def merge_shapes( inputfile, outputfile=None, overwrite=False, verbose=True, vverbose=False, ): """ Merges all the shapes in a shapefile into a single shape. """ if outputfile is None: output = '{}/merged'.format(os.getcwd()) if os.path.isfile(outputfile + '.shp') and not overwrite: if verbose: print('combined watershed shapefile {} exists'.format(outputfile)) return if verbose: print('combining shapes from {}\n'.format(inputfile) + 'this may take a while...\n') # start by copying the projection files shutil.copy(inputfile + '.prj', outputfile + '.prj') # load the catchment and flowline shapefiles r = Reader(inputfile, shapeType=5) try: combined = combine_shapes(r.shapes(), verbose=vverbose) except: print('error: unable to combine shapes') raise # create the new file with the merged shapes w = Writer(outputfile, shapeType=5) w.poly(shapeType=5, parts=[combined]) # copy the fields from the original and then the first record; note this # can be adapted as needed for field in r.fields: w.field(*field) w.record(*r.record(0)) w.close() if verbose: its = inputfile, outputfile print('successfully combined shapes from {} to {}\n'.format(*its))
def clip_value(in_file, ot_dir, min_height, max_height): """ オンライン学習4 ベクタデータのフィルタリング 浸水・土砂崩れベクタデータをGISデータの属性値(値)を使用してフィルタリングするプログラムを実行します。 関数 : clip_value 引数1 : 浸水・土砂崩れベクタデータ(*.shp) 引数2 : 出力ディレクトリ名 引数3 : 出力対象となる値の最小値 引数4 : 出力対象となる値の最大値 """ # Get actual file path in_file = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, in_file) ot_dir = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, ot_dir) makedirs(ot_dir, exist_ok=True) ot_file = path.join( ot_dir, "{0}v.tif".format(path.splitext(path.basename(in_file))[0])) reader = ShpReader(in_file, encoding='cp932') writer = ShpWriter(ot_file, encoding='cp932') # Create DBF schema height_col_id = None for i, col in enumerate( (col for col in reader.fields if col[0] != "DeletionFlag")): if col[0] != "DeletionFlag": writer.field(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]) if col[0] == "height": height_col_id = i if height_col_id is None: print("height column not found in polygon shapefile") return # Filtering n_mesh = reader.numRecords cnt_mesh = 0 for data in reader.iterShapeRecords(): height = data.record[height_col_id] if (height is not None) and (min_height <= height <= max_height): # This polygon is output target. writer.shape(data.shape) writer.record(*data.record) cnt_mesh = cnt_mesh + 1 if cnt_mesh % 100000 == 0: print("{0}K / {1}K".format(cnt_mesh / 1000, n_mesh / 1000)) writer.close()
def clip_shape(in_mesh, in_mask, ot_dir, flg_mask): """ オンライン学習4 ベクタデータのフィルタリング 浸水・土砂崩れベクタデータをGISデータの形状を利用してフィルタリングします。 関数 : clip_shape 引数1 : 浸水・土砂崩れベクタデータ(*.shp) 引数2 : GISデータ(*.shp) 引数3 : 出力ディレクトリ名 引数4 : 出力フラグ(True:GISデータと重なる部分を出力、False:GISデータと重ならない部分を出力) """ # Get actual file path in_mesh = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, in_mesh) in_mask = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, in_mask) ot_dir = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, ot_dir) makedirs(ot_dir, exist_ok=True) ot_file = path.join(ot_dir, "{0}s.tif".format(path.splitext(path.basename(in_mesh))[0])) reader_mesh = ShpReader(in_mesh, encoding='cp932') reader_mask = ShpReader(in_mask, encoding='cp932') writer = ShpWriter(ot_file, encoding='cp932') # Create DBF schema for col in reader_mesh.fields: if col[0] != "DeletionFlag": writer.field(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]) # Create set of mask polygon maskdata = [] for data in reader_mask.iterShapes(): points = data.points points_split = list( + [len(points)] poly_list = [] for i in range(len(points_split) - 1): points_part = points[points_split[i]:points_split[i + 1]] poly_list.append(Polygon(points_part)) # Use as mask polygon only when all key conditions are satisfied. # Memorize shape and bbox of polygon. x_range = min(points, key=lambda x: x[0])[0], max(points, key=lambda x: x[0])[0] y_range = min(points, key=lambda x: x[1])[1], max(points, key=lambda x: x[1])[1] maskdata.append((x_range, y_range, poly_list)) # Filtering n_mesh = reader_mesh.numRecords cnt_mesh = 0 for data in reader_mesh.iterShapeRecords(): center = Polygon(data.shape.points).centroid x = center.x y = center.y masked = False for x_range, y_range, mask_polys in maskdata: # Primary screening by mask polygon bbox. if x < x_range[0] or x > x_range[1] or y < y_range[0] or y > y_range[1]: continue mask_count = sum(poly.contains(center) for poly in mask_polys) if mask_count % 2 == 1: masked = True break if masked == flg_mask: # This polygon is output target. writer.shape(data.shape) writer.record(*data.record) cnt_mesh = cnt_mesh + 1 if cnt_mesh % 100000 == 0: print("{0}K / {1}K".format(cnt_mesh/1000, n_mesh/1000)) writer.close()
def add_height_vector(in_polys, in_hpoint, dst_fn): """ オンライン学習3 被害領域の抽出、ラスタベクタ変換 メッシュデータに標高値を付与します。 関数 : add_height_vector 引数1 : 入力メッシュデータ名(.tif) 引数2 : 数値標高モデル名(.shp) 引数3 : 出力ファイル名(.shp) """ # Read DEM data print("loading DEM data ...") dem = GridData() dem_reader = ShpReader(in_hpoint, encoding='cp932') n_p = dem_reader.numRecords cnt_p = 0 for data in dem_reader.iterShapeRecords(): point = Point(data.shape.points[0]) p_val = data.record dem.add_data(point.x, point.y, p_val) cnt_p = cnt_p + 1 if cnt_p % 100000 == 0: print("{0}K / {1}K".format(cnt_p/1000, n_p/1000)) print("loaded DEM data .") print() # Process each polygon shapefile for in_poly in in_polys: print("processing {0} ...".format(in_poly)) poly_reader = ShpReader(in_poly) poly_writer = ShpWriter(target=dst_fn) # Create DBF schema for col in poly_reader.fields: if col[0] != "DeletionFlag": poly_writer.field(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]) poly_writer.field("height", "N", 18, 9) # Attach elevation value n_poly = poly_reader.numRecords cnt_poly = 0 for data in poly_reader.iterShapeRecords(): center = Polygon(data.shape.points).centroid key_x = dem.search_nearest_x(center.coords[0][0]) key_y = dem.search_nearest_y(center.coords[0][1]) dem_record = dem.get_data(key_x, key_y) if dem_record: # Nearest grid point has elevation value record = data.record + dem_record else: # Nearest grid point doesn't have elevation value record = data.record + [None] poly_writer.shape(data.shape) poly_writer.record(*record) cnt_poly = cnt_poly + 1 if cnt_poly % 100000 == 0: print("{0}K / {1}K".format(cnt_poly/1000, n_poly/1000)) poly_writer.close() print("processed {0} .".format(in_poly)) print()
def extract_bbox(self, bbox, output, verbose=True): """Extracts the NID dam locations for a watershed from the dam shapefile and the 8-digit hydrologic unit code of interest. """ self.download_compressed() xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox # copy the projection files if verbose: print('copying the projections from the NID source\n') projection = self.source + '.prj' shutil.copy(projection, output + '.prj') # get the dams within the watershed if verbose: print('reading the dam file\n') sf = Reader(self.source, shapeType=1) # work around for issues with pyshp damrecords = [] for i in range(len(sf.shapes())): try: damrecords.append(sf.record(i)) except: damrecords.append([-100 for i in range(len(sf.fields))]) name_index = sf.fields.index(['DAM_NAME', 'C', 65, 0]) - 1 nid_index = sf.fields.index(['NIDID', 'C', 7, 0]) - 1 long_index = sf.fields.index(['LONGITUDE', 'N', 19, 11]) - 1 lat_index = sf.fields.index(['LATITUDE', 'N', 19, 11]) - 1 river_index = sf.fields.index(['RIVER', 'C', 65, 0]) - 1 owner_index = sf.fields.index(['OWN_NAME', 'C', 65, 0]) - 1 type_index = sf.fields.index(['DAM_TYPE', 'C', 10, 0]) - 1 purp_index = sf.fields.index(['PURPOSES', 'C', 254, 0]) - 1 year_index = sf.fields.index(['YR_COMPL', 'C', 10, 0]) - 1 high_index = sf.fields.index(['NID_HEIGHT', 'N', 19, 11]) - 1 mstor_index = sf.fields.index(['MAX_STOR', 'N', 19, 11]) - 1 nstor_index = sf.fields.index(['NORMAL_STO', 'N', 19, 11]) - 1 area_index = sf.fields.index(['SURF_AREA', 'N', 19, 11]) - 1 # iterate through the fields and determine which points are in the box if verbose: print('extracting dams into new file\n') dam_indices = [] i = 0 for record in damrecords: lat = record[lat_index] lon = record[long_index] if self.inside_box([xmin, ymin], [xmax, ymax], [lon, lat]): dam_indices.append(i) i += 1 # write the data from the bbox to a new shapefile w = Writer(output, shapeType=1) for field in sf.fields: w.field(*field) for i in dam_indices: point = sf.shape(i).points[0] w.point(*point) values = damrecords[i] rs = [] for value in values: if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode('utf-8') rs.append(value) w.record(*rs) w.close() if verbose: print('successfully extracted NID dam locations to new file\n')
def extract_HUC8( self, HUC8, output, gagefile='gagestations', verbose=True, ): """ Extracts the USGS gage stations for a watershed from the gage station shapefile into a shapefile for the 8-digit hydrologic unit code of interest. """ # make sure the metadata exist locally self.download_metadata() # make sure the output destination exists if not os.path.isdir(output): os.mkdir(output) sfile = '{}/{}'.format(output, gagefile) if not os.path.isfile(sfile + '.shp'): # copy the projection shutil.copy(self.NWIS + '.prj', sfile + '.prj') # read the file gagereader = Reader(self.NWIS, shapeType=1) gagerecords = gagereader.records() # pull out the HUC8 record to parse the dataset HUC8_index = gagereader.fields.index(['HUC', 'C', 8, 0]) - 1 # iterate through the field and find gages in the watershed its = HUC8, sfile print('extracting gage stations in {} to {}\n'.format(*its)) gage_indices = [] i = 0 for record in gagerecords: if record[HUC8_index] == HUC8: gage_indices.append(i) i += 1 # write the data from the HUC8 to a new shapefile w = Writer(sfile, shapeType=1) for field in gagereader.fields: w.field(*field) for i in gage_indices: point = gagereader.shape(i).points[0] w.point(*point) w.record(*gagerecords[i]) w.close() if verbose: print('successfully extracted NWIS gage stations\n') elif verbose: print('gage station file {} exists\n'.format(sfile)) self.set_metadata(sfile)
def extract_aquifers(directory, HUC8, aquifers, pad=0.2, verbose=True): """Extracts aquifers from the source datafile to the destination using the HUC8 boundaries for the query.""" start = time.time() # open up the HUC8 boundary shapefile and use it to get the bounding box shapefile = Reader(directory + '/%s/%scatchments' % (HUC8, HUC8)) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = get_boundaries(shapefile.shapes()) # convert to bounding corners for testing p1 = [xmin - pad * (xmax - xmin), ymin - pad * (ymax - ymin)] p2 = [xmax + pad * (xmax - xmin), ymax + pad * (ymax - ymin)] shapefile = None # start by copying the projection files if verbose: print('\ncopying the projections\n') shutil.copy(directory + '/%s/%scatchments.prj' % (HUC8, HUC8), directory + '/%s/%saquifers.prj' % (HUC8, HUC8)) # open the flowline file if verbose: print('reading the aquifer file\n') shapefile = Reader(aquifers, shapeType=5) # work around for issues with pyshp records = [] for i in range(len(shapefile.shapes())): try: records.append(shapefile.record(i)) except: records.append('') # use the bounding boxes to see if the shapes are within the watershed area if verbose: print('searching for aquifers in the watershed\n') bboxes = [shapefile.shape(i).bbox for i in range(len(records))] corners = [[[b[0], b[1]], [b[0], b[3]], [b[2], b[1]], [b[2], b[3]]] for b in bboxes] indices = [ i for i, c in zip(range(len(corners)), corners) if any([inside_box(p1, p2, p) for p in c]) or all([inside_box(c[0], c[3], p1), inside_box(c[0], c[3], p2)]) ] # remove any non aquifers indices = [i for i in indices if shapefile.record(i)[4] != 999] # find a record for the non aquifer i = 0 while shapefile.record(i)[4] != 999: i += 1 nonrecord = shapefile.record(i) nonrecord[1] = nonrecord[1].decode('utf-8') nonrecord[5] = 0 nonrecord[6] = 0 if len(indices) == 0: if verbose: print('query returned no values, returning\n') return # write the data from the HUC8 to a new shapefile w = Writer(directory + '/%s/%saquifers' % (HUC8, HUC8), shapeType=5) for field in shapefile.fields: w.field(*field) for i in indices: shape = shapefile.shape(i) # check for multiple parts if len( > 1: parts = [ shape.points[i:j] for i, j in zip([:-1],[1:]) ] else: parts = [shape.points] record = records[i] # little work around for blank binary values if isinstance(record[1], bytes): record[1] = record[1].decode('utf-8') w.poly(shapeType=5, parts=parts) w.record(*record) # add a shape for the bounding box showing no aquifer locations part = [p1, [p1[0], p2[1]], p2, [p2[0], p1[1]]] w.poly(shapeType=5, parts=[part]) w.record(*nonrecord) w.close() end = time.time() if verbose: print('successfully queried data in %.2f seconds\n' % (end - start))
def trans_vector(in_file, ot_dir, output_flg, dem_path, flood_flg): """ オンライン学習3 被害領域の抽出、ラスタベクタ変換 二値画像からポリゴンを生成します 関数 : trans_vector 引数1 : 入力ファイル名(.tif) 引数2 : 出力ディレクトリ名 引数3 : 出力フラグ(0:被災領域、1:非被災領域) 引数4 : 数値標高モデル名(.shp) 引数5 : 災害フラグ(True:浸水、False:土砂崩れ) """ # Get destination file name filename = path.splitext(path.basename(in_file))[0] if filename.lower().startswith("sendai"): basename = "Sendai" elif filename.lower().startswith("kumamoto"): basename = "Kumamoto" else: basename = filename # Get actual file path in_file = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, in_file) ot_dir = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, ot_dir) dem_path = path.join(DATA_PATH_BASE, dem_path) makedirs(ot_dir, exist_ok=True) print("creating shapefile ...") # Create shapefile information of output area fn_tmp = path.join(ot_dir, "tmp.shp") writer = ShpWriter(target=fn_tmp, shapeType=POLYGON) writer.field("id", "C", "20", 0) writer.field("type", "C", "10", 0) writer.field("format", "C", "10", 0) writer.field("dis_tf", "C", "8", 0) writer.field("dis_tt", "C", "8", 0) writer.field("proc", "C", "8", 0) writer.field("pre_dn", "C", "10", 0) writer.field("pre_st", "C", "10", 0) writer.field("post_dn", "C", "10", 0) writer.field("post_st", "C", "10", 0) """ オンライン学習3 被害領域の抽出、ラスタベクタ変換 ポリゴンに付与する属性情報を定義するプログラムを実行します 関数 : get_flood_record 関数 : get_land_slide_record """ if flood_flg: # flood processing record = get_flood_record() else: # landslide processing record = get_land_slide_record() # Read binary image and get coordinate information bin = imread(in_file) rect_tiff = RectGeoTiffCoordinateCalculator(in_file) # Create rectangle polygon of output area and output to shapefile n_shape = bin.shape[0] * bin.shape[1] cnt = 0 for x_index, y_index in itertools.product(range(bin.shape[1]), range(bin.shape[0])): """ オンライン学習3 被害領域の抽出、ラスタベクタ変換 二値画像の各ピクセル四隅座標(緯度、経度)を計算するプログラムを実行します 関数 : create_polygon_points 引数1 : 対象ピクセルのx番号 引数2 : 対象ピクセルのy番号 引数3 : 二値画像の図形情報(ファイル名、画像サイズ等)を持つインスタンス """ points = create_polygon_points(x_index, y_index, rect_tiff) """ オンライン学習3 被害領域の抽出、ラスタベクタ変換 二値画像からメッシュを作成します bin[y_index, x_index] == 255):ピクセル値が255の場合 output_flg == "0":被災領域のメッシュを作成 output_flg == "1":非被災領域のメッシュを作成 """ if (bin[y_index, x_index] == 255) == (output_flg == "0"): # This pixel is output target. writer.poly([points]) writer.record(*record) cnt = cnt + 1 if cnt % 100000 == 0: print("{0}K / {1}K".format(cnt / 1000, n_shape / 1000)) writer.close() print("created shapefile .") if output_flg == "0": fn_out = path.join( ot_dir, "{0}_{1}cbp.shp".format(basename, time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))) else: fn_out = path.join( ot_dir, "{0}_{1}cbpr.shp".format(basename, time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))) # Attach elevation value """ オンライン学習3 被害領域の抽出、ラスタベクタ変換 メッシュデータに標高値を付与するプログラムを実行します 関数 : add_height_vector 引数1 : 入力メッシュデータ名(.tif) 引数2 : 数値標高モデル名(.shp) 引数3 : 出力ファイル名(.shp) """ add_height_vector([fn_tmp], dem_path, fn_out) if not DEV_FLAG: # Delete temporary file. remove("{0}.shp".format(path.splitext(fn_tmp)[0])) remove("{0}.shx".format(path.splitext(fn_tmp)[0])) remove("{0}.dbf".format(path.splitext(fn_tmp)[0]))