コード例 #1
def find_a(p, q, g, A, M, r, s):
    h = int(sha1(M), 16) % q
    r_inverse = modinv(r, q)
    s = s % q
    for k in range((1 << 16) + 1):
        a = (((k * s) - h) * r_inverse) % q
        if A == modexp(g, a, p):
            return a
コード例 #2
def hmac_sha1(key, text) :
	block_size = 64
	output_size = 20

	if len(key) > block_size :
		key = sha1MAC.sha1(key)

	while len(key) < block_size :
		key += b'\x00'

	outer_key_pad = xor(key, b'\x5c'*64)
	inner_key_pad = xor(key, b'\x36'*64)

	return sha1MAC.sha1(outer_key_pad + bytes.fromhex(sha1MAC.sha1(inner_key_pad + text)))
コード例 #3
def forge(text: str, digest: str, keylen: int, new_text: str) -> tuple:
    forged_text = md_padding(b'A' * keylen + text) + new_text
    forged_text = forged_text[keylen:]

    a, b, c, d, e = split_five_words(digest)
    forged_digest = sha1MAC.sha1(new_text, (keylen + len(forged_text))*8,\
     a, b, c, d, e)

    return forged_text, forged_digest
コード例 #4
def attack(message, keylen):
    block = b'\x00\x01\xff\x00' + ASN1_SHA1 + bytes.fromhex(sha1(message))
    block += b'\x00' * (((keylen + 7) // 8) - len(block))

    sig = int.from_bytes(block, 'big')
    forged_sig = int_cube_root(sig)
    forged_sig = forged_sig.to_bytes((forged_sig.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big')
    print('Forged signature -', forged_sig)
    RSA_Verifier(keylen).verify(forged_sig, message)
コード例 #5
def dsa_verify(p, q, g, A, M, r, s):
    if r not in range(1, q) or s not in range(1, q): return 'Reject'

    w = modinv(s, q)
    h = sha1(M)
    h = int(h, 16) % q
    u1, u2 = (h * w) % q, (r * w) % q
    X = (modexp(g, u1, p) * modexp(A, u2, p)) % p
    v = X % q
    if v == r: return 'Accept'
    return 'Reject'
コード例 #6
def dsa_sign(p, q, g, a, M):
    r, s = 0, 0
    while s == 0:
        r, k = 0, randint(1, q - 1)
        while r == 0:
            X = modexp(g, k, p)
            r = X % q

        k_inverse = modinv(k, q)
        h = sha1(M)
        h = int(h, 16) % q
        s = (k_inverse * ((h + a * r) % q)) % q
    return r, s
コード例 #7
    def verify(self, signature, message):
        signature = b'\x00' + self.rsa.encrypt(signature)

        r = re.compile(b'\x00\x01\xff+?\x00.{15}(.{20})', re.DOTALL)
        m = r.match(signature)
        if not m:
            print('Signature format wrong')

        hash = m.group(1)
        if hash == bytes.fromhex(sha1(message)):
            print('Signatures matched')
            print('Signatures did not match')
コード例 #8
def attacker():
    global state_attack, d_attack
    if state_attack == 0:
        p, g, A = queue.pop()
        d_attack['p'] = p
        print('[*] Got p, g, A -', p, g, A)
        print('[*] Replacing A with p')
        queue.append((p, g, p))
        state_attack = (state_attack + 1) % 4
    elif state_attack == 1:
        B = queue.pop()
        print('[*] Got B -', B)
        print('[*] Replacing B with p')
        state_attack = (state_attack + 1) % 4
    elif state_attack == 2:
        ciphertext = queue[0]
        iv = ciphertext[-16:]
        ciphertext = ciphertext[:-16]
        print('[*] Got ciphertext and iv -', ciphertext, iv)
        key = sha1(b'')[:32]
        d_attack['key'] = bytes.fromhex(key)
        print('[*] From Diffie-Hellman, actual key -', d_attack['key'])
        cipher = aesCBC(d_attack['key'], iv)
        print('[*] Actual plaintext -', remove_padding(cipher.decrypt(\
        state_attack = (state_attack + 1) % 4
    elif state_attack == 3:
        ciphertext = queue[0]
        iv = ciphertext[-16:]
        ciphertext = ciphertext[:-16]
        print('[*] Got ciphertext and iv -', ciphertext, iv)
        cipher = aesCBC(d_attack['key'], iv)
        print('[*] Actual plaintext -', remove_padding(cipher.decrypt(\
        state_attack = (state_attack + 1) % 4
コード例 #9
def get_key_diffie_hellman(capital: int, small: int, prime: int):
    s = modexp(capital, small, prime)
    key = sha1(s.to_bytes((s.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big'))[:32]

    key = bytes.fromhex(key)
    return key
コード例 #10
    h = int(sha1(M), 16) % q
    r_inverse = modinv(r, q)
    s = s % q
    for k in range((1 << 16) + 1):
        a = (((k * s) - h) * r_inverse) % q
        if A == modexp(g, a, p):
            return a

if __name__ == '__main__':
    '''a, A = diffie_hellman(p, g)
	M = b'Trap Nation'
	r, s = dsa_sign(p, q, g, a, M)

	print(dsa_verify(p, q, g, A, M, r, s))'''

    A = int(
    M = b'For those that envy a MC it can be hazardous to your health\nSo be friendly, a matter of life and death, just like a etch-a-sketch\n'
    r, s = 548099063082341131477253921760299949438196259240, 857042759984254168557880549501802188789837994940
    a = find_a(p, q, g, A, M, r, s)
    print('a is -', a)
        'For the real a, the sha1 fingerprint is - 0954edd5e0afe5542a4adf012611a91912a3ec16'
    h = sha1(hex(a)[2:].encode())
    print('Sha1 for this a -', h)
    print('Is sha1 fingerprint the same -',
          h == '0954edd5e0afe5542a4adf012611a91912a3ec16')