def __init__(self, args, prt, env, dataGen, reward_func, clAttentionActor, clAttentionCritic, is_train=True, _scope=''): ''' This class builds the model and run testt and train. Inputs: args: arguments. See the description in file. prt: print controller which writes logs to a file. env: an instance of the environment. dataGen: a data generator which generates data for test and training. reward_func: the function which is used for computing the reward. In the case of TSP and VRP, it returns the tour length. clAttentionActor: Attention mechanism that is used in actor. clAttentionCritic: Attention mechanism that is used in critic. is_train: if true, the agent is used for training; else, it is used only for inference. ''' self.args = args self.prt = prt self.env = env self.dataGen = dataGen self.reward_func = reward_func self.clAttentionCritic = clAttentionCritic self.embedding = LinearEmbedding(args['embedding_dim'], _scope=_scope+'Actor/') self.decodeStep = RNNDecodeStep(clAttentionActor, args['hidden_dim'], use_tanh=args['use_tanh'], tanh_exploration=args['tanh_exploration'], n_glimpses=args['n_glimpses'], mask_glimpses=args['mask_glimpses'], mask_pointer=args['mask_pointer'], forget_bias=args['forget_bias'], rnn_layers=args['rnn_layers'], _scope='Actor/') self.decoder_input = tf.get_variable('decoder_input', [1,1,args['embedding_dim']], initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()) start_time = time.time() if is_train: self.train_summary = self.build_model(decode_type = "stochastic" ) self.train_step = self.build_train_step() self.val_summary_greedy = self.build_model(decode_type = "greedy" ) self.val_summary_beam = self.build_model(decode_type = "beam_search") model_time = time.time()- start_time self.prt.print_out("It took {}s to build the agent.".format(str(model_time))) self.saver = tf.train.Saver( var_list=tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES))
def __init__(self, args, prt, env, dataGen, reward_func, clAttentionActor, clAttentionCritic, is_train=True, _scope=''): self.args = args self.prt = prt self.env = env self.dataGen = dataGen self.reward_func = reward_func self.clAttentionCritic = clAttentionCritic self.embedding = LinearEmbedding(args['embedding_dim'], _scope=_scope + 'Actor/') self.decodeStep = RNNDecodeStep( clAttentionActor, args['hidden_dim'], use_tanh=args['use_tanh'], tanh_exploration=args['tanh_exploration'], n_glimpses=args['n_glimpses'], mask_glimpses=args['mask_glimpses'], mask_pointer=args['mask_pointer'], forget_bias=args['forget_bias'], rnn_layers=args['rnn_layers'], _scope='Actor/') self.decoder_input = tf.get_variable( 'decoder_input', [1, 1, args['embedding_dim']], initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()) if is_train: self.train_summary = self.build_model(decode_type="stochastic") self.train_step = self.build_train_step() self.val_summary_greedy = self.build_model(decode_type="greedy") self.val_summary_beam = self.build_model(decode_type="beam_search")
class RLAgent(object): def __init__(self, args, prt, env, dataGen, reward_func, clAttentionActor, clAttentionCritic, is_train=True, _scope=''): ''' This class builds the model and run testt and train. Inputs: args: arguments. See the description in file. prt: print controller which writes logs to a file. env: an instance of the environment. dataGen: a data generator which generates data for test and training. reward_func: the function which is used for computing the reward. It returns the tour length. clAttentionActor: Attention mechanism that is used in actor. clAttentionCritic: Attention mechanism that is used in critic. is_train: if true, the agent is used for training; else, it is used only for inference. ''' self.args = args self.prt = prt self.env = env self.dataGen = dataGen self.reward_func = reward_func self.clAttentionCritic = clAttentionCritic if args['embedding_graph'] == 2: self.embedder_model = FullGraphEmbedding(args['embedding_dim'], args) else: self.embedder_model = LinearEmbedding(args['embedding_dim'], _scope=_scope + 'Actor/') if args['embedding_graph'] == 1: data_test = self.dataGen.get_test_all() self.embedder_graph = GraphEmbedding(args, data_test) self.decodeStep = RNNDecodeStep( clAttentionActor, args['hidden_dim'], use_tanh=args['use_tanh'], tanh_exploration=args['tanh_exploration'], n_glimpses=args['n_glimpses'], mask_glimpses=args['mask_glimpses'], mask_pointer=args['mask_pointer'], forget_bias=args['forget_bias'], rnn_layers=args['rnn_layers'], _scope='Actor/') self.decoder_input = tf.get_variable( 'decoder_input', [1, 1, args['embedding_dim']], initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()) start_time = time.time() if is_train: self.train_summary = self.build_model(decode_type="stochastic") self.train_step = self.build_train_step() self.val_summary_greedy = self.build_model(decode_type="greedy") self.val_summary_beam = self.build_model(decode_type="beam_search") model_time = time.time() - start_time self.prt.print_out("It took {}s to build the agent.".format( str(model_time))) self.saver = tf.train.Saver( var_list=tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES)) self.out_avg_resul = open(args['log_dir'] + "/avg_inference.txt", "w") def build_model(self, decode_type="greedy"): # builds the model args = self.args env = self.env batch_size = tf.shape(env.input_pnt)[0] # input_pnt: [batch_size x max_time x dim_task] input_pnt = env.input_pnt # encoder_emb_inp: [batch_size, max_time, embedding_dim] if self.args['embedding_graph'] == 0: encoder_emb_inp = self.embedder_model(input_pnt) elif self.args['embedding_graph'] == 1: encoder_emb_inp = self.env.embeded_data else: encoder_emb_inp = self.embedder_model(env.input_data_norm) if decode_type == 'greedy' or decode_type == 'stochastic': beam_width = 1 elif decode_type == 'beam_search': beam_width = args['beam_width'] else: assert False # reset the env. The environment is modified to handle beam_search decoding. env.reset(beam_width) BatchSequence = tf.expand_dims( tf.cast(tf.range(batch_size * beam_width), tf.int64), 1) # create tensors and lists actions_tmp = [] logprobs = [] probs = [] idxs = [] # start from depot idx = (env.n_nodes - 1) * tf.ones([batch_size * beam_width, 1]) action = tf.tile(input_pnt[:, env.n_nodes - 1], [beam_width, 1]) # decoder_state initial_state = tf.zeros([ args['rnn_layers'], 2, batch_size * beam_width, args['hidden_dim'] ]) l = tf.unstack(initial_state, axis=0) decoder_state = tuple([ tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple(l[idx][0], l[idx][1]) for idx in range(args['rnn_layers']) ]) # start from depot in VRP # decoder_input: [batch_size*beam_width x 1 x hidden_dim] decoder_input = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(encoder_emb_inp[:, env.n_nodes - 1], 1), [beam_width, 1, 1]) # decoding loop context = tf.tile(encoder_emb_inp, [beam_width, 1, 1]) for i in range(args['decode_len']): logit, prob, logprob, decoder_state = self.decodeStep.step( decoder_input, context, env, decoder_state) # idx: [batch_size*beam_width x 1] beam_parent = None if decode_type == 'greedy': idx = tf.expand_dims(tf.argmax(prob, 1), 1) elif decode_type == 'stochastic': # select stochastic actions. idx has shape [batch_size x 1] # tf.multinomial sometimes gives numerical errors, so we use our multinomial :( def my_multinomial(): prob_idx = tf.stop_gradient(prob) prob_idx_cum = tf.cumsum(prob_idx, 1) rand_uni = tf.tile(tf.random_uniform([batch_size, 1]), [1, env.n_nodes]) # sorted_ind : [[0,1,2,3..],[0,1,2,3..] , ] sorted_ind = tf.cast( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(env.n_nodes), 0), [batch_size, 1]), tf.int64) tmp = tf.multiply(tf.cast(tf.greater(prob_idx_cum,rand_uni),tf.int64), sorted_ind)+\ 10000*tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(rand_uni,prob_idx_cum),tf.int64) idx = tf.expand_dims(tf.argmin(tmp, 1), 1) return tmp, idx tmp, idx = my_multinomial() # check validity of tmp -> True or False -- True mean take a new sample tmp_check = tf.cast( tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.greater(tf.reduce_sum(tmp, 1), (10000 * env.n_nodes) - 1), tf.int32)), tf.bool) tmp, idx = tf.cond(tmp_check, my_multinomial, lambda: (tmp, idx)) elif decode_type == 'beam_search': if i == 0: # BatchBeamSeq: [batch_size*beam_width x 1] # [0,1,2,3,...,127,0,1,...], batchBeamSeq = tf.expand_dims( tf.tile(tf.cast(tf.range(batch_size), tf.int64), [beam_width]), 1) beam_path = [] log_beam_probs = [] # in the initial decoder step, we want to choose beam_width different branches # log_beam_prob: [batch_size, sourceL] log_beam_prob = tf.log( tf.split(prob, num_or_size_splits=beam_width, axis=0)[0]) elif i > 0: log_beam_prob = tf.log(prob) + log_beam_probs[-1] # log_beam_prob:[batch_size, beam_width*sourceL] log_beam_prob = tf.concat( tf.split(log_beam_prob, num_or_size_splits=beam_width, axis=0), 1) # topk_prob_val,topk_logprob_ind: [batch_size, beam_width] topk_logprob_val, topk_logprob_ind = tf.nn.top_k( log_beam_prob, beam_width) # topk_logprob_val , topk_logprob_ind: [batch_size*beam_width x 1] topk_logprob_val = tf.transpose( tf.reshape(tf.transpose(topk_logprob_val), [1, -1])) topk_logprob_ind = tf.transpose( tf.reshape(tf.transpose(topk_logprob_ind), [1, -1])) #idx,beam_parent: [batch_size*beam_width x 1] idx = tf.cast(topk_logprob_ind % env.n_nodes, tf.int64) # Which city in route. beam_parent = tf.cast( topk_logprob_ind // env.n_nodes, tf.int64) # Which hypothesis it came from. # batchedBeamIdx:[batch_size*beam_width] batchedBeamIdx = batchBeamSeq + tf.cast(batch_size, tf.int64) * beam_parent prob = tf.gather_nd(prob, batchedBeamIdx) beam_path.append(beam_parent) log_beam_probs.append(topk_logprob_val) state = env.step(idx, beam_parent) batched_idx = tf.concat([BatchSequence, idx], 1) decoder_input = tf.expand_dims( tf.gather_nd(tf.tile(encoder_emb_inp, [beam_width, 1, 1]), batched_idx), 1) logprob = tf.log(tf.gather_nd(prob, batched_idx)) probs.append(prob) idxs.append(idx) logprobs.append(logprob) action = tf.gather_nd(tf.tile(input_pnt, [beam_width, 1, 1]), batched_idx) actions_tmp.append(action) if decode_type == 'beam_search': # find paths of the beam search tmplst = [] tmpind = [BatchSequence] for k in reversed(range(len(actions_tmp))): tmplst = [tf.gather_nd(actions_tmp[k], tmpind[-1])] + tmplst tmpind += [ tf.gather_nd( (batchBeamSeq + tf.cast(batch_size, tf.int64) * beam_path[k]), tmpind[-1]) ] actions = tmplst else: actions = actions_tmp if self.args['min_trucks']: tile_input_pt = tf.tile(input_pnt[:, env.n_nodes - 1, :], [beam_width, 1]) R = self.reward_func(actions, args['decode_len'], self.args['n_nodes'] - 1, tile_input_pt) else: R = self.reward_func(actions) ### critic v = tf.constant(0) if decode_type == 'stochastic': with tf.variable_scope("Critic"): with tf.variable_scope("Encoder"): # init states initial_state = tf.zeros([ args['rnn_layers'], 2, batch_size, args['hidden_dim'] ]) l = tf.unstack(initial_state, axis=0) rnn_tuple_state = tuple([ tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple( l[idx][0], l[idx][1]) # index + corresponds to coord for idx in range(args['rnn_layers']) ]) hy = rnn_tuple_state[0][1] with tf.variable_scope("Process"): for i in range(args['n_process_blocks']): process = self.clAttentionCritic(args['hidden_dim'], _name="P" + str(i)) e, logit = process(hy, encoder_emb_inp, env) prob = tf.nn.softmax(logit) # hy : [batch_size x 1 x sourceL] * [batch_size x sourceL x hidden_dim] -> #[batch_size x h_dim ] hy = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(prob, 1), e), 1) with tf.variable_scope("Linear"): v = tf.squeeze(tf.layers.dense(tf.layers.dense(hy,args['hidden_dim']\ ,tf.nn.relu,name='L1'),1,name='L2'),1) return (R, v, logprobs, actions, idxs, env.input_pnt, probs) def build_train_step(self): ''' This function returns a train_step op, in which by running it we proceed one training step. ''' args = self.args R, v, logprobs, actions, idxs, batch, probs = self.train_summary v_nograd = tf.stop_gradient(v) R = tf.stop_gradient(R) # losses actor_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.multiply((R - v_nograd), tf.add_n(logprobs)), 0) # compute mean over the zero axis critic_loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(R, v) # optimizers actor_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(args['actor_net_lr']) critic_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(args['critic_net_lr']) # compute gradients actor_gra_and_var = actor_optim.compute_gradients(actor_loss,\ tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='Actor')) critic_gra_and_var = critic_optim.compute_gradients(critic_loss,\ tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='Critic')) # clip gradients clip_actor_gra_and_var = [(tf.clip_by_norm(grad, args['max_grad_norm']), var) \ for grad, var in actor_gra_and_var] clip_critic_gra_and_var = [(tf.clip_by_norm(grad, args['max_grad_norm']), var) \ for grad, var in critic_gra_and_var] # apply gradients actor_train_step = actor_optim.apply_gradients(clip_actor_gra_and_var) critic_train_step = critic_optim.apply_gradients( clip_critic_gra_and_var) train_step = [ actor_train_step, critic_train_step, actor_loss, critic_loss, actor_gra_and_var, critic_gra_and_var, R, v, logprobs, probs, actions, idxs ] return train_step def Initialize(self, sess): self.sess = sess self.load_model() def load_model(self): latest_ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.args['load_path']) if latest_ckpt is not None: print("have load model") self.saver.restore(self.sess, latest_ckpt) def evaluate_single(self, eval_type='greedy'): start_time = time.time() avg_reward = [] all_output = [] if eval_type == 'greedy': summary = self.val_summary_greedy elif eval_type == 'beam_search': summary = self.val_summary_beam self.dataGen.reset() for step in range(self.dataGen.n_problems): data = self.dataGen.get_test_next() input_concat = np.concatenate(data) norm_by_feature = np.reshape(np.transpose(input_concat), (self.args['input_dim'], -1)) norm_by_feature = normalize(norm_by_feature, axis=1) data_norm = np.reshape( np.transpose(norm_by_feature), (data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.shape[2])) if self.args['embedding_graph'] == 0: dict_to_feed = { self.env.input_data: data, self.env.input_data_norm: data_norm, self.env.embeded_data: np.zeros(shape=(self.args['batch_size'], self.args['n_nodes'], self.args['embedding_dim'])), self.decodeStep.dropout: 0.0 } elif self.args['embedding_graph'] == 1: dict_to_feed = { self.env.input_data: data, self.env.input_data_norm: data_norm, self.env.embeded_data: self.embedder_model(data), self.decodeStep.dropout: 0.0 } else: dict_to_feed = { self.env.input_data: data, self.env.input_data_norm: data_norm, self.env.embeded_data: np.zeros(shape=(self.args['batch_size'], self.args['n_nodes'], self.args['embedding_dim'])), self.embedder_model.drop_out: 1.0, self.decodeStep.dropout: 0.0 } R, v, logprobs, actions, idxs, batch, _ = summary, feed_dict=dict_to_feed) if eval_type == 'greedy': avg_reward.append(R) R_ind0 = 0 elif eval_type == 'beam_search': # R : [batch_size x beam_width] R = np.concatenate( np.split(np.expand_dims(R, 1), self.args['beam_width'], axis=0), 1) R_val = np.amin(R, 1, keepdims=False) R_ind0 = np.argmin(R, 1)[0] avg_reward.append(R_val) # print decode in file data example_output = [list(batch[0, self.env.n_nodes - 1, :]) ] # we begin by the depot for idx, action in enumerate(actions): example_output.append(list(action[R_ind0 * np.shape(batch)[0]])) all_output.append(example_output) # sample decode if step % int(self.args['log_interval']) == 0: example_output = [] example_input = [] for i in range(self.env.n_nodes): example_input.append(list(batch[0, i, :])) for idx, action in enumerate(actions): example_output.append( list(action[R_ind0 * np.shape(batch)[0]])) self.prt.print_out('\n\nVal-Step of {}: {}'.format( eval_type, step)) self.prt.print_out( '\nExample test input: {}'.format(example_input)) self.prt.print_out( '\nExample test output: {}'.format(example_output)) self.prt.print_out( '\nExample test reward: {} - best: {}'.format( R[0], R_ind0)) end_time = time.time() - start_time # Finished going through the iterator dataset. self.prt.print_out('\nValidation overall avg_reward: {}'.format( np.mean(avg_reward))) self.prt.print_out('Validation overall reward std: {}'.format( np.sqrt(np.var(avg_reward)))) self.prt.print_out("Finished evaluation with %d steps in %s." % (step\ ,time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(end_time)))) # Ouputting the results self._output_results(all_output, eval_type) def _output_results(self, all_ouput, eval_type): """ Output the deconding results obtained after a single inference :param all_ouput: list of routes, in order :param eval_type: the type (greedy or beam_search) """ # create directory dir_name = os.path.join(self.args['log_dir'], 'results') if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name) task = self.args['task_name'] # build task name and datafiles if self.args['ups']: task_name = '{}-ups-size-{}-len-{}-results-{}.txt'.format( task, self.args['test_size'], self.env.n_nodes, eval_type) else: task_name = '{}-size-{}-len-{}-results-{}.txt'.format( task, self.args['test_size'], self.env.n_nodes, eval_type) fname = os.path.join(self.args['log_dir'], 'results', task_name) input_file = open(fname, 'w') for output in all_ouput: depot_x = output[0][0] depot_y = output[0][1] nb_stop = 0 for node in output: if task == 'vrp': input_file.write(str(node[0]) + " " + str(node[1]) + " ") elif task == 'vrptw': input_file.write( str(node[0]) + " " + str(node[1]) + " " + str(node[2]) + " " + str(node[3]) + " ") else: assert False # check if depot or stop if abs(depot_x - node[0]) >= 0.001 or abs(depot_y - node[1]) >= 0.001: nb_stop += 1 if nb_stop == self.env.n_nodes - 1: # we have found all the stops so write depot again and break if task == 'vrp': input_file.write(str(depot_x) + " " + str(depot_y)) elif task == 'vrptw': depot_b_tw = output[0][2] depot_e_tw = output[0][3] input_file.write( str(depot_x) + " " + str(depot_y) + " " + str(depot_b_tw) + " " + str(depot_e_tw)) break input_file.write("\n") input_file.close() # copy the input file if self.args['ups']: copy_name = '{}-ups-size-{}-len-{}-test.txt'.format( task, self.args['test_size'], self.env.n_nodes) else: copy_name = '{}-size-{}-len-{}-test.txt'.format( task, self.args['test_size'], self.env.n_nodes) old_loc = os.path.join(self.args['data_dir'], copy_name) new_loc = os.path.join(self.args['log_dir'], 'results', copy_name) copyfile(old_loc, new_loc) def evaluate_batch(self, eval_type='greedy'): self.env.reset() if eval_type == 'greedy': summary = self.val_summary_greedy beam_width = 1 elif eval_type == 'beam_search': summary = self.val_summary_beam beam_width = self.args['beam_width'] data = self.dataGen.get_test_all() input_concat = np.concatenate(data) norm_by_feature = np.reshape(np.transpose(input_concat), (self.args['input_dim'], -1)) norm_by_feature = normalize(norm_by_feature, axis=1) data_norm = np.reshape(np.transpose(norm_by_feature), (data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.shape[2])) if self.args['embedding_graph'] == 0: dict_to_feed = { self.env.input_data: data, self.env.input_data_norm: data_norm, self.env.embeded_data: np.zeros(shape=(self.args['batch_size'], self.args['n_nodes'], self.args['embedding_dim'])), self.decodeStep.dropout: 0.0 } elif self.args['embedding_graph'] == 1: dict_to_feed = { self.env.input_data: data, self.env.input_data_norm: data_norm, self.env.embeded_data: self.embedder_model(data), self.decodeStep.dropout: 0.0 } else: dict_to_feed = { self.env.input_data: data, self.env.input_data_norm: data_norm, self.env.embeded_data: np.zeros(shape=(self.args['batch_size'], self.args['n_nodes'], self.args['embedding_dim'])), self.embedder_model.drop_out: 1.0, self.decodeStep.dropout: 0.0 } start_time = time.time() R, v, logprobs, actions, idxs, batch, _ = summary, feed_dict=dict_to_feed) R = np.concatenate(np.split(np.expand_dims(R, 1), beam_width, axis=0), 1) R = np.amin(R, 1, keepdims=False) end_time = time.time() - start_time self.prt.print_out('Average of {} in batch-mode: {} -- std {} -- time {} s'.format(eval_type,\ np.mean(R),np.sqrt(np.var(R)),end_time)) self.out_avg_resul.write(eval_type + '_' + str(np.mean(R)) + '\n') def inference(self, infer_type='batch'): if infer_type == 'batch': self.evaluate_batch('greedy') self.evaluate_batch('beam_search') elif infer_type == 'single': self.evaluate_single('greedy') self.evaluate_single('beam_search') self.prt.print_out( "##################################################################" ) def run_train_step(self): data = self.dataGen.get_train_next() input_concat = np.concatenate(data) norm_by_feature = np.reshape(np.transpose(input_concat), (self.args['input_dim'], -1)) norm_by_feature = normalize(norm_by_feature, axis=1) data_norm = np.reshape(np.transpose(norm_by_feature), (data.shape[0], data.shape[1], data.shape[2])) if self.args['embedding_graph'] == 0: dict_to_feed = { self.env.input_data: data, self.env.input_data_norm: data_norm, self.env.embeded_data: np.zeros(shape=(self.args['batch_size'], self.args['n_nodes'], self.args['embedding_dim'])), self.decodeStep.dropout: self.args['dropout'] } elif self.args['embedding_graph'] == 1: dict_to_feed = { self.env.input_data: data, self.env.input_data_norm: data_norm, self.env.embeded_data: self.embedder_model(data), self.decodeStep.dropout: self.args['dropout'] } else: dict_to_feed = { self.env.input_data: data, self.env.input_data_norm: data_norm, self.env.embeded_data: np.zeros(shape=(self.args['batch_size'], self.args['n_nodes'], self.args['embedding_dim'])), self.embedder_model.drop_out: 0.8, self.decodeStep.dropout: self.args['dropout'] } train_results =, feed_dict=dict_to_feed) return train_results
class RLAgent(object): def __init__(self, args, prt, env, dataGen, reward_func, clAttentionActor, clAttentionCritic, is_train=True, _scope=''): ''' This class builds the model and run testt and train. Inputs: args: arguments. See the description in file. prt: print controller which writes logs to a file. env: an instance of the environment. dataGen: a data generator which generates data for test and training. reward_func: the function which is used for computing the reward. In the case of TSP and VRP, it returns the tour length. clAttentionActor: Attention mechanism that is used in actor. clAttentionCritic: Attention mechanism that is used in critic. is_train: if true, the agent is used for training; else, it is used only for inference. ''' self.args = args self.prt = prt self.env = env self.dataGen = dataGen self.reward_func = reward_func self.clAttentionCritic = clAttentionCritic self.embedding = LinearEmbedding(args['embedding_dim'], _scope=_scope + 'Actor/') self.decodeStep = RNNDecodeStep( clAttentionActor, args['hidden_dim'], use_tanh=args['use_tanh'], tanh_exploration=args['tanh_exploration'], n_glimpses=args['n_glimpses'], mask_glimpses=args['mask_glimpses'], mask_pointer=args['mask_pointer'], forget_bias=args['forget_bias'], rnn_layers=args['rnn_layers'], _scope='Actor/') self.decoder_input = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( 'decoder_input', [1, 1, args['embedding_dim']], initializer=tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( scale=1.0, mode="fan_avg", distribution="uniform")) start_time = time.time() if is_train: self.train_summary = self.build_model(decode_type="stochastic") self.train_step = self.build_train_step() self.val_summary_greedy = self.build_model(decode_type="greedy") self.val_summary_beam = self.build_model(decode_type="beam_search") model_time = time.time() - start_time self.prt.print_out("It took {}s to build the agent.".format( str(model_time))) self.saver = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver( var_list=tf.compat.v1.get_collection( tf.compat.v1.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES)) def build_model(self, decode_type="greedy"): # builds the model args = self.args env = self.env batch_size = tf.shape(input=env.input_pnt)[0] # input_pnt: [batch_size x max_time x 2] input_pnt = env.input_pnt # encoder_emb_inp: [batch_size, max_time, embedding_dim] encoder_emb_inp = self.embedding(input_pnt) if decode_type == 'greedy' or decode_type == 'stochastic': beam_width = 1 elif decode_type == 'beam_search': beam_width = args['beam_width'] # reset the env. The environment is modified to handle beam_search decoding. env.reset(beam_width) BatchSequence = tf.expand_dims( tf.cast(tf.range(batch_size * beam_width), tf.int64), 1) # create tensors and lists actions_tmp = [] logprobs = [] probs = [] idxs = [] # start from depot idx = (env.n_nodes - 1) * tf.ones([batch_size * beam_width, 1]) action = tf.tile(input_pnt[:, env.n_nodes - 1], [beam_width, 1]) # decoder_state initial_state = tf.zeros([ args['rnn_layers'], 2, batch_size * beam_width, args['hidden_dim'] ]) l = tf.unstack(initial_state, axis=0) decoder_state = tuple([ tf.compat.v1.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple(l[idx][0], l[idx][1]) for idx in range(args['rnn_layers']) ]) # start from depot in VRP and from a trainable nodes in TSP # decoder_input: [batch_size*beam_width x 1 x hidden_dim] if args['task_name'] == 'tsp': # decoder_input: [batch_size*beam_width x 1 x hidden_dim] decoder_input = tf.tile(self.decoder_input, [batch_size * beam_width, 1, 1]) elif args['task_name'] == 'vrp': decoder_input = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(encoder_emb_inp[:, env.n_nodes - 1], 1), [beam_width, 1, 1]) # decoding loop context = tf.tile(encoder_emb_inp, [beam_width, 1, 1]) for i in range(args['decode_len']): logit, prob, logprob, decoder_state = self.decodeStep.step( decoder_input, context, env, decoder_state) # idx: [batch_size*beam_width x 1] beam_parent = None if decode_type == 'greedy': idx = tf.expand_dims(tf.argmax(input=prob, axis=1), 1) elif decode_type == 'stochastic': # select stochastic actions. idx has shape [batch_size x 1] # tf.multinomial sometimes gives numerical errors, so we use our multinomial :( def my_multinomial(): prob_idx = tf.stop_gradient(prob) prob_idx_cum = tf.cumsum(prob_idx, 1) rand_uni = tf.tile(tf.random.uniform([batch_size, 1]), [1, env.n_nodes]) # sorted_ind : [[0,1,2,3..],[0,1,2,3..] , ] sorted_ind = tf.cast( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(env.n_nodes), 0), [batch_size, 1]), tf.int64) tmp = tf.multiply(tf.cast(tf.greater(prob_idx_cum,rand_uni),tf.int64), sorted_ind)+\ 10000*tf.cast(tf.greater_equal(rand_uni,prob_idx_cum),tf.int64) idx = tf.expand_dims(tf.argmin(input=tmp, axis=1), 1) return tmp, idx tmp, idx = my_multinomial() # check validity of tmp -> True or False -- True mean take a new sample tmp_check = tf.cast( tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tf.cast( tf.greater(tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tmp, axis=1), (10000 * env.n_nodes) - 1), tf.int32)), tf.bool) tmp, idx = tf.cond(pred=tmp_check, true_fn=my_multinomial, false_fn=lambda: (tmp, idx)) elif decode_type == 'beam_search': if i == 0: # BatchBeamSeq: [batch_size*beam_width x 1] # [0,1,2,3,...,127,0,1,...], batchBeamSeq = tf.expand_dims( tf.tile(tf.cast(tf.range(batch_size), tf.int64), [beam_width]), 1) beam_path = [] log_beam_probs = [] # in the initial decoder step, we want to choose beam_width different branches # log_beam_prob: [batch_size, sourceL] log_beam_prob = tf.math.log( tf.split(prob, num_or_size_splits=beam_width, axis=0)[0]) elif i > 0: log_beam_prob = tf.math.log(prob) + log_beam_probs[-1] # log_beam_prob:[batch_size, beam_width*sourceL] log_beam_prob = tf.concat( tf.split(log_beam_prob, num_or_size_splits=beam_width, axis=0), 1) # topk_prob_val,topk_logprob_ind: [batch_size, beam_width] topk_logprob_val, topk_logprob_ind = tf.nn.top_k( log_beam_prob, beam_width) # topk_logprob_val , topk_logprob_ind: [batch_size*beam_width x 1] topk_logprob_val = tf.transpose( a=tf.reshape(tf.transpose(a=topk_logprob_val), [1, -1])) topk_logprob_ind = tf.transpose( a=tf.reshape(tf.transpose(a=topk_logprob_ind), [1, -1])) #idx,beam_parent: [batch_size*beam_width x 1] idx = tf.cast(topk_logprob_ind % env.n_nodes, tf.int64) # Which city in route. beam_parent = tf.cast( topk_logprob_ind // env.n_nodes, tf.int64) # Which hypothesis it came from. # batchedBeamIdx:[batch_size*beam_width] batchedBeamIdx = batchBeamSeq + tf.cast(batch_size, tf.int64) * beam_parent prob = tf.gather_nd(prob, batchedBeamIdx) beam_path.append(beam_parent) log_beam_probs.append(topk_logprob_val) state = env.step(idx, beam_parent) batched_idx = tf.concat([BatchSequence, idx], 1) decoder_input = tf.expand_dims( tf.gather_nd(tf.tile(encoder_emb_inp, [beam_width, 1, 1]), batched_idx), 1) logprob = tf.math.log(tf.gather_nd(prob, batched_idx)) probs.append(prob) idxs.append(idx) logprobs.append(logprob) action = tf.gather_nd(tf.tile(input_pnt, [beam_width, 1, 1]), batched_idx) actions_tmp.append(action) if decode_type == 'beam_search': # find paths of the beam search tmplst = [] tmpind = [BatchSequence] for k in reversed(range(len(actions_tmp))): tmplst = [tf.gather_nd(actions_tmp[k], tmpind[-1])] + tmplst tmpind += [ tf.gather_nd( (batchBeamSeq + tf.cast(batch_size, tf.int64) * beam_path[k]), tmpind[-1]) ] actions = tmplst else: actions = actions_tmp R = self.reward_func(actions) ### critic v = tf.constant(0) if decode_type == 'stochastic': with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("Critic"): with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("Encoder"): # init states initial_state = tf.zeros([ args['rnn_layers'], 2, batch_size, args['hidden_dim'] ]) l = tf.unstack(initial_state, axis=0) rnn_tuple_state = tuple([ tf.compat.v1.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple( l[idx][0], l[idx][1]) for idx in range(args['rnn_layers']) ]) hy = rnn_tuple_state[0][1] with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("Process"): for i in range(args['n_process_blocks']): process = self.clAttentionCritic(args['hidden_dim'], _name="P" + str(i)) e, logit = process(hy, encoder_emb_inp, env) prob = tf.nn.softmax(logit) # hy : [batch_size x 1 x sourceL] * [batch_size x sourceL x hidden_dim] -> #[batch_size x h_dim ] hy = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(tf.expand_dims(prob, 1), e), 1) with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("Linear"): v = tf.squeeze(tf.compat.v1.layers.dense(tf.compat.v1.layers.dense(hy,args['hidden_dim']\ ,tf.nn.relu,name='L1'),1,name='L2'),1) return (R, v, logprobs, actions, idxs, env.input_pnt, probs) def build_train_step(self): ''' This function returns a train_step op, in which by running it we proceed one training step. ''' args = self.args R, v, logprobs, actions, idxs, batch, probs = self.train_summary v_nograd = tf.stop_gradient(v) R = tf.stop_gradient(R) # losses actor_loss = tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=tf.multiply( (R - v_nograd), tf.add_n(logprobs)), axis=0) critic_loss = tf.compat.v1.losses.mean_squared_error(R, v) # optimizers actor_optim = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(args['actor_net_lr']) critic_optim = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(args['critic_net_lr']) # compute gradients actor_gra_and_var = actor_optim.compute_gradients(actor_loss,\ tf.compat.v1.get_collection(tf.compat.v1.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='Actor')) critic_gra_and_var = critic_optim.compute_gradients(critic_loss,\ tf.compat.v1.get_collection(tf.compat.v1.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='Critic')) # clip gradients clip_actor_gra_and_var = [(tf.clip_by_norm(grad, args['max_grad_norm']), var) \ for grad, var in actor_gra_and_var] clip_critic_gra_and_var = [(tf.clip_by_norm(grad, args['max_grad_norm']), var) \ for grad, var in critic_gra_and_var] # apply gradients actor_train_step = actor_optim.apply_gradients(clip_actor_gra_and_var) critic_train_step = critic_optim.apply_gradients( clip_critic_gra_and_var) train_step = [ actor_train_step, critic_train_step, actor_loss, critic_loss, actor_gra_and_var, critic_gra_and_var, R, v, logprobs, probs, actions, idxs ] return train_step def Initialize(self, sess): self.sess = sess self.load_model() def load_model(self): latest_ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.args['load_path']) if latest_ckpt is not None: self.saver.restore(self.sess, latest_ckpt) def evaluate_single(self, eval_type='greedy'): start_time = time.time() avg_reward = [] if eval_type == 'greedy': summary = self.val_summary_greedy elif eval_type == 'beam_search': summary = self.val_summary_beam self.dataGen.reset() for step in range(self.dataGen.n_problems): data = self.dataGen.get_test_next() R, v, logprobs, actions, idxs, batch, _ = summary, feed_dict={ self.env.input_data: data, self.decodeStep.dropout: 0.0 }) if eval_type == 'greedy': avg_reward.append(R) R_ind0 = 0 elif eval_type == 'beam_search': # R : [batch_size x beam_width] R = np.concatenate( np.split(np.expand_dims(R, 1), self.args['beam_width'], axis=0), 1) R_val = np.amin(R, 1, keepdims=False) R_ind0 = np.argmin(R, 1)[0] avg_reward.append(R_val) # sample decode if step % int(self.args['log_interval']) == 0: example_output = [] example_input = [] for i in range(self.env.n_nodes): example_input.append(list(batch[0, i, :])) for idx, action in enumerate(actions): example_output.append( list(action[R_ind0 * np.shape(batch)[0]])) self.prt.print_out('\n\nVal-Step of {}: {}'.format( eval_type, step)) self.prt.print_out( '\nExample test input: {}'.format(example_input)) self.prt.print_out( '\nExample test output: {}'.format(example_output)) self.prt.print_out( '\nExample test reward: {} - best: {}'.format( R[0], R_ind0)) end_time = time.time() - start_time # Finished going through the iterator dataset. self.prt.print_out('\nValidation overall avg_reward: {}'.format( np.mean(avg_reward))) self.prt.print_out('Validation overall reward std: {}'.format( np.sqrt(np.var(avg_reward)))) self.prt.print_out("Finished evaluation with %d steps in %s." % (step\ ,time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(end_time)))) def evaluate_batch(self, eval_type='greedy'): self.env.reset() if eval_type == 'greedy': summary = self.val_summary_greedy beam_width = 1 elif eval_type == 'beam_search': summary = self.val_summary_beam beam_width = self.args['beam_width'] data = self.dataGen.get_test_all() start_time = time.time() R, v, logprobs, actions, idxs, batch, _ = summary, feed_dict={ self.env.input_data: data, self.decodeStep.dropout: 0.0 }) R = np.concatenate(np.split(np.expand_dims(R, 1), beam_width, axis=0), 1) R = np.amin(R, 1, keepdims=False) end_time = time.time() - start_time self.prt.print_out('Average of {} in batch-mode: {} -- std {} -- time {} s'.format(eval_type,\ np.mean(R),np.sqrt(np.var(R)),end_time)) def inference(self, infer_type='batch'): if infer_type == 'batch': self.evaluate_batch('greedy') self.evaluate_batch('beam_search') elif infer_type == 'single': self.evaluate_single('greedy') self.evaluate_single('beam_search') self.prt.print_out( "##################################################################" ) def run_train_step(self): data = self.dataGen.get_train_next() train_results =, feed_dict={ self.env.input_data: data, self.decodeStep.dropout: self.args['dropout'] }) return train_results