コード例 #1
def clip_value(in_file, ot_dir, min_height, max_height):
    オンライン学習4 ベクタデータのフィルタリング
    関数  : clip_value
    引数1 : 浸水・土砂崩れベクタデータ(*.shp)
    引数2 : 出力ディレクトリ名
    引数3 : 出力対象となる値の最小値
    引数4 : 出力対象となる値の最大値
    # Get actual file path
    in_file = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, in_file)
    ot_dir = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, ot_dir)
    makedirs(ot_dir, exist_ok=True)

    ot_file = path.join(
        ot_dir, "{0}v.tif".format(path.splitext(path.basename(in_file))[0]))

    reader = ShpReader(in_file, encoding='cp932')
    writer = ShpWriter(ot_file, encoding='cp932')

    # Create DBF schema
    height_col_id = None
    for i, col in enumerate(
        (col for col in reader.fields if col[0] != "DeletionFlag")):
        if col[0] != "DeletionFlag":
            writer.field(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3])
        if col[0] == "height":
            height_col_id = i

    if height_col_id is None:
        print("height column not found in polygon shapefile")

    # Filtering
    n_mesh = reader.numRecords
    cnt_mesh = 0
    for data in reader.iterShapeRecords():
        height = data.record[height_col_id]
        if (height is not None) and (min_height <= height <= max_height):
            # This polygon is output target.

        cnt_mesh = cnt_mesh + 1
        if cnt_mesh % 100000 == 0:
            print("{0}K / {1}K".format(cnt_mesh / 1000, n_mesh / 1000))

コード例 #2
def clip_shape(in_mesh, in_mask, ot_dir, flg_mask):
    オンライン学習4 ベクタデータのフィルタリング
    関数  : clip_shape
    引数1 : 浸水・土砂崩れベクタデータ(*.shp)
    引数2 : GISデータ(*.shp)
    引数3 : 出力ディレクトリ名
    引数4 : 出力フラグ(True:GISデータと重なる部分を出力、False:GISデータと重ならない部分を出力)
    # Get actual file path
    in_mesh = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, in_mesh)
    in_mask = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, in_mask)
    ot_dir = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, ot_dir)
    makedirs(ot_dir, exist_ok=True)

    ot_file = path.join(ot_dir, "{0}s.tif".format(path.splitext(path.basename(in_mesh))[0]))

    reader_mesh = ShpReader(in_mesh, encoding='cp932')
    reader_mask = ShpReader(in_mask, encoding='cp932')
    writer = ShpWriter(ot_file, encoding='cp932')

    # Create DBF schema
    for col in reader_mesh.fields:
        if col[0] != "DeletionFlag":
            writer.field(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3])

    # Create set of mask polygon
    maskdata = []
    for data in reader_mask.iterShapes():
        points = data.points
        points_split = list(data.parts) + [len(points)]

        poly_list = []
        for i in range(len(points_split) - 1):
            points_part = points[points_split[i]:points_split[i + 1]]

        # Use as mask polygon only when all key conditions are satisfied.
        # Memorize shape and bbox of polygon.
        x_range = min(points, key=lambda x: x[0])[0], max(points, key=lambda x: x[0])[0]
        y_range = min(points, key=lambda x: x[1])[1], max(points, key=lambda x: x[1])[1]
        maskdata.append((x_range, y_range, poly_list))

    # Filtering
    n_mesh = reader_mesh.numRecords
    cnt_mesh = 0
    for data in reader_mesh.iterShapeRecords():
        center = Polygon(data.shape.points).centroid
        x = center.x
        y = center.y

        masked = False
        for x_range, y_range, mask_polys in maskdata:
            # Primary screening by mask polygon bbox.
            if x < x_range[0] or x > x_range[1] or y < y_range[0] or y > y_range[1]:

            mask_count = sum(poly.contains(center) for poly in mask_polys)
            if mask_count % 2 == 1:
                masked = True

        if masked == flg_mask:
            # This polygon is output target.

        cnt_mesh = cnt_mesh + 1
        if cnt_mesh % 100000 == 0:
            print("{0}K / {1}K".format(cnt_mesh/1000, n_mesh/1000))

コード例 #3
def add_height_vector(in_polys, in_hpoint, dst_fn):
    オンライン学習3 被害領域の抽出、ラスタベクタ変換

    関数   : add_height_vector
    引数1  : 入力メッシュデータ名(.tif)
    引数2  : 数値標高モデル名(.shp)
    引数3 : 出力ファイル名(.shp)


    # Read DEM data
    print("loading DEM data ...")
    dem = GridData()
    dem_reader = ShpReader(in_hpoint, encoding='cp932')

    n_p = dem_reader.numRecords
    cnt_p = 0
    for data in dem_reader.iterShapeRecords():
        point = Point(data.shape.points[0])
        p_val = data.record

        dem.add_data(point.x, point.y, p_val)
        cnt_p = cnt_p + 1
        if cnt_p % 100000 == 0:
            print("{0}K / {1}K".format(cnt_p/1000, n_p/1000))
    print("loaded DEM data .")

    # Process each polygon shapefile
    for in_poly in in_polys:
        print("processing {0} ...".format(in_poly))
        poly_reader = ShpReader(in_poly)
        poly_writer = ShpWriter(target=dst_fn)

        # Create DBF schema
        for col in poly_reader.fields:
            if col[0] != "DeletionFlag":
                poly_writer.field(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3])
        poly_writer.field("height", "N", 18, 9)

        # Attach elevation value
        n_poly = poly_reader.numRecords
        cnt_poly = 0
        for data in poly_reader.iterShapeRecords():
            center = Polygon(data.shape.points).centroid
            key_x = dem.search_nearest_x(center.coords[0][0])
            key_y = dem.search_nearest_y(center.coords[0][1])
            dem_record = dem.get_data(key_x, key_y)
            if dem_record:
                # Nearest grid point has elevation value
                record = data.record + dem_record
                # Nearest grid point doesn't have elevation value
                record = data.record + [None]


            cnt_poly = cnt_poly + 1
            if cnt_poly % 100000 == 0:
                print("{0}K / {1}K".format(cnt_poly/1000, n_poly/1000))


        print("processed {0} .".format(in_poly))
コード例 #4
def _load_boundaries(filename, index, projections=None, encoding='utf-8'):
    Load boundaries from a shape file and perform a projection if desired.

    filename : str
        filename to load data from
    index : int
        index to extract the LSOA identifier from the metadata for each shape
    projections : tuple
        tuple of projections (from, to)

    boundaries : dict
        dictionary of lists of polygons keyed by LSOA code
    boundaries = {}

    # Extract projections
    if projections is not None:
        original_projection, target_projection = projections
        target_projection = pyproj.Proj(init=target_projection)
        original_projection = pyproj.Proj(init=original_projection)
        transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_proj(original_projection, target_projection)
        transformer = None

    # Iterate over all records
    shapefile = ShapefileReader(filename, encoding=encoding)
    logging.info("opened shapefile '%s'", filename)
    iterator = shapefile.iterShapeRecords()

    with tqdm.tqdm(total=shapefile.numRecords) as progress:
        while True:
                sr = next(iterator)
            except IOError:
                # the shapefile module has a bug and raises an error when reading, but the data are
                # fine, and we ignore the error
            except StopIteration:

            # Get the identifier
            code = sr.record[index]

            # Transform the points if transformations are given
            points = sr.shape.points
            if projections:
                points = np.transpose(transformer.transform(*np.transpose(points)))

            # Build a set of polygons and their areas
            polygons = []
            for part in np.array_split(points, sr.shape.parts[1:]):
                polygon = geometry.Polygon(part)
                polygons.append((polygon.area, polygon))

            # Transpose to get a tuple (areas, polygons)
            boundaries[code] = list(zip(*polygons))
            assert len(boundaries[code]) == 2, "expected 2 items for %s but got %d" % \
                (code, len(boundaries[code]))

    # Check we loaded the correct number of boundaries
    assert len(boundaries) == shapefile.numRecords, "did not load the correct number of records"
    logging.info('loaded %d boundaries from %s', len(boundaries), filename)
    return boundaries