コード例 #1
ファイル: sg_pas_parser.py プロジェクト: Thief007/swingamesdk
 def _read_params(self, method):
     """Read in the parameters declared in a function, procedure or operator"""
     #look for parameters
     while not self._match_lookahead('symbol', ')'): #consume ) at end
         param_tok, other_tok = self._lookahead(2)
         if param_tok[0] == 'id':
             if other_tok[0] == 'id': #first one is a modifier
                 modifier = self._next_token()[1]
                 modifier = None
             param_toks = [self._match_token('id')]
             while self._match_lookahead('symbol', ',', True):
                 #there is a list of parameters
             colon_tok = self._match_token('symbol', ':')
             the_type = self._read_type_usage()
             for param_tok in param_toks:
                 param = method.create_parameter(param_tok[1])
                 param.data_type = the_type
                 param.modifier = modifier
                 logger.debug('Parser    : Adding parameter %s (%s) to %s', param.name, param.data_type, method.name)
             if not self._match_lookahead('symbol', ';', True): break
             logger.error('Parser    : Error in parameter list %s', self._tokeniser.line_details())
     self._match_token('symbol', ')')
コード例 #2
def std_type_visitor(the_dict, the_type, modifier = None, dict_name = '_type_switcher'):
    switch types for the SwinGame library.
     - the_dict:    The dictionary with the type changes with modifier keys
     - the_type:    The type being checked
     - modifier:    The modifier for the type
     - dict_name:   The name of the dictionary for error reporting
    key = the_type.name.lower() if the_type != None else None
    if modifier == 'result': modifier = 'return'
    if key not in the_dict[modifier]:
        logger.error('WRAPPER   : Error changing model type %s - %s', modifier, the_type)
        logger.error('          : Add \'%s[%s]\': \'%s\': \'????\',', dict_name, modifier, the_type.name.lower())
        global _hasError, _dieOnError
        _hasError = True
        if _dieOnError: 
            assert False
            the_dict[modifier][key] = "UNKNOWN"
    return the_dict[modifier][key]
コード例 #3
 def _check_meta_comments(self, count, desc):
     if len(self._meta_comments) != count:
             'Parser Error %s: expected %d but foung %d meta comments for %s',
             self._tokeniser.line_details(), count,
             len(self._meta_comments), desc)
コード例 #4
ファイル: sg_pas_parser.py プロジェクト: Thief007/swingamesdk
 def _parse_type_declaration(self, the_type):
     Parse a type from the next token, add details to the_type.
     this is called for each type declaration... type_name = BLAH
     Need to process BLAH and add details to the_type
     #check what kind of type it is...
     if self._match_lookahead('symbol', '(', True):
         values = []
         while not self._match_lookahead('symbol',')'):
             temp = self._match_token('id')[1]
             if self._match_lookahead('operator', '=', True) or self._match_lookahead('operator', ':=', True): #assigned value
                 values.append('%s = %s' % (temp, self._match_token('number')[1]))
             self._match_lookahead('symbol', ',', True) #consume commas
         self._match_token('symbol',')') #read close bracket
         the_type.values = tuple(values)
     elif (self._match_lookahead('id', 'packed', True) and self._match_lookahead('id', 'record', True)) or self._match_lookahead('id', 'record', True):
         #packed record field: Type end;
         while not self._match_lookahead('id', 'end', True):
             #read field
             variables = self._read_variable_list()
             self._match_token('symbol', ';')
             for name, data_type in variables:
                 field = SGField(name)
                 field.data_type = data_type
     elif self._match_lookahead('id', 'array') or self._match_lookahead('symbol', '^'):
         #is pointer or array
     elif self._match_lookahead('id', 'procedure', True):
         #procedure type: read ( params );
         self._match_token('symbol', '(')
         m = SGMethod(the_type.name)
         m.in_file = self._current_file
         the_type.is_procedure = True
         the_type.method = m
         if self._lookahead(2)[1][1] == 'cdecl':
             self._match_token('symbol', ';')
             self._match_token('id', 'cdecl')
     elif self._match_lookahead('id'):
         other_id = self._match_token('id')[1]
         other_type = find_or_add_type(other_id)
         the_type.related_type = other_type
         tok = self._next_token()
         logger.error('Parser Error %s: unknown type %s(%s)', 
             self._tokeniser.line_details(), tok[0], tok[1])
         assert False
     if the_type.related_type != None:
         logger.info(' Parser    : Setup type %s = %s', the_type, the_type.related_type)
     elif the_type.is_enum:
         logger.info(' Parser    : Setup type %s = %s', the_type, the_type.values)
         logger.info(' Parser    : Setup type %s = %s', the_type, the_type.fields)
     self._match_token('symbol', ';')
コード例 #5
def create_property_for_field(in_class, field):
    '''Creates a property to access the '''
    if field.data_type.wraps_array:
        logger.error('WRAPPER   : Error structure with array fields must be set to via_pointer')
        global _hasError, _dieOnError
        _hasError = True
        if _dieOnError: 
            assert False
    prop = SGProperty(field.name)
    prop.in_class = in_class
    prop.data_type = field.data_type
    getter = SGMethod('get' + field.pascalName)
    getter.return_type = field.data_type
    getter.in_class = in_class
    getter.field_name = field.name
    getter.is_getter = True
    setter = SGMethod('set' + field.pascalName)
    setter.params[0].data_type = field.data_type
    setter.in_class = in_class
    setter.field_name = field.name
    setter.is_setter = True
    return prop
コード例 #6
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: Aloz1/swingame
 def complete_method_processing(self):
     This is called on methods that are read by the parser from the 
     Pascal file.
     Set up the call from the library to this method if marked.
     Check the call's validity
         1: Get other methods related to this one
         2: Set parameters on library method (if called)
     logger.info(' Method    : Completing processing of %s', self)
     #This is 'the' method it has its params
     self.params = self.params
     #Find the length method if it exists
     if self.length_call != None:
         self.length_call = self.in_class.find_method(self.length_call)
     #Convert args to appropriate values...
     #Get other methods
     lib_method = self.method_called
     class_method = self.class_method
     #check rules
     if lib_method == None and not self.is_operator:
         logger.error('Method    : Found method %s without lib', self)
         assert False
     if lib_method != None:
         #set up library method
         logger.info(' Method    : %s calls %s', self.name, lib_method.name)
     #set up class method
     if class_method != None:
         logger.debug(' Method    : %s is also %s', self.name, class_method)
         logger.info(' Method    : %s calls %s', class_method.name, lib_method.name)
         lib_method.called_by.append(class_method) #library is also called by class
     elif self.is_operator:
         assert self.other_class != None
         self.name = 'operator ' + self.name
         self.other_method = self.in_class.find_method(self['calls'].other)
         self.doc = self.other_method.doc
         self.method_called = self.other_method.method_called
         self.method_called.called_by.append(self) #library is also called by operator
         self.is_static = True
         self.in_class.operators[self.signature] = None
         self.in_class = self.other_class
         self.args = list(self.params) # operators must match directly
コード例 #7
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: brandonbongbong/swingame
 def _process_args(self):
     Convert args to parameters, fields, and literals
     new_args = list()
     args = self.args
     if args == None:
         self.args = list(self.params)
     for argv in args:
         if argv[0] in ['number', 'string', 'boolean']:
         elif argv[0] in ['id']:
             param = self.get_parameter(argv[1])
             if param != None:
                 field = self.in_class.get_field(argv[1])
                 if field != None:
                         'Method    : Error cannot find %s in method %s',
                         argv[1], self.uname)
                     assert False
                 'Method    : Error unknown type of argument in %s - %s',
                 self.uname, argv[0])
     self.args = new_args
コード例 #8
def map_data_value(the_dict, key, the_type, result):
    Returns the code needed to map the swingame (Pascal) data in result to
    the type used by language X
     - the_dict:    The dictionary with the type changes with modifier keys
     - key:         The key to search for in the_dict
     - the_type:    The type being checked
     - modifier:    The modifier for the type
    if the_type.name.lower() in the_dict[key]:
        # print the_type.name.lower(), ' -> ', the_dict[key][the_type.name.lower()]
        return the_dict[key][the_type.name.lower()] % result
    #If this is a 
    if the_type.pointer_wrapper and key == 'return_val':
        logger.error('WRAPPER   : Error pointer wrapper without return data mapping - %s', the_type)
        global _hasError, _dieOnError
        _hasError = True
        if _dieOnError: 
            assert False
            the_dict[key][the_type.name.lower()] = "UNKNOWN"
    return result
コード例 #9
    def _read_params(self, method):
        """Read in the parameters declared in a function, procedure or operator"""
        #look for parameters
        while not self._match_lookahead('symbol', ')'):  #consume ) at end
            param_tok, other_tok = self._lookahead(2)
            if param_tok[0] == 'id':
                if other_tok[0] == 'id':  #first one is a modifier
                    modifier = self._next_token()[1]
                    modifier = None
                param_toks = [self._match_token('id')]

                while self._match_lookahead('symbol', ',', True):
                    #there is a list of parameters

                colon_tok = self._match_token('symbol', ':')
                the_type = self._read_type_usage()

                for param_tok in param_toks:
                    param = method.create_parameter(param_tok[1])
                    param.data_type = the_type
                    param.modifier = modifier
                    logger.debug('Parser    : Adding parameter %s (%s) to %s',
                                 param.name, param.data_type, method.name)

                if not self._match_lookahead('symbol', ';', True): break
                logger.error('Parser    : Error in parameter list %s',

        self._match_token('symbol', ')')
コード例 #10
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: Aloz1/swingame
 def _process_args(self):
     Convert args to parameters, fields, and literals
     new_args = list()
     args = self.args
     if args == None:
         self.args = list(self.params)
     for argv in args:
         if argv[0] in ['number', 'string', 'boolean']:
         elif argv[0] in ['id']:
             param = self.get_parameter(argv[1])
             if param != None:
                 field = self.in_class.get_field(argv[1])
                 if field != None:
                     logger.error('Method    : Error cannot find %s in method %s', argv[1], self.uname)
                     assert False
             logger.error('Method    : Error unknown type of argument in %s - %s', self.uname, argv[0])
     self.args = new_args
コード例 #11
 def set_getter(self, method):
     """sets the getter method of the property"""
     self.set_tag('getter', method)
     if method == None: return;
     if self.data_type == None:
         self.data_type = method.return_type;
     elif self.data_type != method.return_type:
         logger.error('Inconsistent types in property %s: %s is not %s',
             self.name, self.data_type, method.return_type)
コード例 #12
ファイル: sg_pas_parser.py プロジェクト: Thief007/swingamesdk
 def _match_token(self, token_kind, token_value = None):
     tok = self._next_token()
     if tok[0] != token_kind or (token_value != None and token_value != tok[1].lower()):
         logger.error('Parse Error %s: found a %s (%s) expected %s (%s)', 
             tok[0], tok[1], token_kind, token_value)
         assert False
     logger.debug('Parser    : Matched token %s (%s)', tok[0], tok[1])
     return tok
コード例 #13
    def _match_token(self, token_kind, token_value=None):
        tok = self._next_token()

        if tok[0] != token_kind or (token_value != None
                                    and token_value != tok[1].lower()):
            logger.error('Parse Error %s: found a %s (%s) expected %s (%s)',
                         self._tokeniser.line_details(), tok[0], tok[1],
                         token_kind, token_value)
            assert False

        logger.debug('Parser    : Matched token %s (%s)', tok[0], tok[1])
        return tok
コード例 #14
 def set_setter(self, method):
     """sets the setter method of the property"""
     self.set_tag('setter', method)
     if method == None: return;
     if len(method.params) != 1:
         logger.error('Model error: setter method %s of property %s does '+
             ' not have exactly 1 parameter', method.name, self.name)
     if self.data_type == None:
         self.data_type = method.params[0].data_type;
     elif self.data_type != method.params[0].data_type:
         logger.error('Inconsistent types in property %s: %s is not %s',
             self.name, self.data_type, method.params[0].data_type)
コード例 #15
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: brandonbongbong/swingame
    def _setup_class_method(self, class_method):
        Setup the class's method.
        The class method is a clone of the current method, in 
        a class wrapper. This comes from @method or @overload
        in the pascal source.
            1: clone self to class_method
            2: add it to its class or property
            3: alter args (add pointer field access)
        self.clone_to(class_method)  #copy self into other
        class_method.is_class_method = True

        #if the class method is actually a property...
        if self.is_getter or self.is_setter:
            class_method.in_class.add_member(class_method)  #add to its class

        #static methods and constructors directly call the method
        #  instance methods change the first argument for the pointer field
        if class_method.is_static or class_method.is_constructor:
            #use self's args - i.e. it calls the method in the same way
            args = list(self.args)
        else:  #other is an instance (with ptr)
            if self.args == None or len(self.args) < self.self_pos:
                    'Class method calling a method without parameter for self pointer... '
                    + self.name)
                assert False

            args = list(self.args)
            #change the old argument for the self pointer
            if class_method.in_class.is_pointer_wrapper:
                args[self.self_pos - 1] = 'self.pointer'
            elif class_method.in_class.wraps_array:
                args[self.self_pos - 1] = 'self.data'
                args[self.self_pos - 1] = 'self'
            #add in self's arguments (-1st which is pointer)

        #set class method to call the same method this does
        class_method.calls(self.method_called, args)

        logger.debug('Method    : Setting up call: %s calls %s with args %s',
                     class_method, class_method.method_called,

コード例 #16
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: Aloz1/swingame
 def calls(self, method, args=None):
     """indicate which method this method calls, and args if any"""
     if self.method_called != None:
         logger.error('Model Error: Changing method called by %s', self.name)
         assert False
     self.method_called = method
     self.args = list()
     for arg in args:
         if not isinstance(arg, SGParameter):
コード例 #17
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: brandonbongbong/swingame
    def calls(self, method, args=None):
        """indicate which method this method calls, and args if any"""
        if self.method_called != None:
            logger.error('Model Error: Changing method called by %s',
            assert False
        self.method_called = method
        self.args = list()

        for arg in args:
            if not isinstance(arg, SGParameter):
コード例 #18
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: Aloz1/swingame
 def _setup_class_method(self, class_method):
     Setup the class's method.
     The class method is a clone of the current method, in 
     a class wrapper. This comes from @method or @overload
     in the pascal source.
         1: clone self to class_method
         2: add it to its class or property
         3: alter args (add pointer field access)
     self.clone_to(class_method) #copy self into other
     class_method.is_class_method = True
     #if the class method is actually a property...
     if self.is_getter or self.is_setter:
         class_method.in_class.add_member(class_method) #add to its class
     #static methods and constructors directly call the method
     #  instance methods change the first argument for the pointer field
     if class_method.is_static or class_method.is_constructor:
         #use self's args - i.e. it calls the method in the same way
         args = list(self.args)
     else:  #other is an instance (with ptr)
         if self.args == None or len(self.args) < self.self_pos:
             logger.error('Class method calling a method without parameter for self pointer... ' + self.name)
             assert False
         args = list(self.args)
         #change the old argument for the self pointer
         if class_method.in_class.is_pointer_wrapper:
             args[self.self_pos - 1] = 'self.pointer'
         elif class_method.in_class.wraps_array:
             args[self.self_pos - 1] = 'self.data'
             args[self.self_pos - 1] = 'self'
         #add in self's arguments (-1st which is pointer)
     #set class method to call the same method this does
     class_method.calls(self.method_called, args)
     logger.debug('Method    : Setting up call: %s calls %s with args %s', class_method,
         class_method.method_called, class_method.args)
コード例 #19
def method_process_visitor(the_method, other):
    '''Process a method prior to rendering. This does all of the transformations
    that go into the functions and procedures of the SGSDK unit.'''

    # Change functions with string or array return type to have a result parameter
    if the_method.return_type != None and (
            or the_method.return_type.name.lower() in ['string']):
        #print 'PARS RUN PARAMS', [p.name for p in the_method.params]
        result_param = SGParameter('result')

        for param in the_method.params:
            if 'result' == param.name:
                logger.error('PARSER RUN: Error adding result parameter to %s',
                assert False
        _add_parameter(the_method, result_param)

        result_param.maps_result = True
        result_param.modifier = 'result'

        result_param.data_type = the_method.return_type

        the_method.return_type = None
        the_method.was_function = True
        #print 'PARS RUN PARAMS', [p.name for p in the_method.params]

    #Replace any variable length arrays
    orig_params = the_method.params
    for param in orig_params:
        #does it wrap a variable length array
        if param.data_type.array_wrapper:
            the_method.has_length_params = True
                'PARSER RUN: Altering variable length array of %s\'s parameter %s',
                the_method.name, param.name)
            # old_type = param.data_type
            #param.data_type = param.data_type #.fields[0].data_type
            len_param = SGParameter('%s_len' % param.name)
            len_param.is_length_param = True
            len_param.data_type = find_or_add_type('Longint')
            len_param.modifier = param.modifier if param.modifier is [
                'out', 'var'
            ] else None
            len_param.length_of = param
            param.has_length_param = True
            param.length_idx = _add_parameter(the_method, len_param)
    return other
コード例 #20
ファイル: sg_pas_parser.py プロジェクト: Thief007/swingamesdk
 def process_uses_clause(self, token):
     '''Read the list of units referred to be the uses clause'''
     self._check_non_commented('uses clause')
     while True:
         tok = self._match_token('id')
         logger.debug('Parser    : Found using unit %s', tok[1])
         #found a token/unit
         next_tok = self._match_token('symbol')
         if next_tok[1] == ';': 
             break; #found end
         elif next_tok[1] != ',':
             logger.error('Parser Error %s: expected , or ; but found %s at %s', 
                 self._tokeniser.line_details(), next_tok[1])
コード例 #21
ファイル: sg_pas_parser.py プロジェクト: Thief007/swingamesdk
 def _match_one_token(self, token_kind_lst):
     matched = False
     tok = self._next_token()
     for token_kind,token_value in token_kind_lst:
         if tok[0] == token_kind and (token_value == None or token_value == tok[1]):
             matched = True
             logger.debug('Parser    : Matched %s with %s', tok[0], tok[1])
     if not matched:
         logger.error('Parser Error %s: unexpected %s(%s) expected %s', 
             tok[0], tok[1], 
             map(lambda n: '%s(%s)' % (n[0],n[1]),token_kind_lst))
         assert False
     return tok
コード例 #22
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: Aloz1/swingame
 def _check_args_match_params(self):
     Ensure that the arguments in the call match the available parameters,
     if no arguments are provided copy across read in parameters
     method_called = self.method_called #self.tags['calls'].other[0] #get called method
     args = self.args #self.tags['calls'].other[1] #the arguments self passes to the method
     logger.debug('Method    : Checking arguments used by %s calling %s (%s)', self, method_called, args)
     if args == None:
         logger.error('Method    : No arguments that map to parameters for %s', self)
         assert False
         for arg in args:
             if isinstance(arg, SGParameter) and not self.has_parameter(arg.name):
                 logger.error("Cannot match parameter %s in call to %s from %s", str(arg), str(method_called), self)
                 assert False
コード例 #23
    def _match_one_token(self, token_kind_lst):
        matched = False
        tok = self._next_token()

        for token_kind, token_value in token_kind_lst:
            if tok[0] == token_kind and (token_value == None
                                         or token_value == tok[1]):
                matched = True
                logger.debug('Parser    : Matched %s with %s', tok[0], tok[1])

        if not matched:
                'Parser Error %s: unexpected %s(%s) expected %s',
                self._tokeniser.line_details(), tok[0], tok[1],
                map(lambda n: '%s(%s)' % (n[0], n[1]), token_kind_lst))
            assert False
        return tok
コード例 #24
    def process_uses_clause(self, token):
        '''Read the list of units referred to be the uses clause'''
        self._check_non_commented('uses clause')

        while True:
            tok = self._match_token('id')
            logger.debug('Parser    : Found using unit %s', tok[1])

            #found a token/unit
            next_tok = self._match_token('symbol')
            if next_tok[1] == ';':
                #found end
            elif next_tok[1] != ',':
                    'Parser Error %s: expected , or ; but found %s at %s',
                    self._tokeniser.line_details(), next_tok[1])
コード例 #25
ファイル: sg_pas_parser.py プロジェクト: Thief007/swingamesdk
 def process_meta_comments(self):
     logger.debug('Parser    : Starting to process meta comments: clearing old comments and attributes')
     #self._meta_comments = []
     #self._attributes = {}
     tok = self._lookahead(1)[0] #_next_token()
     attrs_started = False
     while tok[0] in ['meta comment','attribute','comment']:
         if tok[0] == 'attribute': 
             attrs_started = True
         if attrs_started and tok[0] == 'meta comment':
             tok = self._next_token() #actually read token
             if len(tok[1]) > 0:
                 logger.error('Parser Error %s: Found additional meta comment after start of attributes', 
                 assert False
             tok = self._next_token() #actually read token
         tok = self._lookahead(1)[0]
コード例 #26
ファイル: parser_runner.py プロジェクト: Aloz1/swingame
def method_process_visitor(the_method, other):
    '''Process a method prior to rendering. This does all of the transformations
    that go into the functions and procedures of the SGSDK unit.'''
    # Change functions with string or array return type to have a result parameter
    if the_method.return_type != None and (the_method.return_type.wraps_array or the_method.return_type.name.lower() in ['string']):
        #print 'PARS RUN PARAMS', [p.name for p in the_method.params]
        result_param = SGParameter('result')
        for param in the_method.params:
            if 'result' == param.name:
                logger.error('PARSER RUN: Error adding result parameter to %s', the_method.name)
                assert False
        _add_parameter(the_method, result_param)
        result_param.maps_result = True
        result_param.modifier = 'result'
        result_param.data_type = the_method.return_type
        the_method.return_type = None
        the_method.was_function = True
        #print 'PARS RUN PARAMS', [p.name for p in the_method.params]
    #Replace any variable length arrays
    orig_params = the_method.params
    for param in orig_params:
        #does it wrap a variable length array
        if param.data_type.array_wrapper:
            the_method.has_length_params = True
            logger.debug('PARSER RUN: Altering variable length array of %s\'s parameter %s', the_method.name, param.name)
            # old_type = param.data_type
            #param.data_type = param.data_type #.fields[0].data_type
            len_param = SGParameter('%s_len' % param.name)
            len_param.is_length_param = True
            len_param.data_type = find_or_add_type('Longint')
            len_param.modifier = param.modifier if param.modifier is ['out', 'var'] else None
            len_param.length_of = param
            param.has_length_param = True
            param.length_idx = _add_parameter(the_method, len_param)
    return other
コード例 #27
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: brandonbongbong/swingame
    def check_arguments(self):
        Ensure that the arguments in the call match the available parameters,
        if no arguments are provided copy across read in parameters
        if self.method_called == None:
                'Method    : Method %s does not call anything. Check attributes. %s',
                self.uname, self.file_line_details)
            assert False

        method_called = self.method_called  #get called method
        args = self.args  #the arguments self passes to the method

            'Method    : Checking arguments used by %s calling %s (%s)', self,
            method_called, args)

        if len(args) != len(method_called.params):
            logger.error('Method    : Error in %s calling %s', self.uname,
            assert False

        for arg in args:
            if isinstance(arg, SGParameter):
                if not self.has_parameter(arg.name):
                        "Cannot match parameter %s in call to %s from %s",
                        str(arg), str(method_called), self)
                    assert False
コード例 #28
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: brandonbongbong/swingame
    def create_and_add_property(self, class_method):
        The added class method is actually a property, so
        create and add a property or update the existing property.
        property_name = self.in_property
        #get or create the property
        if property_name in self.other_class.properties:
            prop = self.other_class.properties[property_name]
            prop = SGProperty(property_name)
            prop.in_class = self.other_class
            prop.is_static = self.is_static
            prop.in_file = self.in_file
            #add property to class

        #setup name of method and its position in the property
        if self.is_getter:
            class_method.name = 'get' + property_name
            class_method.is_getter = True
            self.is_getter = False  #transfer to other methods
            prop.getter = class_method
        elif self.is_setter:
            class_method.name = 'set' + property_name
            prop.setter = class_method
            class_method.is_setter = True
            self.is_setter = False  #transfer to other methods
            #class_method.params[0].name = 'value'
            logger.error('Property is not a getter or a setter: %s - %s',
                         self.name, property_name)
            assert False

        #change uname as well...
        class_method.uname = class_method.name
        class_method.in_property = prop

        self.in_property = None
コード例 #29
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: Aloz1/swingame
 def create_and_add_property(self, class_method):
     The added class method is actually a property, so
     create and add a property or update the existing property.
     property_name = self.in_property
     #get or create the property
     if property_name in self.other_class.properties:
         prop = self.other_class.properties[property_name]
         prop = SGProperty(property_name)
         prop.in_class = self.other_class;
         prop.is_static = self.is_static;
         prop.in_file = self.in_file
         #add property to class
     #setup name of method and its position in the property
     if self.is_getter:
         class_method.name = 'get' + property_name
         class_method.is_getter = True
         self.is_getter = False #transfer to other methods
         prop.getter = class_method
     elif self.is_setter:
         class_method.name = 'set' + property_name
         prop.setter = class_method
         class_method.is_setter = True
         self.is_setter = False #transfer to other methods
         #class_method.params[0].name = 'value'
         logger.error('Property is not a getter or a setter: %s - %s', self.name, property_name)
         assert False
     #change uname as well...
     class_method.uname = class_method.name
     class_method.in_property = prop
     self.in_property = None
コード例 #30
    def process_meta_comments(self):
            'Parser    : Starting to process meta comments: clearing old comments and attributes'
        #self._meta_comments = []
        #self._attributes = {}
        tok = self._lookahead(1)[0]  #_next_token()

        attrs_started = False
        while tok[0] in ['meta comment', 'attribute', 'comment']:
            if tok[0] == 'attribute':
                attrs_started = True
            if attrs_started and tok[0] == 'meta comment':
                tok = self._next_token()  #actually read token
                if len(tok[1]) > 0:
                        'Parser Error %s: Found additional meta comment after start of attributes',
                    assert False
                tok = self._next_token()  #actually read token
            tok = self._lookahead(1)[0]
コード例 #31
    def parse(self, a_file):
        #clear all existing data
        self._lookahead_toks = []
        self._meta_comments = []
        self._attributes = {}
        self._ordered_attributes = []
        self._current_file = a_file

        #read the meta comments before the node
        #read the token after meta-comments
        tok = self._next_token()

        if tok[0] == 'id' and tok[1] in ['unit', 'library']:
                logger.error("Parse Error on file %s" % a_file.filename)
            logger.error('Parse Error %s: found %s expected unit or library',
                         self._tokeniser.line_details(), tok[1])
            assert False
コード例 #32
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: brandonbongbong/swingame
    def _check_args_match_params(self):
        Ensure that the arguments in the call match the available parameters,
        if no arguments are provided copy across read in parameters
        method_called = self.method_called  #self.tags['calls'].other[0] #get called method
        args = self.args  #self.tags['calls'].other[1] #the arguments self passes to the method

            'Method    : Checking arguments used by %s calling %s (%s)', self,
            method_called, args)

        if args == None:
                'Method    : No arguments that map to parameters for %s', self)
            assert False
            for arg in args:
                if isinstance(
                        arg, SGParameter) and not self.has_parameter(arg.name):
                        "Cannot match parameter %s in call to %s from %s",
                        str(arg), str(method_called), self)
                    assert False
コード例 #33
ファイル: sg_pas_parser.py プロジェクト: Thief007/swingamesdk
 def parse(self, a_file):
     #clear all existing data
     self._lookahead_toks = []
     self._meta_comments = []
     self._attributes = {}
     self._ordered_attributes = []
     self._current_file = a_file
     #read the meta comments before the node
     #read the token after meta-comments
     tok = self._next_token()
     if tok[0] == 'id' and tok[1] in ['unit','library']:
           logger.error("Parse Error on file %s" % a_file.filename)
         logger.error('Parse Error %s: found %s expected unit or library', 
             self._tokeniser.line_details(), tok[1])
         assert False
コード例 #34
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: Aloz1/swingame
 def check_arguments(self):
     Ensure that the arguments in the call match the available parameters,
     if no arguments are provided copy across read in parameters
     if self.method_called == None:
         logger.error('Method    : Method %s does not call anything. Check attributes. %s', self.uname, self.file_line_details)
         assert False
     method_called = self.method_called #get called method
     args = self.args #the arguments self passes to the method
     logger.debug('Method    : Checking arguments used by %s calling %s (%s)', self, method_called, args)
     if len(args) != len(method_called.params):
         logger.error('Method    : Error in %s calling %s', self.uname, method_called.uname)
         assert False
     for arg in args:
         if isinstance(arg, SGParameter):
             if not self.has_parameter(arg.name):
                 logger.error("Cannot match parameter %s in call to %s from %s", str(arg), str(method_called), self)
                 assert False
コード例 #35
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: brandonbongbong/swingame
    def set_tag(self, title, other=None):
        if title == "params":
            #process parameter comments
            for param_details in other:
                param_name = param_details[0]
                param_doc = param_details[1]

                done = False
                for param in self.params:
                    if param.name == param_name:
                        done = True
                if not done:
                        'Method    : Unable to find parameter %s for %s',
                        param_name, self.uname)
                    assert False
        elif title == 'related_params':
            # The parameters have related documentation
            # The passed in details has the param name, and the list of its related
            # parameters
            for related_param_details in other:
                param_name = related_param_details[0]
                related_params = related_param_details[1]

                # Find the parameter
                done = False
                for param in self.params:
                    # if this is the parameter...
                    if param.name == param_name:
                        # then add related docs
                        done = True
                if not done:
                        'Method    : Unable to find parameter %s for %s',
                        param_name, self.uname)
                    assert False

        elif title == 'updatesArrayParams':
            # check which parameters are being updated and mark so that checking ignores them
            for idx in other:
                self.params[idx - 1].being_updated = True
        elif title == "class":
            #the class indicates that the @method is for this other class...
            from sg_code_module import SGCodeModule
            from sg_library import SGLibrary
            if other == None:
                super(SGMethod, self).set_tag(title, None)
            elif isinstance(other, SGCodeModule):
                other_class = other
            elif isinstance(other, SGLibrary):
                other_class = other
                other_class = find_or_add_class(other)

            super(SGMethod, self).set_tag('other_class', other_class)
        elif title == 'getter' or title == 'setter':
            # 1: mark as getter/setter
            super(SGMethod, self).set_tag('is_' + title, True)
            # 2: set property name
            self.in_property = other
            # 3: mark for later processing
            mthd = SGMethod(other + ' ' + title)
            super(SGMethod, self).set_tag('class_method', mthd)
        elif title == 'constructor':
            const = SGMethod(self.other_class.name)
            const.is_constructor = True
            super(SGMethod, self).set_tag('class_method', const)
        elif title == 'dispose':
            dest = SGMethod("~" + self.other_class.name)
            dest.is_destructor = True
            self.mimic_destructor = True
            super(SGMethod, self).set_tag('class_method', dest)
        elif title == 'csn':
            #assign the 'csn' class special name to the class method
            if self.class_method == None:
                    'Model Error: Method %s has a csn before the method/property/constructor definition - or should be sn.',
                assert False
            self.class_method.set_tag('sn', other)
            super(SGMethod, self).set_tag(title, other)
コード例 #36
    def _parse_type_declaration(self, the_type):
        Parse a type from the next token, add details to the_type.
        this is called for each type declaration... type_name = BLAH
        Need to process BLAH and add details to the_type
        #check what kind of type it is...
        if self._match_lookahead('symbol', '(', True):
            values = []
            while not self._match_lookahead('symbol', ')'):
                temp = self._match_token('id')[1]
                if self._match_lookahead(
                        'operator', '=', True) or self._match_lookahead(
                            'operator', ':=', True):  #assigned value
                    values.append('%s = %s' %
                                  (temp, self._match_token('number')[1]))
                self._match_lookahead('symbol', ',', True)  #consume commas
            self._match_token('symbol', ')')  #read close bracket
            the_type.values = tuple(values)
        elif (self._match_lookahead('id', 'packed', True)
              and self._match_lookahead('id', 'record',
                                        True)) or self._match_lookahead(
                                            'id', 'record', True):
            #packed record field: Type end;
            while not self._match_lookahead('id', 'end', True):
                #read field
                variables = self._read_variable_list()
                self._match_token('symbol', ';')
                for name, data_type in variables:
                    field = SGField(name)
                    field.data_type = data_type
        elif self._match_lookahead('id', 'array') or self._match_lookahead(
                'symbol', '^'):
            #is pointer or array
        elif self._match_lookahead('id', 'procedure', True):
            #procedure type: read ( params );
            self._match_token('symbol', '(')
            m = SGMethod(the_type.name)
            m.in_file = self._current_file
            the_type.is_procedure = True
            the_type.method = m
            if self._lookahead(2)[1][1] == 'cdecl':
                self._match_token('symbol', ';')
                self._match_token('id', 'cdecl')
        elif self._match_lookahead('id'):
            other_id = self._match_token('id')[1]
            other_type = find_or_add_type(other_id)
            the_type.related_type = other_type
            tok = self._next_token()
            logger.error('Parser Error %s: unknown type %s(%s)',
                         self._tokeniser.line_details(), tok[0], tok[1])
            assert False

        if the_type.related_type != None:
            logger.info(' Parser    : Setup type %s = %s', the_type,
        elif the_type.is_enum:
            logger.info(' Parser    : Setup type %s = %s', the_type,
            logger.info(' Parser    : Setup type %s = %s', the_type,
        self._match_token('symbol', ';')
コード例 #37
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: brandonbongbong/swingame
    def complete_method_processing(self):
        This is called on methods that are read by the parser from the 
        Pascal file.
        Set up the call from the library to this method if marked.
        Check the call's validity
            1: Get other methods related to this one
            2: Set parameters on library method (if called)
        logger.info(' Method    : Completing processing of %s', self)

        #This is 'the' method it has its params
        self.params = self.params

        #Find the length method if it exists
        if self.length_call != None:
            self.length_call = self.in_class.find_method(self.length_call)

        #Convert args to appropriate values...

        #Get other methods
        lib_method = self.method_called
        class_method = self.class_method

        #check rules
        if lib_method == None and not self.is_operator:
            logger.error('Method    : Found method %s without lib', self)
            assert False

        if lib_method != None:
            #set up library method

            logger.info(' Method    : %s calls %s', self.name, lib_method.name)

        #set up class method
        if class_method != None:
            logger.debug(' Method    : %s is also %s', self.name, class_method)
            logger.info(' Method    : %s calls %s', class_method.name,
                class_method)  #library is also called by class
        elif self.is_operator:
            assert self.other_class != None
            self.name = 'operator ' + self.name
            self.other_method = self.in_class.find_method(self['calls'].other)
            self.doc = self.other_method.doc
            self.method_called = self.other_method.method_called
                self)  #library is also called by operator
            self.is_static = True

            self.in_class.operators[self.signature] = None
            self.in_class = self.other_class
            self.args = list(self.params)  # operators must match directly
コード例 #38
    def next_token(self):
        '''Find and return a tuple with the next token details. Tuple contains 
        the token (type, value) as strings. The token types and details are: 
            number,       # such as 1234, 123.45, -123, +123.4
            comment,      # single // or multi-line (* ... *), { ... } 
            meta comment, # start with /// ...
            id,           # identifier name starting with alpha, including 
                          # alpha-numeric characters and the _ character
            attribute,    # name starting with @... inside meta comment block 
                          # follows the id name character rules
            operator,     # one of + - / * ** := < > <= >= <>
            symbol,       # one of ':;,.()'
        def num_match(cha, tmp):
            '''Checks for a number in format ##, ##.#. Returns False when at the 
            end of a number.'''
            if cha in '1234567890':
                return True
            elif cha == '.' and '.' not in tmp:
                return self._peek(1) in '1234567890'
                return False

        while (True):
            t = self._next_char()
            self._token_start = self._char_no

            # Ignore white space characters
            if t == ' ' or t == '\t':  #ignore white space
            # Move to next line (if at end of line)
            elif t == '\n':
            # Numbers (int or float style format
            elif t in '1234567890' or (t in '-+' and self._peek(1)
                                       in '1234567890'):  #is digit or +/-
                result = ('number', self._read_matching(t, num_match))
                logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s - %s', result[0], result[1])
                return result
            # Comment, single line // or meta comment line ///
            elif t == '/' and self._peek(1) == '/':  #start of comment
                if self._match_and_read('/'):
                    if self._match_and_read('/'):
                        kind = 'meta comment'
                        self._meta_comment_start = self._char_no
                        self._meta_comment_line = self._line_no
                        comment = self.read_to_end_of_comment()
                        kind = 'comment'
                        comment = self.read_to_eol()
                    result = (kind, comment)
                    result = ('error', t)
                logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s', result[0])
                return result
            # Attribute identified by an @ symbol then a name
            elif t == '@':
                name = self._read_matching(
                    '', lambda cha, tmp: cha.isalnum() or cha == '_')
                result = ('attribute', name)
                logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s - %s', result[0], result[1])
                return result
            # Identifier (id) of alphanumeric characters including
            elif t.isalpha():
                name = self._read_matching(
                    t, lambda cha, tmp: cha.isalnum() or cha == '_')
                if name.lower() in ['true', 'false']:
                    result = ('boolean', name)
                    result = ('id', name)
                logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s - %s', result[0], result[1])
                return result
            #Bound Comment
            elif t == '{' or (t == '(' and self._peek(1) == '*'):
                if t == '(' and self._match_and_read('*'):
                    comment = self._read_until('',
                                               lambda temp: temp[-2:] == '*)')
                    result = ('comment', comment[:-2])
                elif t == '{':
                    comment = self._read_until('',
                                               lambda temp: temp[-1:] == '}')
                    result = ('comment', comment[:-1])
                logger.log(logging.DEBUG, 'Tokenisier: read %s', result[0])
                return result
            # Operator
            elif (t == ':' and self._peek(1) == '=') or t in '=+-*/><':
                if t == ':' and self._match_and_read('='):
                    result = ('operator', ':=')
                elif t == '*' and self._match_and_read('*'):
                    result = ('operator', '**')
                elif t == '<' and self._match_and_read('>'):
                    result = ('operator', '<>')
                elif t in '<>' and self._match_and_read('='):
                    result = ('operator', t + '=')
                    result = ('operator', t)
                return result
            # Symbol
            elif t in '(),:;[].^':
                result = ('symbol', t)
                logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s - %s', result[0], result[1])
                return result
            # Catch any single quotes inside a string value.
            elif t == "'":
                string = self._read_until(
                    '', lambda temp:
                    (temp[-1:] == "'") and (not self._match_and_read("'")))
                result = ('string', string[:-1])
                logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s - %s', result[0], result[1])
                return result
            # Hmm.. unknown token. What did we forget?
                logger.error("Unknown token type: " + t)
                return ('error', t)
コード例 #39
ファイル: sg_method.py プロジェクト: Aloz1/swingame
 def set_tag(self, title, other = None):
     if title == "params":
         #process parameter comments
         for param_details in other:
             param_name = param_details[0]
             param_doc = param_details[1]
             done = False
             for param in self.params:
                 if param.name == param_name:
                     done = True
             if not done:
                 logger.error('Method    : Unable to find parameter %s for %s', param_name, self.uname)
                 assert False
     elif title == 'related_params':
         # The parameters have related documentation
         # The passed in details has the param name, and the list of its related
         # parameters
         for related_param_details in other:
             param_name = related_param_details[0]
             related_params = related_param_details[1]
             # Find the parameter
             done = False
             for param in self.params:
                 # if this is the parameter...
                 if param.name == param_name:
                     # then add related docs
                     done = True
             if not done:
                 logger.error('Method    : Unable to find parameter %s for %s', param_name, self.uname)
                 assert False
     elif title == 'updatesArrayParams':
         # check which parameters are being updated and mark so that checking ignores them
         for idx in other:
             self.params[idx - 1].being_updated = True
     elif title == "class":
         #the class indicates that the @method is for this other class...
         from sg_code_module import SGCodeModule
         from sg_library import SGLibrary
         if other == None: 
             super(SGMethod,self).set_tag(title, None)
         elif isinstance(other, SGCodeModule):
             other_class = other
         elif isinstance(other, SGLibrary):
             other_class = other
             other_class = find_or_add_class(other)
         super(SGMethod,self).set_tag('other_class', other_class)
     elif title == 'getter' or title == 'setter':
         # 1: mark as getter/setter
         super(SGMethod,self).set_tag('is_' + title, True) 
         # 2: set property name
         self.in_property = other
         # 3: mark for later processing
         mthd = SGMethod(other + ' ' + title)
         super(SGMethod,self).set_tag('class_method', mthd)
     elif title == 'constructor':
         const = SGMethod(self.other_class.name)
         const.is_constructor = True
         super(SGMethod,self).set_tag('class_method', const)
     elif title == 'dispose':
         dest = SGMethod("~" + self.other_class.name)
         dest.is_destructor = True
         self.mimic_destructor = True
         super(SGMethod,self).set_tag('class_method', dest)
     elif title == 'csn':
         #assign the 'csn' class special name to the class method
         if self.class_method == None:
             logger.error('Model Error: Method %s has a csn before the method/property/constructor definition - or should be sn.', self.name)
             assert False
         self.class_method.set_tag('sn', other)
         super(SGMethod,self).set_tag(title, other)
コード例 #40
ファイル: sg_pas_parser.py プロジェクト: Thief007/swingamesdk
 def _check_meta_comments(self, count, desc):
     if len(self._meta_comments) != count:
         logger.error('Parser Error %s: expected %d but foung %d meta comments for %s', 
             self._tokeniser.line_details(), count, len(self._meta_comments), desc)
コード例 #41
ファイル: sg_pas_tokeniser.py プロジェクト: Aloz1/swingame
 def next_token(self):
     '''Find and return a tuple with the next token details. Tuple contains 
     the token (type, value) as strings. The token types and details are: 
         number,       # such as 1234, 123.45, -123, +123.4
         comment,      # single // or multi-line (* ... *), { ... } 
         meta comment, # start with /// ...
         id,           # identifier name starting with alpha, including 
                       # alpha-numeric characters and the _ character
         attribute,    # name starting with @... inside meta comment block 
                       # follows the id name character rules
         operator,     # one of + - / * ** := < > <= >= <>
         symbol,       # one of ':;,.()'
     def num_match(cha, tmp):
         '''Checks for a number in format ##, ##.#. Returns False when at the 
         end of a number.'''
         if cha in '1234567890':
             return True
         elif cha == '.' and '.' not in tmp:
             return self._peek(1) in '1234567890'
             return False
     while (True):
         t = self._next_char();
         self._token_start = self._char_no
         # Ignore white space characters
         if t == ' ' or t == '\t': #ignore white space
         # Move to next line (if at end of line)
         elif t == '\n': 
         # Numbers (int or float style format
         elif t in '1234567890' or (t in '-+' and self._peek(1) in '1234567890'): #is digit or +/-
             result = ('number', self._read_matching(t, num_match))
             logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s - %s', result[0], result[1])
             return result
         # Comment, single line // or meta comment line ///
         elif t == '/' and self._peek(1) == '/': #start of comment
             if self._match_and_read('/'):
                 if self._match_and_read('/'):
                     kind = 'meta comment'
                     self._meta_comment_start = self._char_no
                     self._meta_comment_line = self._line_no
                     comment = self.read_to_end_of_comment()
                     kind = 'comment'
                     comment = self.read_to_eol()
                 result = (kind, comment)
                 result = ('error', t)
             logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s', result[0])
             return result
         # Attribute identified by an @ symbol then a name
         elif t == '@':
             name = self._read_matching('', lambda cha, tmp: cha.isalnum() or cha == '_')
             result = ('attribute', name)
             logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s - %s', result[0], result[1])
             return result
         # Identifier (id) of alphanumeric characters including 
         elif t.isalpha():
             name = self._read_matching(t, lambda cha, tmp: cha.isalnum() or cha == '_')
             if name.lower() in ['true','false']:
                 result = ('boolean', name)
                 result = ('id', name)
             logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s - %s', result[0], result[1])
             return result
         #Bound Comment
         elif t == '{' or (t == '(' and self._peek(1) == '*'):
             if t == '(' and self._match_and_read('*'):
                 comment = self._read_until('', lambda temp: temp[-2:] == '*)')
                 result = ('comment', comment[:-2])
             elif t == '{':
                 comment = self._read_until('', lambda temp: temp[-1:] == '}')
                 result = ('comment', comment[:-1])
             logger.log(logging.DEBUG, 'Tokenisier: read %s', result[0])
             return result
         # Operator
         elif (t == ':' and self._peek(1) == '=') or t in '=+-*/><':
             if t == ':' and self._match_and_read('='):
                 result = ('operator', ':=')
             elif t == '*' and self._match_and_read('*'):
                 result = ('operator', '**')
             elif t == '<' and self._match_and_read('>'):
                 result = ('operator', '<>')
             elif t in '<>' and self._match_and_read('='):
                 result = ('operator', t + '=')
                 result = ('operator', t)
             return result
         # Symbol
         elif t in '(),:;[].^':
             result = ('symbol', t)
             logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s - %s', result[0], result[1])
             return result
         # Catch any single quotes inside a string value.
         elif t == "'":
             string = self._read_until('', lambda temp: (temp[-1:] == "'") and (not self._match_and_read("'")))
             result = ('string', string[:-1])
             logger.debug('Tokenisier: read %s - %s', result[0], result[1])
             return result
         # Hmm.. unknown token. What did we forget? 
             logger.error("Unknown token type: "+t)
             return ('error', t)