コード例 #1
ファイル: rpn_util.py プロジェクト: toshihiroryuu/faster_rcnn
def _get_all_ious(bbox_coords, conv_rows, conv_cols, anchor_dims, img_width,
                  img_height, stride):
    # not used anymore, might be useful to keep around as a reference
    num_boxes = conv_rows * conv_cols * len(anchor_dims)
    num_gt_boxes = len(bbox_coords)
    result = np.zeros((num_boxes, num_gt_boxes))
    out_of_bounds_idxs = []

    num_boxes = conv_rows * conv_cols * len(anchor_dims)
    for i in range(num_boxes):
        y, x, anchor_idx = _idx_to_conv(i, conv_cols, len(anchor_dims))
        x_center, y_center = _get_conv_center(x, y, stride)
        anchor_height, anchor_width = anchor_dims[anchor_idx]
        anchor_box = Box.from_center_dims_int(x_center, y_center, anchor_width,

        if _out_of_bounds(anchor_box, img_width, img_height):

        for bbox_idx in range(num_gt_boxes):
            iou = calc_iou(bbox_coords[bbox_idx], anchor_box.corners)

            result[i, bbox_idx] = iou

    return result, out_of_bounds_idxs
コード例 #2
ファイル: rpn_util.py プロジェクト: toshihiroryuu/faster_rcnn
    def _process(self, image):
        # internal method, performs the expensive calculations needed to produce training inputs.
        conv_rows, conv_cols = self.calc_conv_dims(image.height, image.width)
        num_anchors = conv_rows * conv_cols * len(self.anchor_dims)
        bbreg_targets = np.zeros((num_anchors, 4), dtype=np.float32)
        can_use = np.zeros(num_anchors, dtype=np.bool)
        is_pos = np.zeros(num_anchors, dtype=np.bool)

        gt_box_coords = get_bbox_coords(image.gt_boxes)

        anchor_coords = _get_all_anchor_coords(conv_rows, conv_cols,
                                               self.anchor_dims, self.stride)
        out_of_bounds_idxs = _get_out_of_bounds_idxs(anchor_coords,
                                                     image.width, image.height)
        all_ious = cross_ious(anchor_coords, gt_box_coords)
        # all_ious, out_of_bounds_idxs = get_all_ious_faster(gt_box_coords, conv_rows, conv_cols, ANCHORS_PER_LOC, image.width, image.height, self.stride)

        max_iou_by_anchor = np.amax(all_ious, axis=1)
        max_idx_by_anchor = np.argmax(all_ious, axis=1)
        max_iou_by_gt_box = np.amax(all_ious, axis=0)
        max_idx_by_gt_box = np.argmax(all_ious, axis=0)

        # anchors with more than 0.7 IOU with a gt box are positives
        pos_box_idxs = np.where(max_iou_by_anchor > POS_OVERLAP)[0]
        # for each gt box, the highest non-zero IOU anchor is a positive
        eligible_idxs = np.where(max_iou_by_gt_box > 0.0)
        more_pos_box_idxs = max_idx_by_gt_box[eligible_idxs]

        total_pos_idxs = np.unique(
            np.concatenate((pos_box_idxs, more_pos_box_idxs)))
        can_use[total_pos_idxs] = 1
        is_pos[total_pos_idxs] = 1

        # don't bother optimizing, profiling showed this loop's runtime is negligible
        for box_idx in total_pos_idxs:
            y, x, anchor_idx = _idx_to_conv(box_idx, conv_cols,
            x_center, y_center = _get_conv_center(x, y, self.stride)
            anchor_height, anchor_width = self.anchor_dims[anchor_idx]
            anchor_box = Box.from_center_dims_int(x_center, y_center,
                                                  anchor_width, anchor_height)
            gt_box_idx = max_idx_by_anchor[box_idx]

            reg_params = get_reg_params(anchor_box.corners,
            bbreg_targets[box_idx, :] = BBREG_MULTIPLIERS * reg_params

        neg_box_idxs = np.where(
            np.logical_and(is_pos == 0, max_iou_by_anchor < NEG_OVERLAP))[0]
        can_use[neg_box_idxs] = 1
        can_use[out_of_bounds_idxs] = 0

        self._cache[image.cache_key] = {
            'can_use': can_use,
            'is_pos': is_pos,
            'bbreg_targets': bbreg_targets