data=mask)}
                filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.h5' % name)
                domain.mesh.write(filename, out=out, io='auto')

            inter_dofs.append(_get_dofs_region(field, region))

            sd = FESurface('surface_data_%s' % region.name, region,
                           field.efaces, field.econn, field.region)
            econn = sd.get_connectivity()
            n_facet = econn.shape[0]

            ii2 = max(int(n_facet / 2), 1)

            dr = _get_dofs_conn(field, econn[:ii2])
            ii = nm.where((id_map[dr] == 0))[0]
            n_new = len(ii)
            if n_new:
                rdof_map[3] += n_new
                id_map[dr[ii]] = 1
                inter_count += n_new
                count += n_new

                if is_overlap:
                    ovs = cmesh.get_incident(0, region.facets[:ii2],
                                             cmesh.tdim - 1)
                    ocs = cmesh.get_incident(cmesh.tdim, ovs, 0)

            dc = _get_dofs_conn(field, econn[ii2:])
            ii = nm.where((id_map[dc] == 0))[0]
            n_new = len(ii)
            if n_new:
                cdof_map[3] += n_new
                id_map[dc[ii]] = 1
                inter_count += n_new
                count += n_new

                if is_overlap:
                    ovs = cmesh.get_incident(0, region.facets[ii2:],
                                             cmesh.tdim - 1)
                    ocs = cmesh.get_incident(cmesh.tdim, ovs, 0)

        domain.regions.pop() # Remove the cell region.

        inner_dofs = nm.setdiff1d(dofs, nm.concatenate(inter_dofs))
        n_inner = len(inner_dofs)
        rdof_map[3] += n_inner
        assert_(nm.all(id_map[inner_dofs] == 0))
        id_map[inner_dofs] = 1
        count += n_inner

        rdof_map[0] = inner_dofs

    offset = 0
    overlap_cells = []
    for ir, dof_map in ordered_iteritems(dof_maps):
        n_owned = dof_map[3]

        i0 = len(dof_map[0])
        id_map[dof_map[0]] = nm.arange(offset, offset + i0, dtype=nm.uint32)
        for aux in dof_map[1]:
            i1 = len(aux)
            id_map[aux] = nm.arange(offset + i0, offset + i0 + i1,
            i0 += i1

        if len(dof_map[2]):
            ocs = nm.unique(nm.concatenate(dof_map[2]))

            ocs = nm.zeros(0, dtype=nm.int32)


        assert_(i0 == n_owned)

        dof_map[4] = offset
        offset += n_owned

    if not len(dof_maps):
        dofs = _get_dofs_region(field, field.region)
        dof_maps[0] = [dofs, [], [], len(dofs), 0]
        id_map[:] = nm.arange(len(dofs), dtype=nm.uint32)

    if not len(cell_parts):
        cell_parts.append(nm.arange(len(cell_tasks), dtype=nm.int32))

    if not len(overlap_cells):
        overlap_cells.append(nm.zeros(0, dtype=nm.int32))

    return dof_maps, id_map, cell_parts, overlap_cells