コード例 #1
ファイル: hatched.py プロジェクト: mintyPT/hatched
def build_circular_hatch(delta, offset, w, h):
    center_x = w / 2
    center_y = h / 2

    ls = []
    for r in np.arange(offset, math.sqrt(w * w + h * h), delta):
        # make a tiny circle as point in the center
        if r == 0:
            r = 0.001

        # compute a meaningful number of segment adapted to the circle's radius
        n = max(20, r)
        t = np.arange(0, 1, 1 / n)

        # A random phase is useful for circles that end up unmasked. If several such circles
        # start and stop at the same location, a disgraceful pattern will emerge when plotting.
        phase = random.random() * 2 * math.pi

        data = np.array([
            center_x + r * np.cos(t * math.pi * 2 + phase),
            center_y + r * np.sin(t * math.pi * 2 + phase),

    mls = MultiLineString(ls)

    # Crop the circle to the final dimension
    p = Polygon([(0, 0), (w, 0), (w, h), (0, h)])
    return mls.intersection(p)
コード例 #2
ファイル: sketch_hline.py プロジェクト: abey79/sketches
    def draw(self, vsk: vsketch.Vsketch) -> None:

        width = round((vsk.width - 2 * self.margin) / self.base_pitch) * self.base_pitch
        height = round((vsk.height - 2 * self.margin) / self.base_pitch) * self.base_pitch

        mls0 = MultiLineString(
                [(0, y), (width, y)]
                for y in np.arange(0, height + self.base_pitch, self.base_pitch)
        mls1 = MultiLineString(
                [(0, y), (width, y)]
                for y in np.arange(self.base_pitch / 2, height, self.base_pitch)
        mls2 = MultiLineString(
                [(0, y), (width, y)]
                for y in np.arange(self.base_pitch / 4, height, self.base_pitch / 2)

        # build a separation
        yy = np.linspace(0, height, 100)
        xx = np.array([vsk.noise(y * 0.002) for y in yy]) * width / 1.8 + 3 * width / 5 - 200
        p1 = Polygon(list(zip(xx, yy)) + [(width, height), (width, 0)])


        circles = [
            Point(vsk.random(0, width), vsk.random(0, height)).buffer(
                vsk.random(self.min_radius, self.max_radius)
            for _ in range(5)

        all_geom = circles + [p1]
        itrsct = unary_union(
            [a.intersection(b) for a, b in itertools.combinations(all_geom, 2)]
コード例 #3
 def check_intersections(self):
     checks_done = MultiLineString()
     for subpath, elem in self.get_line_strings():
         line = subpath.as_linestring()
         if not line.is_simple:
             # TODO: find location of self-intersection and introduce some
             # tolerance
             # checks_done = checks_done.union(line)
             yield CheckerResult("self-intersection found", elem)
             # continue
         if checks_done.intersects(line):
             intersection = checks_done.intersection(line)
             yield CheckerResult("intersection found", elem, extra={"intersection": intersection})
         checks_done = checks_done.union(line)
コード例 #4
ファイル: precut.py プロジェクト: starshipfactory/precut
 def check_intersections(self):
     checks_done = MultiLineString()
     for subpath, elem in self.get_line_strings():
         line = subpath.as_linestring()
         if not line.is_simple:
             # TODO: find location of self-intersection and introduce some
             # tolerance
             # checks_done = checks_done.union(line)
             yield CheckerResult("self-intersection found", elem)
             # continue
         if checks_done.intersects(line):
             intersection = checks_done.intersection(line)
             yield CheckerResult("intersection found", elem, extra={"intersection": intersection})
         checks_done = checks_done.union(line)
コード例 #5
def generate_star(rect: RectType, line_count: int = 20) -> vp.LineCollection:
    """Generate a set of line from a random point."""

    orig_x = np.random.uniform(rect[0], rect[0] + rect[2])
    orig_y = np.random.uniform(rect[1], rect[1] + rect[3])
    r = math.hypot(rect[2], rect[3])
    angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, num=line_count, endpoint=False)
    phase = np.random.normal(0, math.pi / 4)

    mls = MultiLineString([
          orig_y], [orig_x + r * math.cos(a), orig_y + r * math.sin(a)])
        for a in angles + phase

    return vp.LineCollection(mls.intersection(rect_to_polygon(rect)))
コード例 #6
def get_intersection_points_between_shapes(shape0, shape1):
    """If the two passed shapes intersect in one or more points (a finite number) return all of them, otherwise return an empty list"""

    intersection_points = list()

    # the contour of polygons and multi-polygons is used for the check, to detect boundary intersection points
    if type(shape0) == Polygon:

        shape0 = shape0.exterior

    elif type(shape0) == MultiPolygon:

        shape0 = MultiLineString(shape0.boundary)

    if type(shape1) == Polygon:

        shape1 = shape1.exterior

    elif type(shape1) == MultiPolygon:

        shape1 = MultiLineString(shape1.boundary)

    # non-native shape types use their approximate polygon boundaries
    if type(shape0) == Circle or type(shape0) == Ellipse:

        shape0 = shape0.polygon.exterior

    if type(shape1) == Circle or type(shape1) == Ellipse:

        shape1 = shape1.polygon.exterior

    intersection_result = shape0.intersection(shape1)

    if intersection_result:

        if type(intersection_result) == Point:
                (intersection_result.x, intersection_result.y))

        elif type(intersection_result) == MultiPoint:
            for point in intersection_result:
                intersection_points.append((point.x, point.y))

    return intersection_points
コード例 #7
def _build_circular_hatch(delta: float,
                          offset: float,
                          w: int,
                          h: int,
                          center: Tuple[float, float] = (0.5, 0.5)):
    center_x = w * center[0]
    center_y = h * center[1]

    ls = []
    # If center_x or center_y > 1, ensure the full image is covered with lines
    max_radius = max(math.sqrt(w**2 + h**2),
                     math.sqrt(center_x**2 + center_y**2))

    for r in np.arange(offset, max_radius, delta):
        # make a tiny circle as point in the center
        if r == 0:
            r = 0.001

        # compute a meaningful number of segment adapted to the circle's radius
        n = max(20, r)
        t = np.arange(0, 1, 1 / n)

        # A random phase is useful for circles that end up unmasked. If several such circles
        # start and stop at the same location, a disgraceful pattern will emerge when plotting.
        phase = random.random() * 2 * math.pi

        data = np.array([
            center_x + r * np.cos(t * math.pi * 2 + phase),
            center_y + r * np.sin(t * math.pi * 2 + phase),

    mls = MultiLineString(ls)

    # Crop the circle to the final dimension
    p = Polygon([(0, 0), (w, 0), (w, h), (0, h)])
    return mls.intersection(p)
コード例 #8
ファイル: bug_split.py プロジェクト: abey79/lines
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString, Polygon

mls = MultiLineString([[(0, 1), (5, 1)], [(1, 2), (1, 0)]])
p = Polygon([(0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 1.5), (2, 1.5), (2, 0.5)])
results = mls.intersection(p)

plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
for ls in mls:
plt.plot(*p.boundary.xy, "-.k")
plt.xlim([0, 5])
plt.ylim([0, 2])

plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
for ls in results:
plt.xlim([0, 5])
plt.ylim([0, 2])

コード例 #9
ファイル: sd_carto.py プロジェクト: shibaji7/AMGeO-SD
 def mark_longitudes(self, lon_arr=numpy.arange(-180,180,60), **kwargs):
     mark the longitudes
     Write down the longitudes on the map for labeling!
     we are using this because cartopy doesn't have a 
     label by default for non-rectangular projections!
     This is also trickier compared to latitudes!
     if isinstance(lon_arr, list):
         lon_arr = numpy.array(lon_arr)
         if not isinstance(lon_arr, numpy.ndarray):
             raise TypeError('lat_arr must either be a list or numpy array')
     # get the boundaries
     [x1, y1], [x2, y2] = self.viewLim.get_points()
     bound_lim_arr = []
     right_bound = LineString(([-x1, y1], [x2, y2]))
     top_bound = LineString(([x1, -y1], [x2, y2]))
     bottom_bound = LineString(([x1, y1], [x2, -y2]))
     left_bound = LineString(([x1, y1], [-x2, y2]))
     plot_outline = MultiLineString( [\
                                     ] )
     # get the plot extent, we'll get an intersection
     # to locate the ticks!
     plot_extent = self.get_extent(cartopy.crs.Geodetic())
     line_constructor = lambda t, n, b: numpy.vstack(\
                     (numpy.zeros(n) + t, numpy.linspace(b[2], b[3], n))\
     for t in lon_arr:
         xy = line_constructor(t, 30, plot_extent)
         # print(xy)
         proj_xyz = self.projection.transform_points(\
                         cartopy.crs.PlateCarree(), xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1]\
         xyt = proj_xyz[..., :2]
         ls = LineString(xyt.tolist())
         locs = plot_outline.intersection(ls)
         if not locs:
         # we need to get the alignment right
         # so get the boundary closest to the label
         # and plot it!
         closest_bound =min( [\
                         ] )
         if closest_bound == right_bound.distance(locs):
             ha = 'left'
             va = 'top'
         elif closest_bound == top_bound.distance(locs):
             ha = 'left'
             va = 'bottom'
         elif closest_bound == bottom_bound.distance(locs):
             ha = 'left'
             va = 'top'
             ha = 'right'
             va = 'top'
         if self.coords == "aacgmv2_mlt":
             marker_text = str(int(t/15.))
             marker_text = str(t)
         self.text( locs.bounds[0],locs.bounds[1], marker_text, ha=ha, va=va)
コード例 #10
class EdgesFilter(object):
    def __init__(self, contours=None):

        if contours is not None:

    def set_contours(self, contours):
        # add all contours to a line collection
        contours = [[p[0] for p in cnt] for cnt in contours]
        self._wrinkle_lines = MultiLineString(contours)

    def filter_mesh_by_wrinkles(self, mesh_tri):
        mesh_tri = mesh_tri
        points = self._mesh_tri.points
        simplices = self._mesh_tri.simplices.astype(np.uint32)

        # find unique edges - iterate over all simplices triangle edges
        def _filter_specifc_simplices_edge(cur_simplex_edge_indices,
                                           simplices_mask, points,
            cur_simplex_edge_mask = np.zeros((len(cur_simplex_edge_indices), ),
            for simplex_idx, simplex_edge_idxs in enumerate(
                edge_pts = points[simplex_edge_idxs]
                edge_line = LineString(edge_pts)
                if wrinkle_lines.intersection(edge_line):
                    #print("Found an intersection of simplex_idx: {}, edge_pts: {}".format(simplex_idx, edge_pts))
                    cur_simplex_edge_indices[simplex_idx] = True
                    simplices_mask[simplex_idx] = True
            return cur_simplex_edge_mask

        relevant_edges_indices = []
        simplices_mask = np.zeros((len(simplices), ), dtype=np.bool)
        edges_indices = np.vstack(
            (simplices[:, :2]
             [~_filter_specifc_simplices_edge(simplices[:, :2], simplices_mask,
                                              points, self._wrinkle_lines)],
             simplices[:, 1:][~_filter_specifc_simplices_edge(
                           1:], simplices_mask, points, self._wrinkle_lines)],
             simplices[:, [0, 2]][~_filter_specifc_simplices_edge(
                 simplices[:, [0, 2]], simplices_mask, points, self.
        edges_indices = np.vstack(
             for row in edges_indices}).astype(np.uint32)

        return edges_indices, simplices[~simplices_mask], ~simplices_mask

    def filter_edges_by_wrinkles(self, edges_pts):
        Returns a mask where indices corresponding to edges that cross wrinkles are True

        edges_mask = np.zeros((len(edges_pts), ), dtype=np.bool)

        # iterate over all edges, and for each edge find if it crosses the wrinkle_lines
        for edge_idx, edge_pts in enumerate(edges_pts):
            edge_line = LineString(edge_pts)
            if self._wrinkle_lines.intersection(edge_line):
                #print("Found an intersection of edge_idx: {}, edge_pts: {}".format(edge_idx, edge_pts))
                edges_mask[edge_idx] = True

        return edges_mask

    def get_min_lengths(self, pts):
        min_lengths = [Point(pt).distance(self._wrinkle_lines) for pt in pts]
        return min_lengths
コード例 #11
    def _salvar_nos_rastreados(self, vertices: np.ndarray):
        """Salva os nós rastreados pelo layer 'rastreador_nos{i}'"""
        linhas_layers = self._dicionario_linhas_dxf()
        pontos_layers = self._dicionario_pontos_dxf()
        dmed = self.diametro_medio_elementos(self.poligono_estrutura())

        # Nós rastreados
        nos_rastreados = {}
        # KDTree
        kd = KDTree(vertices)

        multipontos = MultiPoint(vertices)

        nome_arq_txt = ARQUIVOS_DADOS_ZIP[16]

        if any(
                for i in linhas_layers):
            for layer_rastreado in linhas_layers:
                if layer_rastreado.startswith(Malha.LAYER_RASTREADOR_NOS):
                    linhas = []
                    nos_rastreados[layer_rastreado] = []

                    for lin in linhas_layers[layer_rastreado]:
                        x1, y1, x2, y2 = lin
                        linhas.append(LineString([(x1, y1), (x2, y2)]))
                    multiline_i = MultiLineString(linhas)

                    # Identificar pontos
                    multiline_i = multiline_i.buffer(0.1 * dmed)
                    pontos_contorno = multiline_i.intersection(multipontos)

                    # Adicionando os nós rastreados pelas linhas
                    if not isinstance(pontos_contorno, Point):
                        if len(pontos_contorno) > 0:
                            for p in pontos_contorno:

                    # Adicionando os nós rastreados pelos pontos.
                    pts = pontos_layers[layer_rastreado]
                    for id_pt in range(pts.shape[0]):

            # Salvar a identificação do ponto no arquivo
            with open(nome_arq_txt, 'w') as arq:
                for lay in nos_rastreados:
                    if (len(nos_rastreados[lay])) > 0:
                            f'{lay} = {sorted(set(nos_rastreados[lay]))}\n')

            # Salvar no arquivo zip
            with zipfile.ZipFile(self.dados.arquivo.name,
                                 compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as arq_zip:

            # Apagar o arquivo txt
コード例 #12
ファイル: Shapely.py プロジェクト: mctrinh/METIS
    n_line = len(linepoints)


# Print line list with points
#print 'Lines with points: ', n_line
#for i in range(n_line):
#    print i+1, ' th lines with points : ', linepoints[i]
#print '\n'

# ==================================================
# Make mutilinestring from line list
# ==================================================
multilines = MultiLineString(linepoints)

x = multilines.intersection(multilines)

# Polygonize
result, dangles, cuts, invalids = polygonize_full(x)

result = MultiPolygon(result)
polygon = cascaded_union(result)

# Make mutilinestring from line list
#multilines = MultiLineString(linepoints)

# Polygonize
#result, dangles, cuts, invalids = polygonize_full(multilines)

#result = MultiPolygon(result)
#polygon = cascaded_union(result)
コード例 #13
ファイル: game.py プロジェクト: rayyanshaik2022/Car-Racing-NN
def line_intersect(a: MultiLineString, b: tuple):
    b = LineString(b)
    intersection = a.intersection(b)
    if type(intersection) == Point:
        return intersection.x, intersection.y
    return False
コード例 #14
def MetricSlopes(axis, **kwargs):

    talweg_feature = config.filename('ax_talweg', axis=axis, **kwargs)
    refaxis_feature = config.filename('ax_refaxis', axis=axis)
    elevation_raster = config.filename('dem', **kwargs)
    measure_raster = config.filename('ax_axis_measure', axis=axis, **kwargs)
    swath_raster = config.filename('ax_swaths', axis=axis, **kwargs)
    swath_features = config.filename('ax_swath_features', axis=axis, **kwargs)

    all_coordinates = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype='float32')
    z = np.array([])
    m = np.array([])
    swathid = np.array([])

    # Sort talweg segments by first point M coordinate, descending

    talweg_fids = list()
    segments = list()

    with rio.open(measure_raster) as ds:
        with fiona.open(talweg_feature) as fs:
            for feature in fs:

                fid = feature['id']
                firstm = next(
                    ds.sample([feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0][:2]], 1))
                talweg_fids.append((fid, firstm))

    with fiona.open(talweg_feature) as fs:
        for fid, _ in reversed(sorted(talweg_fids, key=itemgetter(1))):

            feature = fs.get(fid)
            coordinates = np.array(feature['geometry']['coordinates'],

            all_coordinates = np.concatenate(
                [all_coordinates, coordinates[:, :2]], axis=0)

            with rio.open(elevation_raster) as ds:

                this_z = np.array(list(ds.sample(coordinates[:, :2], 1)))
                this_z = this_z[:, 0]
                this_z[this_z == ds.nodata] = np.nan

                z = np.concatenate([z, this_z], axis=0)

            with rio.open(measure_raster) as ds:

                this_m = np.array(list(ds.sample(coordinates[:, :2], 1)))
                this_m = this_m[:, 0]

                m = np.concatenate([m, this_m], axis=0)

            with rio.open(swath_raster) as ds:

                this_swathid = np.array(list(ds.sample(coordinates[:, :2], 1)))
                this_swathid = this_swathid[:, 0]
                # swathid[swathid == ds.nodata] = 0

                swathid = np.concatenate([swathid, this_swathid], axis=0)

    measure_raster = config.filename('ax_buffer_profile', axis=axis, **kwargs)

    with fiona.open(refaxis_feature) as fs:

        assert len(fs) == 1

        coord = itemgetter(0, 1)

        for feature in fs:

            refaxis_pixels = list()
            refaxis_m = list()
            m0 = feature['properties'].get('M0', 0.0)

            coordinates = np.array([
                coord(p) + (m0, )
                for p in reversed(feature['geometry']['coordinates'])

            coordinates[1:, 2] = m0 + np.cumsum(
                np.linalg.norm(coordinates[1:, :2] - coordinates[:-1, :2],

            with rio.open(swath_raster) as ds:

                coordinates[:, :2] = fct.worldtopixel(coordinates[:, :2],

                for a, b in zip(coordinates[:-1], coordinates[1:]):
                    for i, j, mcoord in rasterize_linestringz(a, b):
                        refaxis_pixels.append((i, j))

                refaxis_m = np.array(refaxis_m)

                refaxis_coordinates = fct.pixeltoworld(
                    np.array(refaxis_pixels, dtype='int32'), ds.transform)

                refaxis_swathid = np.array(
                    list(ds.sample(refaxis_coordinates, 1)))
                refaxis_swathid = refaxis_swathid[:, 0]

    # s: curvilinear talweg coordinate, from upstream to downstream
    s = np.zeros(len(all_coordinates), dtype='float32')
    s[1:] = np.cumsum(
        np.linalg.norm(all_coordinates[1:, :] - all_coordinates[:-1, :],

    talweg = MultiLineString(segments)

    ref_segments = list()
    ref_segments_vf = list()

    with fiona.open(swath_features) as fs:

        gids = np.zeros(len(fs), dtype='uint32')
        measures = np.zeros(len(fs), dtype='float32')
        values = np.zeros((len(fs), 7), dtype='float32')

        with click.progressbar(fs) as iterator:
            for k, feature in enumerate(iterator):

                gid = feature['properties']['GID']
                polygon = asShape(feature['geometry'])

                gids[k] = gid
                measures[k] = feature['properties']['M']

                talweg_length = talweg.intersection(polygon).length
                values[k, 0] = talweg_length

                mask = (~np.isnan(z)) & (swathid == gid)

                if np.sum(mask) > 0:

                    moffset = m[mask][0]

                    Y = z[mask]
                    X = np.column_stack([
                        s[mask] - s[mask][0],
                     z0_talweg), sqerror_talweg, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(
                         X, Y, rcond=None)

                    if len(sqerror_talweg) == 0:
                        sqerror_talweg = 0.0

                    values[k, 1] = -100.0 * slope_talweg
                    values[k, 2] = z0_talweg
                    values[k, 3] = sqerror_talweg

                    X = np.column_stack([
                        m[mask] - moffset,
                     z0_valley), sqerror_valley, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(
                         X, Y, rcond=None)

                    if len(sqerror_valley) == 0:
                        sqerror_valley = 0

                    # m axis is oriented from downstream to upstream,
                    # and yields positive slopes
                    values[k, 4] = 100.0 * slope_valley
                    values[k, 5] = z0_valley
                    values[k, 6] = sqerror_valley

                    mask_ref = (refaxis_swathid == gid)

                    if np.sum(mask_ref) > 0:

                        refaxis_z = slope_valley * (refaxis_m[mask_ref] -
                                                    moffset) + z0_valley

                                refaxis_coordinates[mask_ref], refaxis_z,

                        swathfile = config.filename('ax_swath_elevation_npz',
                        swathdata = np.load(swathfile, allow_pickle=True)

                        slope_valley_floor = swathdata['slope_valley_floor']
                        z0_valley_floor = swathdata['z0_valley_floor']

                        if np.isnan(slope_valley_floor):

                                    refaxis_coordinates[mask_ref], refaxis_z,


                            refaxis_z_vf = slope_valley_floor * (
                                refaxis_m[mask_ref]) + z0_valley_floor

                                    refaxis_z_vf, refaxis_m[mask_ref]




                    values[k, :] = np.nan

    metrics = xr.Dataset(
            'swath': ('measure', gids),
            'twl': ('measure', values[:, 0]),
            'tws': ('measure', values[:, 1]),
            'twz0': ('measure', values[:, 2]),
            'twse': ('measure', values[:, 3]),
            'vfs': ('measure', values[:, 4]),
            'vfz0': ('measure', values[:, 5]),
            'vfse': ('measure', values[:, 6])
            'axis': axis,
            'measure': measures

    # Metadata

    metrics['twl'].attrs['long_name'] = 'intercepted talweg length'
    metrics['twl'].attrs['units'] = 'm'

    metrics['tws'].attrs['long_name'] = 'talweg slope'
    metrics['tws'].attrs['units'] = 'percent'

        'long_name'] = 'talweg z-offset, at first swath point'
    metrics['twz0'].attrs['units'] = 'm'
    metrics['twz0'].attrs['vertical_ref'] = config.vertical_ref

    metrics['twse'].attrs['long_name'] = 'talweg slope square regression error'
    metrics['twse'].attrs['units'] = 'm²'

    metrics['vfs'].attrs['long_name'] = 'valley slope'
    metrics['vfs'].attrs['units'] = 'percent'

        'long_name'] = 'valley z-offset, at first swath point'
    metrics['vfz0'].attrs['units'] = 'm'
    metrics['vfz0'].attrs['vertical_ref'] = config.vertical_ref

    metrics['vfse'].attrs['long_name'] = 'valley slope square regression error'
    metrics['vfse'].attrs['units'] = 'm²'

    metrics['axis'].attrs['long_name'] = 'stream identifier'
    metrics['swath'].attrs['long_name'] = 'swath identifier'
    metrics['measure'].attrs['long_name'] = 'position along reference axis'
    metrics['measure'].attrs['units'] = 'm'

    return metrics, ref_segments, ref_segments_vf
コード例 #15
def MetricTalwegLength(axis, **kwargs):
    Calculate intercepted talweg and reference axis length
    for every swath

    talweg_feature = config.filename('ax_talweg', axis=axis, **kwargs)
    refaxis_feature = config.filename('ax_refaxis', axis=axis)
    measure_raster = config.tileset().filename('ax_axis_measure', axis=axis, **kwargs)
    swath_features = config.filename('ax_valley_swaths_polygons', axis=axis, **kwargs)

    # Sort talweg segments by first point M coordinate, descending

    talweg_fids = list()
    segments = list()

    with rio.open(measure_raster) as ds:
        with fiona.open(talweg_feature) as fs:
            for feature in fs:

                fid = feature['id']
                firstm = next(ds.sample([feature['geometry']['coordinates'][0][:2]], 1))
                talweg_fids.append((fid, firstm))

    with fiona.open(talweg_feature) as fs:
        for fid, _ in reversed(sorted(talweg_fids, key=itemgetter(1))):

            feature = fs.get(fid)

    with fiona.open(refaxis_feature) as fs:

        # assert len(fs) == 1
        refaxis_segments = list()

        for feature in fs:


    talweg = MultiLineString(segments)
    refaxis = MultiLineString(refaxis_segments)

    with fiona.open(swath_features) as fs:

        size = len(fs)
        gids = np.zeros(size, dtype='uint32')
        measures = np.zeros(size, dtype='float32')
        lengths = np.zeros((size, 2), dtype='float32')

        with click.progressbar(fs) as iterator:
            for k, feature in enumerate(iterator):

                gid = feature['properties']['GID']
                polygon = asShape(feature['geometry'])

                gids[k] = gid
                measures[k] = feature['properties']['M']

                talweg_length = talweg.intersection(polygon).length
                lengths[k, 0] = talweg_length

                refaxis_length = refaxis.intersection(polygon).length
                lengths[k, 1] = refaxis_length

    metrics = xr.Dataset(
            'swath': ('measure', gids),
            'talweg_length': ('measure', lengths[:, 0]),
            'refaxis_length': ('measure', lengths[:, 1]),
            'swath_length': 200.0
            'axis': axis,
            'measure': measures

    # Metadata

    return metrics
コード例 #16
            for poly in result.geoms:
                line = LineString(list(poly.exterior.coords)[:-1])
                if line:

        elif result.geom_type == "Polygon":
            line = LineString(list(result.exterior.coords)[:-1])
            if line:

    parent = MultiLineString(all_lines)
    # sketch.geometry(parent)

    for i in range(N_SLICES):
        box = Polygon([
            (i * W, 0),
            ((i + 1) * W, 0),
            ((i + 1) * W, MAIN_HEIGHT),
            (i * W, MAIN_HEIGHT),
        inter = parent.intersection(box)
        dx = i * W
        dy = i * SLICE_SPACING
        inter = translate(inter, -dx + MARGIN, dy + MARGIN)

sketch.vpype("linemerge linesimplify reloop linesort")